
SpeedrunnerG55how can i restore my gnome-shell-theme.gresource?00:20
SpeedrunnerG55i think something has modified it and my activities screen is now buggy00:21
tomreynwhat "something" might this have been?00:21
tomreynyou can --purge reinstall the pakcage it belongs to00:22
tomreynsudo apt-get --purge --reinstall install gnome-shell-common00:24
SpeedrunnerG55ill try that00:25
SpeedrunnerG55that did not work00:33
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Bashing-omSpeedrunnerG55: Might then try: Rename ./local/share/gnome-shell and reboot to see the effect ?00:40
YunnisI wanna to make a LTG how can i do00:43
SpeedrunnerG55sudo mv ./local/share/gnome-shell ./local/share/gnome-shell-back00:46
SpeedrunnerG55[sudo] password for speed:00:46
SpeedrunnerG55mv: cannot stat './local/share/gnome-shell': No such file or directory00:46
Bashing-omSpeedrunnerG55: Hummm .. what release are you on ?00:47
Bashing-omSpeedrunnerG55: Sorry - I do not have 22.04 installed (yet) - I can not confirm that the file must exixt on 22.04 :(00:51
YunnisHow can i install tree00:52
SpeedrunnerG55sure its not ~/.local/share/gnome-shell?00:53
Bashing-om!info tree jammy | Yunnis00:53
ubottuYunnis: tree (2.0.2-1, jammy): displays an indented directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Built by tree. Size 47 kB / 113 kB00:53
Bashing-omYunnis: ^ is the universe repo enabled on your install ?00:54
Bashing-omSpeedrunnerG55: All things as relitive . what shows from a ' ls ' command to that target ?00:55
SpeedrunnerG55application_state  extensions  gnome-overrides-migrated00:56
JoeLlamaI installed ubuntu server for the first time and I'm at a command prompt... is there a GUI and how do I start it? :/01:24
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: Ubuntu Server intentionally does not include a GUI. If you want one, "sudo apt install lxqt" will get you a nice, lightweight GUI.01:24
arraybolt3[m]But if you need a GUI, maybe you're using Ubuntu Server wrong?01:25
JoeLlamawell this is a Dell PowerEdge R720 with 80G of ram I wanna nice GUI :)01:25
JoeLlamaalso this is an "air-gapped" machine I will need to download from outside this box01:25
arraybolt3[m]I mean, a server is designed to be used mostly automatically by other computers - the only time you should be accessing it directly would be for configuration. You can install a desktop version of Ubuntu on server hardware.01:25
JoeLlamayes not using it as a server...01:26
JoeLlamajust using it as a RAID box01:26
JoeLlamabut I understand your words and their meaning (:01:26
arraybolt3[m]A RAID box - so you intend to use it like a normal computer but with a RAID hard drive setup, correct?01:26
JoeLlamaI installed ubuntu server because I was told it had better drivers for this box01:26
JoeLlamayes arraybolt3[m]01:27
arraybolt3[m]If so, I'd install Lubuntu on it (that should help you deal with the poor graphics capabilities of a server, note that I am a Lubuntu contributor), then set it up to your heart's content. Lubuntu and Ubuntu Server are the same OS under the hood.01:27
JoeLlamaI also have ubuntu desktop installed on another filesystem01:27
arraybolt3[m]Or, wait...01:27
JoeLlamaI like lubuntu but...01:27
JoeLlamaI think I prefer the full ubuntu install01:27
arraybolt3[m]Instead of that, if you already have Ubuntu Server set up with your RAID working properly, just install a GUI on top of that.01:27
JoeLlamahrm ok01:28
arraybolt3[m]Get apt-offline on the machine (you should be able to download the .deb, copy it over, and install it), then use it to update the package database, update the system's packages, and then install the GUI of your choice.01:28
JoeLlamacan I run other programs?01:28
JoeLlamalike editors and stuff right?01:28
JoeLlamaok ok I do that then...01:28
JoeLlamaI wanna decent gui...01:28
arraybolt3[m]Let me find you a good link to apt-offline...01:28
JoeLlamao k thanks!01:28
arraybolt3[m](Note that servers generally have pathetic graphics capabilities, so you may want to go with a more lightweight GUI like XFCE and not something like GNOME.)01:29
JoeLlamaI bought this Dell PowerEdge R720 wiht 8 hard drives and 80 G of ram for $100 USD did I get a good deal (:01:29
JoeLlamawell ok ok light weight then01:29
JoeLlamaI and using the GUI that comes with lubuntu so...01:30
JoeLlamaI'll stick with that one I guess01:30
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: What version of Ubuntu Server are you running?01:30
JoeLlamathat's the lxqt O01:30
JoeLlamaI'll in stall that one01:30
JoeLlamathe latest server01:30
arraybolt3[m]OK, one moment...01:31
JoeLlamacool thanks01:31
JoeLlamaI am not a linux genius :/ so...  you know.01:31
JoeLlamabut yeah this server box is a hoot01:31
JoeLlamasounds like an airplane taking off when you start it01:32
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-offline/1.8.4-1/+build/23161117/+files/apt-offline_1.8.4-1_all.deb01:32
arraybolt3[m]Also, you'll probably need python3-magic, let me find that too...01:32
JoeLlamahrm that first link didn't load :(01:33
JoeLlamaI try again01:34
JoeLlamaoh I see it downloaded01:34
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-magic/2:0.4.24-2/+build/22356795/+files/python3-magic_0.4.24-2_all.deb01:35
arraybolt3[m]Install these two packages on the server, first python3-magic and then apt-offline. I can walk you through how to do that using the command line.01:36
JoeLlamaok arraybolt3[m]01:40
JoeLlamaI trust you (: kinda01:40
JoeLlamait will take a minute or two gotta transfer it over01:40
arraybolt3[m]You can do a /whois command on me - it should identify me as an Ubuntu Member, which indicates that I made significant and sustained contributions to Ubuntu. Still, it's wise to be skeptical, since random strangers on the Internet can tell you to do things that will shred your computer. Thankfully there's enough people here that if anyone does that, the whole chat will jump on the offender and sound red alerts :)01:41
JoeLlamaso this isn't the actual GUI01:41
arraybolt3[m]No, this is the tool that lets you install the GUI. We install the GUI after.01:41
JoeLlamaoh yes... I'm sure someone would say something here01:42
JoeLlamao k neat...  I'll log the procedure for next time also...01:42
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JoeLlamathese are very small packages arraybolt3[m] transferring01:42
arraybolt3[m]True. The tool is quite small.01:43
arraybolt3[m](I'm gonna switch to my IRC chat since it works faster - my nick is arraybolt3 on IRC.)01:43
arraybolt3And this is me!01:44
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arraybolt3JoeLlama: How exactly are you transferring the packages - USB drive? If so, do you already know how to mount a USB drive?01:46
JoeLlamawow this is gunna take me a minute... once I have those installed what next arraybolt3?01:48
arraybolt3OK, one moment (I've done this before several times but I keep forgetting how to...)01:49
JoeLlamawhat is the link for the lxqt gui?01:49
JoeLlamahehe I keep forgetting too!01:49
JoeLlamabut yeah the raid box will never "touch the wire" again (internet)01:49
arraybolt3JoeLlama: We aren't there yet. We used the links for downloading apt-offline since it had only a tiny number of dependencies, but LXQT has a TON of dependencies, which is what apt-offline helps us with.01:50
arraybolt3(Oh, wait, the box is connected to the Internet right now?)01:50
JoeLlamaoh :/01:50
JoeLlamathis box will never be on the internet ever01:50
JoeLlamasolves a lot of issues01:51
arraybolt3Ah, OK. You'll also need to have apt-offline on the system that can touch the Internet - are you on a Linux system right now or are you on Windows?01:51
JoeLlamabasically it's going to be used for backup storage starting with RAID 601:51
JoeLlamano this is lubuntu on this boxc01:51
JoeLlamaI don't use windows on the internet01:51
arraybolt3Nice. OK, on the internet-connected box, do "sudo apt install apt-offline".01:52
JoeLlamaoh ok01:52
arraybolt3Now, on the server, run "sudo apt-offline set update.sig --update".01:52
arraybolt3This will generate a file called "update.sig" on the server - transfer this file to the Internet-connected machine.01:53
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JoeLlamaok lemme do that01:53
JoeLlamadidn't do much01:53
JoeLlamaoh um...01:53
JoeLlamawow... where is update.sig?01:54
JoeLlamawait oops01:54
JoeLlamadid that wrong I did that on this box01:54
JoeLlamalemme get to the server01:54
JoeLlamathis isn01:54
JoeLlamathis isn't just a headache there is going to be drinking involved I suspect :(01:54
arraybolt3You'll have to go back and forth a few times - apt is a *pain* when using it offline.01:55
arraybolt3But it works thankfully.01:55
arraybolt3Once you have the update.sig file on the Internet-connected box, move it into its own folder, open a terminal in that folder, and then run "apt-offline get update.sig".01:55
JoeLlamaok ok I think I have to install the other files first...01:56
JoeLlamaare you gunna be around for a bit arraybolt3?01:56
arraybolt3Oh, for installing apt-offline on the server itself...01:56
JoeLlamaI will doc what you said and catch up to this point... gotta eat first so I don't pass out01:56
JoeLlamayeah it says apt-offline command not found01:57
JoeLlamagotta install it first01:57
JoeLlamaI'll be back in a bit :)01:57
arraybolt3Smart idea. I went a bit too fast and forgot to have you install apt-offline :P01:57
arraybolt3But yeah, I'll be here when you get back most likely.01:57
JoeLlamai forget to eat while playing computers sometimes :(01:57
JoeLlamacool thanks for the help.  afk01:57
WoCis there an official channel of some sort for uBuntu Touch ?02:03
Bashing-om!touch | WoC02:04
ubottuWoC: Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports02:04
WoCOk, thanks02:05
WoCTouch down02:05
Bashing-omWoC: :D02:05
WoCGetting ready to install ubports and if that works, maybe a chrooted ubuntu install on sdcard....02:07
WoCI think there is a method similar to debootstrap that can be used for that, iirc02:09
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SpeedrunnerG55how can i reset my gnome-shell theme to default?03:28
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boltonbHey, could someone ping me? Want to make sure I got pings set up right03:51
arraybolt3boltonb: \o03:53
arraybolt3(Also, quick tip, typing "!ping | username" will ping you.)03:54
arraybolt3!ping | boltonb03:54
ubottuboltonb: pong!03:54
boltonbThat is good to know. Thank you!03:54
arraybolt3Glad to help!03:54
boltonb!ping | boltonb03:55
ubottuboltonb: Please see my private message03:55
boltonbTHere we go. Now I got it set up correctly03:55
SpeedrunnerG55idk how to reset my gnome shell back to default04:10
SpeedrunnerG55i tried dconf reset -f /org/gnome/, but it did not reset the theme04:11
murmelSpeedrunnerG55: it should be under the extensions part (as you need an extension for the shell theme)04:16
SpeedrunnerG55it says user theme extention not enabled04:18
murmelSpeedrunnerG55: so you would have the default anyway. or if you want to reset, just enable it, reset, disable again?04:21
SpeedrunnerG55how, do i do that?04:21
=== soflos is now known as snofls
murmelSpeedrunnerG55: gnome-extensions enable <extension>04:22
SpeedrunnerG55but, i only have the desktop icons extention04:24
SpeedrunnerG55https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/19/user-themes/ is this the extention i need?04:25
murmelSpeedrunnerG55: yes04:26
murmelSpeedrunnerG55: how did you even change the shell theme without that extension?04:28
SpeedrunnerG55i dont know, mabe i had it installed at one point then removed it04:29
SpeedrunnerG55i just know while using the default theme, I have some graphical glitches04:29
