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tewardrbasak: ping20:10
rbasakteward: o/20:52
skeerHowdy! So at work we discovered the inability to schedule ubuntu updates in aws ssm.. forgive me as I dont recall the exact terms but its due to canonicals lack of an update schedule (or there abouts). Anyway, all of our processes and config mgmt tasks are for Ubuntu, both on-prem and in aws. I sit here entirely irritated theres no apparent resolution to this other than rolling landscape and even thats an if at this point.21:21
skeerIf anyone has advice on this please HMU21:21
sarnoldskeer: we do have a schedule: we try very hard to only release security updates monday through thursday. I'm less sure about bugfix updates, but I bet not many of those happen saturday and sunday21:25
skeersarnold: ... is that published anywhere? I did a tiny bit of digging last week but after seeing AWS's docs mention that auto-aproval for Ubu server isnt supported https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/create-baseline-console-linux.html21:27
sarnoldskeer: hmm, that sounds like it's unrelated to a release schedule21:31
skeersarnold: Maybe thats the problem..I/we might be understanding this incorrectly.21:36
skeerI guess I should have asked first, is it possible to have a scheduled patch baseline with auto-approval for Ubu Server in AWS?  (I do realize this channel is *not* for AWS, but Ubu users I'd hope frequent here regardless of hosting platform)21:37
sarnoldskeer: I think the folks I've seen who wanted something like that used their own aptly mirrors configured to move packages in based on rules there, rather than managing it on the clients21:40
sarnoldskeer: of course if the amazon approach works for your own distros, having a completely different thing for ubuntu might be too frustrating :/21:40
skeersarnold: TBF we are pricing Landscape as an option.. however the MSRP of 75 per node is steep just for Updates. But yeah your aptly comment, can you tell me more about that?21:41
skeerI only mention Landscape in relation to doing something different for Ubu21:42
sarnoldskeer: I'm a bit fuzzy on aptly, I've never used it myself, but you can move packages into your own mirror on your own schedule https://www.aptly.info/doc/why/21:45
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skeersarnold: Ah ok so in essence its a local mirror where you can limit inclusion in a bunch of ways.21:49
sarnoldskeer: yeah21:49
skeertomreyn: TY! 21:49
skeersarnold: So that might be a viable alternative. So we're apparently wanting to push updates to a test group like, say 7 days before the rest. There some missing info there in official repos, I'm told, that makes this impossible. 21:52
skeerTo me a simple timer based on first group, but I guess that's not possible.21:52
skeerBut maybe this aptly thing could be made to work21:53
tomreynyou're welcome, but i guess this tutorial is just a start, you may want / need to do a bit more scripting, and it won't cover your need for local mirroring either21:53
skeerOh defintely. It's no silver bullet (and surprisingly just like AWS's docs, showing the newest version as 20.10) lol21:53
sarnoldskeer: yeah, I have to imagine some canary testing in aptly wouldn't be too hard to get going; I don't know if it's the *best* way to get there, but I do think it's meant to do those things21:55
skeerUgh this is hard to nail down.. what AWS means I mean, with the release schedule being "unreliable"21:57
sarnoldskeer: so, I *think* what they're mentioning there, is that our package release lists don't say which date each specific package was updated21:59
sarnoldskeer: they could fake the data themselves by grabbing the lists daily and comparing the changes..21:59
sarnoldskeer: but I suspect they don't want to :) so here we are22:00
skeerthey == canonical?22:00
skeeror.. blah nevermind lol22:00
skeerYeah so check this out.. 22:00
skeerthat is the issue I'm trying to fight22:01
skeerAnd admittedly, it's more than likely no fault of Ubu's22:02
skeerIn any event, thanks guys for the suggestions and info. I'm certainly open to any others while I dig. I don't relish the idea of switching distros one bit.22:05
rbasakThe required information is available via the Launchpad API22:07
rbasakYou can get the publication date for any package and version22:07
rbasakBut of course they'd need to retrieve it that way22:07
rbasakeg. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssh/1:8.2p1-4ubuntu0.2 - has a publication date on the right column, and that's retrievable by API, too22:08
sarnoldrbasak: hah, that's an idea22:10
skeerI knew that checking logs was one way.. the Launchpad API I did not so that's cool. So that would be say, a lambda call polling an apt update list22:10
skeerrbasak: that is indeed interesting22:11
skeerAdditional thought: a pri and sec mirrors. Since SSM doesn't want to allow scheduling based on group. One could run a test group against the pri repo which would be latest. Then run updates for group 2 based on Secondary repo which is rule-based set to pull updates from officifal sources X days later.22:19
tomreynhttps://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/sysman-patch-baselines.html -> "There is no wait before approval because reliable release dates aren't available in the repositories."23:28
tomreynso AWS + SSM does not provide this functionality (which is offered for the Amazon Linux 2 AMIs)23:29
tomreynsee also https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/APIReference/API_PatchRule.html -> "ApproveAfterDays" -> " Not supported on Debian Server or Ubuntu Server."23:31
tomreynsounds like a good selling point for ubuntu pro, if it can be extended to support this, such as with a custom patch baseline https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/create-baseline-console-linux.html which talks to launchpad to retireve this information.23:35

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