[01:08] congrats @DarinMiller, nice to see you in the council! [03:22] Thanks everyone! Happy to be part of the council. [07:50] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/097fd130/thumbs_up_double_thumbs_up.mp4 [11:42] @RikMills did you try to login to the linode? [11:42] Yes (re @ahoneybun: @RikMills did you try to login to the linode?) [11:42] Ahhh [11:42] Ok [11:42] Wouldn't let me [11:43] Needs a 2FA code [11:44] Every so often, yes. When it has doubts on the login [11:49] Yea I got the code which is why I knew someone tried. [11:49] Has been a while since I did, plus changed ISP, so not surprised