
IrcsomeBot<MrigendraB> Hi, guys! How do I make the close, maximize/minimize buttons on a window larger and rectangular so that it would have a larger hitbox.02:07
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> System Settings -? Appearance -> Window Decorations02:32
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> .... find the active theme and click on pencil in the lower right corner.  Button size drop down should be on General tab. (Plasma 5.25.4)02:32
IrcsomeBot<MrigendraB> Oh! Cool. Will check it out. Thanks. (re @DarinMiller: System Settings -? Appearance -> Window Decorations02:35
IrcsomeBot<MrigendraB> .... find the active theme and click on pencil in the lower right corner.  Button size drop down should be on General tab. (Plasma 5.25.4))02:35
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IrcsomeBot<trevantee> hey guys is it possible in anyway after freshly installing a kubuntu OS, it becomes blurry/cloudy out of the box, or is it just the quality of the laptop screen??05:41
alkisgPress print screen to get a screenshot, then zoom in to see if the screenshot is fine or not05:46
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IrcsomeBot<trevantee> could u elaborate? (re @IrcsomeBot: <alkisg> Press print screen to get a screenshot, then zoom in to see if the screenshot is fine or not)05:59
alkisgI mean that if you get a screenshot of your screen, and save it to a file, and open it, and then zoom in, you'll see if the problem is in your monitor or not06:01
alkisgIf you're asking how to take a screenshot, read: https://userbase.kde.org/Taking_Screenshots06:01
IrcsomeBot<trevantee> i get that but how do i thn know if its my monitor or not06:05
IrcsomeBot<trevantee> what are the differences to look out for06:05
IrcsomeBot<MrigendraB> Guys! Firefox and Chromium browsers are not respecting my set window decorations. Any way to enforce such?07:33
IrcsomeBot<MrigendraB> I have set a window decoration which sets windows like close, minimise/maximise buttons which worl in other apps but not in ff and brave. They still show small circular buttons.07:34
jos_First time here - forgive my mistakes pls07:53
jos_problem with mouse pointer on a (kind of) HDPI display (2560x2440): scrolling goes way too fast07:54
arraybolt3[m]jos_: Firstly, no need to be worried, we welcome users of any skill level and new arrivals. Secondly, try opening System Settings, search for "Mouse", and see if there's a setting there that will let you change the scrolling speed.07:56
jos_eg. in the game 'ksudoku' it is impossible to choose a digit with the scroll-button: i always jump five or six digits further than the intended 1 !07:56
jos_Ynx for the suggestion - but i did that already - on my 'HDPI'desktop this does NOT solve my problem . On my (normnal DPI) laptop everything works fine.07:57
arraybolt3[m]I've had weird stuff like this happen in the past. One moment, I'll see if I can find any relevant info.07:57
IrcsomeBot<MrigendraB> I have the same issue (re @IrcsomeBot: <jos_> problem with mouse pointer on a (kind of) HDPI display (2560x2440): scrolling goes way too fast)07:58
IrcsomeBot<MrigendraB> I could set the scrolling speed in Fedora KDE but not in kubuntu. Strange! (re @IrcsomeBot: <jos_> problem with mouse pointer on a (kind of) HDPI display (2560x2440): scrolling goes way too fast)07:58
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, it looks like X vs. Wayland - I believe the feature is supported under Wayland but not X.07:59
arraybolt3[m]Kubuntu is still using X, while Fedora is on Wayland.07:59
jos_but Wayland has other problems ...08:00
arraybolt3[m]jos_: What happens if you manually set your resolution to 1920x1080?08:00
IrcsomeBot<MrigendraB> I think we could enable wayland on Ubuntu (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> Yeah, it looks like X vs. Wayland - I believe the feature is supported under Wayland but not X.)08:00
arraybolt3[m](I know, less-than-ideal solution, but it might help us diagnose if it really is the resolution causing the problem.)08:01
arraybolt3[m](Or if there's a HiDPI option, turn that off.)08:01
arraybolt3[m]@MrigendraB: True, but it's not really what you would call "stable".08:01
jos_Good Idea !!!- didn';t try that - i'll do this right awy - w8 a mom pls...08:01
jos_if i don't come back soon this means i'm lost in cyber-space ;-)08:02
arraybolt3[m]System Settings > Display and Monitor > Display Configuration > Global Scale should be where you'll find HiDPI options.08:02
arraybolt3[m]jos_: If all else fails, search for "Ubuntu IRC channel" on your phone and use the webchat :)08:03
jos_i'm now on 1920x1080 and the problem persists (didn't reboot obviously)08:04
IrcsomeBot<MrigendraB> That's true though (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3[m]> @MrigendraB: True, but it's not really what you would call "stable".)08:05
arraybolt3[m]Maybe adjusting the resolution down and changing the global scale might give you a comfortable screen and fix the problem? I bet that the HiDPI scaling is what's confusing things.08:05
jos_but then a have to logout /// I will come back after a few tests with yr suggestions08:06
jos_anyway - tnx for the info08:07
