
=== OpenSource is now known as linux
lkthomasfolks, why GRUB "splash" is blocking tty1 command prompt ?15:43
fooI am trying to update my docker image and getting this ubuntu error: https://bpa.st/NMBA - any thoughts? I take it 3.6 is depreciated and no longer support... but I don't have that explicitly defined anywhere in my docker image.17:22
tomreynfoo: did you    apt(-get) update     before attempting to install packages?17:23
tomreynthe current libpython3.6-dev version in bionic (18.04 LTS) would be 3.6.9-1~18.04ubuntu1.8 but your system is trying to get 3.6.9-1~18.04ubuntu1.717:24
tomreynsee also line 14, which tells you what to do17:25
footomreyn: thank you, err, I needed to run apt-get update... err, can't believe my Dockerfile script has been wrong for this many years.17:32
tomreynembarrassing, isn't it? ;-P17:40
mybalzitchexperience is the name we give our mistakes18:12
jortalim bilding ubuntu server19:44
=== PeGaSuS_ is now known as PeGaSuS

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