JoeLlamaheh hi :)04:56
arraybolt3OK, so to install apt-offline on the server, first use "cd" to change to the directory where the .apt files you downloaded earlier are at.04:56
JoeLlamaI did the sudo apt-offline set update.sig --update on the server but it errored out :(04:57
arraybolt3Then run "ls" to see the file names.04:57
JoeLlamayeah got those files installed04:57
arraybolt3OK, if they're installed, you can try the apt-offline command again.04:57
JoeLlamait said in the error there were zero bytes in that file04:57
arraybolt3Can you type out the error for me?04:57
JoeLlamasomething about no payload...04:57
JoeLlamayeah gotta type it across takes a sec04:58
JoeLlamaThis is usually the case whwen the underneath apt system has no payload to download04:58
JoeLlamasays there are 0 bytes in the file update.sig04:58
arraybolt3And this is on the server, right? After installing both of the packages you downloaded at first?04:59
JoeLlamait did create the file on my flash drive04:59
JoeLlamayes on server04:59
JoeLlamapython3 and the apt-offline thing04:59
arraybolt3Odd... it works for me over here...04:59
arraybolt3And you're sure you aren't making any typos?05:00
JoeLlamaThis is not just a headache... there will be drinking involved05:00
JoeLlamahrm lemme look05:00
JoeLlamaoh also says malformed entry 3 in list file and shows a directory/file05:01
arraybolt3Try "apt-offline set set.uris --update".05:01
JoeLlamaURI parse05:01
JoeLlamahrm just changing the name but ok...05:01
arraybolt3Hmm, look in /etc/apt/sources.list and see what's in there.05:01
arraybolt3Did you make any changes to it?05:01
JoeLlamathis is a fresh install05:01
JoeLlamaso do that first look at sources.list?05:02
arraybolt3Yeah, take a look.05:02
JoeLlamaok how do I list that file?05:02
arraybolt3nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:02
JoeLlamaoh lots in there :)05:03
JoeLlamared and blue lines05:03
JoeLlamasays jammy a lot05:03
arraybolt3Hmm, maybe it will help to just rewrite the file from scratch. One moment...05:03
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Don't worry, it's easy.05:04
JoeLlamasheesh this is getting hard (: heh05:04
JoeLlamao k good I like easy05:04
arraybolt3JoeLlama: What country are you in? It affects what I need to put in the file.05:04
JoeLlamaoh um.. usa05:04
* JoeLlama gets a bottle of cheap scotch out05:05
arraybolt3Nice, that's where I'm at too. OK, press Ctrl+X to exit.05:05
JoeLlamaseriously, I'm doing that05:05
arraybolt3Now type "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list" - that will let us edit the file.05:05
JoeLlamaoh ok05:05
arraybolt3Next, press and hold Ctrl+K until everything has been wiped out of the file.05:05
arraybolt3Then when that's done, type these contents into it: https://pastebin.com/qW6CATU805:05
JoeLlamaI'm in superuser mode05:05
arraybolt3(The link goes to a working sources.list file for Ubuntu 22.04 pointing to USA mirrors.)05:06
JoeLlama*sigh* gotta swap the flash drive out...05:06
JoeLlamaI have to umount it right?05:06
JoeLlamaok ok lemme do that05:06
JoeLlamatakes a sec... I like the pic of the lady on that page05:07
arraybolt3That's... weird, I'm guessing it's an ad.05:07
arraybolt3You might want to install an adblocker into your browser, that will make your Internet usage much less crazy.05:07
arraybolt3(I always use an adblocker, so it just looks like text with a simple user interface to me.)05:08
aaaaalI bork'd my grub. On boot it shows grub2 and grub legacy instead of ubuntu and advanced. help?05:09
arraybolt3Once you have the file rewritten in this way, press Ctrl+S to save, then Ctrl+X to exit.05:09
arraybolt3aaaaal: What happens when you select grub2?05:09
arraybolt3aaaaal: Do you have a live USB you can boot from?05:10
JoeLlamai can just replace the file right?05:10
arraybolt3(Also, what did you do that caused GRUB to go bonkers?)05:10
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Yep.05:10
JoeLlamao k ! copy right over it...05:10
aaaaalyes https://bpa.st/2CHA https://bpa.st/4IEQ05:10
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Once that's done, try that same apt-offline command again.05:11
arraybolt3aaaaal: Is this a BIOS or EFI system?05:11
arraybolt3(I suspect BIOS since there's no /boot/efi directory.)05:12
arraybolt3OK, try "sudo grub-install /dev/sdX" where /dev/sdX is the boot drive of the system.05:12
JoeLlamaso to copy it I use cp ?05:12
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Yes.05:12
* JoeLlama watches arraybolt3 multitask05:13
aaaaalI think it did that with apt install grub-pc.05:13
arraybolt3cp /path/to/sourcefile /path/to/targetfile05:13
arraybolt3aaaaal: You're right. Do you have multiple drives in this system?05:13
aaaaalsort of, one is root the other swap05:14
arraybolt3aaaaal: So two physical drives, one partition on each, and one is used solely for swap? Or one physical drive with two partitions?05:14
aaaaaldrive yes05:14
aaaaalit's a vm05:14
arraybolt3aaaaal: Maybe the VM is accidentally trying to boot from the wrong drive and said wrong drive somehow has a weird bootloader on it.05:14
arraybolt3See if you can change the boot order.05:15
JoeLlamaok that worked lemme try the apt-offline thing again05:15
JoeLlamawow it just copies and doesn't warn you that you're gunna overwrite the file huh...05:15
arraybolt3JoeLlama: True. Such is the reality of many parts of the command line. So be careful and avoid typos when doing things with sensitive files.05:16
aaaaalarraybolt3: maybe but I did mark the correct one with * during apt install05:16
arraybolt3aaaaal: Right, but if the boot loader is properly installed and has the proper configuration, yet you're still seeing this weirdness, then it may be a weird bootloader on the wrong drive.05:16
arraybolt3aaaaal: Or maybe your grub.cfg file is getting generated improperly.05:16
JoeLlamaI think it worked I now have an update,sig file05:16
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Fantastic. Transfer that to the Internet-connected machine.05:17
arraybolt3aaaaal: Can you share the contents of /boot/grub/grub.cfg with us, using a pastebin service?05:17
* arraybolt3 likes multitasking05:17
JoeLlamao k !05:17
JoeLlamaalways umount the flash drive before removing right?05:18
JoeLlamaI assume that flushes buffers05:18
arraybolt3Yes, always umount.05:18
arraybolt3It makes sure everything is in a consistent state before you unplug the drive (which includes buffer flushing).05:18
JoeLlamaflash drive is in internet box05:19
JoeLlamait is quite the file I looked at it05:19
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Nice. Now open a terminal in the directory containing the update.sig file, and run "apt-offline get update.sig --bundle update.zip".05:19
arraybolt3(You can open a terminal by going to the folder with the file manager, clicking Tools, and clicking "Open Terminal".)05:19
arraybolt3(Assuming you're on Lubuntu, which I think you said you were.)05:20
JoeLlamawow ok it's going to be a large file or files huh05:20
JoeLlamathe flash drive is small :(05:20
JoeLlamayes this box is lubuntu05:20
arraybolt3JoeLlama: It's not gonna be too huge, but using a .zip keeps it as one file and not a ton of tiny files.05:20
JoeLlamacomputer was made in 2007 :)05:20
arraybolt3\o/ Love seeing Linux revive old hardware!05:20
JoeLlamawell the flash drive is 1G and has stuff on it05:21
JoeLlamaI will temp save to another directory05:21
JoeLlamayes arraybolt3 I am into old machines05:21
arraybolt3JoeLlama: You should be good for now... but potentially look for a bigger flash drive since the system update and the LXQt download could be pretty large.05:21
JoeLlamaI have probably 27 of these boxes alone05:21
JoeLlamaI stick a 256G in there05:21
JoeLlamaok so lemme do this first05:22
JoeLlamaoOo it's cookin'05:23
JoeLlamait's giving up on a few urls05:23
arraybolt3That's fine.05:23
JoeLlamayup I figured05:23
arraybolt3I've seen it do things like that before and everything still worked.05:23
JoeLlamain linux I see LOTS of things that apparently say fail but it all still works05:24
arraybolt3LOL yup.05:24
arraybolt3We do try to fix some of those, but sometimes it just is what it is. As long as everything still functions on my end, I'm happy.05:24
JoeLlamayes there are a lotta ones that it gives up on the .lzma sites05:24
JoeLlamayup yup functions happy05:24
JoeLlamaok I got update.zip05:25
arraybolt3Nice. Now shuttle that back over to the airgapped machine.05:25
JoeLlamaoh and it's small05:25
JoeLlamaok ok05:25
arraybolt3Also now's about the time that you'll want that 256GB drive, since the next download we'll be doing after this will be closer to 3/4 of a gigabyte.05:26
JoeLlamaokee dokee now what?05:26
JoeLlamaoh wow ok05:26
arraybolt3Alright, now that you have the file there, the command to run is... wait, lemme find it05:26
JoeLlamaoh heh05:26
arraybolt3sudo apt-offline install update.zip05:26
JoeLlamaglad you don't remember some of these things actually05:27
JoeLlamao k no sudo don't need it :)05:27
arraybolt3(Obviously do this from within the directory containing the zip file.)05:27
JoeLlamait's okay to be in superuser mode right?05:27
arraybolt3Ah, right, forgot you're in superuser mode.05:27
JoeLlamaok ok05:27
arraybolt3Assuming you're careful, it's *usually* OK.05:27
arraybolt3(Don't try to start the X server from within superuser mode though, or you may be sad.)05:28
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Once that's finished, the package databases should be updated and we can install all the updates for Ubuntu.05:28
arraybolt3The next command is:05:28
JoeLlamait would help if i copied the file first :(05:28
arraybolt3Oh no...05:29
JoeLlamaok got it now what?05:30
arraybolt3apt-offline install update.zip05:30
JoeLlamai should copy this all down05:31
JoeLlamaok dodne05:31
JoeLlamaoops done05:31
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Nice. Next, "apt-offline set upgrade.sig --upgrade".05:31
JoeLlamaon the server right?05:32
arraybolt3This will let us install all of the updated Ubuntu packages so that things go as well as possible.05:32
arraybolt3Once you have that file, move it to the internet connected machine. I recommend you have your big flash drive here.05:32
JoeLlamaerror no option specified to set commmand05:33
JoeLlamaoh !05:33
JoeLlamanevermind (: heh05:33
JoeLlamaok done05:33
JoeLlamaI see it now copys the information back to upgrade.sig because the environment changed05:34
JoeLlamaok and now we need the big flash drive right?05:34
JoeLlamait will take a minute or two05:34
arraybolt3No problem. I get that this is a hassle, hopefully you will only have to do this rarely.05:34
arraybolt3Now would be a good time to think about what apps you want on this machine other than just the desktop, since this ordeal is going to be a normal part of installing software on an airgapped machine.05:35
arraybolt3So if we do it all now, it will take less effort than doing it again later.05:35
JoeLlamawell i want lots of apps05:39
JoeLlamalike the libra writer and excel equiv05:40
JoeLlamaso I got a wide open 256G flash drive with upgrade.sig on it05:40
JoeLlamaready to go :)05:40
arraybolt3OK. Next command is "apt-offline get upgrade.sig --bundle upgrade.zip"05:41
JoeLlamabasically I want what ubuntu desktop comes with as far as apps05:41
JoeLlamao k this is a big one right?05:41
arraybolt3Yes, it will probably take a while if you're on a slow or medium speed connection.05:41
arraybolt3I mean, what's your Internet speeds like?05:41
JoeLlamaoh ok that was a short file05:42
JoeLlamano it's done :(05:42
arraybolt3Hmm, what's the size of upgrade.zip like?05:43
JoeLlamafile size is 0 bytes05:43
arraybolt3OK that's not right.05:43
