
lagunado you have to type sudo gufw everytime you boot up to get behind a firewall or is there a way to automate it01:44
jhutchinslaguna: Once you set it up it should come up with networking (and shut down with it).02:09
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo02:09
lagunaubottu thanks for the reference pages i will try to set up automatic without having to use gufw02:16
jhutchinslaguna: gufw should do it, but it's really good to get at that low level table stuff and know that you're in control.02:26
jhutchinslaguna: PS: Ubottu's our bot.02:26
anaximanderHow can I allow non-root users to add new WiFi networks in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS?02:27
lagunahutchins ok thanks02:27
jhutchinsanaximander: Could you explain the conditions that make this necessary?02:28
jhutchinsanaximander: sudo allows users to execute specified commands with root privilege, but it's text/console oriented.02:29
anaximanderjhutchins: Sorry, I meant without sudo or root access. The issue is I'm trying to configure a laptop for my son who's 10. I'd like for him not to have sudo access yet, but he'll need to be able to connect to the WiFi network at school without sudo/root access02:31
anaximanderI can find instructions for older versions of Ubuntu on how to adjust the network manager or polkit settings to allow this, but I'm having trouble finding instructions for 22.04...02:31
jhutchinsanaximander: sudo doesn't necessarily mean full root access - like I said, it can be done on a per-command basis.02:32
jhutchinsanaximander: If you could get the ssid and credentials for the school network, you could make it an option in network manager that an ordinary user could enadble.02:33
oerheksonce connected and stored in keyring, no need for root access anymore.02:33
kushalkumaranIf I recall correctly, you don't need root access to connect to wifi if you're logged in to a graphical session. You only need root if you want to store the wifi connection for all users02:33
oerheks' available for all users' option in settings.02:33
anaximanderjhutchins: Yes, but then I either need to give my son sudo privileges - which I'd like to avoid - or give him my password - which I'd also like to avoid. There must be a way to allow a user without sudo privileges to connect to a new wifi network...02:33
anaximanderKushalKumaran[m]: It does prompt for a sudo password when you try to connect, though maybe I could test to see what happens if you just decline...02:34
oerheksanaximander, then you need to park your car in front of the school, use sudo and grant access.02:34
oerheksjust once.02:34
jhutchinsAnother option is to give your son root access, audit his usage, and develop trust and responsibility.02:35
anaximanderoerheks: That is one hack, but there has to be a more elegant solution... I'd also have to do that for my in-laws, my parents', my sister's place, etc. Like, doable as a regular workaround, but surely there's a way to edit the setting...02:37
jhutchinsanaximander: I still think restricted sudo privileges are probably what you have in mind.02:38
anaximanderjhutchins: Oh, maybe - so that it grants narrow privileges...02:38
jhutchinsanaximander: Editing the settings is exactly the kind of thing that takes root privileges.02:38
jhutchinsanaximander: Exactly.  You can enable a single command with specific arguments, with or without the user's password.02:39
anaximanderKushalKumaran[m]: Yeah, when I try to connect to a wifi network as a user without sudo privileges, it says "System policy settings prevent the modification of network settings for all users"02:39
jhutchinsMrmph.  Sure would be nice if something said WHERE those policies are, since _you_ didn't set them.02:40
anaximanderThe instructions I've found for Ubuntu from ~2012 to 2018 involve modifying policy kit or network manager settings to allow users to add their own wifi networks though, seems a lot simpler...02:40
jhutchinsanaximander: Yeah, that sounds likely.  GUI networking is not my thing, I'll let someone who knows it better take this on.02:41
jhutchinsanaximander: You'll be interested in the subtler uses of sudo though.02:41
anaximanderjhutchins: Thanks for your help, and I'd totally forgotten about sublter uses of sudo - I have done that once on a server before, but years back. Thanks for the reminder!02:42
anaximander1Aha, figured it out with some googlefu - modifiying this polkit file for NetworkManager worked! https://code.luasoftware.com/tutorials/linux/ubuntu-prompt-system-policy-prevents-modification-of-network-settings-for-all-users/  Thanks all02:48
=== tom is now known as Guest5843
Guest5843I downloaded a raspberry pi .img file, and I would like to shrink one of the partitions in this file.  I run 'tune2fs -l /dev/loop0p2' and noticed that there many Reserved blocks on it.  I decreased number of reserved blocks, but still cannot shrink that filesystem.  How do I approach debugging this problem?03:06
guivercGuest5843, the easiest way is to re-create the img file (https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-image-legacy); the image file is intended to be RO/unchanged03:14
asanI was looking at kernel headers on my ubuntu 18.04(5.4.0 kernel) P. In a syscall I was looking which should have some flags supported on 4.2 and above according to man pages. I couldnt find the same flag in my kernel headers.04:13
alkisgPalemoon + adobeflash-plugin worked fine in 20.04 for old edu apps, fails in 22.04, but works in 22.04 either on VMs or when nomodeset is defined on real boxes.04:46
alkisgWhat should I test as a workaround, an older kernel or an older xorg?04:46
arraybolt3bf: Hi! Anything we can help you with?05:44
bf@arraybolt3, Hi, just testing IRC. I haven't used this in years and did not know it is still popular.05:47
arraybolt3bf: Quite popular, actually. This particular channel is for live chat support if you need help with your Ubuntu system.05:47
arraybolt3There's also channels for general chat, like #ubuntu-offtopic.05:48
EriC^^good morning all05:48
arraybolt3(And there's plenty of other IRC networks out there - Libera.Chat is mostly open-source software stuff.)05:48
arraybolt3EriC^^: o/05:49
EriC^^arraybolt3: o/05:49
bf@arraybolt3, Ok, thank you. I will check that out. I thought you would need to register a nickname and a password to connect to a channel, but it seems to just work without that here.05:49
arraybolt3bf: Some channels will require you to register first, but a lot of them don't.05:49
arraybolt3bf: If you'd like, I can find the registration instructions so that you can get into all of the channels (except private ones, obviously).05:50
bf@arraybolt3, Thanks. But I have to leave soon so I will check that out later.05:55
arraybolt3bf: https://libera.chat/guides/registration for whenever you feel like it or find the need to use it. Thanks for stopping by!05:55
bf@arraybolt3, Thank you. I look into it later. Bye!05:57
=== westor is now known as Guest9549
