
pikapikadid elementary icon theme go brown in 20.0402:53
vvvvveiapikapika: yes I believe so03:25
pikapikavvvvveia, yeah03:26
pikapikaI checked screenshots of xubuntu 20.0403:26
pikapikaI just today realized I had been feeling subtly annoyed all this while03:27
pikapikaI am careful in replicating the theme of my old computer as much as possible on a new installation03:27
pikapikabut the icon theme had gone brown03:27
pikapikaAfter copying back the old blue theme it feels cleaner now03:27
vvvvveiaYeah, I prefer the blue to be honest03:28
pikapikathe brown is not offensive03:30
pikapikabut I just like the blue more03:30
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xu-help12wI just had a question about xubuntu, is anyone available to help?12:43
xu-help12wim gonna leave my question for anyone to answer12:44
xu-help12wso basically i have an old laptop (specs : CPU: Amd E-450 - 4gb ram and integrated graphics) and i wanted to install linux on it but i wasn't sure which distribiution to get, so my question is should i get xubuntu OR can there be some other version that requires more ram for example (that my laptop is capable of) that comes with more12:47
xu-help12wcustomizablitiy and more apps/features? or are they all similar and i can pretty much get what i need out of any distro?12:47
xu-help74wFirefox crashes when going to a link in a new tab, not always but a good part of the time. I am running Xubuntu 18.04 and Firefox 104.0 (32 bit).13:50
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xu-help97whello, i have a problem, my screen flickers, any solutions ?15:49
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xu-gfirmehi... I have just installed the latest LTS version of Ubuntu. I need to work with nodejs... but the release of nodejs is not the last one. I'm trying to install from the tar.gz. Someone have a link to a tutorial to install it. Thanks.18:29
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