JoeLlamayeah :(05:43
arraybolt3upgrade.sig has stuff in it right?05:43
JoeLlamalemme look05:43
JoeLlama2 KiB05:43
JoeLlamaso not much05:44
arraybolt3Yeah, that sounds about normal to me.05:44
JoeLlamalemme open it05:44
arraybolt3But the zip really should have stuff in it.05:44
JoeLlamayup therre is stuff in there05:44
JoeLlamaright zip stuff05:44
arraybolt3Are you sure you didn't make a typo?05:45
JoeLlamalemme look05:45
JoeLlamasudo apt-offline get upgrade.sig --bundle upgrade.zip05:45
arraybolt3Also make sure you ran this command in the same folder that contained upgrade.sig. Also, drop the sudo, that isn't needed there.05:46
JoeLlamaoh ok05:46
JoeLlamaI try without sudo05:46
arraybolt3(sudo is for the server, downloading stuff doesn't need it.)05:46
arraybolt3(And you're in superuser mode on the server so you don't need sudo there either.)05:46
JoeLlamagotta delete the zip file05:46
JoeLlamano not in su mode on internet box05:47
JoeLlamabut I can change that05:47
arraybolt3No, you don't need su mode on the internet box.05:47
arraybolt3I meant, you only need to be executing things as sudo on the server, not on the internet box.05:47
arraybolt3(Sorry, realizing I might sound snippy, tone doesn't come through well over text)05:48
JoeLlamaok gotta close a few things system is running too slow05:48
JoeLlamaran it again 0 bytes :(05:48
arraybolt3Does it give you any error messages?05:49
JoeLlamano you don't seem snippy05:49
JoeLlamawell hold on05:49
JoeLlamastarts out like this (mini flood)05:49
JoeLlamaDownloading 105:49
JoeLlamaException in thread Thread-1:05:49
JoeLlamaTraceback (most recent call last):05:49
JoeLlama  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py", line 932, in _bootstrap_inner05:49
JoeLlama    self.run()05:49
arraybolt3Use a pastebin... oh no.05:49
Apacheztoo late05:49
Apachezmissed in action05:50
arraybolt3JoeLlama: You won't be able to say anything for about 60 seconds - there's an antiflood bot in here.05:50
Apachezhe can say things but noone will hear him scream :)05:50
arraybolt3If you want to share large amounts of output, you can use a pastebin service like bpa.st.05:50
arraybolt3I'll let you know when the bot unmutes you.05:50
Apachezgo go go!05:51
JoeLlamapastebin :)05:51
Apachezthe floodgates are open05:51
JoeLlamawhat's the url?05:51
arraybolt3Either one should work.05:51
arraybolt3Hey there you are.05:59
arraybolt3I saw your thing timed out.05:59
JoeLlamasomething was chewing up my CPU05:59
JoeLlamamachine got ultra slow05:59
JoeLlamathen bsically locked05:59
arraybolt3Sounds like you used up too much RAM. Maybe close some browser tabs?05:59
JoeLlamaok ok so um... back to this thingy05:59
JoeLlamaonly have 6 GB on this box05:59
arraybolt3Right. Can you put that error message in a pastebin and send the link?06:00
JoeLlama80 GB on the server06:00
JoeLlamayup gotta do the thingy again06:00
JoeLlamaapt-offline get upgrade.sig --bundle upgrade.zip06:00
arraybolt3(Also, not that it's a bad idea, but is there a reason you're keeping your 80GB machine airgapped? Things will be so much easier if you can solve the problems without airgapping.)06:00
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Also, that command needs to be run on the Internet-connected machine, just in case.06:01
JoeLlamayup internet box06:03
JoeLlamaI like the girl pic06:03
JoeLlamaoh wait there are more06:04
arraybolt3Hmm... what version of Lubuntu is on your Internet-connected box?06:04
JoeLlamahow do I find out?06:04
arraybolt3Run "neofetch".06:04
arraybolt3If the command doesn't exist, do "sudo apt install neofetch" first.06:04
arraybolt3(There's another way to do it but neofetch looks nicer.)06:04
arraybolt3(And I can't remember the other way :P)06:05
JoeLlamaUbuntu 20.04.4 LTS x86_6406:05
arraybolt3That's probably the problem. I'm guessing something changes in apt-offline that has made it incompatible with the old version.06:05
JoeLlamaI like neofetch06:05
JoeLlamahow to upgrade my box then?06:06
arraybolt3Well... you should probably back up your data *before* trying an upgrade.06:06
JoeLlamahrm this is getting complicated :(06:06
arraybolt3Upgrades are known for occasionally going horribly wrong :(06:06
JoeLlamajust copy home out to the flash drive?06:07
arraybolt3That, and also make sure to save any passwords saved in the browser.06:07
JoeLlamaI never save passwords in browsers06:08
JoeLlamaok backing up06:08
arraybolt3OK, good. (I have tons of passwords in Chrome, but I also use Sync and am signed into my Google account so it backs them up for me \o/)06:08
JoeLlamayeah no not interested in that...06:08
JoeLlamaok so like keeping my irc client opene might mess that up...06:08
JoeLlamai don't care06:09
JoeLlamabesides... what could go wrong?06:09
arraybolt3Well, you should be able to extract your data later if you need to, so if you really want to proceed without a backup...06:09
arraybolt3sudo do-release-upgrade --allow-third-party06:09
JoeLlamaso all I need is the home folder copied right?06:09
arraybolt3Yes, copy the home folder.06:09
arraybolt3It's much safer to do that *first*, before running the command I put above.06:10
JoeLlamathis will take a while06:10
arraybolt3Take your time, I've dealt with many a slow backup before.06:10
JoeLlamawhat could go wrong... right?06:10
JoeLlamawell this box from 2007 has USB 1.0 on it :(06:11
arraybolt3Well, theoretically the worst that could happen is a borked OS, but depending on what borked, it might be catastrophic.06:11
arraybolt3How much data do you have in /home?06:11
JoeLlamathe hardware is capable of 2.0 from what I can tell06:11
JoeLlamaum.. a bunch of data06:11
JoeLlamamost of my data is kept outside the box06:11
arraybolt3Ah, OK. Maybe only copy what you need and leave out things like the Downloads folder.06:11
JoeLlamahrm... nothing in downloads I hope lemme look06:12
JoeLlamanext to nothing06:13
JoeLlamathis is going to take forever :(06:13
JoeLlamaso... how 'bout them angels? (sports)06:14
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Unsure. If you run /join #ubuntu-offtopic in your IRC client you might find people who know more :)06:14
enycJoeLlama: odd, which version ubuntu you runinng on the old box,  and what make/moder of machine or mobo ?06:15
JoeLlamaum... no...  I think I just meant this will take some time so...  I'll run that command when it's done backing up06:15
arraybolt3Oh LOL.06:15
JoeLlamaoh enyc this is a Dell Inspiron 172006:16
* enyc just been sorting out mobos/computers/etc reinstall ubuntu-deriv etc etc ;O06:16
JoeLlamausually don't like to tell people that :/ but it's okay... it's from 200706:16
JoeLlamaI have a large pile of these...  if anyone knows how I can make the GForce 8600M work with ubuntu please let me know06:17
JoeLlamathis box does not that that graphic card06:17
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Sadly that would require using an old version of Ubuntu most likely thanks to how outdated graphics drivers work :(06:17
JoeLlamaI did figure that out06:17
JoeLlamaand it's sad because pretty much every box has that graphics card in it06:18
arraybolt3All the USB ports should be USB 2. I guess USB 2 is just slow?06:18
JoeLlamathese ports are USB 1.006:18
enycJoeLlama: I would agree its' usb2.0  -- just 480mbps USB-2 speed will copy at that 40mbytes/sec sort of speed06:18
enycJoeLlama: Thats' inconsistent with other info, and doesn't make sense for era of machine.06:18
arraybolt3You could also dual-boot Windows Vista if you need stuff that requires the (genuienly pathetic) GPU in the machine.06:19
JoeLlamayes enyc for some reason Dell made them 1.0 but the hardware can do 2.006:19
enycFor older nvidia card, I recall it working fine with ''nouveau''.06:19
enycJoeLlama: wheres' the evidence for that?06:19
JoeLlamaI think it's still just setting up for transfer it still hasn't even created a directory on the flash drive yet06:19
JoeLlamayes I think they used to work fine with nouveau but after 16.04 not so much :(06:20
arraybolt3It might take a bit for it to kick in.06:20
JoeLlamaI don't need fast graphics I just need them to work06:20
JoeLlamayes arraybolt306:20
arraybolt3(The transfer I mean - but I guess you already noticed that.)06:20
arraybolt3JoeLlama: You're getting some sort of graphics output on your screen in Lubuntu, right?06:21
JoeLlamaok finally it figured out a time... about 18 hours :(06:21
JoeLlama*sigh* I will drop in another hard drive06:21
arraybolt3If so, nouveau is doing its job. It's just that nouveau is less than great.06:21
JoeLlamano this box does not have the nvidia graphics in it06:21
JoeLlamaI have one or two boxes that don't06:22
JoeLlamaI think this is intel06:22
arraybolt3Oh. That explains it.06:22
enycJoeLlama: I could reccomend looking for a 2nd-hand Thinkpad xx80 L380 X380 X280 T480 L480  and so-on , intel graphics is acutally quite good comparatively on those things and nicely linux supported, imho =)  There are versions with discrete graphics too =)).06:22
JoeLlamayeah I had to search for a box without those graphics06:22
JoeLlamayes that would be great enyc but...  I have about 60 computers as it is :/06:22
enycJoeLlama: why?06:22
JoeLlamaenyc: why not?06:23
JoeLlamaoh good new estimate is  22 hours06:23
enycbetter resold/repurposed by somebody who can? ;-O06:23
arraybolt3We crazy people (me included) like getting ancient systems to work.06:23
JoeLlama22.5 GB06:24
JoeLlamayeah I'm a crazy people06:24
arraybolt3I still have 32-bit desktops over here with *megabytes* of RAM that I'm considering turning into Debian systems.06:24
arraybolt3But that's off-topic.06:24
arraybolt3Do we want to pick this up tomorrow when the backup finishes?06:25
JoeLlamawell i think I'm gunna stop the transfer and put a HD in here06:25
JoeLlamayeah probably...06:25
arraybolt3Probably a good idea.06:25
arraybolt3(The HDD I mean.)06:25
JoeLlamawhat was that command to upgrade again?06:25
arraybolt3sudo do-release-upgrade --allow-third-party06:25
JoeLlamao k !06:25
arraybolt3Alrighty, see you when you get back! I'll probably be asleep by the time you're here again, but ping me and I'll notice it on my Matrix chat that I have connected here.06:26
elias_aI confirm that second hand Thinkpads and Ubuntu are a good combination. When buying, do the usual checks on linux compatibility and preferably get a relatively new second hand laptop with factory warranty still left if some issues would arise. The retailers of used leasing gear are not always so thorough in checking the devices.06:27
JoeLlamayeah ok and I will scroll back to find the other upgrade thingy thanks arraybolt306:28
elias_aThis is what I have bought myself for over 20 years by now. :)06:28
JoeLlamaapt-offline get upgrade.sig --bundle upgrade.zip06:29
JoeLlamaoh arraybolt3 once I get that what do I do?06:29
JoeLlamatransfer that flash drive to the server I assume06:29
JoeLlamaok installing 1 TB drive...06:30
arraybolt3JoeLlama: Yep, transfer the file to the server once you're done.06:41
Guest9844After my installing Ubuntu 22.04 why i'm getting many SSL error messages from nignx error.log?08:08
Guest9844SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading) while keepalive, client:, server:
Guest9844and more...08:08
=== joe is now known as Guest5221
=== dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69
tomreynGuest9844: hi! so you installed ubuntu 22.04, then installed nignx, added a virtualhost configuration and an ssl key/certificate, and got this error message?08:41
tomreyndid you install any pending updates, yet?   sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade08:42
Exterminadorstupid question: apparently my disk is GPT. so I assume I need to create a bootable USB with a GPT partition instead MBR, right?08:42