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Ali_AI have a dependency problem I can not install clang09:08
Ali_AThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:08
Ali_A clang : Depends: clang-16 (>= 16~) but it is not going to be installed09:08
Ali_AI also tried adding the respective reporsitries here https://apt.llvm.org/09:08
Ali_AI am running 18.04 and I added bionic repos but still same issue, tried the script and still same issue09:10
lotuspsychjeAli_A: did you add external ppa's of any kind to your system?09:10
Ali_AThe ones from https://apt.llvm.org/09:11
lotuspsychjeAli_A: unmet dependencys often arise when external ppa's conflict with the way apt does things09:11
Ali_AI have not definitely add anything before I got that error09:11
lotuspsychjeAli_A: you could share a pastebin apt apt's full output + your sources.list so volunteers can take a look for you09:12
Ali_Ado you mind how can I share the full output09:15
Ali_Alike what exactly you want?09:15
lotuspsychjeAli_A: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade09:17
Ali_AI am running through ssh so give me sometime it is hard to copy things09:18
lotuspsychjeAli_A: if you on cli, you can try pastebinit or termbin09:19
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit09:19
Ali_AIDK if this is useful but I am running ubuntu through ec209:21
lotuspsychjeAli_A: ok tnx, now pastebin the output apt gives you after installing clang?09:22
Ali_A~$ sudo apt install clang09:22
Ali_AReading package lists... Done09:22
Ali_ABuilding dependency tree09:22
Ali_AReading state information... Done09:22
Ali_ASome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have09:22
Ali_Arequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable09:22
lotuspsychjein a pastebin plz Ali_A09:23
lotuspsychjeAli_A: ok share again in your paste now09:25
lotuspsychjeAli_A: what gives sudo apt autoremove09:26
Ali_Agive me a sec + btw, I tried older version of clang so it is not about the latest clang version09:26
Ali_Aauto remove says nothing09:26
Ali_AI mean like 0 installed 0 upgraded 0 remove09:27
lotuspsychjeno sure then why clang does that then09:27
lotuspsychjemaybe someone else might have an idea to try Ali_A09:27
Ali_Ado I need a specific component because I am running a VM09:27
Ali_Aaws VM09:27
dreamerso, I just did a do-release-upgrade to 22.04 (from 20.04) and the behavior of the tty is super weird and annoying. it keeps automatically switching from tty1 to tty7 - is there a way to disable this?10:23
oxfuxxxdreamer are you running xorg/wayland session or graphic login manager? try to terminate/kill the graphic sessions if any and tell us if it keeps switching tty.10:31
Ali_Aso, my problem was kinda solved, there was a commented line on llvm I didn't do and now I installed it10:32
lotuspsychje!yay Ali_A10:32
Ali_Athe problem is I installed an older version of clang and I don't know how to remove it, when I try to remove clang it selects clang 16 but I am sure clang 6 is installed10:32
imihi is there any screen flags to make screen attach to a (first one, random doesn't matter) detached session?10:58
dreameroxfuxxx: there should be lightdm, but it never starts. I need to install the nvidia driver first which is not enabled yet11:01
dreamerit seems that killing lightdm did the trick (even though it never started in the first place. probably was stuck in some restart loop I guess ..)11:01
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
dreamerso `ubuntu-drivers devices` command doesn't return anything. what am I missing?11:07
dreamerthese drivers should be in multiverse no?11:08
joeyaamissed it, which driver di you need ?11:08
dreamerwhatever is the latest available for gtx108011:11
dreamerI see the latest official is `515.65.01`11:11
dreamerbut I doubt this is in ubuntu11:11
dreamerI can't find any atm11:11
lotuspsychje!nvidia | dreamer11:12
ubottudreamer: Drivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers11:12
joeyaahave you tried the graphical installer ? had no issue installing a recent nvidia driver11:12
dreamerwhy would I use a graphical installer?11:12
dreamerI don't even have xorg running atm ..11:12
dreamerlotuspsychje: as said `ubuntu-drivers` doesn't install anything11:13
dreamerI don't see any `nvidia-driver*` package in apt11:13
mncheckon focal in Files places Devices I get "not authorized" when clicking the label/IdLabel corresponding to /dev/sda2. sda2 is "660" and group "disk", running "groups" include "disk", rebooted multiple times since user was added to supplementary group "disk". Running udiskctl mount -b /dev/sda2 mounts it successfully. How to collect information why Files responds "not authorized"?11:13
dreamerso I'm wondering is the do-release-upgrade disabled some extra repos that contain the driver?11:14
dreamer(I can't find which, but possibly that's the issue?)11:14
ravage!info nvidia-driver-51511:16
ubottunvidia-driver-515 (515.65.01-0ubuntu0.22.04.1, jammy): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Built by nvidia-graphics-drivers-515. Size 457 kB / 1,611 kB. (Only available for amd64, arm64.)11:16
dreameragain: this package does not exist on my system11:18
dreamerI am on amd6411:18
ravagethen you do not have the restricted componoent enabled11:18
dreamerwhich repo does this package reside in?11:18
dreamerI have no idea what "restricted component" is. I don't use ubuntu regularly. usually am on debian and this is unusual :)11:19
ograwell, in debian you have main, non-free etc11:19
ograrestricted is the supported bit of "non-free" in ubuntu11:19
dreamerok, so I need `main universe multiverse restricted` ?11:19
ogra(the unsupported portion is called "multiverse")11:19
ograthat should always be there by default11:20
dreamerwell it is not :)11:20
ravagemaybe not on a server install. and as you have no GUI that may be the install you did11:20
dreamerI have no GUI because the driver is broken11:21
dreamerbut I did originally start this system (~4 years ago?) as a server install because it has the least cruft11:21
ravagea default focal install usually has retricted enabled and an upgrade does not disable it11:21
dreamerok, fingers crossed that `ubuntu-drivers autoinstall` does the trick :)11:21
ravageso no idea what happened there11:21
dreameryeah no idea, I didn't modify these files, the release upgrade did :)11:22
dreamerhmm, lightdm still isn't starting11:25
dreamerand KMS is broken now11:25
lotuspsychjedreamer: sudo lshw -C video, did driver pickup?11:25
ograrestricted holds network card drivers, so it is also always ebaled on server installs11:26
dreamerlotuspsychje: hmm, how do I know if it's using the driver?11:26
ogra(and possibly also controller drivers for some weird disk controllers)11:26
dreamerI mean I see the card there11:26
dreamernvidia-smi works11:26
lotuspsychjedreamer: at bottom: driver=....11:26
dreamerah: `configuration: driver=nvidia latency=0`11:27
ogralspci -k works too ...11:27
