[00:02] jbwncster: Do you have a specific support question? Because the entire time you've been in here, you've been rattling off complaints, not really asking for help with anything, which is what this channel is for. [00:02] I use an hdmi adapter to my laptop [00:02] For my one vga monitor [00:03] Eickmeyer[m]: And the external monitor just blanked - so running both isn't the fix. Just in case the issue comes by again... [00:04] pg: I suspect a hardware problem with the vga cable, vga output, or the monitor. [00:04] Most likely, the light is going out. [00:04] I've had that happen before, had to replace the monitor. [00:05] Eickmeyer[m]: No, it works just fine on a laptop that is unfortunatly running windows [00:06] pg: Then I'm out of ideas. [00:06] Eickmeyer[m]: Yes, me too. lol. [00:09] pg: Still might be worth the HDMI for the cleaner signal. [00:11] Eickmeyer[m]: Assuming it will work better on the hdmi port [00:12] is there a packaging related channel? alis didn't really help in this regard [00:12] murmel: #ubuntu-devel would be your best bet. [00:13] Eickmeyer[m]: thanks [00:13] or #packaging on oftc [00:13] murmel: ^ [00:14] enigma9o7[m]: it's more about handling the sbuild launchpad stuff. as I can't get sbuild to include the orig.tar.gz in the sources.changes file [00:14] as debian doesn't have that issue [00:14] murmel: You might have to add -sa to your debuild -S line. [00:15] Eickmeyer[m]: which is on the host system, I want to create the file in sbuild chroots [00:15] and sbuild for some reason always includes -b for dpkg-buildpackage, there seems to be no way to override it [00:16] Ohhhh... yeah, I don't package like that. I just do "debuild -S" for everything and then upload my .changes file with "dput". [00:16] Eickmeyer[m]: the problem is, I have a few packages which need dependencies for building the source.changes file, which I really don't want to have on the host system [00:17] and for some reason, launchpad doesn't detect that the version is already uploaded, which means I have to include orig.tar.gz [00:17] Oh, for that I just do "debuild -S -d" which gets rid of the need for dependencies. [00:17] for now I am mostly only backporting [00:17] Eickmeyer[m]: which doesn't work always [00:18] I've had it not work in very rare occasions. [00:18] for example, I built systemd 251 which needs dh-package-notes (even the source.changes) [00:18] packaging is hard. i did manage to package something for launchpad, but it wasnt trivial, and gave me more respect for all those who go to the effort to put stuff there for us [00:19] I'm a MOTU, so yeah.... [00:19] and I wouldn't have been able to do it without the help from #packaging in oftc [00:19] enigma9o7[m]: eh, it's more about debian packaging being a bit behind in the tooling imo ;) [00:21] I really wonder why launchpad doesn't allow binary uploads :/ I mean it's a repository for yourself, and not for distribution [00:27] Hello, i am a russian soldier. My tank is currently stuck in the mud in ukraine because of a software error of its operating system. It runs on a modified version of Ubuntu, can you help? [00:28] Do you have a handgun? [00:28] Why is that relevant? Help me with the Ubuntu tank [00:29] Eickmeyer[m]: btw, as a motu, do you know to whom I have to complain that the rmadison server is super slow (anything from 20s to 2m is normal here) [00:30] стреляй себе в голову теперь товарищ [00:31] You are very mean [00:31] Instead of helping [00:34] sounds like user error [00:37] Things must be bad in Ukraine if the Russian soldiers have to tap into wifi signals from Italy to get online. [00:40] "Eickmeyer: btw, as a motu, do..." <- No clue. [00:40] thanks :) [00:53] Eickmeyer[m]: eh, reading the manpage at 3 in the morning _does_ help sometimes. found the flag (--force-orig-source) [00:53] murmel: Heh. Sometimes that helps. :) [00:53] ugh, launchpad still complains [00:53] Mismatch in binaryfulness. [01:10] Is it possible to change the height of the title bar area on gnome apps that do the CSD thing, like gnome-terminal etc? [01:10] I mean like its... I dunno 40 pixels high... any way I can make it 20? [01:11] enigma9o7[m]: you would need to change the theme [01:19] anyone have some recommendations on NVR software? i'd