
dunpealWhat is the relationship between snap and aptitude going to be in the future? Is snap the future, will apt be gradually phased out?00:36
murmeldunpeal: no they will coexist00:37
leftyfbdunpeal: feel free to ask about future ubuntu releases in #ubuntu-next00:37
murmeland its more about apt and snap, not aptitude (aptitude is just another interface)00:37
dunpealThanks, I thought apt was just short for aptitude, with the latter being the proper name for this package management system.00:39
sarnoldno, apt and aptitude are different implementations of the same ideas; aptitude respects (some of?) the apt configs, it works on the same package databases, but it's also got unique features that apt doesn't have00:44
Intelomy x2go new connection is pretty fast but when i choose 'local connection', it goes so slow to be unusable. How can i fix?00:44
schqel-nellHey guys, anyone know much about landscape?03:24
schqel-nellCanonical's landscape that is03:24
schqel-nellI'm looking for an alternative that is open source and free software03:24
basenjisLandscape server..?03:26
schqel-nellwhat do u mean landscape server?03:27
basenjisMicro 8 's03:27
schqel-nelldon't think that's what I'm after03:31
schqel-nellspecifically I'm after some kind of server monitoring03:31
basenjisLandscape server... https://ubuntu.com/landscape03:31
schqel-nellnah we currently use landscape and it's not good enough03:32
schqel-nellit lacks documentation, community and features03:32
schqel-nellit's not even available on 22.0403:32
schqel-nellforman looks good, not sure if it'll work on what I need it to though03:33
basenjisI will check..How many servers needed..? more than 100, 200.. 1000..?03:34
schqel-nelllike 4003:34
bougymanas a general purpose thing that's cloud workload friendly, I've used sensu for that quite a bit.03:35
bougymanHowever I think prometheus with alertmanager is becoming the de facto standard.03:35
schqel-nellhmm i'll check these out03:35
bougymanwith grafana for the visibility (pretty pictures)03:35
bougymanprometheus gets the data, alertmanager does the alerting, and grafana is the presentation layer.03:36
bougymanEach of them could be replaced with others. There's quite a few variations.03:36
bougymanProm seems to be the one constant, though.03:36
bougymanThat is, in my experience.03:36
schqel-nellwait so03:37
schqel-nellyou use multiple services to get this to work?03:37
schqel-nelllike sensu + prometheus + grafana?03:37
schqel-nellsounds like a lot to setup03:37
bougymansensu is more of a kitchen sink.03:37
bougymanprom + alertmanager + grafana is a stack of tools which are complimentary.03:38
bougymanI prefer the unix way generally (the three separate tools).03:38
bougymanmicrok8s is a kubernetes stack.03:38
bougyman99% chance it's using prometheus with grafana fronting it.03:38
schqel-nellso sensu is the backend?03:38
basenjisUbuntu rules with security..03:38
bougymanBut I don't know. I use actual k8s, which isn't opinionated.03:39
schqel-nelllike looking at the screenshot there's no web interface or something03:39
bougymanNo, sensu is... let's see, do you know Nagios?03:39
bougymanSean made sensu to be: "The nagios for cloud stuff"03:39
schqel-nellnah im really new to all of this03:39
bougymanNagios became Icinga, you might know that name.03:39
basenjisWrong look at what Ubuntu has to offer03:40
schqel-nellThe main feature we are looking for is system monitoring and notifications. Like we want to know if something goes wrong that we can be notified immediately03:40
bougymanYes, and kubernetes, like basenjis is suggesting, makes that a pretty turnkey thing.03:40
basenjisSELinux or Apparmor..03:40
bougymanIt's just a pretty big shift, for some organization's workloads.03:41
schqel-nellhmm i'll have a look at hubernetes03:41
bougymanIf you want something completely generic: sensu. If you have "regular" things that can report to prometheus, look into prometheus + alertmanager + grafana, and the alternatives to alertmanager and grafana.03:41
basenjisKubernetes is authentication exact03:42
bougymankubernetes requires workloads that can stop at any time and idempotency and a lot of software architecture to be developed properly.03:42