tomreynExterminador: you can use MBR or GPT partition table types with any disk, it's your choice.08:43
tomreyn(you can also choose to not use a partition table)08:43
Exterminadorin this case I'm going to dual-boot, so I guess I need to respect the partition table?08:44
tomreynif there's already data on the disk, sure08:45
Exterminadoralright, thanks.08:47
=== dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69
tomreynExterminador: if your firmware supports efi booting, and the other OS(es) do, too, then it's probably your best choice (in terms of compatibility, data security) to have gpt partitions everywhere.08:49
Guest9844tomreyn: Yes. I have the same issue here https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/1886608:53
ubottuIssue 18866 in openssl/openssl "SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading)" [Open]08:53
tomreynGuest9844: so you're apparently using third party nginx packages, which cause these errors. and have not updated the system, yet08:55
Exterminadortomreyn: well, I just received this SFF tower yesterday with Windows pre-installed on it. and on Windows diskpart, when I do `list disk`, disk 0 has an asterisk (*) under GPT. so, I just created a bootable USB stick with a GPT partition to install Ubuntu and all seems to going well with the installation so far08:56
Guest9844tomreyn: I'm using; nginx version: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)08:57
VIAoi o/08:57
Guest9844Ubuntu 22.04 is stable?08:58
tomreynGuest9844: ah, sorry, i may have read this github issue wrong, apparently it does occur with only ubuntu packages if the system is not fully updated. well, install updates.08:58
Guest9844Ok. I will re-install the system and will message you if i get stuck08:59
tomreynGuest9844: no need to reinstall09:00
tomreynGuest9844: and yes, 22.04.1 should be mostly stable by now.09:01
Guest9844ok, thanks09:01
Exterminadoralright. so far, so good about the dual-boot. stupid question here: does GPT get rid of the `cannot create more partitions` thing?09:13
tomreynGuest9844: i just looked more into this. apparently you will see such error messages when misbehaving clients close the connection without first sending a 'close notify' call/packet to shut down the SSL connection. nginx 1.18 (in ubuntu) with openssl 3.0 handles these situations with the error messages you posted. newer nginx versions handle these situations more gracefully and with better error messages.09:26
tomreynhttps://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/11378 is a much better description of this issue.09:26
ubottuIssue 11378 in openssl/openssl "New EOF detection breaks session resumption" [Open]09:26
Guest9844What should i do? updating the nginx? i'm not sure if there's exists stable newer version of nginx09:31
Guest9844"For those using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, you might have noticed that installing Nginx directly from its repository does not install the latest stable or mainline version."09:33
cbreakconsider using 22.04 instead of 20.04 for new installations09:34
tomreynGuest9844: you can just live with the messages, optionally see if you can upgrade some of the clients to software sending the "notify close" packets.09:35
tomreynif you dislike the error messages for some reason, you could choose to use nginx.org's apt repository and thus the newer nginx version. i do not know what promises they make in terms of version stability or security support, though.09:37
cbreakin case you absolutely can't live with the versions of software in the LTS ubuntu, you can try a non-lts one once it's released (this will require you to upgrade much more often though), or install what ever you want in an LXC container / Docker container / ...09:38
aaaaalarraybolt3: https://bpa.st/CLTA10:12
flafHi. I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 (migrated from 20.04) and the automatic lock screen doesn't lock my session, it directly *closes" my session (and if I had an running application in my previous session, for instance Firefox, this application is off when I reopen my session). Do you have an idea for this problem?10:28
tarzeauflaf: can you try creating a new user for yourself, and check if it still happens with that one?10:30
tarzeauflaf: or can you see anything in .xsession-errors ? is that x or wayland?10:30
tomreynalso check    journalctl -eb   for (sig)segf(aults)10:32
flaftarzeau: I have a ~/.xsession-errors but the mtime is "Dec 10 2019" so it's not relevant. X or wayland, how can I say that?10:36
tarzeauflaf: if echo $DISPLAY returns something likely x, otherwise not x10:37
flafit's ā€œ:0ā€ in my case.10:37
tarzeauflaf: that's X not wayland... i've also done a lot of 20.04 to 22.04 migrations, but didn't notice such problem10:38
flaftarzeau: I will check with a new account. Let me 5 minutes...10:39
flaftomreyn: https://gist.github.com/flaf/614d8c7657ed8f93578fbde8ce5c52cb <= the output of the command.10:43
tomreynflaf: org.gnome.Shell@wayland.service: Failed with result 'core-dump'.10:52
tomreynthats the first line from your log (at 12:10)10:52
tomreynlooks like wayland dumped core. reason unknown.10:53
tomreyni can't tell whenyou last locked the screen, though, maybe exactly then10:54
flaftomreyn: I have tested with a new account, same problem.10:59
flafI don't known if it's relevant but I have 2 screens.10:59
tomreynflaf: tarzeau had actually asked about this. here's a different question: are you using nvidia proprietary graphics drivers?11:03
tomreyns/asked about this/suggested to try with a new user account/11:04
flaftomreyn: concerning nvdia, I'm not sure but I don't think so. How can I check that?11:09
lotuspsychjeflaf: sudo lshw -C video && nvidia-smi11:11
dionysus69kubuntu hangs on boot, the last line is `setvtrgb.service` any ideas?11:15
flaftomreyn: tarzeau: https://gist.github.com/flaf/614d8c7657ed8f93578fbde8ce5c52cb?permalink_comment_id=4274170#gistcomment-4274170 <= output of journalctl with info about timing (date of the lock screen). There is a problem, clearly.11:17
flaflotuspsychje: tomreyn: tarzeau: https://gist.github.com/flaf/614d8c7657ed8f93578fbde8ce5c52cb?permalink_comment_id=4274172#gistcomment-4274172 <= the output of ā€œsudo lshw -C video && nvidia-smiā€.11:19
flaflotuspsychje: tomreyn: tarzeau: do you think this problem required a bug report to ubuntu?11:20
lotuspsychjeyou are using AMDgpu radeon flaf11:21
tomreyndionysus69: this systemd service is part of console-setup-linux, i assume that's not what causes it to hang, but it *might* reconfigure the screen so that you miss additional output. i think you can    sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup11:21
flaflotuspsychje: no idea? How can I check?11:21
tomreynflaf: the log shows that gnome-shell is segfaulting.11:22
flaftomreyn: Yes. Not good.11:22
tomreynflaf: what does this print?  apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 999911:22
flaftomreyn: => it prints ā€œhttps://termbin.com/rosiā€ (what it is this command? :))11:24
flafah ok it's just a paste. Handy. :)11:24
tomreynflaf: it posts a list of packages (or package versions) which are installed but not available from any of the configured apt repositories: https://termbin.com/rosi11:25
tomreynthe first two you should definitely remove11:26
* flaf note in his head the command ā€œcat ... | nc termbin.com 9999ā€ ;)11:26
flaftomreyn: apt-get purge libreadline7 libssl1.1 => Sure?11:27
flaftomreyn: Excepting for zoom, I don't understand why I have some local packages (not from APT repo) installed in my OS?11:30
flafI want to remove all of them (even zoom which I use no longer).11:30
tomreynflaf: then do, it's your system. it's best to use    sudo apt purge <package(s)>12:11
tomreynflaf: can you also show    sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999    so we can check whether you have some third party apt sources configured currently?12:11
tomreynflaf: also, what does     lsb_release -ds && cat /proc/version    return?12:12
flaftomreyn: why "apt purge" is better that "apt-get purge" ?12:13
tomreynflaf: it isn't. i meant to say better user "apt(-get) purge" rather than "apt(-get) remove"12:13
flafah ok :)12:14
tomreynthat's if you really want to get rid of the old package and its (othersie residual) configurations.12:14
flaftomreyn: all "local" packages purged.12:17
tomreynflaf: good. i'm not convinced that those were the source of gnome-shell segfault'ing though.12:19
tomreynthat's why i suggested looking into your configured apt sources, too12:19
tomreyn+ ubuntu version, kernel version12:20
flaftomreyn: => { grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list; echo ===; ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d/; echo ===; for i in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*; do cat $i; echo ===; done; } | nc termbin.com 9999 => https://termbin.com/xgsm12:24
tomreynnice output, if slightly longer script ;)12:26
flaftomreyn: lsb_release -ds && cat /proc/version => Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS \n Linux version 5.15.0-46-generic (buildd@lcy02-amd64-115) (gcc (Ubuntu 11.2.0-19ubuntu1) 11.2.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.38) #49-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 4 18:03:25 UTC 202212:29
tomreynthat all looks good. are all current updates installed?  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -V    ?12:29
flaftomreyn: => 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:31
tomreyni don't think those 3rd parties should cause the gnome-shell segfault either.12:31
tomreynnow the only possible causes i can think of are    (1) broken / incompatible gnome-shell-extensions     (2) broken / incompatible graphics driver    (3) broken hardware (RAM, storage, CPU)12:31
tomreynls -1 ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ | nc termbin.com 999912:32
flaftomreyn: maybe I should file a bug with all the output you ask me, no?12:32
tomreynlet's see the shell extensions and maybe the graphics driver yet, but then, yes, that#d be good.12:33
flaftomreyn: => empty output, the directory is completely empty (except . and .. of course)12:33
tomreynhad you tried with a different user account, and did it happen there, too?12:34
tomreynthat's 'yes' to *both* questions?12:34
flafWith a "foo" account just create for the test12:34
tomreynxrandr --listproviders    says what?12:35
flafProviders: number : 012:36
flafand that's all.12:37
tomreyncat /var/log/gpu-manager.log | nc termbin.com 999912:37
tomreynflaf: please file a bug against gnome-shell12:39
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command Ā« ubuntu-bug <package> Ā» - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:39
flaftomreyn: Ok I will and I post you the link. Thx for your help. :)12:39
tomreynflaf: thanks for your patience.12:40
tomreynflaf: when filing the bug, please descirbe which monitors you have connected, and how they are wired / which display protocol is being used.12:42
tomreynflaf: if you need a workaround: using X instead of wayland will likely (but not certainly) work around this.12:45
BluesKajHi all12:46
kkkssfWas the snap premission button removed from software? https://ubuntu.com/wp-content/uploads/e12b/Software_gimp_snap.png12:50
lotuspsychjekkkssf: a question for the gimp snap dev; contact:   https://github.com/snapcrafters/gimp/issues12:53
kkkssfOh i thought all snaps would have that, I tried it only with Firefox, there is only install & remove button12:54
tomreynthose are in settings12:55
luis220413kkkssf: What version of Ubuntu are you using?12:59
kkkssfxubuntu 22.0413:00
tomreynkkkssf: and you don't see them in the Settings application?13:01
tomreynoh Xubuntu, not sure you have them there13:01
