
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
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ExeciNHi people. I'm trying to install ubuntu server 22.04 on a vps but something goes wrong with the installer right after I confirm the ssh keys fetched from my github account and I get prompted to report this to canonical. Is there a workaround besides moving on without imported keys?07:14
murmelExeciN: it's probably better to ask in #ubuntu-server07:15
ExeciNI mean I can set up key authentication later but doing it through vnc is a PitA. I have to somehow aquire the keys (I can maybe post each one on termbin), create/populate .ssh/authorized_keys, change permissions for .ssh and authorized_keys, modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config, reload sshd07:15
ExeciNmurmel: ok07:15
=== Avago_Broadqual7 is now known as Avago_Broadqual
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masberhi, so I have ubuntu running in my laptop. Virtualbox told me there is a new update so I downloaded the deb package, now I am trying to install it and the Ubuntu Store pops up asking me to remove the package?09:22
ravagemasber, open a terminal. go to the download directory and run "sudo apt install ./your-vbox-update.deb"09:24
ravagein general Ubuntu comes with it's own tools like virt-manager to manage VMs. maybe give that one a try09:25
toddcmasber: there are two versions one from the ubuntu repos you are using the one from Oracle which is a newer un-tested version so yes remove and install or wait for the repo vesion09:31
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toddcmasber: you can add the oracle repo and always have the newest but it may have bugs09:33
tomreynin my experience, the builds provided by the oracle virtualbox repository work better than the ones provided in ubuntu's multiverse repositories.09:41
masbersame for me09:46
elderbardhello everybody!09:53
BayouBillyelderbard hello09:53
elderbardHow are you today? @BayouBilly09:53
elderbardJust installed Lubuntu along side my Win10 and decided to try out this app Quassel09:54
BayouBillytired after upgrading for several days to get zoom and a few things working better09:54
elderbardHow has that worked out so far?09:54
elderbardI remember using FreeBSD once. Took me a week to try get my graphics card to work09:55
elderbardthat was a nightmare lol09:55
elderbardWhat is this channel for mostly? and where can I find other channels?09:55
BayouBillyelderbard well i made a zoom voice contact yesterday...using a jack sink for pulse09:55
ograthis channel is for ubuntu support questions ...09:55
elderbardOh I see. my bad. thanks @ogra09:56
ograif you want to generally discuss ubuntu stuff, please go to #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic09:56
BayouBillyelderbard  i was going to check out the ghostbsd when i get a chance09:56
elderbardghostbsd is nice. it sorted the graphics issue out. they have a Telegram group if you need quick assists09:57
BayouBillyand see how that is coming along09:57
elderbard@ogra I'll check those09:57
BayouBillywell i heard they got the mate gui working on ghostbsd09:58
ravage!ot | BayouBilly09:58
ubottuBayouBilly: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:58
BayouBillyubottu ok09:58
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iomari891greetings, why are my servers accessing cloudfront?11:27
ravagebecause some process on your server connects to it11:27
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BluesKajHi all12:41
gordonjcpBluesKaj: afternoon12:42
gordonjcpwie gehts?12:42
BluesKaj'morning gordonjcp :-)12:43
rs2009BluesKaj: evening12:55
BluesKajrs2009, ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿพ12:56
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JerOfPanichi all :) got a new server14:05
JerOfPanicUbuntu 22 and 12 gigs RAM, 240 gigs HD, 8 cores14:05
JerOfPanicat home I have Ubuntu 22 with 8 gigs RAM14:06
BayouBilly12 gigs ram..what are you going to do  compile libreoffice14:06
JerOfPanic4 cores14:06
JerOfPanicBayouBilly: relational databases14:06
JerOfPanica news engine14:06
BayouBillyoh serious stuff14:06
tomreynJerOfPanic: congrats on the new server. do you have an ubuntu support question about it?14:07
BayouBillyjeofpanic are you going to use that free mariadb or the apache nonsql database14:08
BayouBillyjerofpanic i once did some database stuff for an auction server that everyone could use but i got tired of messing with it14:10
BayouBillyjeropanic i just leave it to ebay now14:11
ograBayouBilly, do you have an ubuntu support question ?14:12
BayouBillyogra not at this time but i am getting some gnome shell crashes and seahorse crashes from time to time14:12
ograBayouBilly, well, this channel is reserved for support, if you want general chatter about new servers or some such, please take it to #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic14:13
BayouBillyogra ok i was just asking about his new ubuntu database server14:13
ograright, do that in #ubuntu-discuss ... there it is fine ๐Ÿ™‚14:14
BayouBillyogra ok14:14
JerOfPanicBayouBilly: I am interested on seeing this box in vaction14:24
JerOfPanicBayouBilly: my previous server was double core, this is octa core14:24
JerOfPanicso it will outperform surely14:24
BayouBillyjerofpanic ok ogra says to discuss the ubuntu server in #ubuntu-discuss14:27
JerOfPanicBayouBilly: okay heading to there? coming?14:33
BayouBillyJerOfPanic yes i am in ubuntu-discuss now14:34
VIAhey quick question14:42
VIAcan i ~generally find out what my Computer (linux) was UPTo at arount a curente point in time? ( like backwards 2 weeks ~)?14:42