bougymanit offers great orchestration for workflows which fit into that box.03:42
schqel-nellThere's are all good, I need to come up with like 5 different solutions to implement for our company03:42
bougyman5 is too many.03:43
schqel-nelllike, because someone else will decide what we will implement03:43
bougymanAt least, 5 at once.03:43
schqel-nellI'm just doing the research03:43
schqel-nellis the point03:43
bougymanOh, you mean propose 5 diff options.03:43
schqel-nellyeah exactly03:43
bougymanWell now you have two.03:43
schqel-nellyes indeed03:43
schqel-nellIdk I don't care if we make all 503:43
bougymanAnd the whole: "OR< we just move to kubernetes"03:43
schqel-nellat least 3 would be good03:43
bougymanand open that can of worms.03:43
schqel-nellso like sensu, kubernetes and maybe one other03:43
bougymanprom + alertmanager + grafana03:43
bougymanit's a common stack. there are many one-click installers so you can't even tell you're using 3 different things.03:44
schqel-nellwhat do u think of foreman?03:44
bougymanI've never used foreman.03:44
bougymanThat doesn't look like a monitoring solution, from my initial read here.03:44
bougymanBut I'm not gonna spend too much time on it.03:45
schqel-nellit says on the website that it is a monitoring solution03:45
schqel-nelleh im not going to worry about these for now03:45
schqel-nelli'm just going to look into the programs u have suggested for now03:45
bougymanThat looks like a kitchen sink of terraform + ansible + chef + prometheus + *03:45
bougymanI tend to avoid kitchen sinks and just use the underlying tools.03:46
schqel-nellis a frontend nessesary for this kind of thing?03:46
schqel-nelllike landscape has a web front end03:46
schqel-nellit would be nice03:47
bougymanonlhy for the visualization part.03:47
bougymanthe configuration should be "as code", treated as any other code pipeline. Code reviews / approvals, etc.03:47
bougymanThis is all just one SRE's opinion. YMMV03:47
bougymanI've been at so many places that did graphical configuration (Datadog, Splunk, others) and it alwasy got worse over time.03:48
bougymanTo the point that no one would touch it.03:48
bougymantreat your metrics and monitoring config just like you treat any other code. it's just as important.03:49
bougymanThat was the Nagios mindset that is followed by sensu, generally.03:49
schqel-nellwhats easiest to learn?03:51
bougymanNo idea.03:52
bougymanI sat next to Sean as he was writing sensu.03:53
bougymanSo it was very tacit learning (the easiest)03:53
antiPoPHi, which is the pakcane name used to report desktop crashes?03:53
bougymanprometheus was a bitch.03:53
bougymanI hate the query language of prom and grafana.03:53
bougymanBut I made it through it.03:53
schqel-nellresearching this online is so confusing man03:54
bougymanYeah I bet.03:54
bougymaninformation overload.03:55
bougymanWith a bunch of well placed ads.03:55
bougymanHow many times did you end up on Splunk's website? hahahah03:55
schqel-nellnot with ublockorigin baby03:55
schqel-nellhaha a few03:55
bougymanSplunk and Datadog are the big players in the hosted space.03:55
bougymanYou should include at least one hosted option.03:55
schqel-nellare they FOSS though?03:55
bougymanNewRelic is another player there.03:55
bougymanNope, not foss.03:56
bougymanBut I'd still include them, if this is for a company. Just so you can see the cost-value proposition.03:56
bougymanThe Foss one takes $$, too, in manpower to maintain it.03:56
schqel-nellyeah I think I will, I always want to recommend foss when  Ican though03:56
bougymanMe, too, always.03:56
bougymanIt's a variation of the buy vs build.03:57
bougymanMaintain vs pay someone to maintain.03:57
schqel-nellyeah I don't think we want to spend too much time maintaining this03:57
basenjissuse linux..? easiest to learn..?04:01
bougymanwho what?04:03
basenjisIt is true.. Suse Linux.. is easy to learn..server is updated from Germany04:04
bougymanUm, ok. I don't know how to even judge "easy to learn"04:04
bougymanI thought LFS was very easy to learn. It was just A Book. you read the book, you know the distro.04:04
bougymanWhat can get easier than that?04:04
bougymanReading. It's a Thing.04:05
basenjisWrong context04:06
basenjisNot a book04:06