like to buy some reolink cameras and have them record to a common place. [01:21] xibalba: hard to answer, look at https://alternativeto.net/software/blue-iris/ [01:22] thanks === Guest7043 is now known as Polo [02:12] xibalba: Unfortunately they're often locked to proprietary software. Look for open-source open-compatible hardware. [02:17] xibalba: There has to be a lot of stuff about O.S. video systems, probably mostly security oriented. [02:18] checking out this shinobi now [02:25] xibalba: Good luck, I know there is linux software out there that can do cool stuff like zone isolation and movement detection and notification. === Furor is now known as Colere [03:16] in curl how do i iterate through pages [03:23] Still dealing with that disappearing sound issue. By now, I have figured out that whetehre I use espeak or spd-say, sound disappears sooner or later. It seems from journalctl that pulseaudio keeps opening more and more channels (for each epseak request), and never closes them. It soon becomes >64, and then sound simply disappears. Ubuntu's settings now show "dummy output" instead of the two sound cards I listed above. [03:23] And, only a logout+login solves that. pulseaudio -k doesn't solve it [03:46] deego: What hardware are you on? [03:46] I'll add this to a list of bugs to try to reproduce, and if I can reproduce it, I'll file a bug report. [03:53] arraybolt3: intel corp alder lake pch-p high def audio controller, and nvidia corp device 2288 .. from lspci. ubuntu 22.04 lts vanilla [03:53] [03:53] arraybolt3: thanks! [03:53] arraybolt3: i seem to think that overlapping espeaks trigger this lock-up or w/e [03:53] deego: Yeah sure! [03:54] deego: Also the manufacturer and model of your computer may be helpful. [03:54] also, logout doesn't solve this. Only a reboot does [03:54] And this only happens with espeak and spd-say? [03:56] arraybolt3: that's how i triggered this in all my tests so far. once the sound card disapperas, everything does. youtube, etc. Even ubunut's speaker only shows a dummy speaker [03:56] from dmidecode: Manufacturer: System76 Signature: Type 0, Family 6, Model 154, Stepping 3 [03:56] OK. If it can be triggered with other applications, that may be helpful to know, because that will help narrow down whether it's a hardware or software problem. [03:57] will try === linux is now known as Linux [03:57] Wow, System76? I'd expect their hardware to work right with vanilla Ubuntu since they offer it for their hardware instead of Pop!_OS if you want. [03:58] yeah [03:58] deego: Is it a System76 Lemur Pro? Or Galago? Or Gazelle? Or...? [03:59] (Also if there's like a version number next to the model name printed on the system that would be helpful, assuming System76 prints version numbers next to model names like Dell does with "Dell Latitude 7000".) [04:02] arraybolt3: Oryx Pro oryp9 [04:02] Thanks! [04:02] ofc, thank you! [04:10] morning [04:11] JerOfPanic: 👋 [04:14] deego: might be useful to share your dmesg in a paste to the volunteers === greknod1653 is now known as greknod165 === chrfle_ is now known as chrfle === polo__ is now known as Polo [06:19] Eickmeyer: morning - can you point me at any information in getting the -lowlatency kernel as installed by Ubuntu Studio Installer working with NVidia graphics? [06:21] cubase [06:22] cubase [06:36] gordonjcp: it's 11:30 at night for me and I'm headed to bed. You should be able to open software and updates, go to the drivers tab, and make sure the proper Nvidia drivers are installed. [06:38] gordonjcp: If it's already done, open a terminal, and type sudo update-initramfs -u -know all and reboot. [06:38] Mobile is hard [06:39] -u -k all [06:46] Which tree/branch has 5.18 ? [06:47] * fling found https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.18/ === rs200918 is now known as rs2009 === cai72 is now known as cubo [09:44] good day, I have a small embedded motherboard running an ATOM CPU.. which version of ubuntu would be most suitable? lubunto, xbuntu, regular 20. LTS? [09:45] Lubuntu is the lightest I believe, Xubuntu second from there. Go with Lubuntu if you're running Qt apps, Xubuntu if you're using GNOME apps. [09:45] (Full disclosure, I am a Lubuntu Member.) [09:46] I'd stay far far away from