lubuntuYou can use atop -r to find out14:43
user9dVIA: go into /var/log and go:    find -type f -ls    #look at the dates, and find ones that are old14:44
lubuntuIf you just want to make sure your computer was running and for how long, enter "uptime"14:47
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jhutchinsTwo weeks seems a bit long.14:54
jhutchinsLooks like the default is 30 days though, so VIA should be fine.14:59
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AirwolfGreetings. Just installed Ubuntu server 22.04.1, is working ok, but getting a message uon login regarding Failed to connect to https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts. Anyone know if that's on their end?15:29
VIAjhutchins: how to i save/get the data ?15:32
VIAoh ic user9d described smthn15:32
ioriaAirwolf, do you have this file ? /var/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/release-upgrade-available15:44
Airwolfioria, yes, I do15:45
ioriaAirwolf, is it empty ?15:46
AirwolfIt contains the error I get when logging in15:47
ioriaAirwolf, so, copy it to release-upgrade-available.back and then  sudo truncate -s 0  release-upgrade-available , and login again15:48
AirwolfOk, fixed.. A glitch?15:51
iorianope, and old bug i guess15:52
AirwolfLikely to reoccur, then. I did see a few search results several years old when trying to google it15:53
AirwolfMaybe I'll just disable that part of the motd.15:54
ioriano prob, basically,that file it's not cleared15:54
AirwolfThanks, I don't like errors on a new system.15:54
user9derrors on a new system is scary because there is a 3% chance you have to return the hardware and get something else15:56
user9dlike for example I go to Best Buy to get the newest Mac OSX Apple laptop [to put Xubuntu 22.04 on it] only to find that the LiveUSB that I burned with unetbootin is 0% booting.15:58
AirwolfNot something I want to do, as the reason for this rebuild is a power supply that went bad and took the motherboard/cpu and 3 hard drives with it.15:58
user9dawww I'm sorry Airwolf15:59
ioriaanti-surge disabled ?15:59
user9dall of the anti-surge protection must've fried as well.16:00
AirwolfAnyway.. I have a good handle on how ipv4 works, but not so much with ipv6. Since I don't understand it, I can't firewall it, so I've just been disabling it system wide on prior builds. Are there any good sites that explain how ipv6 works, and how to firewall it with ufw/iptables?16:01
AirwolfI've got this connected to an APC UPS, so I don't think it was an external spike.. I think the power supply itself died, and sent a voltage spike to the board, drives, everything16:02
ioria#netfilter might help you , i guess Airwolf16:03
AirwolfHmmm.. didn't know there was a channel for it.16:03
AirwolfGuess I'll leave ipv6 disabled till I have time to learn it so I can firewall it16:12
AirwolfThanks for the help16:12
tomreynSoCkEt7: what do you mean?16:19
ograno bashing in here ! ๐Ÿ™‚16:20
ogra(except bashing-om indeed)16:20
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: hi, glad you made it here from #ubuntustudio. so i understand that you have a Lenovo AIO 520-27ICB with this NVME SSD installed https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/174d562104ae92ca49f5c0a56bbf3f339bc6a05d as well as a HDD which you installed ubuntustudio on. but you are saying your computer does not recognize the NVME SSD. is this correct?16:22
tomreynif that's so, then i wonder how you created this "lspci" output, though, since this shows that linux did detect the nvme ssd.16:24
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: so, in order to finish my ideea, the strange/funny fact is that once i realised that no linux distro will 'see' the SSD drive, i tried reinstallind Windows only to have the big surprise that couldn't do that. The setup installer returned an info right from the start that windows cannot be installed because of some drivers missing.  There was no info regarding of what driver specifically is missing.16:24
tomreyni see. that's a good additional piece of information to have, but i'm afraid we can only help with ubuntu and its official flavors (such as ubuntustudio) here.16:26
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: if you could respond to the "lspci" question above, this may help us further. it would also be good to know whether you can still boot ubuntustudio on it and still get this output from lspci now.16:27
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: i have the same unclarity. I dont know how and why the ssd appears in sistem monitor / PCI16:27
jhutchinscojmeliegrigore[: Does it show up in the BIOS/EFI?16:28
cojmeliegrigore[Ubuntu studio is the only OS i'm using on this pc16:28
cojmeliegrigore[yes, the SSD shows in BIOS16:28
tomreyni'm guessing that it just has no partition table on it16:28
tomreynand thus you assume that ubuntustudio does "not detect" it (when lspci clearly shows it does detect it)16:29
ogracat /proc/partitions | grep nvme16:29
ograshould show if there are any16:29
ogra... hmm or you could save the cat and just do "grep nvme /proc/partitions" ...16:30
geniitomreyn: Possibly the device is seen but unclaimed by a driver16:30
ograthen it would not show up16:31
tomreyngenii: yes, this could be16:31
tomreyni guess we'll need more info from cojmeliegrigore[ either way.16:31
cojmeliegrigore[please, tell me how to proceed. This situation is busting my brains out for the last month. and i will be honest, i don't have yet enough info, but i'm eager to learn.16:34
