
=== pizzaiolo is now known as pizza
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:05
oSoMoNgood morning bittin 06:21
didrocksgood morning oSoMoN, bigon 06:23
jibelGood morning06:28
seb128goood morning desktopers!06:30
dufluHi oSoMoN, bittin, didrocks, jibel, seb128 06:32
didrockshey duflu, seb128, jibel 06:39
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, jibel, seb128 06:43
oSoMoNhey duflu 06:43
seb128hey duflu, lut didrocks oSoMoN , how are you?06:45
oSoMoNI'm feeling good, how are you?06:46
dufluseb128, not bad. You?06:47
seb128I'm alright, I slept better, temperature went down by ~10°C :)06:47
seb128oSoMoN, lissyx, https://github.com/brailcom/speechd/commit/43a967b1 fyi06:49
ubottuCommit 43a967b in brailcom/speechd "Make all modules provide a list of voices"06:49
seb128he also rolled a new version and started packaging it for Debian, I will merge in Ubuntu once it's uploaded06:50
lissyxah nice06:51
ubottuCommit 68c12d3 in brailcom/speechd "Add SPEECHD_CMD environment variable"07:10
lissyxI'm wondering if it could be related to the issue07:10
lissyxoSoMoN, except by stage-packages + prime of /usr/bin/speech-dispatcher, would there be another way to make it visible to the snap?07:12
lissyxseb128, do you know if it is going to make it to 18.04 as well?07:15
oSoMoNlissyx, the speech-dispatcher binary doesn't need to be in the snap, right? the app should use the host's binary07:23
lissyxwell I think it could07:24
lissyxbut I dont see /usr/bin/speech-dispatcher when inside the snap07:24
oSoMoNbut you don't need to see it, the app communicates with it through the lib (using a socket), doesn't it?07:25
lissyxyes and no07:27
lissyxit has this auto spawn mechanism07:27
lissyxit needs to run the binary somehow07:27
seb128lissyx, oSoMoN, the code in the referenced url suggests the lib 'spawn' it by calling subprocess.Popen to start the service binary, which isn't going to work in the snap07:38
seb128I'm going to open a feature request to have proper socket activation using systemd07:39
lissyxseb128, I'm not sure what you are referring to, but it's already verified07:40
lissyx"SPEECHD_CMD=/bin/true spd-say -L" and it breaks07:40
seb128lissyx, you mean?07:40
lissyxthere's no question about how it starts the binary07:40
seb128right, I could have been more assertive in what I wrote07:41
seb128they do need to rewrite the activation in a way which work with confinement07:41
seb128like having a systemd unit and socket activation and rely on systemd to activate it07:41
seb128ah, it's already reported, https://github.com/brailcom/speechd/issues/44807:43
ubottuIssue 448 in brailcom/speechd "enhancement: add systemd socket activation support" [Open]07:43
lissyxseb128, tried to stage speech-dispatcher package and it is not working07:49
lissyxI do have /usr/bin/spd-say exposed but no /usr/bin/speech-dispatcher ?07:50
seb128is it in another path or something?07:50
lissyxseb128, and with socket activation we would still need to grant access for $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock on snapd side, right07:51
seb128that's how things work for other services like at-spi07:51
seb128I don't except that ^ to be an issue, did mardy reply to you yesterday?07:52
seb128we should already propose that tweak imho, it would be a first step and make it easier to workaround for users even if the autoactivation is not working07:53
lissyxseb128, but all of that is not going to be fixed on 1804 I guess08:09
seb128lissyx, no, but 18.04 ships with firefox with a deb08:18
lissyxseb128, but it is still impacted by bogus speech-dispatcher08:19
seb128lissyx, right, we could consider SRUing the fixes for the missing voices to older Ubuntu series08:22
lissyxis speech-dispatcher part of the default docker image?08:23
seb128but I don't think we want changes like reworking the activation to be SRUed, if/when that lands08:23
lissyxI'm a bit lost in our TaskCluster setup08:23
seb128I don't know, I'm not familiar with the Ubuntu docker image08:23
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lissyxseb128, I see at-spi references in desktop_legacy interface09:15