full-on Ubuntu on that system - a full GNOME desktop is extraordinarily heavy and will probably bog down a CPU like that (unless recent Intel Atoms have gotten way more powerful recently which I highly dobut). [09:46] *doubt [09:50] arraybolt3 Yes I plan to write Qt based apps for it, right now its all shell based scriptps [09:51] thanks for the advice, I'll go with Lunbtu [09:52] Sure thing, glad to be able to help! Don't forget you can always come back if something starts going awry - both this channel and #lubuntu support Lubuntu. [09:53] ok thank you [09:54] is https://lubuntu.me/ a trusted host to download it from? [09:54] Yes. lubuntu.me is the official website. [09:55] cnnx: do you need a gui at all? [09:55] there's a server image for ubuntu [09:55] cbreak: If he's going to be developing Qt apps for it, probably. [09:56] qt can work without gui... but for servers, I wouldn't use it as framework [09:59] webminQt ? [10:13] Hi, uppgraded my LTS install to 22.04 . All went well, when rebooting i get an initial image, but then before seeing loginscreen monitor turns black and reports unsupported resolution. Machine is reachanble via ssh. How do i force a certain resolution that is supported by the monitor, vi commandline ? [10:24] can you switch to an other tty? [10:24] with ctrl-alt-f3 or so? [10:24] hey guys, in ubuntu 22.04 if trash is located at ~/.local/share/ and if I can list the deleted files, how can I restore a file to its original directory? [10:24] brkcore: mv? :) [10:25] I thought so as a second Option, but i was curious if there is a particular to restore it [10:25] as imagine if you have to restore multiple files === Guest7992 is now known as Polo [10:27] cbreak: nope [10:28] cbreak: but i found a quick solution, disable wayland for gdm [10:28] then i get a picture [10:28] so its wayland related [10:29] But this box uses intel integrated graphics and nothing else, ( its an intel nuc ), well, i will have to dig into how i force gdm to use sane resultion when i wayland mode, not sure i ever will figure that out === fling_ is now known as fling [10:39] oh well, guess i will have to do a complete reinstall instead and hope that fixes it, most likely it will [11:10] Will 24.04 lts remove X11 or will that be for 26.04? I know red hat has a plan to soon remove X. [11:19] nintennee: i don't remember reading any announcements on this - but could have missed such. (note that *this* channel is for support on the supported releases - as liste don the channel topic.) [11:20] Ok. Thank you. [11:20] you're welcome [11:21] As I now understand I'm in the wrong channel, where should I take questions for ubuntu development? [11:21] probably the development related mailing lists. [11:22] (though this can be more of a strategic question, and i assume such is not discussed in public.) [11:44] Hey, there's a /home//snap folder in my home directory. Can I delete it? [11:49] defiant, if you do not use snap, removed all snaps and then remove snapd.. yes [11:52] personally I don't use it, but I think Firefox uses it sonce it complains about a pending update each day [11:52] since* [11:52] the is no firefox update every day [11:52] sudo snap refresh [11:52] will update all snaps [11:53] just make sure to close firefox first [11:55] are snap packages installed user-wide or system-wide? [11:55] system-wide but with configurations per user [11:55] ugh [11:57] just like any .deb you install really [11:58] I'm not sure I follow. what did you mean by "configurations per user"? Is it like profiles in ~/.mozilla/firefox ? [11:59] right. just in its own snap folder in your user directory [11:59] ~/snap/firefox/common/.mozilla [11:59] for example [12:01] wait, so the ~/.mozilla folder is no longer used? (I updated from 20.04 to 22.04) [12:01] right [12:02] so the profile must have gotten copied to the snap folder since I didn't see any changes with my profile. That's good to know. I could have gone modifying config files in the mozilla folder and wonder why the changes don't work. [12:03] unless it's a symlink? [12:03] not a symlink [12:03] yeah, it's not. I just checked. [12:09] hello folks. I'm having this weird error on boot: https://0bin.xyz/view/4adf90d3 ; I'm using dual-boot (Windows 11 and Xubuntu), GPT