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: suggestions were already provided above. does it help to repeat those?16:37
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: ogra suggested that you (open a terminal window and) run this command: grep nvme /proc/partitions16:38
tomreyn...and then tell us what the output is16:38
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: if you refer to suggestions posted by ogra , the commands do not return any result16:39
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: okay, that's valuable information.16:39
ograyeah, looks like there is definitely no partition table16:39
ogrado you have a /dev/nvme0 device ?16:40
ogra(and a /dev/nvme0n1 perhaps ?)16:40
tomreynyou can use the     ls /dev/nvme0*     command to find out16:41
cojmeliegrigore[ls cannot acces /dev/nvme0*. no such file or directory16:42
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: would you also be okay with sharing your system log from when ubuntustudio started up? this log can contain unique hardware identifiers.16:42
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: you can use this command to share the most relevant part of your log:   journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999916:43
tomreynit will print a http address you can post here16:43
cojmeliegrigore[honestly i have no privacy issues and nothing to hide16:43
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: should I only run the command ?16:46
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: you should run the comand and post here the http address it returns.16:46
cojmeliegrigore[or there is anyhting else to do, because i have ran the command and it has no output16:47
ograit should return a url16:47
cojmeliegrigore[it doesnt't return anything16:47
tomreynis this computer online, though?16:47
ogra(and then return you to the input prompt)16:47
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: what do you mean if is the computer online ?16:48
cojmeliegrigore[i'm typing from this pcv16:48
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: whether it is connected to a network which lets it access the internet.16:48
tomreynokay, then it is16:48
tomreynlet's try this as a test:   echo HELLO | nc termbin.com 999916:48
tomreyndoes this one return a http address?16:49
tomreynby "return" i mean, does it print it, on the terminal window you're running it on?16:49
cojmeliegrigore[yes, i know what 'return' stands for16:50
cojmeliegrigore[i'm not that well informed, not an idiot16:50
cojmeliegrigore[and yes16:50
user9dcool then we're clear. crystal.16:51
cojmeliegrigore[the last command returns this : https://termbin.com/tydc16:51
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: sorry, i don't mean to suggest you are an idiot, just making sure i explained myself well enough. ;)16:51
enigma9o7[m]journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999916:52
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: great, this worked! if you access this in your web browser you will see the "HELLO" got posted online16:52
tomreynso the command enigma9o7[m] just posted again should really also post a http address16:52
tomreynerr print16:52
cojmeliegrigore[yes when I acces browser it shows " HELLO16:53
tomreynthen let's try again:    journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999916:54
cojmeliegrigore[the same, no return16:55
tomreynwhat does this print?    lsb_release -ds16:56
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: lsb_release -ds returns Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS16:58
tomreynoh so you install Ubuntu and not UbuntuStudio, i see16:58
Eickmeyer[m]tomreyn: lsb_release always returns Ubuntu because all flavors return Ubuntu.16:59
Eickmeyer[m]Hence, all flavors are not their own distrol.16:59
tomreynoh, i was thinking they would differ, thanks Eickmeyer[m]17:00
jhutchinsUbuntu Studio is Ubuntu with selected packages, it doesn't operate any differently.17:01
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: Still, the earlier command should have worked. Maybe it it too slow. Lets try this instead:     journalctl -b >/tmp/journal 2>&1; cat /tmp/journal | nc termbin.com 9999 || echo error17:01
funhouseusing 18.04 on aws, trying to extend drive from 2000 GB to 2500 GB, getting this error -->17:02
funhouseWARNING: MBR/dos partitioned disk is larger than 2TB. Additional space will go unused.17:02
funhouseNOCHANGE: partition 1 is size 4294965248. it cannot be grown17:02
funhousefound this --> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/429507/cannot-extend-partition-beyond-2tb-on-aws-ubuntu17:02
funhouseIs it ok to run this? or am i gonna lose everything17:02
jhutchinsfunhouse: You'll only loose things that you don't have on backup.17:03
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: 'journalctl -b >/tmp/journal 2>&1; cat /tmp/journal | nc termbin.com 9999 || echo error ' this command also returns nothing17:03
jhutchinsWhat's the double pipe do?17:04
funhousejhutchins that sounds like something thats straight out of art of war or something17:04
funhousejhutchins id rather not create an image and extend it like right now tho17:04
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: can you take a screenshot and upload it at imgur.com please?17:05
tomreynjhutchins: irf the previous command returned a non zero exit code, the part behind double pipes is executes. it's like a logical OR17:06
jhutchinsfunhouse: There may be ways to cheat on this, but you really need to repartition your drive using GPT instead of FAT.  Messing with partitons you have a chance of saving/recovering the data, but it's a lot easier to just reformat and restore.17:07