dreamerso, driver is running. but kms wasn't done and lightdm doesn't start11:27
dreamerrestarting lightdm flickrs the screens a bit. then just see a blinking cursor. will check the logs I guess ..11:28
lotuspsychjewich flavour of ubuntu are you on dreamer11:28
joeyaasudo systemctl get-default11:28
joeyaawhat does this give ?11:28
joeyaamaybe you are on text only mode11:28
dreameryeah lightdm just fails to start11:28
dreamerlotuspsychje: iirc ubuntu server install. and then added xorg/fluxbox/etc. manually11:29
dreamerthis was years ago. went from 18.04 -> 20.04 and now -> 22.0411:29
dreamer`xrandr: cannot find mode 1920x108011:29
dreamerthat's weird11:30
dreamerok this is probably the lightdm userscript I had that set displays. lets disable that11:31
oerheksfluxbox .. pretty old thing. 1.5.3 released in 201311:32
dreamerif it's stable you don't have to fix it11:32
dreamer(there's only a single bug I've encountered in the past ~decade that still needs fixing ..)11:32
dreamerok! I think I have a working session! thnx all11:33
dreamerstill annoying that kms doesn't work. terminal looks super weird11:33
dreamerbut I'm in xorg now so it's all good man11:33
dreameroh right, I forgot that it installed firefox via snap and now it's unusable -_-11:34
lotuspsychjeFF transition worked like a charm for my upgrade11:36
dreamerit doesn't open my profile at all11:37
lotuspsychjedreamer: before upgrading, its always wise to read the releasenotes11:39
lotuspsychjewill prevent a lot of furstrations afterwards11:39
dreameruhg, I hate snap so much :)11:41
dreamerlike why the F would I want a folder called `snap` in my home dir ..11:41
dreamerok thnx11:41
dreamerhope this is the last of my frustrations for today ..11:41
imihi, snap refresh is unable to update snap-store, because it is already running. Is there a workaround here? Should I just kill it?11:58
ograimi, just kill it or wait til the timer runs out and it does a forced upgrade on its own12:09
=== dionysus70 is now known as dionysus69
g105bI'm trying to debug an issue I'm having on Ubuntu server 18.04. It looks like the error is getting collected by apport, but this is new to me and I don't know where it logs anything. Can anyone help?13:02
Dan39g105b: ..13:02
gourve_lHi! Does anyone know if Ubuntu 22.04 will support mongodb packages in the future? It seems that the mongodb team is quite close to release packages compatible with libssl3 on their PPA13:03
BluesKajHi all13:04
g105bDan39, I'm aware I'm a newb, but that's why I'm asking here.13:04
Dan39g105b: ...13:04
g105bDo your dots mean I'm asking a silly question?13:05
oerheksxdg-open https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id)13:05
Dan39g105b: dots mean you haven't even asked a question lol13:05
oerheksthat shows all your bugreports13:05
Dan39what is wrong? you didn't say at all13:05
oerheksbest thing is to have alaunchpad account.13:05
oerheksDan39, he asked a question.13:06
Dan39just that you are getting a notification about a error collected?13:06
Dan39g105b: does something else happen, or just the notification?13:08
g105bA piece of software on my server is generating a core dump. I looked in /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern and it shows that apport is used to collect the dump, but I don't know what apport is or where it logs to.13:08
Dan39is it secret info what the name of this software is?13:09
g105bNo, it's a PHP script.13:09
oerheksapport collects logs and other info, and sends it to launchpad. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport13:09
g105bOK thanks, looks like I can configure where the coredumps are output locally.13:12
g105bNow I need to figure out what the hell a core dump is :D13:16
Dan39haha, google will tell you :P13:18
Dan39with something like php, which i think isn't really supposed to core dump (i mean, no program really should, but php should prevent a script from causing a core dump i think) i wonder if you will get any useful information from it13:21
Dan39g105b: what does the apport info say?13:22
ViperXL75I'm sitting here on a big mystery. When my TV is turned off, the Ubuntu machine will become somewhat unresponsive so I can't VNC into it. I need to turn ON the TV. After about a minute I can VNC back into the Ubuntu machine. I captured the syslog here. That is what i saw when I tailed the file. https://controlc.com/72ae1ee013:25
ViperXL75Any pointers?13:25
Dan39wow that is the worst pastebin i've ever seen13:26
g105bDan39, the most coherent message from apport I've extracted so far is "Program terminated with signal SIGABRT, Aborted." but I was hoping to be able to see a backtrace or something - there's 20MB of information in the crash file, so I'm sure there's something in there that I could use to debug this.13:31
ViperXL75Dan39: I didn't know here was a rule on how to copy/paste a log.13:41
Dan39ViperXL75: did i say there was?13:47
Dan39ViperXL75: could you grab more logs, that looks kinda cut off. journalctl capturing logs there? maybe pastebin the full `journalctl -b` and topic says Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com/13:48
no_gravityHello! When I type "fire" into the start menu, multiple "Firefox" show up. I would like to delete them all except one. But how?13:48
no_gravityLooks like its files in /home/user/.local/share/applications/13:50
g105bno_gravity, take a look in ~/.local/share/applications13:50
g105boh, you already got there.13:50
leftyfbno_gravity: what version of ubuntu and how did you install firefox?13:50
joeyaahello, can you check in software center? maybe you have multiple versions (snap, deb..)13:50
no_gravityg105b: Yeah, will delete them there now13:50
g105bno_gravity, That's where I manage things in the application menu. You can grep the files in there for mention of firefox.13:50
Dan39no_gravity: hold on13:50
leftyfbno_gravity: that is not the correct solution13:50
no_gravityleftyfb: Why not?13:51
leftyfbno_gravity: what version of ubuntu and how did you install firefox?13:51
g105bno_gravity, maybe you used Software Centre to install firefox with deb and flatpak/snap/whatever ?13:51
no_gravityleftyfb: Can't really remember. I guess FF was there from the start? How do I find my Ubuntu version?13:51
no_gravityg105b: Not that I remember.13:52
Dan39^ that's what i was thinking. do you maybe have both a snap and a system package of it installed at same time? but the system package shouldn't put a destkop file into ~/.local afaik13:52
Dan39so maybe a snap and a flatpak at same time?13:52
no_gravityDan39: I don't think I have a snap of FF.13:52
Dan39though i guess you could've also done it manually by accident13:52
leftyfbno_gravity: ( cat /etc/os-release ; apt-cache policy firefox ; snap search firefox|grep ^firefox ) | nc termbin.com 999913:52
ViperXL75Dan39: Ohhhh hold on. Now I know what the pain is. Lemme grab some more logs.13:53
no_gravityleftyfb: 20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa)13:53