partition [12:09] check for a bios update [12:09] i get some of those too [12:09] same here [12:09] no update available here anymore [12:09] so i just live with it [12:10] no new BIOS updates though. [12:10] well; I suppose I have to live with it then :D [12:12] Question, is the mono that comes with ubuntu 22.04 new enough? Is it necessary to enable to mono repos or can I just use what ubuntu comes with? [12:12] that depends on the application you want to run [12:14] Speaking of mono, the latest version is compiled against 20.04. [12:14] On the mono repos [12:14] possible [12:14] Is wayland available for 20.04? [12:14] yes [12:15] I thought there were issues with nvidia in wayland 20.04. [12:15] Unless the drivers have been updated. [12:15] that is also true [12:15] 22.04 has "way" better wayland support [12:16] Can I safely add a 20.04 repository to 22.04? [12:16] no [12:17] ubuntu has 6.8 and mono has 6.12, no wonder I had issues last time. [12:18] some guides tell you to add the repo for 20.04 on 22.04 [12:18] PeGaSuS: this has more details on the CPPC issue https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=213023 - 5.18 seems to have a fix / workaround (not sure which) [12:18] but i never tried it and can cause problems of course [12:18] bugzilla.kernel.org bug 213023 in ACPI "Could not resolve symbol [\_PR.CPU0._CPC]" [High, Reopened] [12:19] tomreyn: I'll take a look, thanks! [12:23] also, isn't it better to add a maintained PPA instead a old repo? [13:09] tomreyn: I already posted this bug with a fix to launchpad, but it's getting ignored :( [13:09] what's the best Linux software for making a bootable USB stick with Ubuntu? [13:10] Cursarion: the internal ubuntu disk creator is pretty good [13:11] what's it called? [13:11] "Startuo Disk Creator" [13:12] imma go ahead and do the fresh, full Xubuntu install because some random-ish issues remain on my frankenubuntu [13:14] good idea Cursarion [13:15] murmel: i don't think bug reports are generally ignored, more that they're prioritized, and usually those with greater impact will get handled earlier. i just linked the upstream bug to existing ubuntu bug 1983180 - if yours is a different one, but on the exact same topic, youmay want to declare it a duplicate of this one. [13:15] Launchpad bug 1983180 in linux (Ubuntu) "ACPI Error _CPC not found" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1983180 [13:15] I ran `usb-creator-gtk`, and it says it can't do it. Probably another authentication issue, since it didn't ask for a password or anything [13:16] I added sudo and now it does it. Hopefully nothing breaks. :P [13:18] tomreyn: i don't mind that it's not priority ;) [13:19] "it's getting ignored :(" sounded like you did [13:20] but i'm glad that you do not. [13:21] tomreyn: sorry, I didn't want to sound negative. I do know there is a lot of work, and afaik nothing really is hindering me to work on the laptop. [13:22] tomreyn: I guess the only bug I have which is annoying is that when my screen turns off, the system crashes hard. don't know where to start as journalctl doesn't give me any hints (and that's even with a ubuntu certified laptop) :( [13:24] murmel: i'm not a developer, no need to say 'sorry' to me. ;-) i also have a bunch of open bug reports, some for 10+ years, where i don't really understand why they're not being taken on. but then, i'm just using this distribution and not contributing too much, so i guess i can't complain. === de-facto_ is now known as de-facto [13:24] tomreyn: hey, basically in the same boat, but at the same time, getting into packaging right now ;) [13:25] whats that bug ID of yours murmel ? [13:25] lotuspsychje: let me look it up [13:26] murmel: "crashing hard" sounds like you need to do kernel debugging. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Debugging https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelDebuggingTricks [13:27] oh the only thing I don't understand is, I got a bugreport about phased updates being shown in apt update / apt upgrade, but that was smashed down with won't fix as the new implementation doesn't have that feature to hide the updates. the weird part to me is, you can't find the report anymore, except you have the bug# [13:29] murmel: if you click your username on LP you can see all your affected bugs [13:30] lotuspsychje: sure, but you can't find it anymore per search [13:30] murmel: are you saying the bug report can only be accessed by it's bug ID but not be found on a search? if so, how did you search for it, and what's the bug id? [13:31] tomreyn: let me log into my email so I can grab the bug# [13:31] i would have a hard time preventing you from doing so [13:32] tomreyn: lol [13:32] just activate the kill switch you have on all of their devices [13:35] lotuspsychje: so the title is "opt out of phased updates - still shown" bug#1983730 [13:35] Bug 1983730 in apt (Ubuntu) "opt out of phased updates - still shown" [Undecided, Won't Fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1983730 [13:35] i just verified with even searching for the title [13:38] murmel: does your apt bug relate to your crashes? [13:38] lotuspsychje: the bug about the pcre stuff is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1978359 [13:38] Launchpad bug 1978359 in linux (Ubuntu) "boot kernel errors" [Undecided, Confirmed] [13:39] lotuspsychje: no, I still have to bisect the kernel, as journalctl can't tell me anything useful [13:39] but I have to dig deeper still [13:39] at least with ubuntu 22.04 the panel self refresh works so I don't have to disable it (otherwise I have artifacts all over the place) [13:40] murmel: you could try disable secureboot for starters, see if that helps [13:40] lotuspsychje: already did that + reinstalling without encryption, same issue [13:41] this dell is cursed :( [13:41] murmel: i assume your kernel is up to date too now instead of kernel 5.15.0-37-generic? [13:41] 46 ;) [13:41] ok great [13:43] Can i run a virtual machine with hardware virtualization  I have an 8 core cpu 4 gb ram [13:43] murmel: there is a big acpi known bug out there too, maybe its you too? bug #1981783 [13:43] Bug 1981783 in Linux "there is an ACPI error message every time it booting" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1981783 [13:43] After installing ubuntu 22.04 my Atom application crashes each time I try to open a project. The temp solution provided on internet about starting atom with flag '--sandbox' does not help. [13:43] lotuspsychje: I don't believe that's the case for my case, as the gm kernel (26?) was running without these messages [13:44] and the newer kernels does make it go away (5.18 afair, as it was posted in the bugreport with the fix in the link) [13:48] murmel: about searching for the bug report that is status "Won't fix": I think, by default, search omits bugs with this status - but you can always modify how you're searching. [13:49] tomreyn: ahh, I was just weirded out, as I assume I won't be the last one to maybe file a bug because of that. my email setup is "spamming" me with updates available :S [13:49] and now you can't find it [13:49] at least with the default search entry [13:50] see "advanced search", "won't fix" is unticked by default [13:51] ticking it and searching for your bug title finds it [13:51] yes I agree, just saying that it's not the first thought I have to tick that box, when I search / want to file a bug [13:52] which means most won't find it probably [13:52] it may still be found via web search, either directly, or through the mailing list posts. [13:53] hopefully :) [13:54] (but "won't fix" is such a strong statement that i'd hope they're usually well reasoned.) [13:55] hermano: by "atom application", are you referring to a software targetting atom CPUs, some third party text editor, or something else? [13:55] I mean it sounds like the phased updates feature was reimplemented. and in the new implementation there is no way to hide it (or hide by default like the old one). So I can understand that they won't fix it. but at the same time I wonder why this was never on the table (at least seen from the outside) [13:56] tomreyn, Sorry, meant IDE atom text editor. [13:56] hermano: hmm, i think this is not part of ubuntu, so it'd be best to seek support there with where you obtained the software from. [13:57] additionally atom IDE is eol [13:57] tomreyn, Thanks. [14:00] murmel: i couldn't tell why the choice was made like it was, other than what juliank described. and, yes, i