enigma9o7[m]funhouse, you can mbr2gpt before17:07
jhutchinstomreyn: Oh, or-or.17:07
funhousejhutchins ok17:07
jhutchinsI was thinking of it as a pipe.17:07
funhouseenigma9o7[m] hmm, so just run that command with the drive?17:08
funhouseenigma9o7[m] like mbr2gp /dev/xvda  ?17:08
tomreynfunhouse: whichever tool you use, you're replacing your partition table, which is, per se, a dangerous process. you have been warned.17:10
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: i cannot register to imgur.com account not possible in my region17:10
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: as far as i know it does not require registration. maybe you can just post the image here, in matrix?17:11
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: let us know when you did, though17:11
* cojmeliegrigore[ uploaded an image: (376KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/AySyhUxolNqzSFnJVHHsqrYJ/Screenshot_20220901_200709.png >17:11
arraybolt3[m](IRC users can see images posted right into the chat via Matrix.)17:11
arraybolt3[m]Got it!17:11
jhutchinsenigma9o7[m]: Isn't mbr2gpt a Microsoft tool?  Requires Windows?17:11
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: screenshot showed up (I think you asked to be alerted when that happened)17:13
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: thanks, the image has arrived.17:13
* tomreyn is on the phone, could somebody continue?17:15
kushalkumarancojmeliegrigore: is /tmp/journal empty? No response from termbin could mean that. I don't know if it has a maximum size limit that also results in no output.17:31
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: sorry, i got distracted. can you maybe post the /tmp/journal file here as an attachment?17:32
tomreynkushalkumaran: i think termbin has a 1000 line limit, but i'd rather bet on network issues with the command not working, or a slow computer causing it to close the socket before the content got uploaded.17:33
kushalkumaranOne of the reasons I prefer positive response based protocols like http.17:34
kushalkumaranI would bring out strace and tcpdump at this point...17:35
* cojmeliegrigore[ posted a file: (0KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/CzSHSvFbOoIPuxvsVwEGqAmb/journal.txt >17:36
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: apparently this is indeed empty. what does    wc -l /tmp/journal     say?17:36
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[:    and can you try this as well - does it return a http address?    dmesg | nc termbin.com 999917:38
cojmeliegrigore[no wait17:38
cojmeliegrigore[i think i did somethhimng wrong17:38
tomreynwhat would that be?17:38
* cojmeliegrigore[ posted a file: journal (1895KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/hnegEJVaSovgiyqXQPVrJLub >17:39
cojmeliegrigore[somehow i messed up and sent the empty file17:39
tomreynright, this worked :)17:41
tomreynhi Guest80, got an ubuntu support question?17:41
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: i see you tried to boot this computer with a special linux parameter, nvme.core.default_ps_max_latency_us=5500, probably in an attempt to make the NVME work?17:42
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: did you edit /etc/default/grub to make this work?17:43
funhousetomreyn thank you17:44
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: if so, edit it again and make sure there is a blank space (" ") in front of the "nvme....", and then run sudo update-grub17:45
cojmeliegrigore[yes i have tried to boot with 'nvme.core.default_ps_max_latency_us=5500'. i found this help on some site, i dont even remember where. I have searched on too many places17:45
tomreynit's a good suggestion. but you made a little mistake there so it did not actually apply.17:45
cojmeliegrigore[o i do not remember if i edited the '/etc/default/grub'17:45
Guest80@tomreyn How do I know which version of GRUB is being used by Ubuntu 22 (without installing it) ?17:46
tomreyn!info grub2 jammy17:46
ubottugrub2 (2.06-2ubuntu7, jammy): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Built by grub2. Size 3 kB / 12 kB. (Only available for any-i386, any-amd64, any-powerpc, any-ppc64, any-ppc64el, any-sparc, any-sparc64.)17:46
tomreynGuest80: ^ this is one way. or you could search on https://packages.ubuntu.com17:47
tomreynGuest80: or, on a 22.04 system, you could run:  apt policy grub217:47
Guest80According to this:17:49
Guest80Its says "dummy package"17:49
Guest80What does it mean ?17:49
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: so i suggest you edit it now, and add     nvme.core.default_ps_max_latency_us=5500     within in the quotation marks on the    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT   line. make sure there is both a blank space (" ") before and after this option. and then run    sudo update-grub    and reboot17:50
tomreynGuest80: that i'm a dummy and i picked the wrong package17:51
tomreynGuest80: it really means that grub2 used to exist as a package and is just a placegolder / reference to the actual package now, which is grub-pc17:51
ogra!info grub2-signed17:51
ubottuPackage grub2-signed does not exist in jammy17:51
ogradoes the bot not know source package names ?17:52
ogra!info grub-efi-amd64-signed17:52
ubottugrub-efi-amd64-signed (1.180+2.06-2ubuntu7, jammy): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (EFI-AMD64 version, signed). In component main, is optional. Built by grub2-signed. Size 519 kB / 4,632 kB. (Only available for amd64.)17:52