lissyxI guess that's where I should do it as well09:15
seb128lissyx, yes, I pointed that one yesterday, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/11208/files , I think it should be a similar just for the other socket09:16
ubottuPull 11208 in snapcore/snapd "interfaces: allow access to new at-spi socket location in desktop-legacy" [Merged]09:16
lissyxseb128, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/12081/files09:26
ubottuPull 12081 in snapcore/snapd "Bug 1787245 - Grant access to speech-dispatcher socket" [Open]09:26
lissyxseb128, rebuilt locally with that change, installed snapd09:26
seb128lissyx, I gave my +1 but I'm not part of the snapd team so we need another review, should be easy to get though09:28
lissyxyeah but it's not working so far09:29
seb128even if you spawn the service manually from outside the snap?09:30
seb128can you verify from a snap run --shell env that you can access the socket as expected?09:30
lissyxthat's what I am doing09:30
lissyxuser@ubuntu-2204-snap:/home/user$ ls -hal /run/user/1000/snap.firefox/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock09:31
lissyxls: cannot access '/run/user/1000/snap.firefox/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock': No such file or directory09:31
lissyxuser@ubuntu-2204-snap:/home/user$ ls -hal /var/run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock09:31
lissyxsrwxrwx--- 1 user user 0 ao\u00fbt  26 11:31 /var/run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock09:31
lissyx$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ does not see it09:31
seb128I'm unsure how to properly test snapd changes, #snappy or jamesh can probably help you09:32
seb128did you rebuild the deb or the snap?09:32
lissyxeven forcing, $ SPEECHD_ADDRESS=/var/run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock spd-say -L09:32
lissyxFailed to connect to Speech Dispatcher:09:32
lissyxUnknown or unsupported communication method09:32
lissyxI rebooted the VM09:32
seb128snapd has some magic to autorefresh and re-exec so it can update itself even if the deb isn't updated09:33
seb128so if you rebuilt the deb that might not be the snapd code in use09:33
lissyxI rebuilt the deb, rebooted09:33
seb128I think you need to rebuild the snap09:33
seb128jamesh, ^ can you help to clarify how to test snapd changes?09:33
lissyx"snap changes" does not respect LC_ALL=C ?09:34
lissyxit does not show any snapd changes at least09:34
jameshlissyx: wait for the CI run to complete, then download the "snap-files" artifact from https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/actions/runs/2932666861 (I got here by clicking the "Checks" tab at the top of the PR, then chose "Tests" from the list on the right).09:36
jameshlissyx: unzip that, then install the snap with "snap install --dangerous snapd_*.snap"09:37
lissyxjamesh, can you check that at least the changes are good?09:37
jameshlissyx: you can then switch back to main line snapd with "snap refresh --amend --stable snapd"09:37
lissyx$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/ seems not to be /var/run/user/1000/09:37
jameshlissyx: looking.09:38
seb128brb, changing location09:38
jameshlissyx: snaps currently run with a private XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, which will be found at "$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/snap.$SNAP_NAME". You'll probably need to update the desktop-launch script from Snapcraft's gnome extension to either set an environment variable or symlink the speech-dispatcher dir.09:39
lissyxjamesh, that's not really answering my question09:41
lissyxjamesh, granting "/{,var/}run/user/[0-9]*/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock" gets us access to what, inside the snap?09:41
lissyxI dont have access to the artifacts at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/runs/8033511152?check_suite_focus=true09:43
lissyxah yeah it's on the summary page09:44
lissyxpoor github ui once again09:44
