
dunpealarraybolt3: am I in the right place?02:26
arraybolt3Looks right!02:26
* daftykins steps outside the channel and looks up at the sign above the door02:26
dunpealWhat's the expected division of labor between Apt and Snap going forward? For example, will Snap take over the management of more and more packages as time goes by? Are there any particular rules about which PM should manage which packages?02:30
daftykinsobviously everything needs a maintainer02:32
lotuspsychjegood morning02:54
guivercdunpeal, I think deb is preferred by most; but snap is used where it makes more sense (ie. less resources are required to maintain it & any hit on other areas (performance etc) is reasonable..   I'm not aware of anything pushing resources towards Snap03:38
guiverc(a snap package will run on 16, 18, 20 & 22 - as well as 16.04, 18.04. 20.04 & 22.04 or any release) ... which means package once & run on all.. That's mostly been used by 3rd party apps, few core packages use it (Mozilla requested firefox be snap, not Ubuntu/Canonical)03:39
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enigma9o7[m]I've wondered that too.  Already there are three programs that ubuntu no longer packages in debian format (chromium, firefox, lxd); I wonder if there are any plans to pull anything else from regular repo in favor of snap in future ubuntu versions.  16:37
leftyfb!discuss | enigma9o7[m] 16:45
ubottuenigma9o7[m]: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:45
leftyfboops, lol. Sorry, thought we were in #u16:47
ograenigma9o7[m], likely dpends how much manhours that can save ... i could imagine libreoffice being a candidate 18:31
ograsince that is in main and needs to be re-built for 6 or so releases when a security fix comes out 18:31
ograenigma9o7[m], also, all installers will eventually become snap i think18:32
ogra(server installer is already, desktop installer will follow shortly)18:32
sarnoldback when I was getting ubuntu installed on my power9 system, it was *really* handy to install an updated installer on the fly without needing to rewrite the usb stick :) it made iterating on bugfixes vastly faster18:37
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=== arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3

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