Guest80tomreyn Thanks!17:52
ograthats the one installed by default (on UEFI systems at least)17:52
ioriaconsider that on 22.04.1 is 2.04-1ubuntu26.217:53
ogragrub-pc is the one used for legacy BIOS hardware17:53
tomreynogra: thanks, you're right17:54
ogragrub really became a maze of random packages over the recent years ๐Ÿ˜•17:55
* ogra wants lilo back ... one package, single config file, cant go wrong ๐Ÿ˜›17:56
jhutchinswhois cojmeliegrigore[17:57
ogranow you can as well just ask ๐Ÿ™‚17:58
jhutchinsogra: I liked lilo better than grub, but having to rebuild it every time I installed got tiresome and I gave in to grub.18:03
ograyeah, i wasn't really serious though ๐Ÿ™‚18:05
ogra(when having to work with bootloader stuff i *do* prefer u-boot over grub though ... grub more likely causing headdaches than u-bot ... )18:06
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: i'm not sure whether you're still around. if you are, try the suggestions provided above. you may also want to look into upgrading the NVME firmware.18:06
cojmeliegrigore[jhutchins: i am cojmelie18:06
jhutchinscojmeliegrigore[: I was wondering where you were from that you couldn't register.  Whois shows ipv6 which is harder to tell, it thinks you're either in California or London.18:08
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: i followed the steps and when i run the command it returned this18:08
cojmeliegrigore[Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub'18:09
cojmeliegrigore[/usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 10: /etc/default/grub: nvme.core.default_ps_max_latency_us=5500: not found18:09
ograjhutchins, there is a london in california ๐Ÿ˜‰18:10
cojmeliegrigore[jhutchins: i am neither in california nor london18:10
jhutchinsogra: Yes, but not Cheswic.18:10
jhutchinscojmeliegrigore[: Is your problem still that you don't see your ssd in studio?18:12
cojmeliegrigore[yes jhutchins . i still don't see the ssd drive18:12
jhutchinscojmeliegrigore[: Is youre system installed to a different drive?18:15
cojmeliegrigore[yes i mentioned earlier, my pc came with 2 storage drives : the SSD - 512 GB and a 3.5' HDD - 1TB. After the "dissapereance" of the SSD i used the HDD . Here i have installed studio.18:17
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: something must have gone wrong when you edited /etc/default/grub, please post the (one) line you edited here.18:18
jhutchinscojmeliegrigore[: tomreyn is back, sorry to distract you.18:20
cojmeliegrigore[GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=" quiet splash " nvme.core.default_ps_max_latency_us=550018:21
tomreynthanks for helping out there, jhutchins18:21
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: make it this instead:   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nvme.core.default_ps_max_latency_us=5500 "18:23
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: and keep the    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""    line as it is18:23
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: then run     sudo update-grub     again18:23
tomreynand tell us what it says.18:24
cojmeliegrigore[well it returned this : cojmelie@cojmelie-studio:~$ sudo update-grub... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/ebe8269b141d187ded0d23b2ce6d7c0d32861945)18:26
cojmeliegrigore[it seems that this time worked.  right ?18:26
ograyep, looks good18:26
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: i agree, looks good. so reboot again, and see whether lsblk then shows the nvme ssd18:28
FlorianBadWhat is the equivalent of /etc/rc.d/rc.localย  in ubuntu?18:29
ograFlorianBad, create a script and a systemd unit ...18:30
ogra(a "oneshot" daemon unit)18:30
tomreynFlorianBad: there's none in systemdland. you'd write a proper systmed unit. for those who are too lazy, there's a templace for a unit which behaves similar to what rc.local did18:30
tomreyn(*too lazy to manage their system properly)18:31
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FlorianBadtomreyn: I'm not sure I understand that part. I'm writing a script that installs these boot scripts, so it has to be as simple as possible, there's going to be no manual stuff18:33
ograFlorianBad, so you change your script to create systemd units instead ...18:34
FlorianBadThere isn't a single place where a script can be executed at the end of the boot?18:34
morganu20.04  Can I get a shortcut to a Chrome page on my desktop.18:34
FlorianBadok... I have no idea what that is but at least I have a keyword to google now18:34
FlorianBadwhy make this complicated really... :-/18:35
FlorianBadIt's exactly why I love slackware18:35
enigma9o7[m]Yes morganu.18:35
FlorianBadbecause other distros have all that BS18:35
enigma9o7[m]If you really want.18:36
morganuenigma9o7[m], oops there it is under "more tools"18:36
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: i am back! i rebooted and now i ran lsblk and it returned loops from 1 to 14, sda which is the HDD and sr0 - the dvdrom18:38
cojmeliegrigore[still no SSD18:38
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: what's the output of: cat /proc/cmdline18:38
cojmeliegrigore[BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-47-lowlatency root=UUID=c7729c4e-485c-4ff9-bc0b-c9e3831bd661 ro threadirqs quiet splashnvme.core.default_ps_max_latency_us=550018:39
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: interesting, it's still the same typo, the missing space between "splash" and "nvme...."18:40
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: can you attach file /etc/default/grub please18:40