Dan39ViperXL75: based on the timestamps in that 1st log it looks like gdm didn't even start booting up until the TV was on13:53
no_gravityleftyfb: "snap search firefox" only lists installed snaps?13:54
leftyfbno_gravity: ( cat /etc/os-release ; apt-cache policy firefox ; snap search firefox|grep ^firefox ) | nc termbin.com 999913:54
no_gravityI removed all the .desktop files from ~/.local/share/applications now except the one FF entry I want to keep. Do I need to restart the DE now?13:56
no_gravityBecause they still show up when I type "fire" into the start menu.13:56
ViperXL75Dan39: This is the bigger capture. I just removed some entries of jellyfin cuz it floods my log.    https://controlc.com/d7241f3513:57
leftyfbno_gravity: good luck13:57
no_gravityHoly moly, trying to reload the DE I presse CTRL+ALT+ESC. Some x appeared. I clicked and now there is no desktop at all anymore!13:58
no_gravityWhere am I now? In nirvana? My windows are still there. But no desktop :)13:58
Dan39ViperXL75: what ubuntu release are you using?13:58
ViperXL75i think 2013:59
ViperXL75hold on13:59
Dan39ViperXL75: is there a reason you aren't using https://paste.ubuntu.com/ ? just a friendly question13:59
Dan39you realize that controlc site is very annoying to scroll the paste on, and when loaded half the entire page is an ad14:00
ViperXL75need an account for that14:01
Dan39i take that back about stupid paste.ubuntu.com , last i recall i did not have to login to paste. wow.14:01
ViperXL75for paste.ubuntu.com14:01
oerheksany pastebin without javascript will do; termbin.com14:02
Dan39termbin.com is nice14:02
ViperXL75also good14:02
ograDan39, that was before it was abused for things like credit card data lists and such 😉14:02
no_gravityHa, I typed "plasmashell" and now my desktop is back.14:02
Dan39ogra: so maybe they should've filtered them out better haha, but i guess the bad guys keep getting around the filters or something, whatever14:03
ogra(the team was simply not able to manage all the teardown requests anymore that came from authorities)14:03
Dan39ViperXL75: could you look at `journalctl -b` make sure there is nothing you don't want pasted, pipe that thru ur grep then pipe thru termbin.com14:03
no_gravityBut Firefox still shows up multiple times :/14:04
no_gravityGonna restart ...14:04
Dan39ogra: sounds like they should've gotten better at preventing those people from creating pastes in the first place instead of being reactive and having to remove them (without creating a login haha)14:04
Dan39but whatever, just use different pastebin now14:05
ograonly one of the persons needs to be logged in btw ... if the poster was logged in, the viewer does not get a request ... and the other way around14:05
Dan39the other way around? i can give him a URL to paste with ?14:06
ograyuo can use i.e. pastebinit from cmdline ... and the viewer will be asked to log in first14:06
Dan39neat i guess14:07
ograor you log in and paste through a browser and the viewer will not be asked14:07
ograit is a tradeoff indeed ...14:07
ViperXL75Dan39: Oh goodness. I looooove termbin.com. Thanks man.     Here's the output:  https://termbin.com/covz814:13
oerheksSo you are running debian?14:16
Dan39oerheks: what makes you say that, because you see the debian-sa1 messages?14:20
oerheksyes? never seen those before14:20
Dan39looks like a package that ubuntu probably provides14:21
ravage-> /usr/lib/sysstat/debian-sa114:22
Dan39ViperXL75: i'm trying to think of a decent solution to your issue. i wonder if anyone else has any thoughts...14:23
Dan39ViperXL75: i have a feeling it is acting as expected. gdm won't start if there is no monitor connected... i myself would probably try to make a custom Xorg.conf to specify a specific resolution etc. for this scenario, but not sure if there is a more proper solution14:24
=== popey6 is now known as popey
Dan39in my experience, indeed linux/xorg has some troubles initializing Xorg if the monitor is not connected during bootup, which i assume the TV is acting like in the scenario. most monitors go into a default power save mode i believe, instead of completely off, so will communicate resolution info even when "off". maybe the TV doesn't do that14:29
oerheksmaybe it is this old VNC issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/1033436/how-to-use-ubuntu-18-04-on-vnc-without-display-attached14:31
Dan39oerheks: sure, you can run a VNC server, but by the sounds of ViperXL75 having it connected to a TV, i was thinking he probably wants to use it on the TV at a later point14:33
Dan39ViperXL75: do you want to be able to use the TV later? like is this a media PC you are making?14:33
Dan39or is only headless fine?14:33
ViperXL75Dan39: this is indeed a mediaPC. The "tv" that I'm talking about is actually the HDMI-input of my xbox. So i can remotely turn on the Xbox (within the same LAN) and then I can get to the PC.14:42
ViperXL75But i've been slowly checking around about an idea how to do this.14:43
ViperXL75oerheks: reading about that old question.14:44
ViperXL75The setup is a PC that does some SMB share, some mediaserer, some mediaplayer to the TV, some emulator. Just a bit of everything.   xD14:46
=== Probie9689 is now known as Probie968
jhutchinsViperXL75: So the XBox does HDMI passthrough?14:56
oerhekssome xbox's have hdmi in, to pass your cable company through14:57
oerheksmaybe you need an app installed?14:57
Dan39hmmm, interesting scenario. i see some pretty old posts about setting an xorg option IgnoreEDID and then configuring specific resolution modes. seems like mixed results. my thought is to get Xorg to start up and output with a specific modeline without any monitor connected. i'm not sure it is possible though. some report that the gfx card won't allow it14:59
Dan39ViperXL75: what do you VNC in to do? if you need to just do some configuration and stuff maybe run a separate vnc server for just that. if you need to configure like your mediaplayer via it's GUI then that might not be an option though i guess, unless you configure it via VNC first, then close it and re-open once the xbox/TV is turned on15:01
Dan39but depends on exactly what you want to do via VNC15:02
ograViperXL75, is there any reason that you do not use the built in VNC server of the desktop and instead added xvnc (which is really old and crappy) ?15:04
Dan39since when is x11vnc crappy?15:05
ograyour log clearly shows xvnc gets an EDID event from your Tv an shuts down until it sees the TV EDID again15:05
ograDan39, well, it is old and crusty 🙂15:05
Dan39old sure, not crappy in my experience. better than the other options. i've tested. had the best performance and reliablity (compard to builtin X and also other x0vncserver or whatever setups)15:05
ograand GNOME comes with a VNC server builtin15:05
ograyou just need to enable it15:06
Dan39GNOME wayland or xorg?15:06
Dan39i doubt that crap is any good15:06
ogra(it defaults to RDP on wayland though)15:06
Dan39but i haven't tested the GNOME builtin one tbh15:06
