
luis220413Is anyone from the Ubuntu Security Team here?18:20
luis220413The status of CVE-2019-16239 for focal and later releases should be Not vulnerable (8.05-1) and for xenial should be "Ignored (reached end-of-life)", because you always do this for packages that are in the universe component in xenial.18:22
ubottuprocess_http_response in OpenConnect before 8.05 has a Buffer Overflow when a malicious server uses HTTP chunked encoding with crafted chunk sizes. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-16239>18:22
luis220413*"Ignored (out of standard support)"18:23
luis220413The CVE is not fixed in Xenial, contrary to what the Ubuntu CVE Tracker states.18:23
luis220413I must leave now but will remain online.18:26
mdeslaurluis220413: fixed, thanks18:27
mdeslaurluis220413: but we did release it for xenial before it went eol, so ignored isn't appropriate18:27
mdeslauroh wait, it's a typo?18:27
* mdeslaur looks again18:27
mdeslauryou're right, fixed now, thanks18:28
luis220413I also believe Ubuntu 22.04 is not vulnerable to CVE-2020-12105, because the description mentions "OpenConnect through 8.08" and 22.04 has 8.20-1.18:30
ubottuOpenConnect through 8.08 mishandles negative return values from X509_check_ function calls, which might assist attackers in performing man-in-the-middle attacks. <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-12105>18:30
luis220413Can you also triage this CVE for bionic and focal? I will prepare a security update for this package today.18:31
sbeattieone needs to be cautious with versions in cve descriptions provided by mitre/nvd (which is often the source of UCT ddescriptions).18:31
mdeslaurthe description is wrong, it doesn't look like it's fixed upstream18:31
luis220413I must leave now but will remain online.18:32
mdeslaurit only affects when built with openssl, ubuntu builds with gnutls, no it's not vulnerable18:34
luis220413I have just submitted debdiffs for openconnect in bug 1987569.22:11
ubottuBug 1987569 in openconnect (Ubuntu) "Versions in Bionic and Focal are vulnerable to CVE-2020-12823" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198756922:11

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