jos_Hi! - Back on the track! @arraybolt3: Tested all yr suggestions: 1/ reduced resolution to 1920x1080 + reboot   2/ back to 2560x1440 + reboot   3/ changed global scale to 200% + reboot   All to no avail: if i try to scroll to the next number in ksudoku i still do jump 5 ot 6 digits at once...08:17
arraybolt3[m]jos_: I meant adjust global scale down so that it didn't scale anything up.08:17
arraybolt3[m](Probably ensure that your resolution is at 1920x1080 when you do this so everything doesn't get way too small.)08:17
jos_Oops - moment pls08:17
jos_i'm now at 1920x1080 and global scale to 50% - still the same prob08:19
jos_(didn't reboot though)08:20
arraybolt3[m]Well... crud. One moment...08:21
arraybolt3[m]You might be able to switch to a non-libinput driver for your mouse and then get scroll speed control again. https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/id6nzg/comment/g27cym0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=308:21
jos_wow - seems a drastic intervention .... i'll have to reboot again08:23
jos_Bi for now08:24
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> I’ve issues with my touchpad using libinput as main. Firefox page scroll stutters with their touchpad drivers08:24
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> Sometimes you gotta scroll by pushing up/down with touchpad and expect the page to scroll way down automatically ? That doesn’t happen as well with libinput08:26
jos_i sincerely think that this should be considered as a bug in the  X11-mouse-driver (especially since it seems it only occurs on HiDPI)08:26
IrcsomeBot<Akshay Jr.> in my pc vlc is not working i am from india i think it's banned here i don't know if it is still banned actually yesterday it was working but today not i wanted to watch movies actually is there any alternative09:15
BluesKajHi all12:42
jackenmen[m]Do I understand correctly that eventually, Plasma 5.25 will also be available in the base kubuntu-ppa/backports repo (rather than just in kubuntu-ppa/backports-extra)?12:46
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BluesKajJackenmen[m], yes12:50
RikMillsJackenmen[m]: that is the hope. no 100% guarentee12:55
BluesKajI'm testing Kinetic atm and it's using plasma 5.25.4 without any problems12:59
RikMills5.25.5 coming later today13:02
IrcsomeBot<trevantee> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/d5fcd15e/file_59598.jpg13:05
IrcsomeBot<trevantee> What does this mean guys?13:05
IrcsomeBot<trevantee> Came up while I tried booting it via bootable usb drive 22.0413:05
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IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> Plasma 5.25 seems stable maybe if I encounter bugs related to Ubuntu kinetic ? (re @IrcsomeBot: <BluesKaj> I'm testing Kinetic atm and it's using plasma 5.25.4 without any problems)16:55
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> I want to install Plasma 5.25 but not proposed on upgrade :x (After backports repo add)16:58
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> I cannot test if its stable :(16:58
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> Hello ^^16:58
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* valorie is using plasma 5.25.4 for some days in 22.0419:04
valorie22.10 in a month or so \0/19:04
Guest70I'm having a bunch of held back updates and apt wants to remove kubuntu-desktop sddm-theme-breeze kubuntu-settings-desktop. Anyone knows whats up with that?19:36
RikMillsthis is a current known issue. please do not try to force an update at the moment. it should resolve itself in a day or 2 on it's own, but I am trying to get it sorted sooner19:41
RikMillsit is an unexpected consequence of 'phased updates'19:41
Guest70Good to know. Thanks for your help!19:44
cbreakseems I'm using plasma 5.24.19:48
cbreakand I have to killall kded5 every few days because of it :D19:48
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IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> Operating System: Kubuntu 22.0420:23
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.620:23
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> KDE Frameworks Version: 5.95.020:23
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> Qt Version: 5.15.320:23
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> Kernel Version: 5.19.0-4.2-liquorix-amd64 (64-bit)20:23
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> Graphics Platform: Wayland20:23
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> But the last version of plasma available in this repo is 5.24.6-0ubuntu0.1~ubuntu22.04~ppa1_all.deb20:25
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> see https://kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5-25-for-jammy-22-04-available-via-ppa/20:26
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> AH Thank's20:27
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> Time to upgrade and thank's again ❤️20:28
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> Its work ❤️ Thank's again 😊 : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/14e8f4c7/file_59626.jpg20:53
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