=== ginggs_ is now known as ginggs [18:58] i did `dput ppa:... package.changes` before setting up a PPA through LP. im not sure where it is now lol. can i undo the upload? [18:59] subsequent `dput` invocations tell me that "Package has already been uploaded to ppa on ppa.launchpad.net" [19:00] That's because it wrote an upload file, either remove that or use -f [19:07] Unit193: is *.ppa.upload the file? [19:07] Yeah [19:09] nice. hopefully it works this time. thank you and sorry for the noise :) [19:15] 'Source/binary (i.e. mixed) uploads are not allowed.' i guess i need to specify either -b or -S to debuild? [19:23] KBar: Considering Launchpad doesn't allow binary uploads, you'll have to use -S. [19:26] Ah, I see. Just got another email. Rebuilding. Third time's the charm. :) [19:40] yes! my first ever package just got accepted and built successfully! thank you for the tip. [19:41] here's the ppa if you're interested: https://launchpad.net/~kbar/+archive/ubuntu/xfce4-windowck-plugin