
=== jesopo is now known as jess
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enigma9o7[m]Hello braves68, welcome to Ubuntu's support channel on the libera chat network of Internet Relay Chat.02:33
enigma9o7[m]It is such a pleasure to have you here with us tonight, and if there are any ubuntu related questions you may have, please feel free to share.02:33
braves68thanks.  just installed 22.04 server and loaded the cinnamon desktop.  I have an ultrawide monitor.  Is it possible to get 2560 x 108002:39
enigma9o7[m]I would think so, if your gpu drivers support it.  What happens when you try to set it?02:40
braves68i have a raspberry pi 400... so definitely pushing it :)02:41
enigma9o7[m]perhaps.  does it list it in the menu?  I'm not a cinnamin expert but if you cant find it just search for 'display' from your start menu.02:42
enigma9o7[m]If it doesnt list that resolution, you can try to set it from command line, assuming x11 then `xrandr -s 2560x1080` might work02:42
oerhekssdY means your target disk you want to move in. Please use "mount" or try to bing to know your sdX label of your system.03:50
=== Dingo is now known as Pristine
user|9anyone can help me to fix my audio on my laptop? im sure its a hardware issue04:35
deegouser|9: if you figure it out, let me know as well. My audio keeps dying randomly. What's your issue?04:48
user|9my audio is not working, i think is missing drivers or is not supported for my hardware04:50
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no_gravityHello! Often when I want to start a new Firefox window via the command line by typing "firefox<enter>" I get "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To use Firefox, you must first close the existing Firefox process, restart your device, or use a different profile.". Why is that?06:28
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imihi, update-manager updated a package. can I somehow get a log from this package update? which deb file was downloaded from where, etc06:52
imihi, update-manager updated a package. can I somehow get a log from this package update? which deb file was downloaded from where, etc07:15
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guivercimi, /var/log/apt/history.log will contain the log of package upgrades/installs/removes etc... your sources are where it's from; so `apt-cache policy` etc can tell you where it'll come from if not already known08:18
imiguiverc: thanks08:26
imihow do I clean /var/cache/apt/archives from multiple (obsolete) versions of packages?08:26
sagex_does anyone experience resetting KDE wm applets for multiple monitors/resolutions thanks08:28
julia-notbookhallo ist hier jemand08:52
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bobdobbsHi all. I'm a webdev, and I know just enough about mysql to install mariadb server locally. I run apache in order to work locally on (mostly) wordpress sites. A couple of hours ago mariadb server just stopped working.09:48
bobdobbsI tried to restart it. It wouldn't restart09:48
bobdobbs'service mariadb status' returns this: https://hastebin.com/puzuhupexi.sql09:49
bobdobbsNow, I remember facing this issue previously. Maybe about a year ago. The only solution that worked at the time was to completely purge mariadb and reinstall it.09:49
bobdobbsBut now I've got a bunch of databases installed. I don't want to have to reinstall09:49
bobdobbsWhen I google for the errors that show in this message, I see a few different fixes. The main one is the removal of couple of files in /var/mysql/lib. I've removed those files but the server startup still fails with the same error09:51
bobdobbsI'm running ubuntu 22.0409:51
ravagebobdobbs, try to remove /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile* and check if the database starts again09:52
ravagein general mariadb does not just stop working09:52
ravagedo you have enough free disk space and do you shut down the DB correctly?09:53
bobdobbsravage: yeah, that's one of the files that various posts I discovered said that I should remove. I moved it to a backup folder. But starting the mariadb server still fails with the same error09:53
bobdobbsI do have plenty of disk space09:53
bobdobbsI don't usually manually shut down the db manually. It goes up and down with the system.09:54
ravagewhat about ram?09:54
bobdobbsThe last time I had this issue it came out of nowhere as well, as far as I recall. I don't remember improperly shutting down the server.09:55
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bobdobbsI should be good with ram. I think I've got 64GB RAM on this system, and all I'm running is chrome, emacs and a terminal basically.09:56
bobdobbs'free -h' tells me that I've got 53G of RAM free09:57
ravagedo you use any special storage for your database?09:57
ravagezfs or any other special filesystem?09:57
bobdobbsravage: also, I can remove ib_logfile0. But whenever I attempt to restart the server, the restart fails and that file pops back into existence09:58
bobdobbshmm... I'm not even sure what 'special storage' means. As far as I can recall I didn't depart from vanilla options when installing this system. (apart from setting it up to dual boot. It doubles as a windows gaming machine)09:59