ograwell, it will work integrated with the desktop and not trigget itsef on/off on random EDID events15:06
ogra(i assume at lest)15:07
Dan39i tested the Xorg builtin (turned on via Xorg.conf) and i believe he one from tigervnc and tightvnc, and x11vnc15:07
Dan39ogra: but will GNOME even start up if no monitor is connected at all? if it will, that may be a good solution here to try15:08
ograit should ... and you should indeed set up auto-login so a session starts15:08
Dan39ogra: how would it know the resolution?15:09
ograit will default to one i guess ... you have to try15:09
Dan39ViperXL75: are you using GNOME?15:09
Dan39i assume so since i see gdm, but let's not assume15:10
ograin any case i think the builtin one is the better choice15:10
Dan39in this case it might be because of the scenario15:10
Dan39performance and reliablity wise when i tested about 2 years ago it wasn't ;)15:10
Dan39actually, i'm not sure if Xorg itself has it's own builtin, from what i could find it looks like the "builtin extension" would be the tigervnc-xorg-extension15:18
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ArtfulDodger_Hey! I read "/usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/netplan failed with exit status 1" in syslog, but where do we find logs for netplan?15:28
lotuspsychjealkisg: bug #1988681 i requested an apport-collect maybe related to yours?15:30
ubottuBug 1988681 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "Since the last Ubuntu update, Virtualbox VM's crash." [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198868115:30
oerheks!info yamllint15:32
ubottuyamllint (1.26.3-1, jammy): Linter for YAML files. In component universe, is optional. Built by yamllint. Size 37 kB / 182 kB15:32
alkisgHi lotuspsychje , no my case was "data corruption", not "crashes"; I solved it by installing vbox from oracle instead of from ubuntu's repositories15:35
oerheksnot sure netplan writes a log.. , one can try; sudo netplan –d apply # to debug15:35
oerheksyay, 3.3 arrived https://snapcraft.io/blender15:37
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chaotixHi anybody here?16:07
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morganuUbunrusoul is here, just ask17:04
morganu!ask |chaotix17:05
ubottuchaotix: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:05
oerheksmorganu, long gone..17:06
morganuI have been having a problem of "browser" slowing down my 20.04 when "browser" ={chrome,firfox} and the prob builds up slowly. I have been having it for 2 years.  Working solution: kill "browser" before it gets too slow, else logout if possible|hold power button.  AND memtest86+ freezes in the first cycle AND the "built-in Dell hardware-tester says all is perfect.  (Temps has been checked) - - -  What else could17:13
morganuI do to diagnose this issue? (Used computer from friend who cant give report, I rewrote the whole hard drive with 20.04 - - and thatnks.17:13
morganuoerheks, , minor victory. I successfully=remembered how to use ubbottu17:16
morganuI would like to try to diagose this again before installing 22.0417:18
jhutchinsmorganu: This does not seem to be a Well Known Problem.  Even on low-resource systems, browsers tend to adapt to what is available and usually work just fine.17:21
jhutchinsmorganu: What hardware do you have?  Have you partitioned your drive?  Does the system swap?  Have you tried clearing the browser cache?17:22
jhutchinsmorganu: I presume you're using the default gnome desktop, which is pretty heavy.  You could try lxde or xfce - no need to re-install, just add the new DE and try it.17:23
lotuspsychjefalkon browser is pretty lightweight too17:24
morganuHW Dell optiplex 9020 =, not partitioned --Does the system Swap?  (I let Ubuntu set up swap if that's what you mean, aka vanilla). - -  I dont recall about browser cache [How do I do that?] - -17:25
morganuonly "special' thing I run is U-tweaks for the dock position. - -  Every desktop I try (budgie, matae) fails in some way. I dont remembe if I tried gnome-classic this time aka with 22.04) - - isnt xfce a really different windows only not gui environment???17:27
jhutchinsmorganu: Linux desktop environments run "on top of" the text-based CLI environment, which is always present.17:28
morganulotuspsychje, I run many windows butnow am down to say under 30 and it was slowing down. (So I decided to use brave today, lol.17:28
jhutchinsmorganu: XFCE is a very nice lightweight desktop, it just does what I want and stays out of the way.  It does not have as many integrated applications as gnome.17:29
morganujhutchins, yes. I am only interested in using a gui. (now) - - later I have asirations but it is or will be over 90 in here again...17:30
jhutchinsmorganu: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop17:30
jhutchinsmorganu: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-clear-firefox-cache17:30
morganutomreyns and I worked over this a couple of years ago and I gave up.17:30
morganuI will look up chrome-cache.17:31
jhutchinsmorganu: The optiplex looks like it came with windows 10, so it shouldn't have any problem with a current linux distro.17:32
jhutchinsmorganu: How much RAM?17:32
morganu8 gigs of ram.17:33
morganuI dont want to lose my saved passwords. Or history. Or bookmarkes. - they are not cookies and ther site data, are they?17:34
morganuOK noted: chrome just started up 294MBy f cache data cleared.17:36
morganuNow I will see what that does. Cold I have a sucker program (made up that term) running?17:37
morganuPlease remember that MEMTEST86+ freezes in the first cycle. ***17:38
morganuWait wait dont tell me:: I am looking up THAT and got some results. Y'all thanks but wait until I check this aspect out. - First time I learched this.17:40
morganusearched/googles/ducked it...17:40
morganusomeone said: The most likely cause - LP #1876157: Memtest86+ in Ubuntu 20.04 doesn't work. So if the memtest you ran was from Ubuntu 20.04 images, try running memtest from Ubuntu 18.04 images.17:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1876157 in memtest86+ (Baltix) "Memtest86+ in Ubuntu 20.04 doesn't work, switch to Coreboot branch or package new release v5.31b is available since 12/04/2020" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187615717:45
nyohello I installed kubuntu but I need safe graphic boot entry in grub17:45
nyohow to do that?17:45
ioriaadd nomosedet or use Recovery nyo17:46
morganuIIR I can run memtest from before-the-boot from a USB. - - Is this true?  Do I have to do anything special like hold down some key during the boot?  I dont remember that choice shoing up like it did with theCD boot versions.17:46
nyook I press e at grub menu and I have codes17:46
nyowhere should I write nomodeset?17:46
nyojust in a new line?17:47
iorianyo, in the 'Linux' line  after splash17:47
nyolike linux /boot/vmlinuz-etc nomodeset ?17:47
nyook I am trying thanks17:49
ioriano prob17:49