* cojmeliegrigore[ posted a file: grub (1KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/YkZdKcmcWLxVSEozGRYQKuhh >18:41
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: thanks, and now also attach file /etc/default/grub.d/init-select.cfg18:41
* cojmeliegrigore[ posted a file: (0KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/wmypXcnoiUpppAOjJNMdoQOm/init-select.cfg >18:42
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: okay, those look fine. please also attach /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:44
* cojmeliegrigore[ posted a file: (10KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/DRBUKELtsVNZvUEmJDbRVMYM/grub.cfg >18:45
johnfghi folks18:46
johnfgtightvnc server is running without any errors.  However, when I try to connect it fails, and this is the error:18:47
ogracojmeliegrigore[, is there really no space between "splash" and "nvme" in the "cat /proc/cmdline" output (there needs to be)18:48
johnfgFailed to configure: Unsupported session type18:48
jhutchinsjohnfg: What client are you using, on what platform?18:48
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: apparently your installed grub loaded a configuration file from a different location18:49
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: that, or you did nt actually reboot, but i think you would know that.18:49
johnfgI'm using UltraVNC (at present) on Win10.18:49
* cojmeliegrigore[ uploaded an image: (515KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/KnnwcZBwDVGYoAWzGEAgOZnA/Screenshot_20220901_214932.png >18:50
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: i did rebooted18:50
johnfgI'll try from debian in a minute, after I switch systems.18:51
jhutchinstomreyn: update-grub, grub-install?18:51
tomreynjhutchins: we did update-grub, grub-install should not be needed.18:51
tomreynbut yes, maybe we should just grub-install, too18:52
jhutchinsjohnfg: I would suspect an incompatible default configuration on UltraVNC.  TightVNC has a windows client, maybe start there.18:53
jhutchinsjohnfg: https://www.tightvnc.com/winst.php18:53
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: run: sudo update-grub && sudo grub-install /dev/sda18:53
jhutchinstomreyn: +18:53
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: please post the output of this command18:54
cojmeliegrigore[sudo update-grub && sudo grub-install /dev/sda... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/f43df66f8bae19e521965afd8d812c3eb6ecc81c)18:55
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: please reboot again and post    cat /proc/cmdline     again18:56
cojmeliegrigore[sure do18:57
ograthis smells like a bug in grub-mkconfg TBH18:58
tomreynhow so, ogra?18:58
ograi wonder if the stray space in /etc/grub/default causes it18:58
tomreynthe grub.cfg has "splash" and "nvme..." separated by a blank space everywhere18:59
ogra(the one before the closing quotes)18:59
tomreynhmm, i had it added exactly to prevent such issues19:00
tomreyni rather think the system bios is set to boot a different grub and that is set to load a different grub.cfg19:01
tomreynbut this also doesn't seem too likely19:01
cojmeliegrigore[cojmelie@cojmelie-studio:~$ cat /proc/cmdline19:01
cojmeliegrigore[BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-47-lowlatency root=UUID=c7729c4e-485c-4ff9-bc0b-c9e3831bd661 ro threadirqs quiet splash nvme.core.default_ps_max_latency_us=5500 vt.handoff=119:01
tomreynit worked this time, good19:02
tomreyndo you have the ssd listed on lsblk now?19:02
cojmeliegrigore[yes it did19:02
tomreynso do you see nvme...something when you run "lsblk"?19:03
cojmeliegrigore[no, not visible in lsblk19:03
tomreynhmm, okay. did this nvme work in the past?19:03
* cojmeliegrigore[ uploaded an image: (568KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/cpZutmtXvQOIqjtepQSzvPQg/Screenshot_20220901_220352.png >19:04
tomreynwhen did it stop working exactly? was that what primpted you to install ubuntu and other operating systems, or was it the other way around?19:05
jhutchinsWhat about manually supplying a correct boot command line?  (maybe escape the space?)19:06
cojmeliegrigore[yes, in the first instance i didn't removed completely windows. i ran windows from the ssd and ubuntu on hdd. the ssd was visible in ubuntu too. somehow i do not really remember how i removed completely windows19:06
jhutchinsHave we already tried that?19:06
cojmeliegrigore[and after that moment the ssd vanished19:06
tomreynjhutchins: replacing the installed grub solved the issue of the system booting with the wrong grub.cfg, this is no longer an issue.19:07
jhutchinsAch, sorry, not following closely enough.19:07
tomreynno worries19:08
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: so i think it would be good to update the firmware on it, if you can get it to do so.19:09
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: this may make it loose any data, though, if that matters19:09
jhutchinsI suppose we could try installing a stock kernel and see if that made a difference.19:09
tomreynit's a stock kernel19:09
cojmeliegrigore[if u refer to the data on the ssd, i have no hope to recover anything19:10
jhutchinsIt seems to be a low-latency kernel, or did I miss that too?19:10
tomreynyes, it's ubuntu's stock low-latency kernel ;)19:10
jhutchinscojmeliegrigore[: Any time you're messing with disk structures, you run the risk of an error, even just a human "oops", so backups are in order.19:11
jhutchinsWell, y'know, try high-latency.  Turn it off and back on again.19:11