bobdobbsI definitely didn't do anything special when installing maria09:59
bobdobbsIs there a way I can purge it and reinstall it, while keeping the databases?10:00
=== Polo is now known as polo
ravagepurge for sure. but to get your data you need to start the server and do a backup first10:04
bobdobbsbacking up now10:05
ravagewhat exactly are you backing up? :)10:06
bobdobbsravage 'cp -r /var/lib/mysql ~/bk/db'10:06
ravageok. that is a good idea. but it would be better to get a sql dump10:07
ravageyou can try "innodb_force_recovery=1" in your mariadb config10:07
ravageand see if it starts up after you did the backup of the files10:07
bobdobbsI don't know how to dump each database. I've tried before and failed. I can do it with an individual database. But I'm not good enough at scripting to figure out how to dump every file.10:08
bobdobbsI could figure it out, but it would take days. And I really just need to get on with work.10:08
bobdobbsI honestly hate it when an actual critical software component just... falls over and dies in the middle of a work cycle10:09
bobdobbsWhich conf file should that option go it? my.cnf?10:09
bobdobbsooooh. Backing up 17G of databases  using that cp command was really fast. Thank Gad for SSD drives.10:10
ravageshould be /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf10:10
bobdobbsShould it go anywhere in particular in that file? Or should I just try pasting it at the bottom?10:12
ravagelook for anything that already starts with innodb10:13
bobdobbsok, I pasted in at the bottom and restarted. Restart failed. Error persists.10:13
ravageis it the exact same error?10:14
ravageyou can try a value of 4 or 510:15
ravagethat would start it in read-only mode10:16
ravageif that works you could still do a dump10:16
bobdobbsomg. One of the green-ticked stackoverflow responses to this issue says to 'rm -rf /var/lib/mysql'. That would wipe all databases.10:16
ravagethat is correct10:16
ravageit "solves" the problem with the startup :P10:16
bobdobbs"... and now you have two problems..."10:17
ravageso you can remove the logfiles again and test higher values of the recovery parameter10:18
bobdobbsok. I passed in '5' and 'service mysqld restart' just returns without messages to the console...10:18
bobdobbsk, mariadb now running10:18
ravageit is possible that is does not fork to the background in that mode yes10:19
bobdobbsgeez. you really know your stuff10:19
bobdobbsk, I was able to open a local wordpress site10:19
bobdobbsSo the server is in read only mode, you say?10:20
ravagei think writing is not a good idea10:20
ravagei would get a full backup now and reinstall the databases then10:20
bobdobbsHonestly, how do you guys learn all this stuff? It's incredible.10:20
ravage25 years of being a sysadmin helps :)10:20
ravagelets do the backup10:21
ravagehow many dbs are we talking about?10:22
bobdobbswouldn't the copy operation have done that already? I copied everything from /var/lib/mysql10:22
ravageyou copied the damaged stage yes10:22
bobdobbsah, ok10:22
ravagesudo mysqldump -u root --all-databases --quick --lock-tables=false /root/alldbs.sql10:22
ravagedoes that do anything?10:22
* bobdobbs digests...10:22
bobdobbsbefore I run that command, what does it do exactly? I know 'mysqldump' from dumping individual databases.10:23
ravagesudo mysqldump -u root --all-databases --quick --lock-tables=false > /root/alldbs.sql10:23
ravagemore like that10:23
ravageit should dump all your databases into one .sql file10:23
bobdobbsk, will do...10:23
bobdobbs"mysql: unknown option '--all-databases' "10:25
ravagedid you write mysqldump? or mysql?10:25
bobdobbsoh, whoops10:25
bobdobbsok, it stopped running with an error...10:26
ravagewhat error?10:26
bobdobbsHonestly, I could just delete that particular database. I don't think I've touched it for five years10:26
bobdobbsI'll delete that database and try that command again10:27
bobdobbslol. I can't delete it, cos mysql is running in read-only mdoe10:28
ravagea backup for every db is better anyway10:28
ravageso do a "show databases;"10:28
ravagewrit down the ones you need to backup10:28
bobdobbsaw man. There's way too many to do that manually10:29
ravageyou can copy paste it in a notepad10:29
ravageyou can add "-f" to the command10:30
bobdobbsIt'd take an hour or more. I don't think you'd be around by the time I'm finished10:30
ravagethat should continue on errors10:30
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bobdobbsok, trying that10:32
bobdobbsok, that's running. It's output a bunch of errors related to that one particular db, but keeps running. Which is fine. I don't need that one pesky db.10:33
ravageok. let it run. that will take a while10:33
ravageand we will see what comes out of the restore then10:33
ravageafter the backup we can reset the database server and do the restore10:34
ravageyou still have the backup of /var/lib/mysql so that is safe to do then10:34
bobdobbsk, it's finished running. I'm just gonna copy those terminal errors to a file. Might be useful to reference...10:35
ravagethat was almost too fast10:35
ravagecan you check the size of that sql file?10:35
ravagels -alh  /root/alldbs.sql10:35
ravagefast system then :)10:36
