[00:22] did you get that thing I sent? [00:32] kubuntu_22.04_full_premium_nocd_patched_nulled_keygen_serialz2000.iso transferred fine, thanks. === william is now known as Willy-- [03:24] Hii [03:24] Any help? (re @Omar: can anyone show me how to get kubuntu default repos?) [04:55] Omar, if you're talking about 22.04, you can run: sudo wget https://termbin.com/xkqi -O /etc/apt/sources.list [05:03] 22.04.1 is the same? (re @IrcsomeBot: Omar, if you're talking about 22.04, you can run: sudo wget https://termbin.com/xkqi -O /etc/apt/sources.list) [05:04] Omar, yes [05:04] Ok ill do if [05:04] And i want to delet the old repos too [05:06] is this command gonna replace my repos or just add those repos? (re @IrcsomeBot: Omar, if you're talking about 22.04, you can run: sudo wget https://termbin.com/xkqi -O /etc/apt/sources.list) [05:08] Omar, you may delete the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to delete the extra repositories and PPAs [05:10] How (re @IrcsomeBot: Omar, you may delete the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to delete the extra repositories and PPAs) [05:11] sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* /var/backups/ [05:12] /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ is not a directory [05:12] It moust certainly should be [05:14] https://termbin.com/q1n46 [05:15] apt file [05:17] sorry [05:17] it is there and empty [05:23] thank you [05:23] one more thing [05:25] i removed firefox and installed opera and when i open a link my system still trying to open it by firefox [08:06] guys how does one check the gpu temperature [08:38] screenfetch shows it i thinh [09:42] screenfetch shows it i think [11:19] https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-20-04-5-lts-update-available/ [11:29] What could be the possible cons and risks of adding plasma 5.25 back ports for KU22.04? [12:27] Hi all [16:35] greetings, all my desktop effects stopped working today. I re-enabled them in settings but still no effects. I'm using kubuntu 22.04. [17:45] iomari891: System Settings > Display and Monitor > Compositor. Reset the effects there. That will almost certainly fix it (you will likely have a warning that the compositor has crashed in the past). Try resetting to defaults is possible and then tweak from there to prevent future compositing crash. [17:47] iomari891: The other possibility is your GPU got switched to one less capable (e.g. Nvidia to Intel U630 or similar). I appologize if these are obvious to you :P [18:27] Hi I'm unable to add 'starship init fish | source' to ~/.config/fish/config.fish directory. Any reason why this won't add? [18:31] It says this for some reason : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/3e1f8aa1/Screenshot_20220903_002930.png === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === joey is now known as josephh [19:52] hello