jhutchinsNot seeing a drive would seem to be a kernel-level problem.19:12
cojmeliegrigore[regarding the firmware update, i think i already read about this option and tried but i didnt succed. i have tried to dowload updated firmware from manufacturer's site19:12
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: so one possibility is that the nvme has just died. that's why i was asking about the series of events. maybe you noticed the nvme no longer worked, and in an attempt to make it work again, you started installing different operating systems. if this is what happened, i would assume the nvme may just be dead.19:12
cojmeliegrigore[and it is only available for windows19:13
cojmeliegrigore[another option io haven't tried19:13
cojmeliegrigore[i have thought about this possibillity19:14
cojmeliegrigore[i can buy an external usb adapter for ssd and see if it works19:14
cojmeliegrigore[what do you think, should i try this >19:15
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: if you like, it could be interesting to review your current system journal again, because we haven't seen it after you successfully made the system boot with the new kernel parameter19:15
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: journalctl -b > /tmp/journal.txt     and then post /tmp/journal.txt here19:15
tomreynattach, i mean19:16
* cojmeliegrigore[ posted a file: (302KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/oohUtbGeyJIEAXByeZBmyJyO/journal.txt >19:16
jhutchinscojmeliegrigore[: Have you done anything physically with the SSD?  Maybe try it in a different slot?  (Cheaper and faster than an adapter.)19:21
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: so the nvme no longer times out during initialization now, but it still does present several errors19:21
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: my guess is that it's really just dead, but i am not really familiar enough with nvme's to help you diagnose this properly.19:21
c_89Hi I have this sample text https://pastebin.com/raw/qshU8X7d that I should insert in conky config file, but being present the images tag I'm finding it difficult if I have to use the ${offset} or ${tab} tag to keep the images aligned with the text, I state that I used the Dejavu Sans Mono font on conky. I accept your advice19:22
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: if you look at the log, these     pcieport 0000:00:1c.6    lines are what indicates the problem19:22
tomreynoh, actually it still times out during initilization, i just missed it19:23
cojmeliegrigore[jhutchins: i haven't done anything with the ssd drive.19:24
jhutchinscojmeliegrigore[: I agree with tomreyn, that looks like a serious hardware error.19:24
cojmeliegrigore[tomreyn: i understand and i am very gratefull for your help and implication19:25
cojmeliegrigore[even if practically the output is kinda sad for me19:26
cojmeliegrigore[you guys are really helpfull19:26
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tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: you're welcome, sorry for not being able to revive it. there are nvme-tools and it may be possible to install the firmware upgrade from linux. but ID the nvme is dead this won't work / wont revive it19:33
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: the software you'd be using on windows is https://support-en.wd.com/app/products/product-detailweb/p/1534#WD_downloads19:33
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cojmeliegrigore[i understand tomreyn . i wil try this method, and if i will succed i'll write to you19:41
cojmeliegrigore[with special thanks19:42
tomreyncojmeliegrigore[: :) good luck!19:49
oerhekscojmeliegrigore[, last resort, reseat the nvme drive; remove, go into bios, save, shutdown, reseat nvme, boot into bios if it shows; save, boot again20:29
dorcasput in in your tshirt and blow on it20:31
oerheksyes, it might be hot.20:34
geniiTest that it's not hot enough to burn your fingers before reseating20:34
oerheksgenii, what if it makes water boil??20:35
rob0put on a cup of tea?20:36
geniioerheks: Then you might want to wait a while first20:37
horse9 /quit20:49
FlorianBadWhen I change the sshd port, it's not enough to handle firewalling with my own iptables boot scripts? I've just read there is something called "ufw"? Could that prevent my new port from working after boot despite my iptables scripts?20:53
murmelFlorianBad: by default ufw is disabled, so very unlikely (except you enabled it)20:56
FlorianBadsystemctl status ufwย  :ย  Active: active (exited) since Thu 2022-09-01 20:46:14 UTC; 9min ago20:56
FlorianBad(did not enable it)20:56
murmelFlorianBad: "sudo ufw status verbose"20:57
FlorianBadSorry got stuck out of the server after silly mistake. Will re-install it and check that soon.20:58
rob0You can indeed open and close ports in a firewall, the "old fashioned" way.20:58
FlorianBadSo if I understand correctly, ufw is something that calls iptables at boot? Then it's gone?20:58
rob0But ufw rules could conflict with your rules.20:59
rob0ufw uses nft, not iptables20:59
oerheksno, ufw uses iptables.20:59
FlorianBadok. So if I just do apt-get remove ufw I should be good to handle everything iwth my own scripts?20:59
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo20:59
murmelFlorianBad: no ufw is a firewall interface, which interacts with nftables (or iptables on older releases)20:59
rob0By default iptables-nft(8) is translating iptables rules to nft.20:59
FlorianBadIf I do `apt-get remove -y ufw` after install of the server, then nothing else will interfere with my iptables scripts?21:01