bobdobbsYeah, I dumped a lot of cash into this system. I wanted to have a proper modern gaming rig for once in my life.10:36
bobdobbsWhen I boot into windows, it runs Shadow Of War sooooo smoothly10:37
bobdobbsof course I am now living on ramen10:37
bobdobbsok, I've copied the errors. now what was the next step? Copying the data directory again?10:38
ravageok so now lets purge that mariadb and restore the backup10:38
ravagestop the server first10:38
ravagectrl-c may be enough for that if it still rund in foreground10:39
bobdobbsmariadb now stopped10:40
bobdobbswait.. wouldn't an 'apt-purge' delete the contents of /var/lib/mysql?10:42
bobdobbsnot that it matters anyway... I've got it all backed up twice10:42
bobdobbsso... I might as well push the big red button10:42
bobdobbsah, I see. I misread the commands.10:43
ravageyou should have an empty but running database server after that10:45
bobdobbsoh no :(10:45
bobdobbsafter purging, re-installing and restarting... I have exactly the same error10:45
ravagethere must be something wrong with that system10:46
bobdobbsoh wait. I know why10:46
bobdobbsI didn't follow those instructions exactly, and I left the /var/lib/mysql directory10:46
bobdobbsI'll go through those steps again10:46
bobdobbsok. I've purged and reinstalled. The directories /var/lib/mysql and /etc/mysql no longer exist. After purging and reinstalling, the server doesn't start. Fails with a different error...10:49
ravagewhat error?10:50
bobdobbsline 19 is the interesting line, I think. 'faustina' is the hostname.10:51
ravageok. it should have created that directory. but we can do that manually10:51
bobdobbsoh, of course10:51
ravagesudo mkdir /var/lib/mysql; sudo chown mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql10:51
bobdobbsdone. But... how certain are we with the 'mysql:mysql' bit? Is that the standard ubuntu owner?10:52
bobdobbsjust wondering10:52
ravageit should be the mysql user the database runs on yes10:52
ravagedo you have a new /etc/mysql folder?10:52
bobdobbsk. We are getting somewhere. New error: https://hastebin.com/uvozumexij.yaml10:53
bobdobbsheh. no. I haven't created it.10:53
ravageok lets try this again10:53
ravagesudo apt remove --purge mariadb-common mariadb-server10:54
ravagei hope that will remove a little more10:55
bobdobbsk. stopping the server first...10:55
ravagei dont think its running but ok :)10:55
bobdobbsoh yeah. duh.10:55
bobdobbsyeah. "148MB disk space will be freed". That's more than last time.10:56
ravageok remove the packages10:56
bobdobbsmore output from that command too10:56
ravagenow lets remove that datadir again and reinstall10:56
ravagesudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql10:57
ravagesudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client10:57
bobdobbsno errors or nuffin10:58
ravagesounds good10:58
ravagesudo systemctl status mariadb-server10:59
ravageshows active running?10:59
bobdobbs'service mysql status' returns an error. I'll pastebin it...10:59
ravageyou really should not use service anymore :)10:59
bobdobbsgeez. When the db fell over, it really fell over hard11:00
bobdobbswhat should I be using?11:00
ravageits ok for now11:00
ravagethat is a funny error11:00
ravageone moment11:00
ravagedoes /etc/mysql exist now?11:01
ravageis there a /etc/mysql/my.cnf file?11:02
ravageca you paste the content?11:03
ravageand does /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf exist?11:06
ravagethis is really strange. try "sudo chown -R mysql:mysql /etc/mysql"11:07
ravageand restart the service11:07
bobdobbsrestart fails11:08
bobdobbschecking error...11:08
ravagei will setup a 22.04 container and test a clean install11:08
bobdobbssame as that last error https://hastebin.com/marudeyuvo.apache11:08
bobdobbsaw, no way. It's already 11pm here. Surely there's a way to just purge everything and set it up from scratch11:09
ravagethats what we did really11:09
ravage1 sec11:09
ravagesudo apt remove --purge libmariadb3:amd64 mariadb-client mariadb-client-10.6 mariadb-client-core-10.6 mariadb-common mariadb-server mariadb-server-10.6 mariadb-server-core-10.611:12
ravageit should ask you to remove all databases. answer yes11:12
bobdobbsnuking from orbit...11:13
bobdobbsk, that has run11:13
ravagesudo rm -rf /etc/mysql/ /var/lib/mysql11:13
ravagei get the same error. that is kind of good11:14
bobdobbsit's the only way to be sure11:14
ravagenow i can fix it and tell you how :D11:14
bobdobbsI hope I don't end up inadvertantly dragging you into the quicksand11:14
bobdobbsbrb, grabbing an instant coffee. Should be back in two or three minutes11:14
ravageall that should not really be needed after a purge. i will try to see if that happens on debian too or 20.0411:19
bobdobbsThat first command fails: "no such file or directory"11:19
ravageok what does the second do?11:19
bobdobbsreturns a long message with instructions... looking at it now11:20
ravageshould show "Installing MariaDB/MySQL system tables in '/var/lib/mysql' ..." and then 2 lines later "OK"?11:20
ravageor is there an error?11:20
bobdobbsNo errors. It returns the message you are indicating11:21
ravageok then do the rest of the commands11:21
bobdobbsfor the chown command: "invalid user: `mysql:mysql'"11:22
ravagewhat the hell :D11:22
bobdobbslooks like I no longer have that user on my system11:22
bobdobbsI swear, I haven't done anythign funky!11:22
ravagesudo id mysql11:24
ravagedoes that return anything?11:24
bobdobbs"id: 'mysql' no such user"11:24
bobdobbsno such user in /etc/passwd either11:25
ravagecat you show the output of "dpkg -l|grep mariadb" ?11:25
ravagethat is not a lot11:26
bobdobbsI'm not sure what it is, tbh11:26
ravagesudo apt install mariadb-client-10.6 mariadb-client-core-10.6 mariadb-common mariadb-server mariadb-server-10.6 mariadb-server-core-10.611:26
bobdobbsk, that completes with, uhm, warnings I think. Not errors. pastebinning...11:28
ravagei think you had a linebreak somewhere11:29
ravageyou missed some packages11:29
bobdobbsah, yes. whoops. sorry11:29
ravagesudo apt install mariadb-server mariadb-server-10.6 mariadb-server-core-10.611:29
ravagethat should fix it11:29
ravagemaybe you missed some before already :)11:30
bobdobbsk, that returns with no errors or warnings11:30
bobdobbsgawd, coffee is good11:30
ravageok does your server run my any chance now?11:30
bobdobbsI now have a running server!!11:31
ravagegood :)11:31
ravagenow lets just try11:31
ravagesudo mysql -u root < /root/alldbs.sql11:31
bobdobbsI'll pastebin the status output...11:31
bobdobbsthat looks fine11:31
bobdobbsk, now where did I put my pesky backups...11:32
bobdobbsk, running that command11:33
ravageif it hangs for a while thats a good sign11:33
bobdobbsyup, hanging for a bit. I guess the db's are all being "shelved"11:34
bobdobbsbad metaphor, but you get what I mean11:34
bobdobbsoh, hit an error...11:35
ravagedoes it continue?11:35
bobdobbsno, it didn't continue11:36
ravagethy again with -f11:36
bobdobbsravage: btw, thank you so much for helping me with this. This is Deep Magic to me.11:38
bobdobbsI mean, I know just enough sysadmin stuff to get a db server running. But this stuff is freeky deeky11:39
ravageno problem. slow sunday here. nothing else to do :D11:39
bobdobbsI'm getting a few errors for another old db that I haven't accessed for years11:41
ravagedid you upgrade that system to 22.04 from older versions over time?11:42
ravageit looks like there are some really old databases that did not get all the migrations needed for newer mysql server versions11:43
bobdobbsHuh. I just figured out how old that db is by googling. It was for the website for this play: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/13/theater/review-clever-little-lies-a-throwback-to-1960s-broadway.html11:43
bobdobbsravage: no. It was a fresh install11:43
ravageand how did you migrate the databases?11:43
bobdobbsI had a new PC built for me. I transfered over the HD from my old system. My new system has an SSD. I mounted the drive and copied over the contents of /var/lib/mysql11:45
ravageuh ok11:46
ravagethat may have caused trouble indeed11:46
bobdobbsMaybe. But its been working fine for months.11:46
bobdobbsAlthough I did have an issue shortly after I copied the db's over, and had to purge/reinstall mariadb11:47
mythackeranyone online?11:47
lotuspsychje!ask | mythacker11:48
ubottumythacker: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:48
mythacker!ask What is this hexchat?11:48
lotuspsychjemythacker: you joined the ubuntu support channel11:49
lotuspsychjemythacker: you can aks ubuntu related questions in here, and volunteers will try to help you11:49
mythacker!ask Is there any driver for AMD APU in Ubuntu?11:50
ubottuBut 'ask' already means something else!11:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:50
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/11:50
bobdobbsravage: how did you acquire your db skills?11:55
ravagei dont have any DB specific certificates. just practice over the decades really11:56
mythackerhey ravage11:57
mythackercan anyone see my messages?11:58
bobdobbsravage: I've got this theory that it's pretty much impossible to read all the documentation that one needs in order to be a competent linux sysadmin. There's a level at which much of the necessary knowledge is just lore: basically shared by the internet version of word-of-mouth11:58
bobdobbsravage: in other words, we already live in the 40k universe11:58
ravagedid your command finish? or still running?12:01
bobdobbsravage: still running12:01
bobdobbsravage: the command finished running12:07
ravagecheck if you can find anything useful on your phpmyadmin12:08
ravageor check first if you can even login :)12:08
bobdobbsI don't have phpmyadmin installed. But one of my wp site is working12:08
ravagethat is a good sign12:09
bobdobbsravage: at the terminal, this works for the system root user: 'mysql -uroot -proot'12:09
bobdobbs'show databases' works12:09
bobdobbsFor the non-root user, I can also log in to mysql from the command line, using that same command12:10
bobdobbsso... it all looks good so far12:10
ravageim sure some of the old databases will have some missing data12:11
ravagemaybe a good oppotunity to drop them :)12:11
bobdobbsYeah, that's probably fine.12:11
bobdobbsThe only warnings I got where from that old db. Which I can infer from the NYT article date is now about seven years old.12:12
BluesKajHi all12:14
