
BluesKajHi all12:14
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> hi15:00
mparilloStarting to clone wiki pages for KK Beta and Release Notes, and I noticed that http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/ was last updated 2022-08-29 Is that a known issue?15:43
RikMillsmparillo: yes, kinetic dailies for ubuntu and flavours are broken at the moment. fix is obviously coming soon I hope15:52
RikMillsbad systemd in the containers used for the builds apparently15:55
mparilloThank you. I copied the ReleaseNotes and Beta pages and I am starting to edit the Beta notes. Are there any more version upgrades planned? I am showing Plasma 5.25, FW 5.97, Qt 5.15 and Gear 22.08?16:05
RikMillsframeworks might be bumped to 5.98 if a FFE looks reasonably safe. Plasma will be updated to 5.25.5 on Tuesday. Qt has a bugfix 5.15.5 that might go in. KDE gear will get updated to 20.08.2 on Thursday16:10
RikMillsso only 'major' might be frameworks16:12

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