[04:59] Fallen: I've not yet gotten any response from the Ubuntu MATE people about the screenshots. Perhaps Discourse was the wrong place to ask? Any suggestions for how to contact them, or do we just wait? (I also pinged Martin Wimpress in #ubuntu-flavors about it, and got no response as of yet.) [05:51] arraybolt3: Martin responded to me privately he'd take care on the weekend. Let's give him another day or two. [05:52] Fallen: Nice, then that's it! I have screenshots for all the other flavors except for those who were satisfied with the existing screenshots. Whenever you want them, let me know. [05:52] (All of them have been given an OK by the developers of the respective flavors.) [05:52] (Or at least by one developer.) [06:08] Actually, I'm wrong, the Xubuntu screenshot was given an OK by kryta_rik (intentionally misspelling nick to avoid an unwelcome ping), but not by bluesaber or Unit19_3, so I still need to double-check that. [06:09] Great work so far! Once you have the shot from Martin and confirmation feel free to email me the results. Are all shots 16:9 now? [06:10] I believe so, and I also believe they're all Full HD. [06:10] * arraybolt3[m] double-checks [06:11] The Kubuntu one is actually 2560×1440, but yes they are all 16:9. [06:11] Perfect:) [06:15] OK, just asked for final confirmation in #xubuntu-devel, so that way everything will be right. === ravage_ is now known as ravage === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje