
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
didrocksgood morning05:27
* rs2009 waves05:41
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:02
dufluHi didrocks, rs2009, luna__, oSoMoN 06:33
rs2009hi duflu06:33
oSoMoNhey duflu, rs2009 06:34
seb128hey didrocks luna__ oSoMoN duflu rs2009, how is it going?06:40
dufluseb128, not bad, you?06:40
luna__its alright06:41
rs2009seb128, pretty well, just been trying to fix the Ubuntu Unity daily flavor build errors06:41
seb128duflu, I'm alright thanks06:42
seb128rs2009, normal desktop has been failing also on ftp resolving error so at least that part is not specific to unity06:43
rs2009seb128: yep, but this issue seems to be present when building locally using archive.ubuntu.com too06:44
rs2009looks the contents of /etc/resolv.conf are empty after running 'apt install' the first time06:44
seb128rs2009, could be the same issue on the builders, perhaps a bug in systemd?06:45
rs2009yep, that's possible (I edited 'namserver' to resolv.conf after the first build failure, and it seemed to build successfully locally after that)06:45
oSoMoNseb128, I'm alright, hoping for a quiet and productive day today :)06:48
rs2009seb128, also, was wondering how I could lb to build an ISO, not just the filesystem, the initrd and kernel image06:48
luna__oSoMoN: new Thunderbird to build today ;) 06:48
rs2009s/I could/I could get/g06:48
oSoMoNluna__, I know, thanks :)06:49
rs2009(yeah, looks like I'm suffering from typo-syndrome today)06:49
seb128rs2009, local iso building is complicated :-/06:53
rs2009seb128, ah, because `lb build` did run successfully and resulted in these files being generated: livecd.ubuntu-unity-generic.ext4, livecd.ubuntu-unity-generic.initrd, livecd.ubuntu-unity-generic.initrd-generic, livecd.ubuntu-unity-generic.kernel, livecd.ubuntu-unity-generic.kernel-generic and livecd.ubuntu-unity-generic.manifest06:55
didrockshey duflu, seb128 06:56
seb128rs2009, in case that's of use for you, those are notes I made when I started working on the new ubuntu-canary ISO07:04
seb128it might not the easiest path or right tools to use, as said the ISO builds are complicated and not that well documented07:05
lissyxoSoMoN, I should have fixed the remainings points on https://github.com/canonical/firefox-snap/pull/408:04
ubottuPull 4 in canonical/firefox-snap "Bug 1732755 - Expose Snap hunspell based on System hunspell sets" [Open]08:04
dufluHi lissyx 08:30
seb128hey lissyx 08:37
ricotzgood morning desktopers!08:43
seb128hey ricotz, how are you?08:43
ricotzseb128, hey, very good, thanks, how are you?08:43
seb128ricotz, I'm alright thanks!08:45
oSoMoNhello lissyx, I'll take another look at that PR shortly09:44
oSoMoNgood morning ricotz 09:44
jbichagood morning11:24
sil2100Hello desktop!11:48
sil2100Are you happy with 20.04.5 testing for desktop? Can I mark it as green?11:48
seb128hey jbicha, sil2100 12:02
seb128sil2100, we didn't really organize in team testing afaik so it's hard to have an opinion, from the iso tracker Brian tested and find some nvidia issue but they don't seem regression from .5 so I would say it's ok12:09
seb128kenvandine, ^ any opinion?12:09
sil2100Any objections for marking desktop .5 as ready then?12:46
seb128sil2100, not from me12:46
jbichasil2100: 20.04.5 Desktop looks good to me too12:59
KGB-2libgepub signed tags 1b97b9f Jeremy Bicha upstream/0.7.0 * Upstream version 0.7.0 * https://deb.li/f0qG16:41
KGB-2libgepub pristine-tar 4e3b6b9 Jeremy Bicha libgepub_0.7.0.orig.tar.xz.delta libgepub_0.7.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for libgepub_0.7.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3Dfq116:41
KGB-0libgepub upstream/latest c2b648c Jeremy Bicha * pushed 25 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3V0hv16:41
KGB-0libgepub upstream/latest 0342604 Eddy Castillo libgepub/meson.build meson.build * Use compiler.has_link_argument() for linker flags * https://deb.li/D0eE16:41
KGB-0libgepub upstream/latest 7d4bb88 Eddy Castillo libgepub/gepub-widget.c * Use new JavaScriptCore GLib API instead of DOM API * https://deb.li/3LH2e16:41
