[11:19] Hi, I thought advertising was against rules? [11:27] jailbreak, ECONTEXT ? [11:42] What? [11:43] What's that? [11:45] can you give any context to yur line above ? [11:46] Look in offtopic, someone is advertising their GitHub and asking for comments [11:46] I thought advertising was against rules. [11:46] right, it would have been helpful to refer to the channel somehow πŸ™‚ [11:47] I did, above. [11:47] (most of us here are not in -offtopic or lindly follow all possible channels πŸ™‚ [11:47] *blindly [11:47] I see. [11:48] Ah, them again eh? Nice. [11:49] Who again? [11:49] Went by a different nick last time, can't remember it right now though. [11:49] Me? [11:49] the spammer ... [11:50] Oh, yeah. He was banned from oftc too. [11:50] Well, a channel on OFTC at least. Anywho, I'm also not an op of -ot [11:50] No worries ☺️ just thought I'd ask. Take care. [11:54] Aha, I remember now. Anywho, it's not urgent, just if they follow the same pattern here they don't participate in the channel, just randomly link to their work and try to get people to view and comment, the page of course has some way to monitize on it (ads, donate, don't remember or care that much.) They got banned because it got old, basically. [16:49] it's not like jailbreak has been the easiest to get along with either in the past. [16:51] πŸ‘ [19:28] not sure an ignore was going to stop him literally checking to see if we obeyed his wish and then complaining [19:31] easier to ignore the ignore... [19:31] I figure this way when I ban them both I can say they should have followed my advice earlier.. [19:32] and who knows, maybe they do ignore each other, and half the channel noise would go away :) [19:40] yeah. The warning/request was given [19:45] and mane spammed again [19:46] i don't know if he even posts his blog outside of there [19:47] but i see 16 links from him, some repeated, since the 21st [19:49] and a handful (also repeated) early last month [19:50] he used to paste them a bunch in #debian-offtopic on oftc though I think he used a different name (blendie?) at the time [19:51] yeah i can see older channel logs of him spamming other channels but i guess he's banned from them for it [19:52] i do note this is the same guy that we banned years back on oldfn for dead baby jokes [19:55] wow [22:05] Urgh...