tomreyndo you have gnome-control-center installed?13:02
luis220413kkkssf: Run dpkg-query -W gnome-control-center13:03
tomreynyou imght need to ask in #xubuntu as to how to access snap preferences on xubuntu 22.0413:04
luis220413kkkssf: That is, there is no output. Does Xubuntu have a Settings application? Open it, run in a terminal ps -Af, find the executable name of the application and write it here.13:05
flaftomreyn: ok I will. Curently, the workaround for is just to disable automatic lock screen. In fact, this feature is not crucial for me (bit I will file a bug).13:07
tomreynwell, it's a security feature, i'd not want to miss it13:09
jellyfishHELPI have a critical error with jellyfish when I click on links in brave I get black screen with radeon_ring_gfx already present error13:45
jellyfishHELPI need help this is totally screwed up my workspace13:45
jellyfishHELPI was using focal and no problem with jellyfish it totally drops all when I click on links like in amazon on brave or use vlc and try to go to a network stream13:47
jellyfishHELPcan anyone here help please13:47
murmeljellyfishHELP: is it only brave that give you that error?13:47
jellyfishHELPalso vlc13:47
jellyfishHELPdebugfs: File 'radeon_ring_gfx' in directory '0' already present13:49
jellyfishHELPshould I try to reinstal jellyfish or go back to focal13:50
jellyfishHELPthere is no offer to send crash report13:50
murmeljellyfishHELP: could you please paste the whole dmesg (you can do that with the package pastebinit with "sudo dmesg | pastebinit"13:50
jellyfishHELPthat is the whole error message13:51
murmeljellyfishHELP: which is not an error, just an information13:51
jellyfishHELPok well that is all that happens - when I click on links or try to use vlc with a stream it goes straight to debug radeon ring message13:53
jellyfishHELPand it restarts whole OS from there13:53
murmeljellyfishHELP: well if you don't want to post dmesg, I can't really help you. as that line is definitely your problem13:53
jellyfishHELPI am not versed in all this -13:54
murmeljellyfishHELP: I mean I gave you literally the command, you would only need to install the package first called "pastebinit"13:54
murmelit gives you a link back, which you copy here13:55
jellyfishHELP[sudo] password for c: Command 'pastebinit' not found, but can be installed with:13:55
jellyfishHELPsudo apt install pastebinit13:55
lsblkopen up a terminal and type : sudo apt install pastebinit -y13:56
lsblkinput your passwd13:56
lsblksudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt autoclean13:56
lsblkthen copy & paste the command which murmel gave you13:56
lsblkPaste inside Terminal using : Ctrl+Shift+v13:57
jellyfishHELPok did that13:57
murmelor right click paste ;)13:57
tomreynjellyfishHELP: crash reports are only gathered for packages which are part of ubuntu13:58
tomreyna shortcut for the above:  dmesg | nc termbin.com 999913:59
jellyfishHELPok did above and did not get a crash report13:59
murmelahh right, I forgot about the nc command14:00
murmeljellyfishHELP: if you enter the dmesg command with pastebinit it should give you back a link no crash report14:00
jellyfishHELPwhat is the next step14:01
jellyfishHELPthis a very confusing14:01
murmelgive us the link14:01
jellyfishHELPit does not show a link14:02
jellyfishHELPhttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy/main amd64 pastebinit all 1.5.1-1ubuntu1 [14.6 kB]14:02
jellyfishHELPcould that be it14:02
jellyfishHELPguys could you tell me if I would try to reinstall jammy or focal if that would be a way to get back to normal here14:04
jellyfishHELPthis has totally screwed up my work14:05
jellyfishHELPfocal worked this shit does not14:05
jellyfishHELPjammy is jammed up14:05
murmeljellyfishHELP: yes it would be *maybe* easier, but I almost assume there is another issue, which wouldn't be fixable by reinstalling14:05
jellyfishHELPlike what issue14:05
murmel!language | jellyfishHELP14:05
ubottujellyfishHELP: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:05
jellyfishHELPok sorry14:05
lotuspsychjejellyfishHELP: volunteers have asked you to provide information to help you14:05
lsblkmurmel: check prv14:05
murmeljellyfishHELP: on the internet, people are talking about it maybe being a BIOS issue14:06
jellyfishHELPI have provided info14:06
jellyfishHELPoh wonderful I am on a lenovo t50014:06
murmeljellyfishHELP: so you did install pastebinit, now do "sudo dmesg | pastebinit"14:06
jellyfishHELPall I get when I do that is a blinking cursor14:07
murmeldo you have internet on the system where the error occurs?14:09
murmeljellyfishHELP: you can cancel the command by using ctrl + c, try the other one tomreyn gave you "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999"14:10
cosmicrajivhi all. i am a student of aeronautical. i want to know how stable is ubuntu as i don't know much about linux. is it good for academic and research purposes?14:10
cosmicrajivi wanted to switch fron win to ubuntu linux.14:10
lsblk*Ctrl+d* a few times14:10
lsblk*exits the current session*14:10
murmelcosmicrajiv: yes, but you want to stay on the LTS releases (which happen every 2 years, so 20.04, and now the newest 22.04. next one is 24.04)14:11
jellyfishHELPdmesg: read kernel buffer failed: Operation not permitted14:11
lsblkjellyfishHELP: did you used sudo14:11
jellyfishHELPthat is from tomreyn14:11
cosmicrajivmurmel, ok. thank you for the answer.14:12
murmeljellyfishHELP: oh I forgot sudo in front of dmesg. so "sudo dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999"14:12
lsblkSounds like user not added in the sudoers14:12
jellyfishHELPwell that seems to have given a lot of info14:13
jellyfishHELPso is that what might be needed to figure this out https://termbin.com/cjev14:16
murmeljellyfishHELP: yeah I am reading right now14:17
jellyfishHELPthank you very much for you help14:18
pycuriousUbutntu 20.04lts: My nvidia drivers were working yesterday. I moved the card from one slot to another - and now I get this : NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running. Any ideas on how to fix this?14:18
lotuspsychjepycurious: sudo lshw -C video to see if the driver has loaded14:19
murmeljellyfishHELP: as I thought. this is not the error why your computer crashes (that line is just information).14:20
jellyfishHELPwell any ideas14:22
lotuspsychjepatience jellyfishHELP14:22
pycuriouslotuspsychje: no output from that command. I think the driver is not loading14:22
lotuspsychjepycurious: thats not possible, did you type the command right?14:23
pycuriouslotuspsychje: sudo lshw -C video -> No output -> My monitor does not get any output either14:23
pycuriousdo i need sudo apt purge 'libnvidia*' 'nvidia*' ?14:24
murmeljellyfishHELP: as I don't use vlc, I am not 100% sure if this is correct, but please activate logging for vlc by going to Tools -> Preferences -> Select "ALL" -> Advanced -> Logging14:24
tomreynpycurious: no graphics card was detected. you probably did not seat it properly.14:24
pycurioustomreyn: ah ! ok will push it harder - thanks.14:25
murmeljellyfishHELP: and set it to 2: warning14:25
tomreynpycurious: it's also possible the slot it's in now just doesn't support it.14:25
murmelpycurious: we are not in windows where drivers have to be reinstalled, just because you reseated the gpu (or mouse or keyboard)14:25
pycurioustomreyn: I had a 3090 in that slot. I just switched the card from one to another - so that can't be it?14:26
tomreynpycurious: check the seating then14:26
jellyfishHELPok did that with vlc set to warning14:28
jellyfishHELPif I try to rescreate it will crash though should I do that14:29
murmeljellyfishHELP: yes that would be helpful, otherwise the log file is basically empty14:30
murmel(you need to restart vlc so the log file gets created)14:30
tomreynjellyfishHELP: i haven't followed the whole story, keep going on the vlc issue. i looked at your dmesg output, though. you have an old computer with a buggy bios. you should do a bios upgrade first. then hopefully all those gran_size lines are gone. if not, do this:14:31
tomreyn!mtrr | jellyfishHELP14:31
ubottujellyfishHELP: Memory Type Range Registers (MTRR) is how an operating system learns which ranges of physical memory to cache, and how. If your log says "mtrr_cleanup: can not find optimal value", read https://github.com/tomreyn/linux_mtrr_size_fix14:31
murmeltomreyn: very unlikely that there will be a bios update, but I do wanted to share that info with him at the end of the vlc issue14:32
lsblkHis / her BIOS has some issues14:32
lsblkDo you have a dedicated card on this machine jellyfishHELP ?14:33
jellyfishHELPok so I expect it to crash and will be back - in the end think will go back to focal14:33
jellyfishHELPa dedicated card explain14:34
lsblkDo not Hibernate14:34
lsblkTurn thus function off14:34
jellyfishHELPwhat is a dedicated card14:34
jellyfishHELPby hibernate do you mean to not suspend14:35
lsblkDo a : lspci | grep VGA14:36
lsblkIn the terminal14:36
murmellsblk: hope you can take over the crashing part with vlc ;)14:36
lsblkVlc is confused of which driver to use :)14:36
jellyfishHELP00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)14:36
jellyfishHELP01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV635/M86 [Mobility Radeon HD 3650]14:36
lsblkThere's your problem14:37
jellyfishHELPok so what do I do14:37
tomreynjellyfishHELP: this is a bios update for this model (3.23, you currently have 3.12) https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/downloads/ds013614-bios-update-bootable-cd-for-windows-7-32-bit-64-bit-vista-32-bit-64-bit-xp-thinkpad14:37
murmellsblk: wow, never thought that could be the case, as also brave crashes14:37
lsblkIm not sure why Brave would crash honestly14:38
jellyfishHELPyes brave crashes as well in fb - amazon - youtube etc14:38
jellyfishHELPwhen I click on lets say a youtube link on fb14:38
lsblkHave you tested with other browsers ?14:38
jellyfishHELPI have firefox14:39
lsblkGive it a try with Chromium and Firefox14:39
jellyfishHELPbut I want to use brave14:39
lsblkYou will, just test these 2 for now14:39
lsblkFresh install, and run directly to fb, amazon and u2be with both of them14:39
tomreynjellyfishHELP: those issues with the web browser and the "debugfs: File 'radeon_ring_gfx' in directory '1' already present!" message will be a result of a root cause that is related to the AMD/ATI RV635/M86 [Mobility Radeon HD 3650] grpahics chipset. this can be a driver bug (radeon), or a firmware bug.14:50
bruno_hallo leute14:59
tomreynhi bruno_ - if you're looking for german speaking buntu support, please /join #ubuntu-de15:01
tomreynin case jellyfishHELP returns, they can also try using these kernel parameters: radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1 radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=115:02
flaftomreyn: just for your information, here is the bug issue => https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1987209 . Wait and see now. :) Thx again for your help.15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1987209 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Automatic lock screen doesn't lock my session but closes it because of a gnome-shell crash" [Undecided, New]15:03
murmeltomreyn: did he disconnect or doing something about his/her bios?15:04
tomreynflaf: thanks for the notice. i'll have a look at the log files attached to your report in a bit and would respond here if you'll still be around and there is anything else to be said.15:04
tomreynmurmel: i do not have additional information. they disconnected with a ping timeout message.15:05
murmelahh kk15:05
flaftomreyn: ok, thx and have a nice day.15:06
