=== lan3y is now known as laney [19:44] Hello. Recently, instead of upgrading, I did a minimal fresh install. As expected, many apps were missing. I decided to use Firefox as my file viewer, but it's now a snap, so it can't access files outside of $HOME and $SNAP_USER_COMMON. So I came up with my own solution to this problem: https://code.launchpad.net/~kbar/+junk/filefox - Filefox turns the Firefox snap into a file viewer (comes with a custom profile, even). I know it ki [19:44] nd of defeats the purpose of a snap, but this is for those who, like me, do a minimal installation. I use it primarily for viewing PDF files and images. It works surprisingly well. I also tweaked the PDF viewer: when I click on links in PDF files, they are automatically opened in new tabs, instead of interrupting my reading session. [19:47] Feel free to try it out!