bougymankubectl config set-context correct-context04:06
bougymanhaha, should be use-context, I think.04:06
basenjisWrong GAIN04:06
bougymanyup, use-context04:07
basenjisSever  .iso Open source SUSE.. !04:07
basenjisMicro8's Ubuntu rule..less than that is SUSE..04:09
luna__Rancher ?04:09
schqel-nellimagine reading in 202204:14
schqel-nelli just hack into the mainframe with my mind04:14
schqel-nellim thinking datadog looks good04:42
schqel-nelllooks like its easy to setup04:42
schqel-nellbut sensu looks like a bit of a learning curve04:42
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johnauIs there are copy manager (like teracopy) for ubuntu? Specifically with a file queue where files can be skipped/re-prioritized/ etc ?06:35
johnaufor ubuntu kde*06:35
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realivanjxwhat happened with id.archive.ubuntu.com? keeps getting forbidden error for apt operations09:12
arraybolt3[m]realivanjx: Looks like it's empty. Maybe the mirror got taken offline?09:12
realivanjxprobably. it was working fine up to a few days ago when i last checked for updates09:13
arraybolt3[m]realivanjx: There's lots of other mirrors in Indonesia that you could switch Apt to use instead. What version of Ubuntu are you on?09:13
realivanjxarraybolt3[m] 22.0409:14
arraybolt3[m]realivanjx: OK, one moment, I'll give you a file you can drop into your system to switch to a functioning mirror.09:15
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arraybolt3[m]realivanjx: Sorry for the delay, juggling over here...09:19
arraybolt3[m]realivanjx: https://bpa.st/V75A09:21
arraybolt3[m]realivanjx: Run "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list", then press and hold Ctrl+K until the file is empty. Then copy the contents of the link above, and paste them into the file with Ctrl+Shift+V. Then press Ctrl+S to save, Ctrl+X to exit, then run "sudo apt update" and see if it works.09:21
realivanjxjust that one file? i will try it later. thanks09:23
Aliekezihi, how can I connect with ssh to a second server using a key ? I tried "ssh -A -t -v root@server1 ssh -A -t login@server2" but I get "no hostkey alg" as if the second server didn't recieve my auth key... Any idea ?09:36
lesshasteI have been offered a partial upgrade when trying to go from 20.04 to 22.04. How can I find out why?09:46
phonixgeisthey guys! how can i check who/what ip is using protocol IGMP? I tried "ss", "lsof", "tcpdump" and haven't found a way to get information of protocol IGMP that is being use... how can i track that protocol?09:57
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tomreynphonixgeist: tcpdump, wireshark10:14
tomreyncapture filter: "ip proto igmp"10:17
oerhekshe continued in #linux10:18
phonixgeisttomreyn, ip proto.. gives me error...10:19
tomreynthanks oerheks10:19
oerheksall i found is this dutch tv routing issue https://gathering.tweakers.net/forum/list_messages/200328210:20
tomreynAliekezi: use the -J (jump host) option to specify the first server, the one you 'proxy' through10:39
tomreynlesshaste: do you want to share the output, on a pastebin-like service, and provide more details?10:39
InteloIf I want to block yutube on localhost. I can do this in /etc/hosts file?   `   localhost`   ?11:21
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esvI would do: yutube.com in /etc/hosts instead.11:24
Inteloesv that does not works.11:25
Intelo  how to firewall youtube.com in iptables so this site does not opens up?11:26
esvwhat are you trying to accomplish?11:29
tomreynmaybe youtube.com and yutube.com are not the same11:29
esvare you trying to block your local network users from using the service?11:30
tomreyn!crosspost | Intelo11:30
ubottuIntelo: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.11:30
Inteloesv the pastbin link do not open.11:30
esvmaybe the site is blocked to you, I just tried that on a different browser and it worked.11:31
Intelocan you paste on another bin?11:31
murmelIntelo: it's just a bin where he shows that " youtube.com" works. so make sure yours doesn't have any typos11:33
esvbut don't mind me, without knowing what is that you are trying to accomplish is foolish to give advice. apogologies for provide wrong advice.11:37