KGB-0libgepub upstream/latest 6f1f18f IBBoard libgepub/gepub-utils.c * Do not rewrite page-relative anchor links * https://deb.li/0U0I16:41
KGB-0libgepub upstream/latest 98d613b IBBoard libgepub/ gepub-archive.c gepub-doc.c gepub-widget.c * Work with file paths, not URI substrings, in custom URI scheme * https://deb.li/iifCA16:41
KGB-0libgepub upstream/latest a5f2952 IBBoard libgepub/ gepub-doc.c gepub-widget.c * Update the chapter number when the page changes * https://deb.li/jwkF16:42
KGB-0epiphany-browser signed tags 7690e75 Jeremy Bicha upstream/43_rc * Upstream version 43~rc * https://deb.li/bBhx18:04
KGB-0epiphany-browser upstream/latest 593af66 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 30 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3vOyE18:04
KGB-0epiphany-browser upstream/latest 2f73851 Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/h22418:04
KGB-0epiphany-browser upstream/latest 31577b4 Jordi Mas po/ca.po * Update Catalan translation * https://deb.li/3CcGD18:05
KGB-0epiphany-browser upstream/latest 8c12c66 Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/oFCj18:05
KGB-0epiphany-browser upstream/latest f99d376 Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/36VMR18:05
KGB-0epiphany-browser upstream/latest 6c1bfa9 Piotr Drąg po/pl.po * Update Polish translation * https://deb.li/OFqi18:05
KGB-2gnome-chess signed tags 6b35982 Jeremy Bicha upstream/43_rc * Upstream version 43~rc * https://deb.li/3KBwh18:07
KGB-2gnome-chess pristine-tar 8114df3 Jeremy Bicha gnome-chess_43~rc.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-chess_43~rc.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-chess_43~rc.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3dXRs18:07
KGB-0gnome-chess upstream/latest ffc2353 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 29 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/4XyI18:07
KGB-0gnome-chess upstream/latest 9ab799c Yuri Chornoivan po/uk.po * Update Ukrainian translation * https://deb.li/3WFDA18:07
KGB-0gnome-chess upstream/latest e2cdefc Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/e24e18:07
KGB-0gnome-chess upstream/latest cd0de4b Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/3Acz018:07
KGB-0gnome-chess upstream/latest a8a38dd Fran Dieguez po/gl.po * Update Galician translation * https://deb.li/FcMz18:08
KGB-0gnome-chess upstream/latest 6258779 Fran Dieguez po/gl.po * Update Galician translation * https://deb.li/3sXrC18:08
KGB-0cairomm pristine-tar ac4866f Jeremy Bicha cairomm_1.14.3.orig.tar.xz.delta cairomm_1.14.3.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for cairomm_1.14.3.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/VBtC18:58
KGB-2glib-networking signed tags b62c8b1 Jeremy Bicha upstream/2.74_rc * Upstream version 2.74~rc * https://deb.li/i2VTV19:11
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest 6cc2e05 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 33 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/w2jA19:12
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest 02f4265 Yuri Chornoivan po/uk.po * Update Ukrainian translation * https://deb.li/3tc8i19:12
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest a75b610 Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/GFR019:12
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest 1391836 Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/3yV6219:12
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest 3c06a11 Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/EBDs19:12
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest eeff54c Danial Behzadi po/fa.po * Update Persian translation * https://deb.li/3JOoU19:12
KGB-2glib-networking pristine-tar 85b61e7 Jeremy Bicha glib-networking_2.74~rc.orig.tar.xz.delta glib-networking_2.74~rc.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for glib-networking_2.74~rc.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/XXzn19:12
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