cosmicrajivmurmel, I am about to install ubuntu (downling the iso). i did read about snap and deb packages of firefox. are those issues gone now with 22.04.1? is it safe to use snap?15:14
murmelcosmicrajiv: depends on which issues you are talking about15:15
cosmicrajivmurmel, slow launch ans whether it is safe to use firefox snap.15:15
murmelcosmicrajiv: snap firefox is definitely safer, the speed was sped up by ~80% which means it shouldn't matter too much. if all else, you can still install firefox in a different way, just come back and ask ;)15:17
cosmicrajivthanks. going to install now.15:17
murmelcosmicrajiv: awesome :) hope you like linux / ubuntu15:17
lotuspsychje!jammy | cosmicrajiv15:18
ubottucosmicrajiv: Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) is the 36th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release ā€“ Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/jj15:18
lotuspsychjecosmicrajiv: before installing an ubuntu release you can also checkout the releasenotes, and known bugs15:18
cosmicrajivyeah. thanks15:18
tomreynflaf: looks like you do have custom gnome-shell-extensions installed, just system-wide, not in your $HOME: 'windowsNavigator@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com', 'alternative-status-menu@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com', 'alternate-tab@gnome-shell-extensions.gcampax.github.com'15:20
tomreynflaf: it could also be that those are part of ubuntu's defaults, i haven't tried to verify this.15:21
bruno1hallo grĆ¼ĆŸe euch15:21
lotuspsychje!de | bruno115:21
ubottubruno1: In den meisten Ubuntu-KanƤlen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. FĆ¼r deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke fĆ¼r Dein VerstƤndnis!15:21
bruno1danke dir15:22
lotuspsychjewelcome bruno115:22
lotuspsychjeflaf: usualy the developers will ask to disable all non-default gnome extensions in case the user has gnome shell issues15:23
lotuspsychje(for testing)15:24
flaflotuspsychje: but have I some non default gnome extensions installed?15:31
lotuspsychjeflaf: i think the default ones are; desktop icons NG, ubuntu app indicators & ubuntu dock15:34
lotuspsychjeflaf: so if you have others enabled, please disable those as a test to your issue15:35
tomreynflaf: you seem to have https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/15/alternatetab/ and https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/5/alternative-status-menu/ installed via apt (as gnome-shell-extension-alternate-tab and gnome-shell-extension-alternative-status-menu)15:35
tomreynhmm no, maybe not through these packages15:36
tomreynflaf: when you run    gnome-shell-extension-prefs   are those listed there?15:37
flaftomreyn: command not found. Should I install the package gnome-shell-extension-prefs?15:43
tomreynflaf: yes please15:43
tomreynyou can remove it afterwards if you don't need it.15:43
flaftomreyn: http://paste.alacon.org/4753015:45
flafand it opens a window.15:45
tomreynflaf: an empty window? sorry, i run an older ubuntu version. let me check against your release.15:46
flaftomreyn: $ gnome-extensions list15:46
flaf 15:46
tomreynflaf: so i was wrong, i guess, unless this command omits system-wide installed extensions.15:47
flafIt's a windows titled "Extensions" with a list of 2 built-in extensions (the extensions above) and a check-box which is checked.15:47
tomreynokay, i was wrong then, sorry.15:48
flafNo problem. So have I non-default gnome extensions installed on my distribution? I guess no, correct?15:48
tomreynsee the "enabled-extensions" variable here: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/619381278/GsettingsChanges.txt15:48
tomreynthis made me think you would, but i have not actually compared this to a default 22.04 installation, yet15:49
flafAnyway, I can disable these 2 extensions if needed. I have no idea of the utility. Probably I don't use them at all.15:50
lotuspsychjedock and appindicators are default, they should not be able to crash gnome anymore15:51
flafOk lotuspsychje, so I keep them, to have a system as shown in the bug report. We will see... ;)15:52
flaflotuspsychje: http://paste.alacon.org/47531 <= it seems to me I have in addition nautilus-extension-gnome-terminal and chrome-gnome-shell.15:55
flafbut not listed by the "gnome-extensions list" command.15:55
tomreynflaf: those are fine.15:57
lotuspsychjeflaf: can you make gnome crash on purpose?16:03
lotuspsychjeflaf: maybe its an idea to keep a journalctl -f open in realtime, in case gnome-shell spits out errors of some kind16:05
tomreynletting the no user interaction timeout triggered screen locker kick in makes it segfault, from what i understand.16:05
lotuspsychjei see, tnx tomreyn16:05
flaftomreyn: exaclty.16:07
flafI can probably open tty1 as root and to something like "journalctl -f > /tmp/x.log" and reproduce the problem in my gnome session.16:08
lotuspsychjeflaf: did you test that both on xorg and wayland?16:09
JoeLlamahrm I'm just going to install LXTQ on this server hope that works out...16:09
flaflotuspsychje: no. I have no idea of xorg and wayland and how to toggle.16:10
lotuspsychjeJoeLlama: not sure arraybolt3[m] is around, you could restate your issues, where you guys left, some other volunteer can pickup?16:10
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: šŸ‘‹16:10
lotuspsychjeflaf: logout, then pick ubuntu(xorg) or ubuntu(wayland) at login16:11
lotuspsychjeflaf: the steps you tested, please keep your bug ID updated by adding a new comment of your test, so devs can see what you tryed16:12
JoeLlamaoh sure lotuspsychje thanks...16:12
JoeLlamahi arraybolt3[m] :)16:12
JoeLlamaok arraybolt3[m] here is where I left off...16:12
lotuspsychjehe's around :p16:12
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: Backup done?16:12
JoeLlamaoh it's all upgraded now :) and good morning btw...16:13
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: Nice, and good morning to you!16:13
JoeLlamaso I did the apt-offline get upgrade.sig --bundle upgrade.zip16:13
arraybolt3[m]Yes, and?16:13
JoeLlamathe only file in the zip was libapt-pkg6.0_2.4.7_amd64.deb16:14
JoeLlamaso I installed that16:14
JoeLlamaand here we are (:16:14
JoeLlama(installed on the air-gapped server)16:14
arraybolt3[m]But it did download something?16:14
JoeLlamawell and I wanna get LXQT loaded but I am sure there is more to it16:14
JoeLlamayes... upgrade.zip16:14
JoeLlamain that was libapt-pkg6.0_2.4.7_amd64.deb16:14
JoeLlamathat was the only thing16:14
JoeLlamaabout 880 KB16:14
arraybolt3[m]Nice. Well... hmm, can you show me the output of "dpkg-query -s linux-image" in a pastebin? From the server?16:15
JoeLlamaoh um... sounds hard but ok16:15
arraybolt3[m]Just tell me what version it says the package is at.16:15
arraybolt3[m]I don't need all the output, just knowing the version number is enough.16:15
arraybolt3[m](It's possible there isn't much to upgrade since you just installed Ubuntu Server 22.04.1, which was released very recently.)16:16
JoeLlamasays linux-image not installed16:16
tomreynarraybolt3[m]: i don't mean to interrupt, just making sure this was considered: if this server is not air-gapped on purpose, using a separate mobile device for "tethering" can make is sooo much more user friendly.16:16
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: The server is air-gapped on purpose.16:16
JoeLlamayeah this server will never touch the internet directly16:17
tomreynoh i see16:17
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: Oh. Uh... one moment...16:17
arraybolt3[m](must be an incorrect package name)16:17
JoeLlamahrm k16:17
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: Try "dpkg-query -s linux-image-generic".16:17
JoeLlamaI do appreciate this help... it would take me weeks to figure all this out16:17
JoeLlamaah ok16:17
JoeLlamaoh that returned somethings16:18
arraybolt3[m]Took me sooooo long to figure it out, thankfully doing it a few times made it somewhat familiar. :)16:18
arraybolt3[m]Nice, what's the version number?16:18
JoeLlama5 15 0 43 4416:18
arraybolt3[m]OK, one moment...16:19
* JoeLlama can hear the gears grinding in arraybolt3[m]'s head16:19
arraybolt3[m]Hrm... that looks like it didn't work.16:19
arraybolt3[m]The version number is too low.16:20
JoeLlamaoh :(16:20
arraybolt3[m]Well... sometimes doing it again might help. Try the same "sudo apt-offline set upgrade.sig --upgrade" thing again on the server.16:20
JoeLlamaoh ok16:20
arraybolt3[m]Then back to the Internet machine, "apt-offline get upgrade.sig --bundle upgrade.zip", then back to the server again.16:20
arraybolt3[m]If you get a sizable zip file this time, don't just unpack it and install the files inside - there's a specific way to do it using the apt-offline command.16:21
flaflotuspsychje: I would tried the toggle xorg vs wayland but it's unclear for me: when I select my user in the login page, I can select "Openbox", "Ubuntu" and "Ubuntu on Xorg. What should I select?16:23
tomreynflaf: "Ubuntu" is the Wayland session, "Ubuntu on Xorg" is the Xorg session. Your default session is "Ubuntu" (on Wayland). we're suggesting you try to reproduce this issue on the "Ubuntu on Xorg" session.16:25
JoeLlamathis time I got apt_2.4.7_amd64.deb 1.3 MB16:26
arraybolt3[m]Is it giving any error messages?16:26
arraybolt3[m]It sounds like it keeps only downloading one file at a time, in which case maybe there's a bug and we should skip the --bundle part.16:27
arraybolt3[m](If you do this, make sure to do it in a folder that doesn't have anything else in it.)16:27
arraybolt3[m](Or else lots of tiny files may swarm a folder you don't want them to swarm.)16:27
flaftomreyn: ok, understood...16:28
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: That's what I expected... and it's less than helpful. Looks like a bug in apt-offline to me.16:29
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: OK, move the upgrade.sig file to an empty folder.16:29
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: Then open a terminal in that folder and run "apt-offline get upgrade.sig".16:29
JoeLlamashould I extract and install on the server?16:29
arraybolt3[m](Notice that the --bundle part is missing.)16:29
arraybolt3[m]It's not working right.16:29
JoeLlamaoh ok16:29
JoeLlamaso i called it upgrade2.sig16:30
arraybolt3[m]It should be downloading a ton of files - if we keep only getting one, something is awry.16:30
arraybolt3[m](upgrade2.sig is fine.)16:30
JoeLlamaoh ok16:31
JoeLlamaoh we need the target name16:31
arraybolt3[m]Also, any time you see "Exception... Traceback (most recent call last)", that means apt-offline crashed and something went wrong.16:31
JoeLlamaERROR: Please provide a target download file/folder location.16:32
arraybolt3[m]Oh, right. One moment...16:32
JoeLlamafun with linux... is it just going to be a headache or is there going to be drinking involved...16:33
arraybolt3[m](Maybe one long moment if my Chromebook is grumpy...)16:33
arraybolt3[m]Hopefully just a headache.16:33
JoeLlamayup already got that16:33
JoeLlamaI (we'll) get it16:33
JoeLlamasince I am just using the server box as a RAID system should I just install ubuntu desktop instead?16:34
arraybolt3[m]apt-offline get upgrad2.sig -d .16:34
JoeLlamahrm ok16:34
arraybolt3[m](I misspelled the filename...)16:34
JoeLlamaI know16:34
JoeLlamathat's better :)16:35
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: I'd stick with doing it this way since RAID can be tricky to configure and you already have it configured now IIUC.16:35
JoeLlamaoh yes it's cramming a lot of files now :)16:35
arraybolt3[m]Whew, nice! That's what it should do.16:35
JoeLlamaok good16:35
JoeLlamanot a huge number of files16:36