bobdobbsravage: thanks for your help. It's after midnight, Sunday here. So early Monday morning. I very much appreciate your help. I would have been utterly distressed without it.12:17
ravageyou're welcome. its 2pm on sunday here. you better get some sleep :)12:18
ravageoh. and maybe cleanup those /var/lib/mysql.bak and /etc/mysql.bak dirs12:20
ravageyou dont need those anymore12:20
taholmes160Hi folks -- i installed the XRDP and set it up as far as I can tell correctly, when I try to connect from my windows machine, I get a light blue screen with an Xrdp login screen, when I log in with the correct username and password, it disconnects12:25
taholmes160Can someone please point me in the right direction12:26
agoodmIs there some way to specify a default audio device when its available?  I've got a USB dock which connects two audio outputs and it *always* chooses the wrong one.12:31
agoodmI used to connect the USB devices so that the one it usually chose was correct, but thats no longer possible.12:31
ravageagoodm, https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/906/sound-output-device-chooser/ makes it easiert to switch12:42
agoodmthanks ravage; no way to automate it?12:43
tomreynyou can also set a default output sink https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/PulseAudio/Examples#Set_the_default_output_sink12:43
agoodmdoes that survive the output sync going away and reappearing?12:44
tomreynthe configuration file will prevail, i'm not sure how pulseaudio handles the situation where the default output sink disappears, i assume it falls back to another.12:45
tomreynapparently you can also assign priorities to specific sinks https://superuser.com/questions/1026619/how-to-change-the-sink-priority-in-pulseaudio12:48
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agoodm_tomreyn, so setting default in the config file doesnt seem to help - it still switches to the most recently connected device12:59
ioriaagoodm_, try to run pactl set-default-sink -device-in at startup13:00
agoodm_Its not useful though... I donnect usb hub with multiple audio sources and every time I end up with a randomly selected output device, presumably the last to connect...13:00
tomreyntry priorities then13:01
agoodm_to be fair same issue in windows, but it feels like there should be a solution other than manually choosing the right output every time I plug into the dock13:01
agoodm_https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/pulseaudio/pulseaudio/-/issues/885 are priorities even implemented yet?13:02
ubottuIssue 885 in pulseaudio/pulseaudio "Support sink and source priorities configurable by user" [Opened]13:02
ioriaagoodm_, does 'pactl list short sinks' list your desired device ?13:02
agoodm_sort of alsa_output.usb-Yoyodyne_Consulting_ODAC-revB-01.analog-stereo - would prefer the spdif version?13:03
tomreynagoodm_: looks like you already know more than i do regarding priorities.13:05
agoodm_haha I didnt know about priorities till you mentioned, but I cant see any way to set a priority...13:05
tomreynas you pointed out, priorities are only used internally by PA and not user configurable.13:07
Minor723Anyone know why when i run this/ "sudo systemctl --user status minecraft.service" I get this. "Failed to connect to bus: $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS and $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not defined (consider using --machine=<user>@.host --user to connect to bus of other user)"13:07
tomreynMinor723: run it as the very user and without sudo13:09
tomreyn(or specify the target user via sudo -u <targetuser>)13:10
Minor723tomreyn thank you13:10
tomreynyou're welcome13:11
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arraybolt3[m]Anything we can help with?15:03
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meandrainhi, I am trying to install Ubuntu 20.04 in a virtual machine, and I've noticed it does not create a swap space. Why is that ?16:48
meandrainok so I found the answer here:     https://askubuntu.com/questions/1243247/does-ubuntu-20-04-installer-skip-creating-a-swap-partition16:52
EriC^^meandrain: maybe it created /swapfile ?16:52
meandrainI did not get there, I was at "creating partition" installation step.16:53
pjswow, upgrading to 22.04 and snap is required for things like firefox lmfao17:18
pjswhat a stupid thing17:18
pjsI removed snap before because I don't want to use it.17:19
* pjs rant over, sorry17:19
InPhasepjs: It has been a disruptive downgrade in functionality for firefox, but seems to be driven by upstream choices from Firefox.  I assume it will work normally later once the kinks are worked out.17:26
InPhasepjs: You can always build a thing yourself if you really don't want to use a default standard package, but I would advise coming back to try the snap version later, perhaps after the next point release or full release.  I think it is on its way to being a new standard, and thus should start working well.17:28
InPhaseI've had access control and basic functionality issues with quite a number of snap packages, which I've had to swap out with non-snap sources just to make things work.  Firefox I'm still using the standard snap because the biggest issue is the slow first start after boot, which I'm just sighing my way through for now.17:32