Inteloesv but in your paste, you are able to access youtube despite the rule in /etc11:37
esvno, my machine gets pinged ( is always your local machine11:39
esvI mean yes, ping command is successful but at the end of the day it is your local machine the one that replies not the youtube.com service11:40
esvalso, not sure if it would work for anything else other that the two specific entries (www.youtube.com and youtube.com), you might need to use a DNS filtering service like the one used in the pi-hole.11:45
esvagain, not sure what your main objective is.11:45
murmelidk if it's also really helpful to only block yt (the site itself) as there are quite a few 3rd party sites based on invidious for example11:46
Inteloesv murmel thanks11:52
Aliekezitomreyn, sorry, I just found out it was the second server which didn't accept some algorythms, now it's fiexed11:55
realivanjxare there any mirrors for libreoffice ppa? https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/libreoffice/ppa/ubuntu is too slow for me11:59
tomreynAliekezi: glad you worked it out.12:00
tomreynrealivanjx: i don't think there are mirrors. maybe you can run your own proxy server close to it? what does ppa.launchpadcontent.net resolve to for you, and what's your download speed from it?12:04
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realivanjxspeed is like 50-150 KBps12:11
ravagelocation seems to be Hurricane Electric, London. I get about 85mbit from it12:17
tomreynrealivanjx: it resolves to both an ipv4 and ipv6 address for me, and transfer from the ipv6 one is slower for me - but i'm also in western europe, so this can be very different for you.12:41
tomreynrealivanjx: what i mean to say is: see if you can get a faster download via ipv4 than via ipv6, or the other way around.12:41
DiplomatHey! Can anyone help me please.. I installed Zabbix to my Ubuntu 20.04 VM + some other stuff. Zabbix port is 10050. For some unknown reason I cannot connect to it from another machine. I have disabled ufw then enabled it and allowed 10050 then I allowed connection from my Zabbix server IP, but nothing helps. iptables -L doesn't show any blocks and netstat shows that Zabbix agent nicely listens to 10050. There are no external firewalls and12:44
Diplomatother VMs in that same server and network are using Zabbix agent too without issues. Telnet times out.12:44
DiplomatI'm not really sure what to do next12:44
Diplomatand I can connect to the Zabbix server and I can ping the Ubuntu VM from Zabbix server as well.. so connection works just fine. It just external connections cannot connect to 10050 for some reason12:46
realivanjxtomreyn im using route48 tunnel for my ipv6. im from southeast asia12:49
BluesKajHi all12:56
phonixgeisthey guys.. anyone know how to configure nftables to allow wifi-hotspot internet sharing... nft is blocking my hotspot...12:56
aernandeI need more sleep13:17
DiplomatAlrighty, I can see from tcpdump that packets come in.. ufw is disabled, but something seems to be still wrong. Iptables is empty..14:08
gordonjcpDiplomat: aha14:09
gordonjcpDiplomat: tcpdump will always show the packets coming in14:09
gordonjcpDiplomat: tcpdump is showing you what hits the interface as it hits the interface14:09
DiplomatYes.. but I have ufw disabled and packets still don't reach the service14:10
DiplomatWhen I try from the server itself like: telnet localhost 10050 it works perfectly14:10
tomreynDiplomat: what if you connect to the servers' LAN / external IP address from itself? rather using nc (netcat) than telnet (which is a bad tool for debugging purposes)?14:12
DiplomatConnection to XXX 10050 port [tcp/zabbix-agent] succeeded!14:13
Diplomatnc -vz XXX 1005014:13
tomreynis there virtualization, NAT, network brdiging involed?14:13
DiplomatI'm using Vmware yes, but I have other VMs using Zabbix as well and they don't have any issues.14:14
tomreyncan you connect to it from the host?14:14
tomreynconsider an ip address collision14:15
DiplomatThere can't be a collision because we have mail services running there and they work perfectly. I have not tried from esxi itself14:16
Diplomat+ I'm ssh-ed into it using the external IP14:16
