[17:07] I had Pidgin installed.  On upgrading from 22.04 to 22.04.1 it uninstalled Pidgin.  Is there different preferred instant messenger software recommended for Xubuntu now? [17:08] The documentation suggests it should be the default app, so I am surprised it got uninstalled by the update. [17:08] https://xubuntu.github.io/xubuntu-docs/user/C/default-apps.html#internet [17:31] Simes: it's not clear why it got uninstalled. maybe you can provide more insight on that from the apt logs at /var/log/apt - start with history.log - records are sorted by date. [17:32] 22.04.0 to .1 is not a relase upgrade, but happens as part of receiving normal system updates. [17:35] Simes: While I guess you meant upgrade from *20.04*, yes Pidgin got removed from the default apps sometime in between as per LP #1936417 - but if you actually still got use cases for it as per instant messaging (rather than just IRC, which we now got HexChat for), you could of course just install it back. [17:35] Launchpad bug 1936417 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Remove pidgin from seeds" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1936417 [17:39] Ah.  @tomreyn & @kyrtarik - thank you.  I suspect you are right and I upgraded from 20.04, not 22.04.  I /thought/ I was on 22.04; I see I cannot have been.  (I would have put money on it - and lost it!) [17:41] @krytarik - I cannot even copy your name right when it's on the screen.  I probably need more sleep.  I'll crawl back under my stone now.  :-)   Thank you all. [17:42] Well, I've seen it anyway.. :) [18:56] Wifi and Bluetooth icons disappeared after 22.04LTS upgrade...do you have a solution? [19:19] Hello, world? [19:22] Hello, world! [19:22] Kbye