pjsI'll definitely switch to a new distro vs. be forced to use snapd, which I view as totally unnecessary17:32
tomreynalternatives to firefox snap: upstream builds (which have their own upgrade path), flatpack, PPAs, third party redistributions under different branding.17:32
pjstomreyn: yea, I'll use a ppa17:33
pjsjust annoying I had to reinstall snapd during the upgrade17:33
InPhasepjs: There is a logic to snap, which is why it's being embraced.  It gives a way to release consistent builds across distributions by internal managing of dependencies.17:34
InPhasepjs: This will distribute labor much more sensibly in the future, allowing a much wider collection of packages.17:34
jhutchinsIt's amusing how many of the complaints about the new packaging for firefox compare with the complaints about mozilla browser in the early 90s.17:35
pjsOh I get it, it's just not something *I* need. I see it as useful for a large chunk of users17:35
gordonjcpI like snap packages17:37
gordonjcpit's nice to see Linux finally catching up with Haiku17:37
jhutchinsgordonjcp: Maybe you mean catching up with Solaris?17:44
gordonjcpjhutchins: they're more like hpkgs but yeah they're similar to Solaris packages :-)17:58
appuHi, can someone here help me with reporting a bug?18:02
jhutchinsPoor bot.18:03
jhutchinsappu: What do you need help with?18:03
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:04
oerheksmake sure you have a launchpad account, for feedback18:04
appuI have a bug with the elantech touchpad18:04
jhutchinsappu: What did you try to do?  How did you try to do it?  What did you expect to happen?  What happened instead?18:04
appujhutchins: Toucpad seems to drop out of touchpad mode into mouse-mode randomly. Which disables multitouch and other functions.18:06
appuWhat surprises me is that, a suspend and resume fixes this temporarily.18:06
jhutchinsappu: Does this happen in any particular application, or when switching applications?18:06
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appujhutchins: Hmm, I startup with firefox and a few others. I should try to see if the bug happens without firefox18:08
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appuBut can a software cause system-wide mouse problem?18:09
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jhutchinsappu: If it's controlling the I/O for the mouse, sure.18:11
jhutchinsappu: Have you found any other reports of problems with this hardware?18:11
oxfuxxxonly if it's driver related i'd say. low level software.18:11
appujhutchins: Elantech touchpad seems to be a very problematic in general according  to google18:12
oxfuxxxotherwise it has no access to the hw control etc.18:12
oxfuxxxCanadian mouse tech.18:13
appuAlso, this was on the console during suspend/resume18:13
appui2c_hid_acpi i2c-ELAN0504:01: i2c_hid_get_input: IRQ triggered but there's no data18:13
BlackMagehello, i cant install package libapache2-mod-php5 or libapache2-mod-php5.6 in ubuntu 22.0418:14
BlackMageor libapache2-mod-php518:14
oerhekslibapache2-mod-php5 ? that is pretty old, trusty era18:15
tomreynBlackMage: that's because there is no such package in 22.04. there are similar packages for higher php versions, though18:15
pjsre: upgrade, I removed snap again and installed ff via ppa, weird now both versions take about 30 seconds to start and previously it was instant.18:15
appuoxfuxxx: jhutchins: I found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1033033/elantech-touchpad-does-not-work-i2c-hid18:16
appuso going to try that.18:16
jhutchinspjs: Instant start suggests that something is pre-loaded and running in the background.18:19
goddardany way to enable a lazy style loading for nautilus?18:23
goddardwith many tools it is impossible to view files with 100s of thousands of files18:26
pjsjhutchins: maybe, I've had to troubleshoot ff before and never noticed anythingand even after a reboot it was bascially instant. Not a big deal, just find it strange18:27
pjsalways some little kinks after an major update so I'll work them out slowly as they annoy me enough18:27
tomreyngoddard: hundreds of thousands of files in one directory is wrong in the first place. i think this had been discussed before.18:28
ogranot sure what kind of HW you have over there, but on most systems the FF snap cold start time should be below 5sec with anything above version 101 ... if it is still slow with the current verson, there is surely a bug (for me it starts withn ~3sec on all machines here)18:30
goddardtomreyn: with AI and large datasets it is impossible to work with them using Linux tools18:30
goddardat least the standard tools18:31
pjsjhutchins: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1406263/ubuntu-22-04-runs-too-slow18:31
pjslooks like it's not just me.18:31
goddardtomreyn: also with low memory devices it makes way more sense to use lazy loading instead of the current method18:31
archiHi all :)18:32
ograpjs, see what i wrote above .. the slow FF startup of the snap is supposed to be fixed since several versions ... (and is working well for most people)18:33
pjsogra: it's not just FF.. Seems anything that uses GTK takes 30 seconds+ to load (ie, just loading the bluetooth devices)18:33