DiplomatOnly 10050 seems to be having issues.. other ports in that context work perfectly fine14:16
DiplomatYeah, I just tried from 3 different external servers outside from that network (in different countries) and nc times out14:18
DiplomatAlso nmap seems to be showing correct open ports as well (besides 10050)14:18
DiplomatA quick paste too, to who is interested: https://dpaste.org/YNbDR14:21
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DiplomatWell.. lol15:12
DiplomatTurns out that server was using nftables15:12
dreamonhello. I did a netplay yaml config to bond 2 LAN cards in active-backup mode. but remove one of both lan cables, network break. maybe I have to set bond0 as default connection.15:16
jj__I wonder how many Ubuntu users run MATE instead of Gnome or some other DE. I've been trying out MATE and it's amazing15:37
lotuspsychje!discuss | jj__15:41
ubottujj__: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!15:41
ograoh ! i didnt know abut the !discuss factoid !!15:42
lotuspsychjelol ogra15:42
oerheksno stats about desktops..15:42
lotuspsychjedidnt we have a statistics package in the repos?15:43
ograoerheks, also pretty old (i think the original poll for this was in 2017)15:43
realivanjxis there any mirror for ubuntu 20.04 ARM around southeast asia (singapore, jp, indonesia, etc)?15:59
jj__really cool website, thanks oerheks16:00
ioriarealivanjx, check this : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/mirror.coganng.com-archive216:03
realivanjxthanks ioria16:11
arraybolt3[m]So, I have a silly question that's more of theoretical than technical, but... what would cause an Ubuntu system to suddenly go from stable and working to entirely unstable and unusable?17:00
arraybolt3[m]I was using my laptop last night and everything was just going normally, when suddenly I was met with "Segmentation fault" when trying to run "lsblk". Pretty much every command I tried to run after that told me either "Segmentation fault" or "Bus error" (even the "sync" command!), and I was unable to launch any programs from the GNOME shell.17:00
arraybolt3[m]I decided to force reboot by pressing and holding the power button - when I did so, the desktop vanished and I saw a ton of SQUASHFS errors (presumably from Snaps?) in a console, then the system shut down.17:01
arraybolt3[m]Thankfully, it rebooted normally, and seems to be just fine now. So I'm back up and running, but... what on earth? What's something that would cause this rapid chaos?17:01
lotuspsychjewich ubuntu/flavour release was that arraybolt3[m]17:01
arraybolt3[m]Ubuntu Desktop 22.04.17:02
lotuspsychjearraybolt3[m]: can you still access the journal logs of last night?17:03
arraybolt3[m]Depends on if they saved to the disk or not, I could try.17:03
arraybolt3[m]Last time I saw something similar, I had accidentally yanked out a flash drive that happened to have the system's swap file on it. I had just installed Kubuntu 20.04 to a flash drive and didn't realize that the newly created swapfile was in use by the live environment, so I just grabbed it and removed it, and immediately stuff started going wrong in a very similar way.17:03
lotuspsychjearraybolt3[m]: sounds like a brutal behaviour for sure17:04
arraybolt3[m]Oh wow. Well I have plenty of logs, but I just learned that Minetest makes an event in the journal every time you mine a block (?!).17:05
arraybolt3[m]Nope, I can't find any segfaults in my journalctl.17:07
arraybolt3[m]Which makes sense given that I improperly shut it down and it was having problems even getting "sync" to run.17:07
lotuspsychjecould you share arraybolt3[m]17:07
arraybolt3[m]All I can think is RAM failure, or maybe my SATA drive somehow wiggled loose. 🤷‍♂️17:08
arraybolt3Sure, lemme figure out the number of lines to send...17:08
* arraybolt3[m] posted a file: (2747KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/yeuzFCTSjOsRdAFCjoSTXoie/logs.txt >17:10
arraybolt3[m]That's the last 20,000 lines, reaching back to September 6, which ought to have caught it (I can't remember if it happened late September 7 or early September 8).17:10
lotuspsychjearraybolt3[m]: whats this? org.gnome.TwentyFortyEight.desktop17:12
