
luis220413I completed testing for my security regression fix for varnish in bug 1986627.14:06
ubottuBug 1986627 in varnish (Ubuntu) "Incomplete fix for CVE-2020-11653" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198662714:06
luis220413The reverse dependencies of jupyter-notebook in Ubuntu 20.04 are built from 4 source packages: jupyter-notebook itself, ipywidgets, radare2-cutter and sagemath. I am running autopkgtest locally with a schroot for Ubuntu 20.04 amd64 on these source packages.14:40
luis220413The run for ipywidgets results in PASS (superficial) and the runs for radare2-cutter and sagemath result in SKIP no tests in this package.14:41
luis220413The run for jupyter-notebook results in PASS (superficial).14:43
luis220413The reverse dependencies of jupyter-notebook in Ubuntu 22.04 are built from 10 source packages: ipywidgets, jupyter-core, jupyter-notebook itself, jupyterhub, macaulay2-jupyter-kernel, metakernel, nbclassic, nbgitpuller, sagemath and zarr. I am running autopkgtest locally with a schroot for Ubuntu 22.04 amd64 on these source packages.15:39
luis220413I am seeing test failures for sagemath, although they seem unrelated to jupyter-notebook.15:57
luis220413The run for sagemath results in PASS, even though 64 tests fail, because up to 100 failures are tolerated.16:49
luis220413This run executed 373655 tests.16:53
luis220413The run for ipywidgets results in PASS.16:57
luis220413The run for zarr results in PASS.17:04
luis220413The run for jupyter-core results in PASS17:28
luis220413The run for jupyterhub results in SKIP no tests in this package17:30
luis220413The run for jupyter-notebook results in PASS.17:36
luis220413The run for macaulay2-jupyter-kernel results in SKIP no tests in this package17:37
luis220413The run for metakernel results in FAIL non-zero exit status 1 for upstream and PASS (superficial) for autodep8-python3. I will attach the test logs to the bug (1982670).17:38
luis220413The run for nbclassic results in PASS (superficial).17:47
luis220413The run for nbgitpuller results in PASS (superficial).17:48
luis220413These are the results for Ubuntu 22.04. I will rerun the sagemath tests to have complete logs for all packages.17:48
luis220413This is bug 1982670.17:49
ubottuBug 1982670 in jupyter-notebook (Debian) "Multiple vulnerabilities in Bionic, Focal, Jammy and Kinetic" [Unknown, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198267017:49
luis220413In this rerun, 62 tests fail and up to 100 failures are tolerated.18:30
luis220413I will return in 45 minutes but remain online.18:31
luis220413I have attached the logs for the rerun of the sagemath autopkgtest.20:19

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