
holmanb@blackboxsw: I put up a PR to fix a couple of things that cause the ansible integration test to always fail on older systemd&&python versions. Additionally it tweaks the repo setup code in a way that should make it more robust and makes failing assertions more useful for debugging. https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/169100:46
=== ananke_ is now known as ananke
tilthi :)07:37
tiltif a vmware instance of ubuntu20 does not use the vmware datasource, what could be wrong / are there specific things to be done to make it use this datasource?07:38
tiltlike, a special boot parameter oslt, can't find it in the docs07:38
tilti think we got it, we did not follow the customization steps described in https://williamlam.com/2022/06/using-the-new-vsphere-guest-os-customization-with-cloud-init-in-vsphere-7-0-update-3.html07:53
esposemif I upgrade cloud-init to a new version and then reboot, is my cloud.cfg file updated too or left intact? I would say intact, as there could be custom settings in it13:15
falcojrI think that's one of those situations where with apt at least you'd get prompted for which version to use, but it would default to keeping the changed settings13:48
falcojrnot sure about other distros13:48
esposemfalcojr: thanks, I think for RHEL happens the same too14:42
blackboxswfalcojr: minor changelog omission on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1693 something else the new-upstream-snapshot(git-buildpackage based) needs to fix probably.17:39
ubottuPull 1693 in canonical/cloud-init "Ubuntu/jammy" [Open]17:39
blackboxswgoing through focal now17:39
falcojrblackboxsw: that cherry pick only ever existed in the hotfix branch, so it's not anything new-upstream-snapshot would ever see17:48
blackboxswfalcojr: ohh right, the whole reason we created the separate hotfix branches to avoid the pulling cherry picks into the base upstream/ubuntu/jammy branch great. I thought it implies another short coming in the new-upstream-snapshot changes17:50
falcojrbased on what we said previously about not including the hotfix changelog info, I wouldn't think it would need to be included17:50
blackboxswnevermind nothing to see here.17:50
falcojrbut maybe it should? I guess we just need a consistent way to approach it17:50
blackboxswfalcojr: I'm on the fence there. the changeset you have currently, for SRU reviewers,  ends up representing this next upload to focal as an aggregation of the previous hotfix22.2-0ubuntu1~20.04.2 being consumed within the 22.3 upstream version  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Pp6MW3FBvq/ . 17:54
blackboxswso it makes the review of that upload a bit more time-intensive, but I think it's a reasonable representation of the changeset delivered. I guess the problem in SRU review tracking is that if we have a long-lived hotfix branch with multiple releases, eventually we'll lose visibility to those commits/patches and release history in debian/changelog once we new-upstream-snapshot for a full SRU again17:56
blackboxswbut it is strange to represent adding cherry-picks and removing them in the latest changelog when it didn't really happen in this release branch17:57
blackboxswfalcojr: I'd stay let's stick with what you have up for review now as policy. undocument the cherry-picks that were applied to hotfix branches as that content is included in the d/changelog as part of the new-upstream-snapshot anyway17:58
blackboxswfalcojr: actually I'll take the opposite approach I just suggested. I think it'll be easier to review and understand the history of the release debian package if we captured the previously released d/changelog entries and manually recorded the d/changelog sections that were released from any hotfix branches prior to our new-upstream-snapshot section and manually add the dropped patches comment. 18:02
falcojrblackboxsw: so I think either all or nothing18:03
blackboxswreason being SRU reviewer is going to see a debdiff of current upload  vs previous published upload to pkg/ubuntu/focal-proposed in git-ubuntu 18:03
falcojrif we're not going to record the interim releases, we shouldn't include changes between the interim release and now18:03
blackboxswand they'll see the dropped cpick file in that diff and no documentation in d/changelog of actually dropping it18:03
falcojrif we are going to include the interim release, then we should also document what changed in the changelog18:03
blackboxswfalcojr: right so I flipped 180. from my prior stance. I think record them all .18:03
blackboxswadd the d/changelog entries verbatim from upstream/ubuntu/focal-22.2-hotfix prior to our top-most new-upstream-snapshot section18:04
falcojrblackboxsw: sounds good18:05
blackboxswand then manually add the drop cherry-picks line to our new-upstream-snapshot section18:05
blackboxswreworking my diff suggestion to see if that makes sense18:05
blackboxswand then policy-wise anytime we have a hotfix release, we also need to cherry-pick the release changelog sections into upstream/ubuntu/<release> base branch in preparation for whenever the next SRU is18:06
falcojrso much time spent on a freakin changelog. It'd be faster if we manually curated it at this point18:08
falcojr(not a rant at you, just a rant :P )18:08
blackboxswdiff updated https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1693#pullrequestreview-1087280009 and yes I did that manually 18:09
ubottuPull 1693 in canonical/cloud-init "Ubuntu/jammy" [Open]18:09
blackboxswno cherry-pick please. don't waste your time finding the commitish18:09
blackboxswI'm with you on spending too much time on accounting basically18:09
falcojrblackboxsw: thanks, you're quicker on that than me18:09
blackboxswfalcojr: my patch was for focal, but I put in on the jammy branch :/18:10
blackboxswwill add that diff to focal.... updating jammy now18:10
falcojrheh, all good. I'll get them worked out18:10
blackboxswfaster and "wronger"18:11
blackboxswpatches corrected for focal and jammy18:18
blackboxswrebuilding now to confirm no lints18:18
blackboxswjammy w/ patch no debian/* diffs unaccounted for in d/changelog https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sRgddwSsTP/18:19
blackboxswand makes our topmost d/changelog section "clean" when reviewing the supplemental diff18:19
falcojrblackboxsw: actually now I have duplicated changelog entries18:23
falcojrI should remove the postinst redact from 22.3 since we have it in the hotfix, right?18:24
blackboxswfalcojr: good pt. yes remove the duplcated lines that show up again in the top-most section. (because they were already officially released via hotfix publish)(18:24
falcojrblackboxsw: I think all 3 are up to date now18:28
blackboxswok today I'm documenting the hotfix process for uss-tableflip:doc/ubuntu_release_process.md too18:30
blackboxswwe had a breadcrumb in there, but not enough18:30
blackboxswwe had a breadcrumb in there, but not enough ... and nothing in cloud-init RTD content... probably want that too18:31
blackboxswat least from a tag perspective 18:31
blackboxswso others can track whether upstream releases have followup hotfixes18:31
falcojrblackboxsw: part of it is that we're doing some new things so making it up as we go18:32
blackboxswbionic/focal/jammy uploads good19:23
blackboxswPRs & tags pushed to upstream19:24
falcojrblackboxsw or holmanb: if either of you are still around we have a request in #ubuntu-release (pinged here because we're all here) 23:03

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