arraybolt3[m]Oh also, it all seemed to start just after plugging in a flash drive (USB 3 drive in a USB 2 port). The drive is known-good and extremely unlikely to be malicious (it has my GPG key on it).17:12
arraybolt3[m]lotuspsychje: That's probably GNOME 2048. I play that a lot.17:12
arraybolt3[m](Got it from the Ubuntu repos.)17:12
* arraybolt3[m] uploaded an image: (44KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/FyLYktUitWxvjMtKCgaRFopw/image.png >17:12
lotuspsychjearraybolt3[m]: your logs have a lot of gnome-shell noise17:14
lotuspsychjesomething spamming gnome-shell till it crashes?17:15
arraybolt3[m]Maybe? I think I found where the issue hit though, and it looks like it's lost - there's just logs, and logs, and logs, then suddenly the logs stop and fifteen minutes later there's a bootup, which is probably when I gave up and hit the power button.17:16
arraybolt3[m]jhutchins: Yep, I'm on GNOME.17:16
jhutchinsarraybolt3[m]: I mean gnome spamming the gnome logs.17:17
jhutchinsIt's pretty much expected that a sysgtem fault that takes the system down takes the logging function down as well.  We always look, but shouldn't be surprised because there's never anything there.17:17
arraybolt3[m]This is the spot where I think the error got lost: https://bpa.st/HMFA17:18
lotuspsychjearraybolt3[m]: testing a lot of gnome extensions of any kind?17:18
arraybolt3[m]No way did I shut down the system, leave it that way for 15 minutes and then boot it back up. I was using it pretty much all night. So I think that's probably where it crashed.17:18
arraybolt3[m]Nope, don't have any GNOME extensions installed but the defaults.17:18
lotuspsychjearraybolt3[m]: but you surely can tell from the logs, you're a tester lol17:19
arraybolt3[m]Chrome, GEdit, Xiphos, Element, Hexchat, and some terminal windows were almost certainly running, I may have had Boxes and System Monitor on, too. Those are pretty much my standard suite.17:19
jhutchinsHmm, "Ivy Bridge Vulkan support is incomplete".17:19
jhutchinsAKA "This kernel not ready for current hardware".17:20
jhutchinsLet's push it to production anyway, nobody's going to notice.17:20
arraybolt3[m]Or more like "dude upgrade your hardware already :P" It's a 3rd gen Core i5.17:20
jhutchinsWHich means they never bothered to finish support?17:21
arraybolt3[m]I don't think those were even designed to have complete hardware acceleration support.17:21
arraybolt33D software frequently doesn't like Intel HD graphics due to that very problem (IIUC).17:21
jhutchinsIt's pretty hard to keep up with desktop-level hardware, it changes constantly.17:22
lotuspsychjearraybolt3[m]: google-fu gives a lot of hits on segfault + minetest too17:22
lotuspsychjearraybolt3: you got something in /var/crash ?17:23
jhutchinsThere's always been the argument "If you want support for your $3000 graphics card, buy the developers a sample to work from".17:23
arraybolt3lotuspsychje: Eh, a Google Chrome crash and a Solaar crash (for my Logitech Unifying receiver), that's it.17:24
jhutchins"Minetest" sounds like a debugging thing; generating log entries would be a good feature.17:24
arraybolt3Neither of those crashes happened around the time of the sudden chaos (IIRC).17:24
lotuspsychjearraybolt3: any of those 2 from yesterday?17:24
jhutchinsLatent problems lurking after the crash?17:25
arraybolt3I think the Solaar one was.17:25
lotuspsychjenot sure if solaar could make the whole desktop crash?17:25
arraybolt3[m]Yeah. Another weird thing is, my open programs seemed to still function properly, I just couldn't open much of anything else (I could still get new terminal windows though). My text editor did just bail on me without asking me if I wanted to save changes, though, and I had some unsaved work (it was easy to rebuild thankfully).17:26
arraybolt3Maybe I should run a RAM test.17:28
lotuspsychjemy bet is on gnome-shell arraybolt317:29
lotuspsychjeelement-desktop is also giving weird errors17:30
arraybolt3Hmm. Well, I guess there's not really anything conclusive, and the system's working now (I'm typing on it), so I guess I'm happy. Possibly gnome-shell, yeah, I mean, I guess. It just seems like a GNOME shell glitch should take down GNOME shell, but still leave command-line programs (like lsblk and sync) working. I've never seen lsblk segfault before in my life.17:31