jameshlissyx: it'll allow you to connect to that socket. The problem is that for the snap, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not /run/user/1000 (or whatever). So libraries looking for the socket based on that env variable won't work automatically.09:44
lissyxand yay for github blocking non auth usesr to download artifacts ...09:44
jameshlissyx: This basically comes down to a decision that seemed good at the time, but has caused its own set of problems. I'd like to get to a point where we expose a private XDG_RUNTIME_DIR at the expected location and the interfaces bind mount in the corresponding files, but it is non-trivial to implement.09:46
lissyxI guess I should stop working09:47
lissyxnow it's nautilus that decided I dont have to connect anonymous on my NAS but I need to issue user/pass09:48
lissyxok now I get snapd listed in snap changes09:51
lissyxjamesh, and it is still not working09:51
lissyxuser@ubuntu-2204-snap:/home/user$ SPEECHD_ADDRESS=/var/run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock spd-say -L09:52
lissyxFailed to connect to Speech Dispatcher:09:52
lissyxUnknown or unsupported communication method09:52
lissyxuser@ubuntu-2204-snap:/home/user$ SPEECHD_ADDRESS=/run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock spd-say -L09:52
lissyxFailed to connect to Speech Dispatcher:09:52
lissyxUnknown or unsupported communication method09:52
lissyxuser@ubuntu-2204-snap:/home/user$ ls -hal /var/run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock /run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock09:52
lissyxsrwxrwx--- 1 user user 0 ao\u00fbt  26 11:52 /run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock09:52
lissyxsrwxrwx--- 1 user user 0 ao\u00fbt  26 11:52 /var/run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock09:52
lissyxuser@ubuntu-2204-snap:/home/user$ 09:52
lissyxand yes, the speech-dispatcher server was working09:53
jameshlissyx: if you're running your modified snapd, you should be able to see the policy changes for a snap that plugs desktop-legacy in /var/lib/snapd/apparmor/profiles09:53
jameshThe AppArmor policies should have been regenerated and loaded into the kernel when you installed the new snapd snap09:53
lissyxyes it is there09:54
jameshIf you've got a fairly small test snap, you could try running it with "snap run --strace"09:55
lissyxI dont09:56
lissyxand strace on spd-say outside of snap was huge09:56
lissyxwith an inet_socket setup it was working inside the snap09:57
jameshlissyx: looking at https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/brailcom/speechd/blob/master/doc/speech-dispatcher.html#Setting-Communication-Method it seems you can't just use the socket path in SPEECHD_ADDRESS09:57
jameshYou probably want SPEECHD_ADDRESS=unix_socket:/run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock09:58
lissyxfor some reason outside of the snap it was working without unix_socket:09:59
jameshmaybe it tries a default address if $SPEECHD_ADDRESS doesn't work, and the fallback didn't work for the snap10:00
lissyxit was definitively doing weird things10:00
lissyxjamesh, ok it's racy to get firefox to talk with speech-dispatcher10:02
lissyxjamesh, but I got it10:03
lissyxso the PR should be enough at that point10:03
lissyxseb128, the socket activation bug is old, do you think we can expect to get it fixed soonish?10:04
seb128lissyx, it was tagged as needshelp so it might be a sign that they don't really know what to do10:10
seb128we could try to help but it doesn't seem an high priority issue or feature so I've mixed feelings about it10:11
lissyxwe're breaking accessibility10:11
lissyxthat sounds a bit not cool to me10:12
seb128is that an accessiblity feature?10:12
seb128screen reader is working10:12
seb128I don't know what TTS is for exactly10:12
lissyxWebSpeech API10:13
lissyxseb128, if it's not going to happen soonish, we should (sorry, it's not nice but) have speech-dispatcher exposed in the snap then10:16
ubottuIssue 336 in brailcom/speechd "Support socket activation" [Open]10:17
seb128lissyx, I'm fine with that10:17
lissyxthere was already this one10:17
seb128ah, James had commented on it :)10:17