think there were recent changes to phased updates - i think there was also a blog post about it. [14:00] tomreyn: blog post? I only ever saw the forum thread + the super basic people.canonical.com website about which packages are phased [14:01] lotuspsychje: after reading the bug report which you linked about the bios. sounds very likely that mine is a duplicate [14:01] yeah, i see the same kind of acpi errors in yours murmel [14:02] murmel: hmm you're right i think i was referring to https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/phased-updates-in-apt-in-21-04/20345 [14:02] murmel: your crashes might have a different root though, nothing in /var/crash ? [14:03] lotuspsychje: for now no. but I will test it later, roughly 1-2 hrs depending when my pc is idling [14:03] tomreyn: yup that's the thread I was talking about [14:03] murmel: and, if i read this correctly: i'm also frustrated with the lack of documentation on newly introduced defaults over the past years. [14:04] murmel: i wonder if your dell would benefit an oem kernel [14:04] lotuspsychje: shouldn't it have one, as it's a certified device? [14:04] no idea honestly [14:04] murmel: well its weird, sometimes a brand installs oem kernel by default and sometimes not [14:05] murmel: maybe apt-cache oem or somerville [14:06] apt-cache search sorry [14:06] lotuspsychje: yeah I assume linux-oem-22.04. will definitely test out. but _very_ sure that ubuntu should install oem kernels if they detect a certified device. but maybe this device is already so old it doesn't need the oem kernel anymore (4 years) [14:07] well in case of crashes, might be useful to test one [14:07] oh I am fine with testing it a bit more, as I would love to have a "normal" system :> [14:07] murmel: did you have ubuntu releases on this same dell working like a charm? [14:08] lotuspsychje: can't say, as I bought this second hand. (foreign country, my laptop died) [14:08] installed jammy on it right away then? [14:09] yeah, not even booted up windows. (only in store to make sure no hw failure is shown in the windows logs) [14:11] murmel: maybe its an idea to file a new bug, since your apt or acpi bug are prob unrelated to your crashes right [14:11] that also will give the devs an update dmesg on latest jammy kernel without secureboot [14:12] lotuspsychje: apt was never in this list ;), just something I bugreported as my servers are telling me on a daily basis that there are updates :( [14:17] what is the default ubuntu studio audio recording app [14:17] just learning more about studio [14:18] laguna: #ubuntustudio may be a better place for lubuntustudio *specific* questions [14:18] ok tom [14:28] lotuspsychje: do you happen to know which difference exists between linux-oem-22.04 and linux-oem-22.04a? [14:28] description doesn't say anythng [14:29] murmel: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1413092/what-is-the-difference-between-linux-oem-22-04-and-linux-oem-22-04a-packages [14:29] thanks :) [14:30] ahm, not really explaining a lot. I guess i stick without the a [14:31] murmel: before trying oem kernel, i would file a bug ; ubuntu-bug linux and explain your crash story [14:31] so afterwards, they can still trace your current logs/situation [14:31] after that, you can keep your bug up to date with new tests [14:31] lotuspsychje: oh definitely, just wanted to already look at what I need to do to test out the oem kernel, as I am still waiting for my compilation [14:45] murmel: this guy claims the oem repo is not needed anymore; https://jtuto.com/upgraded-from-ubuntu-20-0-4-to-ubuntu-22-04-1-lts-and-facing-issue-in-apt-update/ [14:46] and the only package in jammy i find is oem-somerville-tentacool-meta - hardware support for Dell XPS 13 9320 [14:47] lotuspsychje: I didn't even know that there were oem repos xD [14:50] lotuspsychje: I will just try and see what happens. an apt purge is just a second away :) [14:50] yeah :p === jje11 is now known as jje1 === me3653 is now known as me365 === mickey73 is now known as mickey7 === Ecko9 is now known as Ecko === s8n3 is now known as s8n === catbeard0 is now known as catbeard === rickard5 is now known as rickard === ksx4system_ is now known as ksx4system === Juan- is now known as Juan === kantlive- is