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blucaenr0n: I noticed you synced systemd 251.4-1 from salsa10:28
blucabe aware that the .links approach in systemd-resolved had issues and installation was failing when /etc/resolv.conf was bind-mounted (chroot, container, etc)10:28
blucaI'd recommend to sync to 251.4-310:28
laneynishit__: heya, are you aware of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1988119 by any chance? i'm getting a bit of 🔥 due to it10:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1988119 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Update to systemd 237-3ubuntu10.54 broke dns" [Undecided, Confirmed]10:32
laneyit seems to be having a big impact on azure, wondering if you would have any opinion on us backing it out to stop the bleeding?10:33
laneyor any info if it's being looked into elsewhere10:33
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=== jak is now known as juliank
slyonbluca: hey! I reviewed your systemd-repart merge-proposal, thanks for that! And prepared all the changes around it. I have one last question: Why is libssl-dev added as a build dependency? That seems to be unrelated... https://code.launchpad.net/~bluca/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+git/systemd/+merge/427557 Otherwise it looked good and all tests passed10:48
slyonI will be rolling it into the currently pending SRU for Jammy, once that question is resolved10:49
sil2100laney: I proposed to seb128 already that I could revert that systemd -security update to -proposed for now10:51
sil2100Won't help that much but always something10:51
blucaslyon: at the time it was required for an hmac calculation10:51
blucain the latest version we removed that and used a simpler implementation10:51
blucawould you prefer me to backport some patches to do the same?10:52
slyonbluca: no, just having the rational should be good enough. If you could point me to those changes/commits (so I can add it as a reference to my merge-proposal comment), that'd be great!10:53
blucasure, give me a sec10:53
laneysil2100: sounds good, I think the main issue is at upgrade time (reboot seems to fix it) so probably the best we can do right now10:53
blucabtw since you just joined the channel, repeating:10:53
blucaI noticed you synced systemd 251.4-1 from salsa10:53
laneysil2100: do you want to handle the commands or me?10:54
blucabe aware that the .links approach in systemd-resolved had issues and installation was failing when /etc/resolv.conf was bind-mounted (chroot, container, etc)10:54
blucaI'd recommend to sync to 251.4-310:54
slyoncc enr0n ^ (wrt systemd-resolved on 251.4)10:54
sil2100laney: eeek, if you have the time, could you do that? Since I have to handle an interview in 5 minutes, worried that I'll just hastily do stuff and f**k up10:54
slyonthanks for the heads-up, bluca!10:55
laneywell it's probably equivalent to my rustiness on the tools :D10:55
blucaslyon: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/commit/ade99252e2cdd9eeff78566789008996d27e4dc010:55
ubottuCommit ade9925 in systemd/systemd "repart: port to our home-grown hmac_sha256"10:55
sil2100laney: I have the cmdline for moving the update to -proposed, but the removals and copy-from-same will need to be done still10:56
laneyyup, feel free to run the move10:56
laneyI'll do the others10:56
sil2100laney: okay, done! And thanks ;)10:57
laneysil2100: np, happy interview!10:59
laneyokay, should be reverting. sorry if I messed anything up 🙃11:04
slyonbluca: thanks! I think it's all prepared now: https://code.launchpad.net/~bluca/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+git/systemd/+merge/427557/comments/1135060 pushed to https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu/+source/systemd/log/?h=ubuntu-jammy11:07
slyonFYI: enr0n will be driving the Jammy SRU, as I'll be out for a while starting next week11:07
blucafab, thank you very much for taking care of it11:09
enr0nbluca: slyon: thanks, I've caught up on the scrollback now12:48
blucalaney, slyon, enr0n: just an unofficial and backchannel-y heads-up: the 18.04 resolved issue is becoming a bit more than "hot" in the A cloud, it's burning through the floors14:40
schopinAnyone here knowledgeable in nodejs? I'm a bit puzzled by a test that runs in 5s on the Debian CI arm64 runners, and 40s on ours :/14:56
schopin(on a JS package)14:56
slyonbluca: ACK. the security team is hard at work and rolled out updates as we speak15:27
blucagood to know, thanks15:30
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