nyobattery low on this laptop will reconnect17:49
oerheksnomodeset is an option during the 1st stage of install, with F6 IIRC18:08
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SpankySpankAnyone have scrunched / squished search bar in "Show Applications" window in Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS?  Running in a VM using VMware Workstation.18:29
jhutchinsSpankySpank: Have you loaded the VMWare drivers?18:30
SpankySpankYep - VMWARE tools were loaded.18:31
SpankySpankI'll check again though.18:31
SpankySpankOK - here's what I get there....18:37
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SpankySpankOS otherwise seems to be working fine.18:52
AugustusCaesar24I have an ubuntu server 20.04 and I am trying to install a python package with pip and I keep getting an error that  the package is only for python 3.9 and up19:34
AugustusCaesar24I have python 3.9 installed, but pip keeps thinking that its not installed19:34
arraybolt3[m]AugustusCaesar24: How did you install Python3.9?19:35
arraybolt3[m]!python3 focal19:35
AugustusCaesar24I think I did sudo apt install python3.9 or something19:35
AugustusCaesar24what does "!python3 focal" mean?19:35
arraybolt3That was me trying to look something up with the bot.19:36
arraybolt3It... didn't work.19:36
oerheks!info python3 focal19:36
ubottupython3 (3.8.2-0ubuntu2, focal): interactive high-level object-oriented language (default python3 version). In component main, is important. Built by python3-defaults. Size 47 kB / 189 kB19:36
arraybolt3!info python3.9 focal19:36
arraybolt3oerheks: thank19:36
ubottupython3.9 (3.9.5-3ubuntu0~20.04.1, focal): Interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.9). In component universe, is optional. Built by python3.9. Size 414 kB / 547 kB19:36
AugustusCaesar24I have both python and python3 aliased to python3.9, but I am not sure if that does anything19:37
arraybolt3Hmm... I wonder what /usr/bin/python points to?19:37
geniiYou might want to see if python3-pip versus python-pip is installed19:38
arraybolt3AugustusCaesar24: You should probably be very careful (like, careful to the point of near-paranoia) with all things Python on Ubuntu. It's a core system component, and you can make your whole computer go berzerk if you mess it up somehow.19:38
nyohello, I need to set resolution to 1024x768 instead of current 640x480 in kubuntu. from settings I have only 640x480. I guess I have to play with xrandr and config files. any help? thanks19:39
arraybolt3If you're going to do something that seems dangerous to get it to work, do yourself a favor and back up all your data first.19:39
jhutchinsAugustusCaesar24: It sounds like the python package doesn't know how to play nicely with Ubuntu.19:39
arraybolt3nyo: Are you using a virtual machine, or just a computer with a small monitor?19:39
nyoarraybolt3, computer with monitor that can go up to 1280x102419:40
nyoI have KVM switch19:40
nyothat probably blocks edi infos19:40
arraybolt3nyo: Oh OK.19:40
arraybolt3xrandr is probably the solution - I don't remember how to fiddle with it, but stick around, someone here might know.19:41
nyothe pc is new I never played with nforce graphics19:41
AugustusCaesar24arraybolt3 its mostly a virtual machine so I feel pretty solid messing with it, but I will be sure to keep that noted going forward in case I mess with real servers and computers19:41
nyoarraybolt3, I played a bit with xrandr without success19:41
jhutchinsnyo: Are you sure you have the right drivers for your video chipset?  Generic VESA drivers usually come up with 640x48019:41
sarnoldnyo: there's some advice on https://askubuntu.com/a/789553/33812 for configuring X11 to ignore your edid19:41
oerheksnyo, if you get that higher resolution without KVM, you found the culprit19:41
arraybolt3nyo: You mentioned nforce, does that mean you have NVIDIA graphics? If so, did you install the proprietary drivers?19:42
oerheksoh edid block..19:42
nyoNo i haven't installed anything nvidia it is a fresh kubuntu install19:43
nyoI had to use nomodeset to enter gui19:43
nyohere pastebin of xrandr verbose https://pastebin.com/hRdbPH5r19:43
arraybolt3nyo: Yikes. I'd run "sudo software-properties-kde", then go to the Additional Drivers tab and install the NVIDIA drivers for your system. That may make things a lot easier.19:44
nyoI would like to use nouveau drivers19:44
sarnoldnyo: oh nice, you might not need to do the edid override stuff, there's a 1024x768_60.00 in there that might work19:44
nyoI think is the one I have added19:44
nyobut maybe best to use the nouveau way19:45
arraybolt3nyo: Ah, that makes sense. Then I guess try the EDID override and see how that helps.19:45
nyoI try this guide and then we will see19:45
iorianyo, what's your video card ?19:45
nyothe strange problem is that when I had the fresh install I added nomodeset to grub then I wrote reboot in shell inside kde. then after reboot it went to 640x480. the early boot was nomodeset by manual so no idea why the system changed the resolution by itself19:46
nyoVGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)19:47
iorianyo, run this cmd :  cat /proc/cmdline   and paste here the output19:47
oerheksnew computer, but an ancient nvidia gpu that needs nvidia-304 ?19:48
ioriathat's not available anymore19:49
oerheksworkaround; edit ' /etc/modprobe.d/local-video.conf'  and set;  options nouveau noaccel=119:49
oerheksold trick, 16.04  from https://askubuntu.com/questions/588538/whats-the-correct-driver-to-use-with-a-geforce-6150se-nforce-430-on-ubuntu-and19:49
arraybolt3[m]oerheks, ioria: They probably meant that it was a fresh installation (which they stated later on).19:50
nyoioria, BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0-46-generic root=UUID=1f28d72f-8ead-43e6-9401-d3854c19d9a3 ro nomodeset nomodeset quiet splash vt.handoff=719:50
iorianyo, ok; what happens if you boot 'without' nomodeset ?19:51
nyoioria, blank screen19:51
nyonouveau driver should support that graphic card19:52
iorianyo, i guess so; we can try with another desktop env; shall we ?19:53
oerhekstry without KVM19:53
nyoI would like kde and sorry I cannot remove kvm easily the pc is in another room now19:53
nyocomplicated to move19:53
ioriaas a test nyo , as a test19:54
nyoI can take the pc and go in a new room with other monitor thought19:54
oerhekswel, try the noaccel trick ?19:54
nyooerheks, I can try that19:54
nyohow to see if I am using nouveau right now?19:55
ioriayou're using nomodeset, no way nouveau is loaded19:55
ioriabtw, lspci -nnk19:55
nyo Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau19:56
nyoon the geforce line19:56
ioriayou have to check : Kernel driver in use19:57
iorianot Kernel modules19:57
nyoI don't see kernel driver in use19:58
iorianyo, yes, it's NOT laoded19:58
nyomaybe I should start the system without modeset and to shell?19:59
nyoor the noaccell option19:59
SpankySpankExample of my "Show Applications" screen I posted earlier (scrunched up Search Bar): https://bit.ly/3RMokUa20:01
