
teward[m]Simon Quigley tsimonq2: BLAH AWAKE FOR YOUR PUNISHMENT>02:08
Roberalz[m]<teward[m]> "Simon Quigley tsimonq2: BLAH..." <- What is the punishment?02:16
teward[m]he gets a set of headphones stitched to his head permanently that plays nothing but the chicken dance for eternity.  on a loop.02:17
teward[m]at max volume02:17
teward[m]that he can't remove02:18
arraybolt3[m]He'll just cut the audio cable. :)02:18
teward[m]there is no audio cable02:18
teward[m]and it's powered by a dark energy extractor that's part of the headphones xD02:18
arraybolt3[m]Well then a radio jammer or degausser ought to do the trick.02:19
arraybolt3[m](What did he do anyway?)02:19
teward[m]it's SImon02:19
teward[m]it doesn't matter what he did LOL02:19
teward[m](nah I just need to bother him about something he's been nagging about for 10 weeks)02:19
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> @tsimonq2 What have you done?02:19
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> XD (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <teward[m]> (nah I just need to bother him about something he's been nagging about for 10 weeks))02:19

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