rob0The move to iptables-nft by default took place some time after 18.04 and before 20.04. It's definitely nft in 20.04 and beyond. (Can be changed with update-alternatives(8).)21:01
murmelFlorianBad: the command I gave you should tell you that ufw is disabled, which means it doesn't block anything. so it shouldn't interfere21:03
FlorianBadok, but there's no better way to disable it for good with an apt-get remove ;)21:05
ograit *is* disabled21:06
ograunless you explicitly enabled it with the correct commands21:06
murmelFlorianBad: if you mean the service, just disable it (or even mask)21:06
murmelbut you can remove it also21:06
ograby design it is set up so that users can set up their wn iptables rules21:06
rob0FlorianBad: you could have iptables/ip6tables or nftables services enabled, which could also interfere with your scripts.21:06
rob0BTW I also would recommend against such scripts. It's better to use the iptables or nftables service to restore rules at boot time.21:07
FlorianBadmurmel: you're right! It is disabled:ย  ย Command 'ufw' not found, but can be installed with:ย  ย  ย :)21:08
murmelFlorianBad: wait, ufw is installed by default21:08
murmelso, are you using an image from a hoster?21:09
FlorianBadmurmel: I know but afer our conversation I added the apt-get remove to my install scripts so I could then execute the command you gave me ;)21:09
murmelahh k21:09
FlorianBadbut hey, since that apt-get is the only thing I changed in my script we'll know if that was in fact enabled. If it works it was.21:09
murmelFlorianBad: as me and also ogra said, ufw.service is enabled, but the firewall itself is disabled21:10
FlorianBadmurmel: I'm using Vultr right now with a script that copies everything via ssh and then does thing on that server before rebooting. It always worked with other distros but I just switched to Ubuntu so I now need to adapt a few things to make it work. Firewall conflicts are part of these things21:11
ograyu need to explicitly enable the ufw tool with the correct ufw commands ... that the no-op service ran says nothing about the status21:11
FlorianBadI strongly suspect that Vultr would have a custom version of Ubuntu where ufw is enabled by default21:12
murmelidk, as i never used vultr21:12
ograwe'll never know ... since you removed it before checking ๐Ÿ™‚21:12
FlorianBadnope, we will know 2 ways:ย  1. If it works, since the apt-get remove is the only thing I've done...ย  ย 2. I just found a ton of ufw-* rules in iptables -L INPUT21:14
FlorianBadso yes it was enabled21:14
ograodd ...21:18
ogra(given the package has everything explicitly disabled by default)21:18
FlorianBadVultr must tweak the Ubuntu images21:18
ograat that point i personally would look for anoter provider ... who knoesws what else they modify21:19
murmelI love always to use an actual installer iso. yes it takes longer to get running. but I know, its all default21:19
murmelor you can upload your own image21:19
ogra(vultr would theoretically not be allowed to call it ubuntu anymore ... modified images must be called "ubuntu remix" ... they might get mail from canonical ๐Ÿ™‚)21:19
FlorianBadI don't want to advertise Vultr, just to make that clear. Had many issues with them, one of them being to TERMINATE a live server just because they estimated it used to much CPU! madness21:20
FlorianBadAll right, that did it. I could now reboot and connect correctly;) ย Thanks!21:20
ogragood luck ๐Ÿ™‚21:20
BinarySaviorhello i'm on ubuntu 21.10 (haven't booted this machine in a while) and i'm having trouble upgrading to 22.0421:41
BinarySaviorapt update fails21:41
BinarySaviordo i just have install 22.04 from scratch?21:47
enigma9o7[m]You can switch over to the old archives to get impish working well enough to upgrade.21:47
enigma9o7[m]There's an official website or wiki or something with instructions that I've seen people link from here, I dunno it myself... hmmm.21:48
enigma9o7[m]https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades I think is the one21:49
BinarySavioroo okay21:49
BinarySaviori found this, seems to be working so far, i know it's not official ubuntu tho21:49
enigma9o7[m]great, if you get stuck again follow up here21:50
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sal-monHello, I'm having a very strange issue right now, I turned off my pc (Ubuntu 22.04) and booted it the next morning, but it gave me this error: [End Kernel Panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt] . So I flashed boot-repair (64 bit) on a usb drive and after numerous workarounds, it's stuck for a long time after this: Running23:53
sal-mon/scripts/nfs-premount ... done. What can I do now?23:53
sarnoldmaybe try the recovery boot options in grub? try holding down shift when booting, and select either a previous kernel, or the recovery mode for one of the various kernels23:54
sal-monIt's still throwing the same error23:54
sal-monsometimes it returns this: kernel panic not syncing attempted to kill init23:55
sal-monbut sometimes23:55
arraybolt3[m]sal-mon: Can you still boot a usual Ubuntu 22.04 live USB?23:57
sal-monIt also throws an error of the same variety, I'll boot it again so I can write down the error23:57
arraybolt3[m]And... what did you do to your computer? Did you drop it, sit on it, etc.? This sounds like the hardware is throwing a fit to me, especially if a live USB acts the same way.23:58
sal-monThing is, I don't know, nothing out of the ordinary happened, I thought so too, so I got a RAM stick and it's still panicking23:59

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