nyooerheks, how to see if I am using nouveau if the system blanks the screen without nomodeset? boot to shell will load the driver?20:01
oerheksbacause of nomodeset, you seem to use nvidiafb20:03
oerheksso, with that noaccell you get the same result, a limited 2d screen20:04
oerhekson top of that, KVM migh bug you too.. i think KDE is too heavy for your goal.20:05
nyoI can use xfce I like it20:05
nyoproblem is if I try without nomodeset I get blank screen20:06
nyomaybe with noaccell it will go fine20:06
nyobut I don't know if nouveau will get loaded20:06
nyowhat do you think oerheks ?20:06
enigma9o7[m]I have a 6150 on one of my pc.  the nvidia-304 is not available anymore, gotta use nouveau.20:06
nyoenigma9o7[m], thanks. what should I do? it seems I have nouveau but without using nomodeset I have blank screen on loading kde20:07
enigma9o7[m]then use nomodeset20:07
enigma9o7[m]I don't think that causes any issues other than having to set your video mode with xrandr if it isnt already right20:08
nyothat's the point enigma9o7[m] I am stuck at 640x48020:08
nyoI would like to use 1024x768 but I don't know well xrandr20:08
nyocan you help me with xrandr enigma9o7[m] ?20:08
enigma9o7[m]Ah ok.  Well first just try `xrandr -s 1024x768`20:08
enigma9o7[m]kde also has display settings....20:09
nyosettings in kde is 640x480 probably because of missing edi infos from monitor due to kvm switch20:09
nyogonna try that command20:09
enigma9o7[m]but I agree xfce might be better cuz of that video card20:09
nyoSize 1024x768 not found in available modes20:09
nyoso I have to add that mode I think enigma9o7[m] ?20:10
enigma9o7[m]run `xrandr` and it lists modes20:10
nyoenigma9o7[m], here it is but I tried to add 1024 before https://pastebin.com/Y8pkba7n20:11
enigma9o7[m]If the mode isnt there then yeah you gotta add it, which I'd hav eto look up how to do if I had to.20:11
nyoseems there is one that I added but doesn't go20:11
nyoI don't understand20:11
nyothis xrandr issue20:11
nyomaybe I will take a nvidia 730 from another computer and play with it20:12
enigma9o7[m]if you bypass the kvm and boot, monitor is fine?20:12
oerheksmake sure the pci bus is correct20:13
oerheks740 looks like pcixpress 2 ?20:13
nyoenigma9o7[m], I cannot do that right now. I then would need to use another monitor20:13
nyooerheks, is fine the cards will just go slower at pcie 2 or 120:13
oerheksgood luck!20:14
nyoenigma9o7[m], can we try with your help this xrandr stuff?20:16
pikapikaGTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING=0 does not work20:17
nyoalso you said this videocard is not good for kde. you mean kde is too heavy for it?20:17
pikapikaWhat can I do?20:17
enigma9o7[m]i dont know it, i'd have to look that up.  for me that wasnt necessary.  with ubuntu 16.04 the nvidia-304 driver worked and was included.  when 18.04 rolled around, it was no longer included but there were patches to make it work anyway.   But since 20.04 I've used nouveau...20:17
enigma9o7[m]which is automatic built in so I didnt have to do anything, and it detected my monitor well enough to be able to set resolutions myself20:18
enigma9o7[m]without adding modes20:18
nyoI tried xrandr --output vga-0 --mode 1024x768 and it says20:18
nyowarning: output vga-0 not found; ignoring20:19
nyoenigma9o7[m], :)20:19
pikapikaXubuntu 20.0420:19
enigma9o7[m]try capitol VAG20:19
nyohow to see the name of video card?20:19
enigma9o7[m]no switches; share that output if you want20:20
enigma9o7[m]just run `xrandr`20:20
enigma9o7[m]if i could remember that magic termbin command others here suggest i'd tell you...20:21
sarnold| nc termbin.com 999920:21
nyoenigma9o7[m], https://pastebin.com/a7rZasRc20:21
nyoif I boot to shell can I see if the nouveau driver is loaded? how to do that? lsmod?20:23
enigma9o7[m]it seems to just call it default20:23
nyooh the cmd someone wrote before20:23
nyook how to boot to shell?20:24
enigma9o7[m]lsmod probably.  i use tools like `inxi -G` or `glxinfo|grep version`20:25
nyoI have the noaccell option saved under nouveau20:25
enigma9o7[m]If I keep answering you I'm the blind leading the blind, other people know this better.  If I wanted to get out of desktop back to shell, I'd just kill my login manager.  like `sudo service gdm3 stop`20:26
jhutchinsI am nearly certain that nobody has looked at /bar/log/Xorg.0.log20:26
enigma9o7[m]but if I wanted to boot to shell I dunno what I'd do. I guess i'd look up how to disable that service before rebooting.20:26
nyoI got interesting news here gonna pastebin20:26
nyoenigma9o7[m], no there should be a way from grub20:28
nyoto boot into shell without kde20:28
enigma9o7[m]oh, from grub theres some type of recovery root shell perhaps.  anyways from kde you could still do what i said, just kill sddm instead....20:28
enigma9o7[m]but yeah i see your inxi says no driver is loaded20:29
enigma9o7[m]not even nouveau20:29
nyoso what it means enigma9o7[m] ?20:30
nyoI am using nomodeset20:30
nyoI try to boot into shell meanwhile and see what happens after I start startx20:31
nyogonna try it now will go back in a while I hope thanks to everyone enigma9o7[m] oerheks etc20:34
=== gandalf9 is now known as gandalf
pjsanyone have any tips/tricks to wake up an external monitor. Not sure why but in the last 2 months it doesn't wake up once I disconnect it from my laptop and put the machine to sleep. It used to work fine just reconnecting it.20:42
sarnoldxset dpms might be able to help20:43
pjssarnold: I do: xset dpms force off20:48
nyoHi guys, enigma9o7[m] oerheks20:49
pjswait 5-10 seconds, then wake up the screen with no luck (this used to work when this would randomly happen).. same with ctrl+alt+F2 and back.. also used to work, now no20:49
nyoI have 1024 x 768 right now20:49
nyoI only booted to rescue mode and it got 1024x76820:49
nyodunno why20:49
nyothen rebooted20:49
nyoand it's fine20:49
nyoI wonder why all this mess20:49
enigma9o7[m]Probably how the switch was set when you booted.20:49
nyogonna take a supreme coffe right now ;-)20:49
nyoI dunno20:49
nyoI haven't touched it today still20:49
enigma9o7[m]Perhaps you booted thefirst time while it was set to the other machine.20:50
enigma9o7[m]kvm switch20:50
nyoyeah but only 1 machine on today20:50
enigma9o7[m]maybe softboot better than cold boot for some reason20:50
enigma9o7[m]but in any case glad its better.  hopefully with nouveau.  cuz even vesa can do 1024x768 but its slow.20:52
SpankySpankDisable "Hide Top Bar" Gnome Extension was my solution.21:14
AVMLNeed a little guidance. Was home labbing with MAAS and deployed some servers. Realized I didn't really need MAAS and deleted it away. However, It looks like snap and apt are both pointing to , what used to be, the mass server. I was able to successfully remove the apt proxy/redirect.. However. snap still keeps erroring pointing to the old MAAS21:23
AVMLserver.  How can I tell it to stop:)21:23
jhutchinsI think there's a ppa-purge command, not sure where to find it.22:09
