
lagunawhat is the default ubuntustudio audio recording app14:19
tomreyni wouldn not expect there to be a default. a web search for "ubuntustudio audio recording app" points to https://ubuntustudio.org/tour/audio/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/AudioHandbook/BasicRecordingForMusicians14:21
arraybolt3I know that Audacity and Ardour are both included.14:22
lagunaok they are both ok as far as i can tell14:22
Eickmeyer[m]That's correct. No "default" per se, pick what you need and roll with it.14:25
lagunauh oh..ardour says cannot open alsa device...device or resource busy15:20
lagunabut i don't get that message with audacity15:20
Eickmeyer[m]laguna: Is jack running?15:30
lagunaEickmeyer...yes i think...pavucontrol reports jack sink to pulse15:30
Eickmeyer[m]That's why then. You need to have ardour connect to jack, not alsa.15:31
lagunayes ok it connects to jack and comes up15:35
lagunanow blender doesn't work..it says unsupported graphics card15:36
lagunalet me try k3d15:37
Eickmeyer[m]That doesn't make any sense. I'm not familiar enough with blender to help you though.15:38
lagunaEickmeyer...well k3d works still...but blender needs to be recompiled of this older graphics hardware15:38
Eickmeyer[m]Ah, I see. Yeah, everything for Ubuntu Studio is made with modern, high-performance hardware in mind, so that is something to keep in mind.15:39
lagunayes i will have to...i can still get blender to work on gentoo if i need it15:40
lagunabut k3d is working ok here15:42
lagunak3d and ardour are ok for making short video clips like kara singing in 3 languages that makes people think15:50
lagunaat this url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-pF56-ZYkY15:50
lagunablender 2.79 still works ok on gentoo..is there a way to get that version on ubuntu17:26
lagunaif not...at least k3d still works17:26
lagunadoes ubuntustudio use pitivi for simple video editing18:08
Eickmeyer[m]We have kdenlive installed by default, but pitivi is in the repos.18:09
lagunaor rather video clip making18:09
Eickmeyer[m]shotcut too.18:09
lagunadoes kdenlive need all the kdelibs18:09
Eickmeyer[m]No. The idea that KDE apps need the all of the KDE libs is false anymore. They just get what they need.18:10
lagunaok great18:10
Eickmeyer[m]Hasn't been true since KDE Frameworks 5 came out in 2014.18:11
lagunashotcut looks nice for ubuntu studio18:13
Eickmeyer[m]It is, but we cater to high-performance and professional/prosumer, so kdenlive fits that niche because it's more featureful.18:15
lagunawell i just have hand me down low class hardware..because someone else upgraded18:16
lagunabut you don't need all kinds of features to make $100 million dollar games...just good music, good storyline, and good graphics18:18
Eickmeyer[m]Sure. Customize it how you need it.18:19
lagunaok i got 2..79 source code for blender..i might try to compile it for ubuntu18:34
lagunajust to get a few studio tools workiing18:35

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