pjsthere is a bug filed, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/197343418:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1973434 in linux (Ubuntu) "massive performance issues since 22.04 upgrade" [Undecided, Confirmed]18:34
ograyeah, that doesnt sound about right ...18:34
ogra(and sounds really like a systemic prob not really like a snap issues either)18:34
pjsogra: not blaming snap, I've already removed it completely18:34
pjsI just don't want to use snap, but I removed it immediately.18:35
ograpjs, well, that bug is a mess ...18:36
ograit looks like originally there is an issue with nvidia and wayland there ... but the further conversation kind of goes into asome "generally slow" relam with amd users and whatnot18:37
ogratry switching to xorg though (at the login screen) ... perhaps you have a driver issue with wayland ...18:38
pjshrmm, afaik I'm using xorg.18:40
pjsor does that change during upgrade by default?18:40
pjsjust tried the work around on the bug and the issue remains..18:40
varaindemianany idea why I get this?18:53
varaindemianon VBox18:53
rfmvaraindemian, it says pre-removal script failed, I don't know why the apport dialog popped up.  what were you trying to do and how?19:09
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cekI'd like to make a wifi connection available to all users, thus I check the checkbox and I'm prompted for "Administrator" password, but there's none and I've got sudo config'ed. Is this the default config or did I change something?19:44
cekoh yeah, same happens when I click "unlock" in Settings. wtf have I changed?19:45
oxfuxxxset a passwd for root/admin and use it cek. some config requires passwd to be define for root.19:46
oxfuxxxsudo su, then passwd19:46
cekthat's the easiest way. But I'm sure it had worked without asking for root pw (or was asking just for my user's pw)19:47
ceksomething has changed as I remember root not having any password since day 119:47
oxfuxxxyou should add a pass anyway in case a female would try to rape your hard drive anyway.19:49
oxfuxxxgood lux ;]19:49
cekwhat?! anyway, can be solved by adding the user to `sudo` or `admin` group.20:00
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tripp4hi keep getting 404 error when trying to install or remove programs in ubuntu, something's broken... https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fWHfHtg968/21:13
Habbietripp4h, did you type 'apt-get update' recently?21:14
oerheksHabbie, +1 most common cause to these dependencie issues21:17
oerheksand support for next hirsuite 22.10 in #ubuntu-next please21:17
Habbiewell, +1 to many issues, but if not running apt-get update causes dependency issues, somebody messed up and it was not the user21:17
tripp4hHabbie: tried it but it didn't help, another paste: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KqNzfBKsZX/21:27
oerheksline 42 xenial??21:28
oerheksand deadsnakes ppa, oh dear..21:29
oerhekstripp4h, also, support for next hirsuite 22.10 in #ubuntu-next please21:29
tripp4hi would like to update but cannot right now21:30
oerheksyes, with that many ppa's and unsigned stuff, you have issues.21:30
Habbietripp4h, update to what?21:30
tripp4hHabbie: to 21.10 and then 22.0421:31
tripp4hor 22.04.121:31
oerheksoh wait hirsuite is 21.10 ... EOL21:31
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:31
tripp4hi'm bad with linux, kraah21:31
oerheksuse the old-releases trick from that wiki21:32
tripp4hoerheks: do you mean that eolupgrades page?21:33
oerheksbut with deathsnakes ppa installed, you might keep issues21:34
tripp4hi don't remember what i have it for.21:34
tripp4hmaybe i'll disable it :-o21:34
enigma9o7[m]i think deathsnake is python21:35
oerheksdo-release-upgrde should handle that, but as it is python, it can be an issue.21:36
tripp4hthe deadsnake ppa isn't in sources.list, wonder where is it... searching21:44
enigma9o7[m]sources.list.d folder21:45
oerheksjust removing that entry in sources.list.d  does not solve, one needs to use ppa-purge to reverse.21:47
deegotripp4h: did you remember to apt update?21:48
jhutchinsoerheks: Doesn't update build a new index without the removed repo?21:49
oerheksjhutchins, i have seen many update issues with deadsnakes. i hope he tried with the old-rekleases trick first.21:50
tripp4hanother paste, what do you recommend to remove from sources.list.d folder? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xDqMJNTZ9K/21:52
tripp4hdeadsnake's no more21:52
oerheksthey all will be disabled with do-release-upgrade, have fun!21:53
johnfghi folks!21:53
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tripp4hokie dokie. i did apt update deego. i can't update right now because my computer crashes from time to time...21:54
johnfgJust wanted to verify this here: I've got vino up and running and able (finally) to vnc into this machine.  There is nowhere that vino does logging as it is?21:54
tripp4hthere should be an ubuntu and other linux's rescue cd, would be great.21:58
johnfgThere's a workaround for having vino log, but not a feature to turn on/off, apparently.21:58
tripp4hother linux distributions21:58
oerheksrescue cd for EOL versions?21:58
oerheksfix your hardware crashes, and update21:59
tripp4hoerheks: rescue cds for updaters and other problems22:11