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AVMLYea i been searching and can't find anything on how to get rid of mass configs on servers provisioned by it.22:16
=== davidv78 is now known as davidv7
InteloIf my os ever crashes or I change hardware. How can I retain my OS on new hardware? It won't be compatible if I just plug in the  old ubuntu installed disk in the new PC or the PC with changed CPU or MB. So what is the best option? I thought of virtualbox based OS that is portable but that would a huge waste of resources as host OS will also need23:05
Intelosomething to run23:05
murmelwhy wouldn't it run on the new hw?23:05
Intelobecause it would have old drivers etc23:06
Inteloand old configs23:06
murmelall drivers are included (except nvidia)23:06
Inteloso linux is just portable by nature?23:06
AlexCI did swap my entire PC with my old linux install, worked just fine23:06
Inteloyou just plug HDD on any PC?23:06
Inteloa 100%? all the time?23:06
AlexCsuppose to be23:06
murmelwith the exception that you need to make sure in which "mode" you boot23:07
murmeluefi or legacy/bios23:07
murmellinux is not windows23:07
murmelor rather the whole unix family23:07
Intelothanks! that solved a lot of problems before then arose23:07
Intelois x2go still the best free remote desktop app?23:08
nonix4_hints on how to turn monitors back on after idle lockscreen?23:08
nonix4_(when ssh'd in from another host)23:08
murmelIntelo: when you use wayland gnome has xrdp included in their gnome session23:08
nonix4_(with default wayland session, on amdgpu)23:09
sarnoldwell, linux isn't *completely* compatible... if you swap out your amd64 system for a power9 system, it won't Just Work :)23:12
murmelsarnold: but it's very unlikely :P arm64 however :)23:12
sarnoldmurmel: yeah :(23:15
nonix4_does wayland have any way for controlling/disabling (buggy-as-usual) DPMS, or do I need to switch to X.org to be able to control DPMS?23:15
murmelnonix4_: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=23820223:17
nonix4__Thanks murmel. But gdb user already shows sleep-inactive-ac-type as nothing, and it still dpms-blanks on lockscreen.23:25
nonix4__gdm* user that is. Haven't tried changing the related -battery- value... is that actually used for desktops (... connected to ups)?23:27
bumblefuzzI've used ubuntu for almost a decade23:28
bumblefuzzand I've never had a problem updating23:28
bumblefuzznow I'm getting an error: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://cli.github.com/packages stable InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 23F3D4EA7571605923:28
bumblefuzzwhy would a pubkey be missing?23:28
bumblefuzzwhy would the system not be able to download a new pubkey?23:29
arraybolt3bumblefuzz: What version of Ubuntu are you using?23:29
arraybolt3Also, cli.github.com? Sounds like you're using a third-party repo, in which case they should probably have given you instructions on importing the public key when you added the repo.23:29
murmelnonix4__: not 100% sure, and imho, the system first has to realize that there is a ups23:29
bumblefuzzI've not installed anything from github explicitly23:30
bumblefuzzso this has to be on ubuntu's end23:30
arraybolt3bumblefuzz: https://github.com/cli/cli/blob/trunk/docs/install_linux.md23:30
murmelubuntu doesn't install github stuf23:30
bumblefuzzhow do I check what packages are using it?23:30
arraybolt3bumblefuzz: Ubuntu does not come with the Github CLI stuff included by default. Either you or someone else with access to your computer has hadded it.23:30
bumblefuzzhow do I check what packages are using it?23:31
arraybolt3bumblefuzz: Try running "apt-cache show gh", that's the GitHub CLI if I'm understanding correctly.23:31
bumblefuzzyeah, there's a bunch of output23:31
arraybolt3If it says it's installed, that's likely your problem. If you don't want it and are sure no one else who uses this computer needs it, you should be able to uninstall it and then get rid of the GitHub CLI repo.23:31
bumblefuzznot sure what it means23:31
bumblefuzz'apt-get remove gh'23:32
arraybolt3bumblefuzz: Well try "dpkg-query -s gh | nc termbin.com 9999" and send the link it spits out.23:32
arraybolt3That will let me see for sure if it's installed.23:32
arraybolt3Yep. Someone installed the GitHub CLI on your system.23:33
bumblefuzzhow do I remove it23:33
arraybolt3So... before we dive into fixing this, are you absolutely sure you didn't install this, and if so, who might have installed it?23:33
bumblefuzzhonestly, I don't know23:33
bumblefuzzI don't really use github23:33
bumblefuzzI MIGHT'VE tried to download something from github once23:33
bumblefuzzbut I honestly don't remember this thing23:34
arraybolt3bumblefuzz: Personally, I'd clean-install Ubuntu at this point for fear of a security breach, but if you're sure that's unnecessary, you can run "sudo apt purge gh" to begin with.23:34
arraybolt3bumblefuzz: Once that's done, run "ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d | nc termbin.com 9999" so I can find the file that contains the GitHub repo info.23:34
arraybolt3(You might be able to recognize it yourself - if you're sure you're looking at the right file, run "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/<file name>", replacing <file name> as appropriate. Then run "sudo apt update".)23:35
arraybolt3bumblefuzz: OK, "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/github-cli.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/github-cli.list.distUpgrade && sudo apt update".23:36
bumblefuzzupdate runs smoothly now23:36
bumblefuzznever seen this issue before23:37
nonix4__murmel: ... although ideally I'd just want to blacklist DPMS for any DP1.2 "master" devices (since the chain will fail on DPMS)23:40
AVMLTrying to refresh with snap and I'm getting this sudo snap refresh lxd --channel=5.4/stable23:40
AVMLerror: cannot refresh "lxd": Post "https://api.snapcraft.io/v2/snaps/refresh": proxyconnect tcp:23:40
AVML       dial tcp connect: no route to host...  That IP used to be an old MAAS server that's gone.  Anyone know how to get it to stop .23:40
sarnoldAVML: this suggests "sudo snap set system proxy.http ..." and "sudo snap set system proxy.https ..."  https://askubuntu.com/a/1146047/33812 -- but it's also three years old23:42
nonix4__AVML: quick look at /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20snapd.conf indicates snap may be reading those settings from apt23:42
murmelnonix4__: did you find this already (mind you it's for gnome 3.24) https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/316929/display-is-not-capable-of-dpms-after-gnome-wayland-update23:43
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AVMLThanks to both of yal  unset system proxy for both http and https did it.23:44
nonix4__murmel: thanks, that busctl in comments there can be handy, and is 3.28 -compatible too :)23:49
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