lotuspsychjearraybolt3: gnome-shell[1885]: Window manager warning: Broken client! Window 0x2e00002 changed client leader window or SM client ID17:31
lotuspsychjeSep 08 03:39:42 elitebook8570p17:32
lotuspsychjecould that been the time?17:32
arraybolt3Maybe? I think it was earlier than that, but it was somewhere around there possibly.17:32
jhutchinsIt might be useful to try this program under a different desktop manager just to see what happens.17:32
arraybolt3If only I knew what program that was :D17:33
arraybolt3Also, there should be a bootup *after* wherever the error is, since I rebooted the system shortly after it went berzerk.17:33
arraybolt3lotuspsychje: Oh wow, actually that might be it, I can see all sorts of insanity right after that happens.17:34
lotuspsychjeyeah those errors dont lokk very sane17:34
lotuspsychjeSep 08 03:39:42 elitebook8570p gnome-shell[1885]: Object .MetaWindowActorX11 (0x55c0ac79bb00), has been already disposed — impossible to access it. This might be caused by the object having been destroyed from C code using something such as destroy(), dispose(), or remove() vfuncs.17:34
lotuspsychjemaybe your testing got a bit too frankenubuntu and made gnome-shell disliking it?17:35
nyohello I need help on changing the default resolution of a livecd. my monitor goes out of range and I don't see anything when kde is loaded on kubuntu17:37
arraybolt3lotuspsychje: Well, that's the thing, I don't *ever* do anything to destabilize my main system. All my weird fiddling is done inside VMs... except... remember that time EriC^^ had to fish me out of a GRUB issue? That was the only time I did something possibly dangerous to my main system.17:37
arraybolt3nyo: Can you switch to a TTY using Ctrl+Alt+F3?17:38
lotuspsychjearraybolt3: an hour later you got all those Operation not permitted errors17:38
nyoyes I can switch to tty arraybolt317:38
nyobut if I kill X11 it reloads it so I dunno what to do17:38
stolenUbuntu experienced an error Executable path /usr/bin/whoopsie and some other stuff too... any idea ?17:38
arraybolt3lotuspsychje: Yeah but I'm still getting those while System Monitor is running in the background, I don't think those are probably dangerous.17:39
arraybolt3nyo: I think you can use xrandr to set the screen resolution from there.17:39
arraybolt3stolen: Did some program crash soon before this happened>17:39
nyoarraybolt3 I tried xrandr --verbose and it says cannot open display17:40
arraybolt3nyo: Try "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --verbose".17:40
nyoarraybolt3 ok it gives me the whole list of resolutions. I see the problem is the vsync at 133 mhz. how to set it to 60?17:42
arraybolt3lotuspsychje: Also whatever I did to my system that once with GRUB still has something odd going on - every time I boot, my Caps Lock and Num Lock lights flash in a slow, regular pattern three or so times, then Ubuntu boots, which sounds like I've done something to make the EFI seriously confused.17:42
arraybolt3nyo: Looks like "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output <output> --rate 60" should do it, though change <output> accordingly.17:44
nyoarraybolt3 it is too difficult for me there are too many numbers I don't understand17:48
nyoI need 1024x768 60hz on vga117:48
arraybolt3nyo: Can you run "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --verbose | nc termbin.com 9999" and send the link that spits out? That will let me see the command output.17:49
arraybolt3(You will have to be connected to the Internet for that to work.)17:49
arraybolt3nyo: If you need to connect to the Internet without your screen, you can run "nmtui" and use it to connect to WiFi.17:50
arraybolt3(Er, without your desktop I mean.)17:50
nyoI don't have wifi will try termbin17:53
nyoarraybolt3 termbin.com/pgph17:54
nyoarraybolt3 I think the good one to use is this  1024x768 (0x46) 65.000MHz -HSync -VSync17:55
arraybolt3nyo: DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output VGA-1 --rate 6017:55
arraybolt3nyo: Or wait, I'll try to give you the specific mode switcher one...17:56
nyoarraybolt3 ok then what else to do?17:56
