
=== jason__ is now known as jason_bourne
xubuntu35iafter install not accepting set passwoed user name why??02:27
=== gustavo is now known as Guest9748
ancxanasanybody there10:32
circuitloverHi o/10:36
arraybolt3Anything we can help you with?10:37
circuitloverarraybolt3: no i aalready got my problem solved, just came here for hanging out13:44
rinzewindcircuitlover: the messages you were getting in the init screen?13:48
iamshantohello, i need help. is anyone there18:45
genii57 seconds seems hardly long enough to find out18:54
=== arraybolt3 is now known as Guest3
=== Guest3 is now known as arraybolt3
=== mahler is now known as pickleethoven
xu-help14whello, i want to enable night light feature in display settings, but i can't find that there.21:38
=== worm`_ is now known as worm`
=== xenoid_ is now known as xenoid
=== tomg__ is now known as tomg

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