
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
knomelol, only two weeks to UIFreeze05:21
knometime, where have you gone05:21
knomeUnit193, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/703561928689057812/1014779669624655953/draft-1.png06:12
knomeoh, and pleia2 ping ^06:13
knomewho else?)06:13
guivercanother entire-disk install today (RC) followed by install alongside... today only 1 ESP exists... this box however is EFI & needs ESP; yesterday's box (with 2x ESP for same installs) couldn't use ESP being BIOS09:43
bluesabreknome: neat concept :)10:59
bluesabreUnit193: nah, not too late11:11
=== madhens_ is now known as madhens
=== Guest8328 is now known as krytarik

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