arraybolt3[m]Once all those are downloaded, move them into their own folder on the big flash drive and go back to the server.16:36
arraybolt3[m](Eh, doesn't have to be massive, but mutliple files is good.)16:36
arraybolt3[m](Especially if you see a file called linux-image-somethingorother-generic in there.)16:36
JoeLlamaok ok do I have to install each separately?16:37
arraybolt3[m]No thankfully/16:37
JoeLlamathat is not in there16:37
flaftomreyn: lotuspsychje: interesting. With Ubuntu on Xorg, I keep my session. But... during my session I had popup concerning an internal error of Ubuntu (in details I can see it's a crash of gnome-shell). So it seems to me that there is a gnome-shell problem in any case but with Xorg I keep my session.16:37
arraybolt3[m]Nothing that starts with "linux-image"?16:37
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: ^16:37
arraybolt3[m]Also did apt-offline give any exception messages or anything?16:38
JoeLlamasomething is weird gotta restart the file manager16:38
lsblkUbuntu doesn't handle Wayland very well btw16:38
arraybolt3[m]lsblk: It does on my machine.16:39
JoeLlamaok fixed lemme look for errors16:39
lsblkLucky you :)16:39
JoeLlamano errors16:39
JoeLlamaso install these on the server?16:39
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: Move them to the server, and then I'll tell you the next commands.16:40
arraybolt3[m]Installing them will be easy since we can install them all at once, not one at a time.16:40
lsblkLast thhing I found was they are working on improving it, but can't rly say how far they are. Xorg just in case :)16:40
tomreynflaf: the popup you see on the Xorg session is just to report the earlier failure of gnome-session16:40
tomreynflaf: so Xorg indeed does not seem to cause this, otherwise you'd get logged off there fully with loss of your session as well.16:41
JoeLlamaok there and in the directory16:43
flaftomreyn: Ok, I have added that in the bug issue.16:43
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: OK. Next command is...16:43
tomreynflaf: if you like you can share the output of     sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id    with me in a (not end to end encrypted, but otherwise private) /msg or /query window16:43
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama:  sudo apt-offline install .16:43
arraybolt3[m](The . at the end is important.)16:44
flaftomreyn: its content can be relevant to understand the problem?16:44
tomreynflaf: this is is a unique identifier for your ubuntu installation, which i could use to see which errors have been reported by your system, and to correlate this gnome-shell crash to those of other users16:44
JoeLlamadidn't like it arraybolt3[m]16:44
flafAh ok. No problem, I give you that in mp. :)16:45
JoeLlamaok it did it16:45
JoeLlamaforgot the . :)16:45
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: Nice, now "sudo apt upgrade".16:45
arraybolt3[m]Confirm with "y", and you should be done.16:45
arraybolt3[m]Then last but not least it's time to install the GUI.16:46
JoeLlamaoOo it16:46
JoeLlamait's doing lotsa stuff16:46
arraybolt3[m]That's a good sign!16:46
JoeLlamalots of ERR fails :(16:46
JoeLlamaoh filed to fetch16:47
arraybolt3[m]With what command, the apt or the apt-offline command?16:47
JoeLlamathe last one16:47
JoeLlamaoops failed to fetch16:47
arraybolt3[m]Oh. Grr... this thing is being finicky...16:47
* arraybolt3[m] thinks maybe apt-offline needs an overhaul16:48
JoeLlamayeah says try using --fix-missing16:48
JoeLlamaare we moving from the headache stage to the drinking stage yet?  cuz I'm ready16:49
JoeLlamashould we try another upgrade.sig thingy?16:49
arraybolt3[m]At this point I'd just download Lubuntu, plug it into the server, wipe everything, use the terminal to set up RAID to your liking, then install Lubuntu on the RAID and call it a day.16:49
JoeLlamaoh :(16:49
arraybolt3[m]apt-offline obviously needs some help.16:49
JoeLlamawe were so close16:49
arraybolt3[m]I know right? It used to work, but what it's doing now is anything but working.16:50
JoeLlamait looks like it's trying to fetch from the internet and can't resolve the url16:50
arraybolt3[m]Yep. That sounds like apt-offline didn't download everything.16:50
arraybolt3[m]Another possible solution is if we can figure out ways to give you the benefits of airgapping without airgapping (like a firewall).16:51
JoeLlamahrm try again with the gunna get upgrade3.sig16:51
JoeLlamaeh why not...16:51
arraybolt3[m]OK. Good luck, hopefully it will do something good!16:51
JoeLlamaarraybolt3[m] what do I use instead of apt-offline get upgrade.sig --bundle upgrade.zip16:55
JoeLlamai forget :/16:55
arraybolt3[m]apt-offline get upgrade.sig -d .16:56
arraybolt3[m]Do it in a folder containing only the .sig file.16:56
JoeLlamawait... on the internet box right?16:56
JoeLlamai don't think it did anything arraybolt3[m]16:57
JoeLlamathere is no file generated16:58
JoeLlamainstall lubuntu?16:58
JoeLlamarun RAID from lubuntu arraybolt3[m]?16:58
arraybolt3[m]That's probably what I'd do.16:58
JoeLlamabut it won't be as good as server right?16:59
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, that's what I'd do. Set up RAID with the terminal, then install onto it.16:59
arraybolt3[m]It should be just as good as with server.16:59
JoeLlama*sigh* okay thanks :)16:59
JoeLlamaI want to use software RAID16:59
JoeLlamathat is okay right? :)17:00
arraybolt3[m]Should be.17:00
* JoeLlama drinks17:00
JoeLlamawell at least I got an education outta it (:17:00
JoeLlamathanks arraybolt3[m] :)17:00
arraybolt3[m]I might set up RAID on all but one of the disks and install Lubuntu on the one disk without RAID to make sure it works right.17:00
JoeLlamatht was the plan17:01
JoeLlamaI still need to upgrade / update lubuntu though is that going to be an issue?17:01
JoeLlamaalso I want encryption...17:02
JoeLlamanot like to evade the law but just anyone who might get into my database17:02
JoeLlamaI already have ubuntu on a disk should I just use that?17:02
arraybolt3[m]I'd use Lubuntu.17:03
JoeLlamao k17:03
arraybolt3[m]You probably won't have to do any upgrading things on Lubuntu since it already has a GUI and apps. If you need to install other apps after the fact, though, there might be some issues.17:03
JoeLlamacan't think of many atm so... lubuntu it is!17:04
JoeLlamahrm says the latest version of lubuntu is 19.04 is that right?17:06
arraybolt3[m]You're on the wrong site.17:06
arraybolt3[m]Lubuntu.net is note the official site.17:07
arraybolt3[m]Lubuntu.me is.17:07
arraybolt3[m]The latest version of Lubuntu is
JoeLlamaoh geez ok17:07
JoeLlamaI'm sure there is a good reason for that...17:07
arraybolt3[m]Oh it's quite the saga.17:07
enigma9o7[m]Hmmm seems that lubuntu.net site needs to update or shut down.17:08
JoeLlamaok already now I dunwanna know17:08
arraybolt3[m](Lubuntu.net is owned by someone who used to contribute to Lubuntu, but does no longer. He refused to let go of the site, and doesn't do a very good job of keeping it up-to-date, plus he's no longer associated with the project.)17:08
JoeLlamaoh :(17:08
JoeLlamaI already feel better about using lubuntu since I'm already using it and as long as it does encrypted software RAID okay then I am fine with it17:09
tomreynflaf: thanks for letting me access your crash logs. unfortunately, for none of the recently submitted 4 gnome-shell crashes on your system, the cause of the crash could be automatically determined (or correlated). i've updated the bug report with the info i have gathered - please correct me if anything i wrote is incorrect. it would also be of interest to know whether you are able to cause the same issue by manually / immediately locking the17:19
tomreynscreen, such as by selecting this option from the top right drop down menu, or by pressing Meta-L (Windows-L).17:19
Guest989is 20.04.4 LTS stable recommended version?17:31
Guest989Because i don't want to upgrade it to 22.04 LTS it brokes many things on my system especially with nginx.17:32
=== Spectre51 is now known as Specctre
tomreynGuest989: 20.04 LTS is a supported Ubuntu release. It is a stable release, just like 22.04 LTS, but was released two years earlier, in april 2020.17:37
tomreyn!20.04 | Guest98917:37
ubottuGuest989: Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) is the 32nd release of Ubuntu and the previous !LTS release. Download at https://releases.ubuntu.com/focal/ - Release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FocalFossa/ReleaseNotes17:37
tomreyn20.04 will have free security support until 2025.17:37
ioriatomreyn, have you seen this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1977666   ? not related to lockscreen, but with amdgpu and wayland17:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1977666 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "[amdgpu] gnome-shell crash when a monitor is connected" [Undecided, Expired]17:38
tomreynioria: i hadn't seen this one, actually haven't looked for dupes at all. those *could* be related, or not at all - it's difficult to say because this one provides so little info.17:41
Guest989It says it released on February 24, 2022 at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases if i am not wrong?17:41
ioriatomreyn, yeah, he can try to boot with nomodeset (in wayland) and test the screenlock, so he can exclude the video driver17:41
tomreynGuest989: the fourth update to 20.04 LTS released then17:42
flaftomreyn: I have updated the bug issue. Your post is 100% correct. ;)17:42
ioriaflaf, can you boot with the 'nomodeset' parameter (in wayland) ?17:43
kavvadiashello everyone, im trying to build cardano-node and  i cant get libsystemd-journal dependency to resolve, i get this error  https://pastebin.com/y9P0ADXr , I'm on pop-os 22.04 (ubuntu)17:46
tomreynflaf: thanks17:46
Guest989tomreyn: How can I keep it on my system I dont want to upgrade it to the newer version at least untill 2025. But my vps says after my installs "your system needs to be restarted to apply upgrades." But i want to keep 20.04 LTS on my system even if my vps is restarted after installed.17:46
tomreyn!kernelparm | flaf17:46
ubottuflaf: To add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters17:46
Guest989is there any command?17:46
ioriaflaf, of course, i assume you don't have broken packages, ppas, etc. etc. installed17:47
tomreynGuest989: there's nothing you need to do, the system will not automatically upgrade to 22.04. if you reboot, this just applies the (currently installed but not active) security updates17:47
tomreynGuest989: so, what you should do is reboot soon, to apply those security updates. but don't worry, there won't be a release upgrade happening without your explicit request for it.17:48
flafioria: 1. just add "nomodeset" in kernel linux paramater, reboot and try to reproduce the bug, correct? 2. broken packages => no. ppas, what it is?17:49
tomreynioria: we did check on this to some degree.17:49
tomreyn!ppa | flaf17:49
ubottuflaf: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:49
ioriaflaf, yes, tomreyn i see17:49
JoeLlamaarraybolt3[m] lubuntu is installed and I'm so freakin' happy with it... thanks for your help.... next I need to get a UPS for it that will give me like 10 minutes before shutdown...  I suspect I will need close to 1000 watts of backup power.17:50
ioriaflaf, grep -r -i ppa /etc/apt/ would tell17:50
flafioria: you will see in the attachment in the apt config, I have added the sources.list http://ppa.launchpad.net/phoerious/keepassxc/ubuntu, to use keepassxc (to store my password).17:51
tomreynioria: <flaf> tomreyn: => { grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list; echo ===; ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d/; echo ===; for i in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*; do cat $i; echo ===; done; } | nc termbin.com 9999 => https://termbin.com/xgsm17:51
