[08:38] Latest Kinetic ISO seems to not be booting. GRUB showed up, splash screen with the spinner spun... and spun and spun and spun for a long time, then stopped spinning. Now it's just stuck. Even if it does eventually come out of this, this is not normal behavior. Anyone else noticed this? [08:39] (This is on Ubuntu Desktop.) [08:42] And I'm still hung. Can't switch to a TTY, system seems unresponsive. Both the ISO and the USB drive are good. [08:42] * arraybolt3[m] hard reboots to see if it's just a fluke [08:44] Oh wow. The USB drive seems to have nuked itself. That's new. [08:44] I can't even boot back into the live USB after this hang-up. [08:45] Yep. Looks like it clean wiped itself. Let's hope it's a hardware glitch, otherwise I have one serious bug report to file. [08:56] Hmph. So weird. Reflashed the drive, now it's working. Guess I'll chalk it up to a random glitch and go on my way for now. [11:42] anyone else having issues with apt? [11:43] had to disable libgcrypt optimization