now known as kantlivelong === Bebef0 is now known as Bebef === chadler3 is now known as chadler === mort0 is now known as mort === wbrawner_ is now known as wbrawner === synapt is now known as nate === ravage_ is now known as ravage === ydnar is now known as Randy_ === Nebraskka_ is now known as Nebraskka === NightMonkey_ is now known as NightMonkey === hasley is now known as mahler === pizzaiolo is now known as pizza === southey2 is now known as foxtrot === jesopo is now known as jess === kudan_ is now known as kudan [16:17] lotuspsychje_: so I tried 5.17 (oem) and as far as I can read the logs, the kernel does not crash, but the screen doesn't come back on [16:17] lotuspsychje_: will definitely redo the crash logs and oem logs, so they are easier to depict for me (forgot about waiting a bit so the time is different) [16:17] nice murmel [16:18] lotuspsychje_: idk if not getting the screen back on is nice xD [16:18] well perhaps not, but better then a crash for sure [16:19] oh definitely, not complaining honeslty. I wonder if I connect an external monitor what happens. (sadly can't test that) === jelly-home is now known as jelly [16:35] hello === atol-71 is now known as atol71 === Avago_Broadqual1 is now known as Avago_Broadqual [17:50] I seem to have broken my system by uninstalling nginx and then removing the /etc/nginx directory. Can't get nginx to work again. I've tried apt-get purge. Any usage of apt-get results in nginx errors, even when it doesn't relate to nginx [17:51] cube1: pastebin the error [17:53] cube1: What's your source for the nginx install? [17:58] Hi folks! [17:59] Got a problem. I had a message from the system that the latest version of ubuntu was available. I did/ran the upgrade, seemingly without a problem. [18:00] However, the system won't start now. From grub, I select the latest, but I only get a blank screen. No version will run correctly. Any ideas? Hard for me to give more information. [18:02] johnfg: try pressing F1 at boot process, see if you get any errors on textboot === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [18:03] One thing that doesn't work, is any other console. I try other ttys, but it's not allowing a login. From the blank screen, I can't do anything. I have to do a turnoff/turnon. [18:04] lotuspsychje: I'll give that a try when I get home. At church office at present. [18:05] johnfg: you can also try booting ubuntu in recoverymode (at grub) [18:06] I did try that. The versions I try keep going into initial setup, but apparently nothing gets written when its completed. [18:07] johnfg: setup? [18:10] lotuspsychje: what are you asking for? [18:10] johnfg: not sure what you meant with 'The versions I try keep going into initial setup' [18:14] lotuspsychje: Ok, sorry. From grub, after selecting recovery mode, and choosing on of the options (not the latest kernel, as it crashes), it goes into an intitial setup: asking about keyboard, timezone, other logins, fullname, username, password. But then it goes to a screen with the new 22.04 background, but no menu is available. None of the mouse buttons will bring up any menu either. And I can't [18:14] login to any other tty, as it ... [18:14] ... rejects the login for user, and for root. === ledeni_ is now known as ledeni [18:16] lotuspsychje: did that explain it? [18:16] johnfg: after picking an ubuntu (recoverymode) you will see this https://www.addictivetips.com/app/uploads/2019/03/recovery-clean.png [18:16] johnfg: after that try enable network, then drop to a rootshell to start debugging [18:17] Unfortunately, I can't access to show you without switching back and forth. [18:17] The network does come up in the screen I get, but I can't get to a rootshell. [18:19] johnfg: i never heared dropping to a rootshell didnt work before [18:19] lotuspsychje: Ok, I will give that a try. I probably did miss that. Anything to suggest for the debugging if I get to the root shell? [18:20] !uptodate | johnfg [18:20] johnfg: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`. [18:20] that would be one thing to try [18:20] johnfg: checking if your graphics card drivers loaded, sudo lshw -C video [18:22] lotuspsychje: I'll do all of that. Thanks so much for all the help. Hopefully, I'll be able to