oerheksjust use a live iso for that..22:12
tripp4hoerheks: does it have something to fix problems if they occur? of course i can come here and ask :-)22:12
oerheksas you did not try to upgrade, why answer to non existing problems?22:15
oerheksi would download a fresh 22.04.1 and reinstall22:16
lagunaoerheks how do i upgrade from 22.04 to 22.04.122:17
cbreaktripp4h: the ubuntu installer usb image can install ubuntu, or boot an ubuntu live system (if you get the desktop installer)22:17
cbreakyou obviously can also use it to rescue a system22:17
enigma9o7[m]laguna: using the software updater, or `sudo apt update;sudo apt dist-upgrade`22:18
lagunaenigma ok thanks22:18
enigma9o7[m]If you do regular updates, you already have it.22:18
lagunaenigma how can i tell22:18
tripp4hoerheks: i have before had problems with upgrading to a newer version. it was years ago tho.22:19
enigma9o7[m]hmmm maybe `lsb_release -a` ?22:19
enigma9o7[m]or from gui in help/about?22:19
oerheksgood luck upgrading, tripp4h22:19
lagunaenigma ok that says 22.04.122:20
lagunaoerheks i have a file called gnome-cards-data but what is the bin name to play the card game22:22
oerheksshould be in your menu somewhere22:23
lagunaenigma oh yea it works thanks22:23
lagunaenigma i like solitaire22:23
enigma9o7[m]I do too.  But I have not found a linux version as good as android versions :(    Things like click to place cards, and settings to only deal solvable games, etc.22:25
cbreakif you install steam, I'm sure you can find all the games you'll ever want :/22:27
lagunaenigma i did not find the old epsxe emulator in the repos only pcsxr and it does not do a good job with ff722:27
lagunaepsxe had an option to enable some various graphics routines to  get ff7 to work correctly and pcsxr does not have those options22:28
enigma9o7[m]i use retroarch for that kinda stuff22:28
lagunaenigma well retroarch is just a front end for various emulators....i would like to get the epsxe emulator version 1.6  or so working on this ubuntu22:29
enigma9o7[m]yeah there may be retroarch plugins for it, there are usually several different choices for each console if the first one doesnt work right22:30
lagunaenigma oh i did not know that..i could take a look or just try to compile the epsxe tarball from scratch i guess with all the optional compiles22:31
lagunaenigma i like the music in ff7 as you play through the game..and i can't afford a ps5 i saw selling for $700 plus to buy a new version of the game22:32
enigma9o7[m]Check out the libretro ppa, they may have the engine/core you're looking for if its not in regular ubuntu.22:33
lagunaok enigma thanks for the advices22:34
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Guest93I have a Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS release that I have updated the kernel on to linux 5.13 . However, <sys/syscall.h> is outdated; it does not include definitions for the more recent linux system calls that my applications depend on. How can I update my syscall.h on ubuntu?23:47
oerheksif you do a proper update; sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade, and reboot, you will have 20.04.523:49
oerheksand how did you install 5.13?23:49
Guest93I already have Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS installed. I upgraded to linux 5.13 using the package manager23:50
Guest93my uname-a is "Linux XXXXX 5.13.0-51-generic #58~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 14 11:29:12 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux"23:51
oerheksweird, HWE would give 5.1523:51
guiverc[m]the 5.13 kernel isn't supported anymore in Ubuntu; it no longer receives patches as reached EOL when 21.10 went EOL (it was a 21.10 kernel)23:51
oerheksnormal focal gives 5.4 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux23:52
oerheksGuest93 so how did you install that kernel?23:52
Guest93I used some method of updating my kernel to 5.13 several months ago; I forget the exact nature of how I did it23:53
Guest93I used the package manager to do it, and some ubuntu documentation23:53
oerheksi bet you manually installed a random kernel from mainline23:53
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds23:53
enigma9o7[m]guest93: sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-20.0423:53
enigma9o7[m]then reboot and all will be well23:53
Guest93it says: "linux-generic-hwe-20.04 is already the newest version ("23:53
guiverc[m]That means security fixes are on you; it's unsupported & thus unpatched by Ubuntu Guest9323:54
enigma9o7[m]if you have 5.15, grub shoulda booted into that.  have you messed with grub customization?23:54
oerheksoh, reboot, get into grub, and choose 5.1523:54
enigma9o7[m]grub usually boots into the newest kernel unless you tell it otherwise23:54
Guest93I don't have a bootloader installed. this is a VPS23:54
enigma9o7[m]sorry i dunno those letters23:55
oerheksask your vps vendor howto get 5.15...23:56
enigma9o7[m]well i mean i know the letters, just not what they mean when combined23:56
oerhekshe gets the money23:56
Guest93Virtual Private System; this is a virtual machine in some datacenter that I ssh into for a monthly fee23:56

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