tomreynplease see irclogs.ubuntu.com17:51
tomreynoh i had not seen this zip, nice17:52
flaftomreyn: ioria: all output showed in IRC are present in the attachment file gnome-shell-automatic-lock-screen.zip of the bug issue.17:52
flafI'll try modeset and I'll be back. ;)17:53
tomreynflaf: make sure you test it on the wayland session ;)17:54
flaftomreyn: Ok. (oops "nomodeset" not "modeset")17:54
tomreynpersonally, i think it would be more promiding to install !ddebs and reproduce and switch to xorg again so the crash report (this time with symbols) will upload.17:56
tomreynbut ruling out driver involvement is easy enough, good point.17:56
ioriaflaf, and try with just one monitor if you're using more than one17:59
Guest989tomreyn: So, i shouldn't use `sudo do-release-upgrade` command to upgrade the newer version? I want to keep my current release. Sorry for my dumb question i'm a newbie.18:06
enigma9o7[m]Right, if you want to stay on 20.04, don't do-release-upgrade.18:07
enigma9o7[m]You can still apt update, apt upgrade, apt dist-upgrade without worry.18:08
Guest989Yes. I want to stay on 20.04 untill nginx updates itself18:09
Guest989my webserver is broken with nginx and openssl 3 whenĀ  i upgrade to 22.0418:10
Guest989i will back to 20.0418:10
tomreynbroken how?18:11
Guest989i have many error messages in nginx error.log about ssl thing18:11
Guest989everyday i clean it18:11
Guest989because i have many clients18:11
tomreynif the fact that many error messages are logged by a publicly accessible webserver makes it broken, then all public webservers which do logging are broken18:13
flafioria: I will put the feedback in the issue but with nomodeset: 1. the choice "Ubuntu on Xorg" at login appears no longer at login, I can choose only Openbox or Ubuntu (and I have chosen Ubuntu), 2. I have only one monitor which works (the HP monitor), the other monitor (Asus) is ignored. And in this case, the automatic lock screen works correctly (I can find my running applis after a re-login).18:14
ioriaso might  be about the driver18:15
ioriaflaf, i'd try another kernel, if you have it18:17
flafioria: I have only one kernel I think => dpkg --list | grep linux-image | grep ^ii => linux-image-generic and linux-image-5.15.0-46-generic18:20
ioriai see18:21
flafioria: it's a recent Ubuntu 22.04 which I have cleaned after the migration from 20.04 few days ago.18:21
ioriayes, if you hve also intel you can blacklist themodule and use intel18:22
ioriasy, afk18:22
flafioria: no sure to understand... :-/18:25
tomreynflaf: it doesn't apply in your case, you have two AMD graphics chipsets using the same (amdgpu) driver, none other.18:26
nunyais there some way of showing mounted volumes/drives on desktop in ubuntu 22.04 like there was in 20.04? I don't want them on the dock but the desktop.18:28
tomreynflaf: i think you provided enough info for a developer to chime in and ask more targetted questions. if you would still like to do more to add to your bug report, you could try and report what happens when you (a) boot with just one monitor connected and try to reproduce it (on wayland),  (b) temporarily rename ~/.config/monitors.xml (so it is no longer loaded),   (c) install !ddebs for at least gnome-shell and amgdpu, reproduce the bug, login18:32
tomreynto the Xorg session to submit the crash report18:32
arraybolt3[m]JoeLlama: Glad to hear it worked out!18:32
kavvadiascan i get help for pop_os here?18:34
tomreynflaf: as a reminder, it would also be of interest to know whether you are able to cause the same issue by manually / immediately locking the screen, such as by selecting the "lock icon" option from the top right drop down menu, or by pressing Meta-L (Windows-L).18:34
tomreyn!popos | kavvadias18:35
ubottukavvadias: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/18:35
kavvadiasok thank you18:35
tomreynthanks for asking18:35
nunyaAlso if I go into Settings>Background or Settings>Appearance it overides icon settings in Tweaks  and uses default desktop icons even though I haven't made any changes. Any way to keep thhis from happening other than never using it?18:38
tomreynnunya: for the first part: sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-prefs    then run Extensions (from the menu), then, in the built-in section, under "Desktop Icons NG (DING)", click on "Settings" and make your choices as needed.18:47
nunyatomreyn:thanks, I was googling forever and not finding how to add mounted volumes to desktop ubuntu 22.04 I could find every version but 22.0419:06
=== dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69
StumblingwithitAnyone ever installed ubuntu on RAID0 nvme's (500GB).Ā  Following angryants's guide at :19:51
StumblingwithitI get the raid0 up and running on /dev/md0 and create the partitions on them (/,/home,/swap) and as the tutorial says I create a /boot and /efi on my other 1TB disk (/dev/sda).19:51
StumblingwithitIm getting the Unable to install grub error no matter where I try to place it.19:51
StumblingwithitAnyone conquered this one before?19:51
cbreakStumblingwithit: did you partition your disks? did you give the md thing a partition or the whole device?19:56
cbreakwhy raid0? do you not care about your data? :)19:56
StumblingwithitDatas backed up to NAS and in the end I'm workin on building out a more VM/thinclient solution.19:58
StumblingwithitCorrect, I did partition using the following:19:59
Stumblingwithitsudo apt-get install mdadm19:59
Stumblingwithitsudo mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/nvme0n119:59
Stumblingwithitsudo mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/nvme1n119:59
Stumblingwithitsudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nvme0n1 bs=1M count=100019:59
Stumblingwithitsudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nvme1n1 bs=1M count=100019:59
cbreakyou should use some paste bin, not span the channel19:59
cbreakbut this doesn't look like you partition anything19:59
cbreakyou use the whole nvme for MD19:59
cbreakyou should have a /boot, and a /boot/efi partition20:00
cbreakthe latter should be a fat32 efi partition20:01
Stumblingwithitin the tutorial it says to create an efi and boot on the other drive (sda) which is my 1TB disk.20:01
cbreakit should be mounted inside /boot/efi20:01
Stumblingwithitthen in the installĀ  it seem like what I select to use for the boot loader it still fails saying GRAB installation error.20:01
StumblingwithitExcellent Ill try that Thank you!20:02
cbreakI switched away from grub20:02
cbreakif you want to try a similar adventure, you can look at refind + systemdboot for example20:02
cbreakthat might be easier to handle (or not)20:02
StumblingwithitIm searching it out now and trying to clear the theĀ  fog on it.Ā  In the mean time givingĀ  the sub directory a try.Ā  So for Size 1GB for Boot and 500MB for EFI?20:06
cbreakonly 1 GB for boot? optimistic20:06
tarzeaucbreak: enough for 9 kernels20:12
tarzeautrick is /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/compress:COMPRESS=xz20:13
=== dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69
tomreyntarzeau: do you happen to know which release this starts working in?20:48
tarzeautomreyn: been using it since 18.04, and 20.04 and 22.0420:49
tomreynon bionic, /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf has this comment: "# COMPRESS: [ gzip | bzip2 | lzma | lzop | xz ]" - so it *should* work, but i seem to remember that there were quite some problems with some of the comrpression settings20:50
tomreynoh, you have first hand experience, great, thanks.20:50
tomreyna well equipped amd64 here, which you're probably also refering to.20:51
tomreyni would not do it on some of the older armhfs20:51
tomreynactually those will boot differently anyways :)20:53
tarzeaui'm using it on 200 machines20:55
tarzeaualso using it on arm6420:55
tomreynsounds good :)20:56
tarzeauor not , but should try some day20:56
linuxliteI have no web browser installed on Linuxlite..20:59
linuxliteNeed help..20:59
tomreynlinuxlite: install ubuntu, and we'll be happy to support you here.21:00
tomreynin the meantime, maybe try #linux21:00
tomreyngood luck!21:02
lsblktomreyn: I take it as this channel does not asnwer questions related to distros based on ubuntu, and only pure ubuntu ?21:14
lsblkanswer* mistakes happen21:15
tomreynlsblk: the primary topic is what's stated in the /topic, ubuntu support.21:15
jhutchinslsblk: That's correct.  We can't know what they've changed.21:15
lsblkThat is why I remained silent, when he asked :)21:16
lsblkthank you for the clarification21:16
=== sig is now known as bebop
NFVbloghi, I'm NFVblog full stack-dev and sysadmin22:23
=== Fisher24459 is now known as Fisher2445
yinhi. i'm having trouble after upgrading to 22.04. i can ssh into my server and from there i can ping IPs but pinging domains gives me "Temporary failure in name resolution". `resolvectl status | grep Current` gives me "Current Scopes: none"23:18
yindoes this have to do with switching to netplan?23:20
MdI am trying to autoinstall 22.04. cloud-init manages to corectly find and process my user-data, but then just continues with the interactive install. how can I debug this?23:21
=== arrayboltIRSSI is now known as arraybolt3
MdI know that cloud-init works because I have checked the log and now there are not syntax errors anymore...23:22
Mdnothing obvious in the journal either, and the last line matching "autoinstall" is about "subiquity/Late/apply_autoinstall_config"23:24
webchat30I have dual boot with windows 10 and Xubuntu, now I can't boot and show that "shim lock protocol not found". What is that? How repair it?23:40
arraybolt3What was the last thing that happened before your system stopped booting?23:40
webchat30Turn off and disconnect, noting more23:41
arraybolt3Did a Windows update or Xubuntu update happen just before you turned off?23:42
arraybolt3Hmm. OK, what brand and model of computer do you have?23:45
arraybolt3Something like "Dell Inspiron 7000" is what I'm looking for.23:45
oerheksmaybe you need to enable the keys in your bios? also check for a bios update?23:45
webchat30I7 4790k on Asus h97 plus23:47
webchat30Is old compu, the bios has last update23:47
arraybolt3webchat30: Hmm, I was gonna recomment popping open the boot menu but this motherboard seems to make that difficult...23:50
arraybolt3OK, found it!23:53
arraybolt3webchat30: Get into your BIOS, enter Advanced Mode and open the Boot Menu, then select Boot Override and see if you can specifically select Xubuntu to boot from.23:53
webchat30The problem or a solution?23:53
arraybolt3I found how to potentially boot one of the operating systems on there.23:53
arraybolt3That will help us fix the problem.23:54
arraybolt3(Also the manual I'm referring to for your motherboard is here: https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/LGA1150/H97-PLUS/E9723_H97-PLUS_Guide_v2_web_high_res.pdf)23:54
arraybolt3(So you can use that to figure out how to get into the BIOS, advanced mode, boot menu, boot override.)23:54
wezDoes a BIOS stikl exist these days? I thought it was all called firmware now. Does the mainboard support secure boot at all?23:55
webchat30Wait a minute please, I gonna turn on the comp23:56
matsamanwez: any given computer may use one or emulate one, yes23:56
matsamanyou say 'firmware' to people who already need help, instead of 'UEFI' or 'BIOS', and things can get confusing <shrug>23:58
wezUEFI = firmware23:58
wezI find an actual word less confusing than an acronym. either way, lets take this discussion to the other channel.23:59

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