[07:08] Unit193: sean also seemed to lean towards pushing point releases downstream, so I guess I'll just try to get this finished asap [07:10] Defer to him over me on this stuff, but yay. \o/ [11:46] ochosi: thanks! And yeah, releases are good :) [21:50] https://deb.li/J6Jd wait what? Sounds on volume change is desired? [22:00] Unit193: I think it's an ok optional feature to have (other OSs have it too) [22:00] also, as opposed to the original MR, it's disabled by default [22:00] I like it when my system does that. [22:00] Thankgoodness disabled by default. :D [22:00] https://hg.guido-berhoerster.org/projects/package-update-indicator/rev/f27122a7bb02 \o/ [22:00] Let's me know that the speakers are working and that the sound volume really did change. [22:02] (We don't use package-update-indicator, but it's a great option if one doesn't want the Ubuntu update stuff.) [22:02] cool [22:06] ..I use this ~elsewhere~ too by default, so of course I'm the maintainer in Debian now. >_< [22:08] :D [22:09] this one I'm actually unsure about... https://gitlab.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin/-/merge_requests/5 [22:09] Merge 5 in panel-plugins/xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin "Show volume notification even if volume is already at max/min" [Opened] [22:09] not showing a notification atm is intentional, because there's no volume _change_, but I see how not showing a notification anymore can be confusing [22:09] I think some notification daemons show some "overshoot" effect when this happens [22:15] That'd be helpful, too bad xfce4-notifyd can't. :> [22:22] not yet, at least [22:22] I'm curious how Gnome handles this case (cause they do have this particular feature implemented) [22:22] maybe there's an additional hint in the notification spec that they added that we could piggy-back on [22:30] I use over 100% sometimes, so I'd appreciate such a feature but by no means is it critical. [22:31] same here [22:31] mostly curious [22:37] Anything else I can/should do? [22:38] Ah yes, pick up the new notifyd... [22:38] I'll soon try to do another pulseaudio release [22:38] hopefully this week [22:39] the 'overdrive' support in gnome shell is a little involved and not really using the notification spec at all [22:39] they handle volume and brightness events separately [22:39] Of course they do... [22:47] ok, I think I have a rough idea what is needed, and it's not even hacky [22:47] first we'd need support for it in pulseaudio-plugin (currently we seem to cap volume increases at 100% - so likely an option to allow 'overdrive') [22:47] then support for it in notifyd is not that hard