
=== OpenSource is now known as linux
=== luis220413_ is now known as luis220413
luis220413Is anyone from the security or SRU teams here? I know availability is limited on Saturdays but this update fixes over 20 CVEs in Xen, including critical ones.17:34
luis220413This is bug 197889117:34
ubottuBug 1978891 in xen (Debian) "[SRU] Upgrade to 4.16.2 for Jammy" [Unknown, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197889117:34
luis220413I will return in 45 minutes but will see your messages.17:37
luis220413I returned.18:03
tewardsbeattie: in the off chance you're around hit me up via DM here or on teward[m]22:39
teward(since you're on community)22:39

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