lissyxseb128, there is already a set of those files10:18
lissyxI even got tricked by it, I thought it was the way to run it10:18
seb128so maybe it's easy to do the remining work10:18
lissyxnot the .socket10:19
lissyxjamesh, is this you? https://github.com/brailcom/speechd/issues/33610:19
ubottuIssue 336 in brailcom/speechd "Support socket activation" [Open]10:19
seb128lissyx, the current systemd unit is a system one and the readme recommends not using it this way10:19
jameshlissyx: yes.10:20
lissyxseb128, that being said, prime did nnot work in my case and I dont know how to debug that further10:20
lissyxThis part is missing libraries that cannot be satisfied with any available stage-packages known to snapcraft:10:21
lissyx- libdotconf.so.010:21
lissyx- libespeak-ng.so.110:21
lissyxThese dependencies can be satisfied via additional parts or content sharing. Consider validating configured filesets if this dependency was built.10:21
lissyxso I need to change my hat to "linker that reads ldd output"10:21
lissyxlet's see if priming the speech-dispatcher can make autospawn work10:26
=== Droid is now known as Maik
mdeslaurlooks like the power management control panel got lobotomized in 22.04...what's the trick to getting a laptop to suspend when closing the lid with an external monitor attached?11:26
mdeslauris editing HandleLidSwitchDocked=ignore in logind.conf the way to do this, or is there a proper gui somewhere%11:37
seb128I don't think there is a GUI, and I don't think the settings shrinked, we didn't have that option before either11:44
lissyxseb128, oSoMoN have you ever tried hg clone --stream?11:45
lissyxit seems to speed up the build quite a bit11:45
seb128that's one for oSoMoN, I didn't11:45
seb128mdeslaur, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1793918 btw11:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1793918 in gnome-tweaks (Ubuntu) "Add/reintroduce setting to enable suspend on lid-close with external monitors attached" [Low, Confirmed]11:45
mdeslaurseb128: hrm, thanks...the logind thing didn't work11:46
seb128mdeslaur, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-settings-daemon/-/issues/11111:47
ubottuIssue 111 in GNOME/gnome-settings-daemon "Allow suspend with external monitor connected" [Opened]11:47
seb128mdeslaur, https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/sci5is/suspend_laptop_closing_lid_while_connected_to_an/ also11:47
seb128needs /etc/UPower/UPower.conf IgnoreLid=true it seems11:48
mdeslaurwow, thanks for your morning google-fu, mine failed for some reason :)11:48
oSoMoNlissyx, no I didn't, my hg-fu is rather bad11:49
lissyxmine as well11:49
lissyxbut paul's an expert :)11:49
lissyxI will run a few more tests11:49
lissyxbut here it looks like it takes down from 10-15min to a few11:49
oSoMoNlissyx, let's go for that in the nightly branch if the improvement is significant11:50
mdeslaurseb128: lol, I installed jammy on the wife's new laptop.She complained that it wasn't suspending when closing the lid. I just tried her old one running bionic and it doesn't either.12:03
mdeslaurchange is hard :)12:04
seb128users... :)12:04
mdeslaurour job would be way easier if we didn't have users :)12:04
lissyxoSoMoN, here it seems to be stable ~250s12:06
oSoMoNlet me test here12:07
lissyxstill no /usr/bin/speech-dispatcher12:19
lissyxand this time, "prime firefox" does not show any warning12:20
seb128lissyx, can you share your snapcraft.yaml?12:20
oSoMoNdata transfer was pretty fast here ("transferred 3.88 GB in 95.3 seconds (41.6 MB/sec)"), but resolving deltas and whatnot still took just under 11 minutes12:20
lissyxoSoMoN, delta took ~1m12:22
lissyxbut I'm building with 96 cores 96GB RAM12:22
lissyxmanually running "prime firefox" shows different results :[12:24
oSoMoNhaha, I can't beat 96 cores and 96GB of RAM with my 12 cores and 64GB of RAM12:26
jbichahappy Friday12:26
oSoMoNhappy Friday jbicha !12:26
lissyxstill nothing in /usr/bin/speech-dispatcher12:27
lissyxso it's building fine, but there is nothing, what kind of magic is this12:27
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seb128lissyx, want to share your snapcraft.yaml so I can try?12:34
lissyxI shared the diff12:34
KGB-0gnome-online-accounts ubuntu/master a93c01c Sebastien Bacher debian/ changelog patches/series patches/0002-livepatch-auth.patch * https://deb.li/ixgMR12:43
KGB-0* debian/patches/0002-livepatch-auth.patch:12:44
KGB-0  - remove the livepatch integration, it's not used anymore since12:44
KGB-0    that's handled by 'ua' now12:44
KGB-0gnome-online-accounts ubuntu/master 8e03174 Sebastien Bacher debian/changelog * upload to ubuntu * https://deb.li/4Ctd12:44
jbicharicotz: I'm glad your LO migrated quickly this time :)12:48
lissyxoSoMoN, fix what I could for hunspell13:01
ricotzjbicha, the launchpad builders aren't grumpy anymore :)13:03
lissyxseb128, https://paste.debian.net/1251759/13:03
lissyxthere's a bogus line13:04
seb128lissyx, that has no mention of speech-dispatcher?13:04
lissyx(but it was not there before)13:04
lissyxseb128, line 28713:05
seb128interesting, why is firefox doing no matching in ctrl-F on "speec" but it does when I add the 'h'?!13:06
seb128ah, I had the words only checkbox ticked for some reason13:06
seb128lissyx, l288, are you sure it's fine to add 2 items on one line?13:07
seb128or is that the boggus line you mentioned13:07
lissyxseb128, no, but that was nnot there before13:07
lissyxyeah that's the one13:07
lissyxoSoMoN, do you know the status of pipewire with firefox snap?13:14
lissyxseb128, i'm doing a last build and I think I'm done for the week13:16
seb128lissyx, ack, I started a build here but it's likely to take a while13:17
seb128and as I said that I got a build fail...13:17
* seb128 deletes the apikey section and retry13:18
KGB-2gnome-online-accounts signed tags a26ea6e Sebastien Bacher ubuntu/3.45.2-0ubuntu3 * gnome-online-accounts Debian release 3.45.2-0ubuntu3 * https://deb.li/qCwF13:24
KGB-2gnome-online-accounts ubuntu/master 70cb257 Sebastien Bacher debian/ changelog control control.in gnome-online-accounts.install * https://deb.li/38yY113:24
KGB-2* debian/gnome-online-accounts.install:13:24
KGB-2  - Don't list the lpa_helper script anymore13:24
KGB-2* debian/control.in:13:24
KGB-2  - remove the python3 and python3-macaroonbakery depends, they were13:24
KGB-2    needed for the livepatch helper which has been removed13:24
KGB-2gnome-online-accounts ubuntu/master 5e33d45 Sebastien Bacher debian/changelog * upload to ubuntu * https://deb.li/Hy6h13:24
lissyxseb128, built, installed and nothing13:31
lissyxand no error / warning during the build13:31
lissyxeven the libs I added are not  there13:32
lissyxoh no13:33
lissyxI was looking in /usr13:34
lissyxnot in $SNAP/usr ...13:34
lissyxspd-say -L does not respect SPEECHD_CMD13:35
seb128lissyx, so speech-dispatcher is in your snap just not in the location you were checking?13:36
lissyxyeah ...13:36
seb128k, great :)13:36
lissyxand spd-say still insist on /usr13:36
lissyxlibspeechd seems as well13:36
lissyx$ env|grep SPEECHD13:37
lissyxuser@ubuntu-2204-snap:/home/user$ spd-say -L13:37
lissyxFailed to connect to Speech Dispatcher:13:37
lissyxError: Can't connect to unix socket /run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock: Connection refused. Autospawn: Autospawn failed. Spawn error 8: Failed to execute child process \u201c/usr/bin/speech-dispatcher\u201d (No such file or directory)13:37
lissyxI'll deal with that next week.13:39
seb128lissyx, enjoy the weekend!13:39
seb128lissyx, it works on my normal system13:42
seb128$ export SPEECHD_CMD=/tmp/speech-dispatcher 13:42
seb128$ spd-say -O13:42
seb128$ ps aux |  grep speech-dis13:42
seb128seb128    288773  0.0  0.0 120036  2364 ?        Ssl  15:42   0:00 /tmp/speech-dispatcher --spawn --communication-method unix_socket --socket-path /run/user/1000/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock13:42
lissyxseb128, yes, it works also on my system13:43
lissyxnont inside the snap13:43
seb128k, so more snap fun for next week13:43
seb128try to wipe that from memory and enjoy the weekend meanwhile ;)13:43

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