
iomari891Greetings, my lockscreen password no longer works. All other passwords are working eg: login,terminal. What might be the cause? kubuntu 22.0408:39
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> Same here šŸ„² (re @christophelabrie: I have added backports repo but not plasma 5.25 here šŸ˜¢)08:44
IrcsomeBot<trevantee> Backports-extra? (re @milesdredd: Same here šŸ„²)08:55
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> Yes its work with backports-extra (re @trevantee: Backports-extra?)08:56
IrcsomeBot<christophelabrie> Keyboard layout ? (re @IrcsomeBot: <iomari891> Greetings, my lockscreen password no longer works. All other passwords are working eg: login,terminal. What might be the cause? kubuntu 22.04)08:56
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> Hi. Can you please guide me to disable all the graphic reactions?09:31
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> Kubuntu 20.0409:31
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> KDE Plasma Version: 5.18.809:31
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> KDE Frameworks Version: 5.68.009:31
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> QT Version: 5.12.809:31
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> Kernel Version 5.15.0-46-generic09:31
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> Hi. Can you please guide me to disable all the graphic reactions?09:33
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> For example, if I put my mouse cursor on the corner, I would like nothing to happen.09:33
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> Kubuntu 20.0409:33
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> KDE Plasma Version: 5.18.809:33
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> KDE Frameworks Version: 5.68.009:33
IrcsomeBot<AliPharzaneh> QT Version: 5.12.809:33
JMichaelXKDE is hosed on two of my machines as of the last round of updates. No window title bars on one PC, the other, no title bars, no panel icons, no desktop background, among other issues10:50
JMichaelXbackports not enabled on the first machine. On the second, I did enabled the backports PPA, and upgraded, but problems were not resolved. Wound up having to install LXQTin order to keep rolling10:54
JMichaelXOK, as it turns out, at least on this PC, the recent round of upgrades for some reason removed kwin-x11. Installing that package seems to have resolved the issues I was running into11:03
mparilloWhich version? There has been some chatter about phased updates in JJ. For example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kubuntu/comments/x7bb6t/apt_fullupgrade_wants_to_remove_kubuntudesktop/11:08
JMichaelXmparillo: that wasmost likely exactly what I ran into11:27
HApAyHow does kubuntu set the KDE defaults? I was told under #kde that some defaults can be set during packaging. Does kubuntu set any defaults during packaging or are they put into /etc/skel? This question is about the desktop panel and the layout of the panel. There's a config file for that.12:32
HApAyWhat confuses me is that a config file is used for the desktop along with desktop widgets, but is it generated by default by KDE or do you have to place it under /etc/skel for all users first time login?12:35
RikMillsHApAy: https://git.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/+git/kubuntu-settings/tree/desktop/etc/X11/Xsession.d/70xdg-kubuntu-dir?h=kubuntu_jammy_archive12:43
HApAyShould I still just put my changes under /etc/skel? Will it be overwritten by the ones setup by kubuntu?12:44
IrcsomeBot<MrigendraB> Everytime I reboot kubuntu bluetooth turns itself on. I removed it from autostart but still the same.12:45
IrcsomeBot<MrigendraB> Any fixes>12:45
RikMillsif they are copied to a new users home folder config, they will override anything set by kubuntu or kde12:45
HApAyOkay good. I'll use /etc/skel to store my user defaults. Thanks for the help RikMills.12:46
BluesKajHi all13:04
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IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> Hey15:20
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> Is my mirror dead? My network is working fine : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/aa1eec52/file_59673.jpg15:50
oerheksdid you run apt update properly first?15:56
oerheks.. and why not pasting the full command used?15:57
oerheksif so, wait a minute, and try again, if it fails; change to main in update settings15:57
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> Yes I did something seems wrong with Singaporean mirror I guess (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> did you run apt update properly first?)16:23
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IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> The other repos including brave, wine and security.Ubuntu are working fine. Just the issue with SG mirrors now16:25
oerhekschange to main.16:25
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> Ok16:26
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu16:28
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> Could you just open and check whether it opens from your browser? Could be my isp blocking the address not sure16:29
oerheksnope, dead.16:33
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> How do I change to main mirror ? (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> nope, dead.)16:34
oerheksin update settings?16:35
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> Iā€™m not sure16:36
oerheksSoftware Sources tool, found in Discover's settings or via a menu item in Muon, commandline; sudo software-properties-qt16:44
IrcsomeBot<CrustyCrab55> Thanks16:58
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Hi18:54
troy_is this where i ask for help?19:23
arraybolt3[m]Yep, this is the right channel.19:24
troy_im trying to install packages with apt, im trying to get obs-studio and when i do it returns internal error, ordering was unable ot handle the media swap19:25
troy_i did apt update + upgrade19:25
arraybolt3troy_: You're doing "sudo apt install obs-studio", right?19:26
arraybolt3Could you run "sudo apt install obs-studio |& nc termbin.com 9999" and send the link that spits out?19:27
arraybolt3That will show me the exact error output.19:27
arraybolt3Actually wait...19:28
oerheksobs-studio (27.2.3+dfsg1-1, jammy): recorder and streamer for live video content. In component universe, is optional. Built by obs-studio. Size 4,470 kB / 15,940 kB19:28
oerheksmaybe universe is not enabled?19:28
arraybolt3"sudo apt -y install obs-studio |& nc termbin.com 9999"19:28
troy_want me to try it with fix missing19:29
arraybolt3Ah, there's the problem. Kubuntu 21.04 is no longetr supported.19:29
arraybolt3It doesn't get updates anymore and the repos were taken offline.19:29
troy_ohh i need to upgrade?19:30
arraybolt3The best way to fix it is probably to back up your data and upgrade.19:30
troy_is there a command or will i have ot get the usb drive out19:30
arraybolt3There's a command, one moment...19:30
arraybolt3troy_: Follow the link oerheks showed, and upgrade in stages until you get to Kubuntu 22.04.19:30
arraybolt3Make very sure that you back up all your data first in case things go wrong.19:31
oerheksjups, the old-releases trick19:31
arraybolt3And you may want to get out a USB flash drive and flash Kubuntu 22.04 to it so that in the event things go really wrong you can clean-install.19:31
troy_okay ill let you know how it goes19:31
arraybolt3Sounds good!19:32
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troy_it worked :)21:04
troy_thank you i appreciate your help so much!21:04
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