give you results from ubuntu-22.04 later today! [18:24] johnfg: if you want to get live support, you could try installing like openbox from the rootshell, boost up your irc client from there [18:28] lotuspsychje: Good idea. Will avail myself of it if needed. Usually, my ubuntu upgrades have gone extremely smooth, better even than my debian. Don't know what happened this time. [18:29] lotuspsychje: Have a great day! ttyl! [18:29] johnfg: black screens could indicate graphics card issues === xet7_ is now known as xet7 === jje2 is now known as jje === pah is now known as pa === Disco is now known as Disconsented [22:56] Well, I'm back, up and running. The main culprit in the upgrade, was/is slapd. I've got passwd entries now in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, and, of course, all works beautifully. I'll need to read the info for slapd to get things back the way they were and I like them. [23:03] I just noticed that firefox is gone, and chromium is installed. That's the new standard? [23:04] No, that's odd. [23:07] Are you sure you didnt install chromium previously? Or uninstall firefox? That would explain it. [23:08] enigma9o7[m]: absolutely not. Firefox was installed in the previous version. I upgraded (with some problems) to 22.04, and firefox was gone, and now I have chromium. [23:09] great scott [23:09] no, impossible. [23:10] Well feel free to install firefox now. [23:10] I suspect you had chromium installed before and forgot about it. [23:10] Or, haxors installed it for you. [23:10] Or your cat did it while you were sleeping. [23:11] oerhawks, all things are possible if you just believe. [23:11] perhaps firefox wwouldnt install but gnome needed a browser and it was like, chromium! [23:14] None of it I believe, except for the cat! Flash, my little 20 lb. kitty may not have liked firefox. He's actually been mistaken for a fox. [23:14] Does upgrade write to a log somewhere? [23:16] maybe in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ [23:17] else /var/log/dpkg.log [23:18] if you diabled snapd manually, you will not have firefox, and also no chromium i guess. [23:18] johnfg: I really hope you weren't saving any important passwords in that instance of Firefox... [23:19] simply uninstalling and reinstalling firefox shouldn't lose anything critical. All user data will still be stored in the home directory, which will be untouched by apt [23:19] array, if he was, cant he just copy the profile over once he gets firefox working again? [23:20] having snapd disabled wouldnt have caused this because both browsers are only available as snap [23:20] this must be a mint issue :-D [23:20] (without unofficial repos) [23:21] what? mint never has issues. [23:21] any issue a mint user has is ubuntu's fault [23:23] have you seen the video where mark shuttleworth arm wrestles clem lefabre? [23:53] mint is broke === overclucker_ is now known as overclucker [23:54] Hi all, I upgraded from Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS but my gcc compiler is a version behind.  I can't seem to build anything from repos. [23:54] standard would be gcc11 ? [23:54] The logs are showing: The kernel was built by: gcc (Ubuntu 11.3.0-5ubuntu1) 11.3.0,  You are using: gcc (Ubuntu 11.2.0-19ubuntu1) 11.2.0 [23:55] yes, that is correct. [23:56] one can install gcc12 [23:56] !info gcc-12 [23:56] gcc-12 (12-20220319-1ubuntu1, jammy): GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Built by gcc-12. Size 71,235 kB / 227,372 kB [23:56] no newer version in toolchain https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ubuntu/test?field.series_filter=jammy [23:57] what problem did you encounter nmatrix9? [23:57] I upgraded from Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS but my gcc compiler is a version behind.  I can't seem to build anything from repos. [23:57] The logs are showing: The kernel was built by: gcc (Ubuntu 11.3.0-5ubuntu1) 11.3.0,  You are using: gcc (Ubuntu 11.2.0-19ubuntu1) 11.2.0 [23:58] !info gcc-11 [23:58] gcc-11 (11.2.0-19ubuntu1, jammy): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Built by gcc-11. Size 19,612 kB / 52,559 kB [23:58] what kernel exactly? from the test ppa? [23:58] 5.19.3-051903-generic [23:59] so you installed a custom kernel..