
=== EDeanSahutske[m] is now known as sahutsd[m]
sahutsd[m]Hello Everyone. 13:07
sahutsd[m]So my Ubuntu Studio recently upgraded. Now I can't seem to find Online Accounts in Settings13:09
sahutsd[m]Evolution says it's failed to obtain an access token. It was working before the upgrade. 13:11
Eickmeyer[m]sahutsd: Ubuntu Studio doesn't use GNOME desktop, so I don't know what you're talking about.13:11
sahutsd[m]My bad: XFCE13:13
Eickmeyer[m]Are you on 20.04 or 22.04?13:14
sahutsd[m]22.04.1 LTS13:15
Eickmeyer[m]Ok. We don't support Xfce on Ubuntu Studio in 22.04. In 22.04 we're on KDE Plasma. For Xfce support, you'll need to talk to the folks in #xubuntu:libera.chat .13:16
sahutsd[m]Got it. I'll give Plasma a shot13:16
sahutsd[m]I'd rather use what is supported13:17
Eickmeyer[m]I mean, you're welcome to use whatever desktop you have in mind, that's what Ubuntu Studio Installer is for, but you need to go through the proper support channels for that desktop.13:17
ubottuUbuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, and/or add the !ubuntustudio-backports PPA. For more info, see https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-installer/13:17
* Eickmeyer[m] wonders if the bot is down?13:18
Eickmeyer[m]Nah, bot's not down, bridge is funky.13:19
sahutsd[m]I found it in Plasma.  I'll just start using that from now on. Thanks for your help13:25
Eickmeyer[m]Quite welcome. :)13:28
sahutsd[m]Hmm! It's not allowing me to login to my Google or MS accounts. IMAP/SMTP work fine13:37
Eickmeyer[m]Plasma does not integrate with Evolution via Online Accounts, FYI.13:40
sahutsd[m]Well, that answers it. Thanks again13:41

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