arraybolt3nyo: DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output VGA-1 --mode 0x4617:57
nyorate 60 doesn't change anything but maybe I have to restart x11?17:57
arraybolt3nyo: It should apply instantly IIRC.17:57
nyosays configure crtc 0 failed arraybolt317:57
arraybolt3Hmm... ok one moment.17:58
arraybolt3nyo: DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output VGA-1 --crtc CRT0 --mode 0x4617:59
arraybolt3nyo: Or if that fails, "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output VGA-1 --crtc 0 --mode 0x46"18:00
nyoarraybolt3 invalid name 'CRT0'18:00
arraybolt3nyo: Or if that fails too, "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output VGA-1 --crtc 1 --mode 0x46"18:00
nyoarraybolt3 same error crtc 0 failed on all18:00
arraybolt3Even with the crtc set to 1? Blah.18:01
nyosays crtc 0 failed with crtc 118:01
arraybolt3Oh wait, try this:18:01
arraybolt3DISPLAY=:0 xrandr --output VGA-1 --crtc 1 --brightness 0.7 --mode 0x4618:02
nyonothing arraybolt318:02
nyowhy is so difficult....18:02
arraybolt3Well crud.18:02
nyosome other livecd to try?18:03
nyoI can use kubuntu safe graphic but then I don't have accelleration etc18:03
arraybolt3nyo: You might see if there's some other way to connect your monitor to your graphics output - maybe a glitchy adapter is causing the problem.18:04
nyoI have kvm switch18:04
nyobut neveer have given me problems18:04
nyoI was using gentoo before18:04
arraybolt3Ah. I bet that's causing most of your trouble. Can you try connecting the monitor directly without the KVM switch?18:04
nyoand the only difference was that I had to add 1280x1024 as a  resolution mode18:04
nyono because the pc is in a rack18:04
arraybolt3We might be able to set the monitor mode correctly if that works, and then have it work when the switch is put back into the setup.18:05
nyolike a rack outside room18:05
arraybolt3Oh. Hmm...18:05
nyowith gentoo it was fine18:05
nyoI was just able to made it works by adding 1280x1024 to xorg.conf18:05
nyonow even 1024x768 is a mess18:05
nyoold distros like wattos works fine18:06
arraybolt3nyo: Can you try doing your trick from a TTY in the Kubuntu live environment?18:06
nyoI bought today a new vga to try because the nouveau driver was not support geforce 6150 (integrated)18:06
arraybolt3With the xorg configuration and everything.18:06
nyoI don't understand18:06
arraybolt3nyo: Whatever you did to Gentoo to make it work, do to Kubuntu.18:07
nyoyou mean to change xorg?18:07
arraybolt3nyo: Yeah.18:07
nyoit was modes =1280x1024 something like that18:07
nyoin xorg.conf18:07
nyoI don't have here xorg.conf or wait18:07
* arraybolt3 has to go afk, sorry, can someone else pick up where I'm leaving off?18:07
nyothanks arraybolt318:08
EriC^^nyo: maybe try setting the resolution from grub?18:08
nyogood idea how?18:08
nyobtw EriC^^ ubuntu on the previous pc was finding the correct 1024x768 resolution with the right rate or maybe the vga was not able to hold more than 60hz18:10
nyothe problem is the rate18:10
alkisgnyo: do you want to tell us a small summary for those that just catch up? You just want to set up a 1024x768@60 mode?18:10
EriC^^nyo: edit /etc/default/grub and add this line GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep18:10
EriC^^and add GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x102418:11
nyoalkisg yes I need 1024x768 rate 60hz18:11
nyoit is a live distro kubuntu18:11
nyothat then I want to install18:11
EriC^^nyo: xrandr can set the resolution+rate18:12
alkisgnyo, could you run this to send us some information? (lspci -nn -k | grep -A4 VGA; xrandr; cat /proc/cmdline) | nc termbin.com 999918:12
nyowe tried the xrandr rate but no success18:12
alkisgCopy/paste the command and tell us the URL18:12
nyoI don't have ssh on kubuntu so I try termbin18:12
alkisgI think you missed the xrandr and cat /proc/cmdline bits, it was all inside the parenthesis18:14
alkisg*just the xrandr18:15
alkisgDid you run it over ssh without a proper DISPLAY?18:15
nyono on the pc no ssh18:15
alkisgAnd if you type `xrandr` it doesn't show an output?18:16
alkisgI didn't see its output in the termbin18:16
alkisgTry: xrandr | nc termbin.com 999918:16
alkisg(or plain xrandr first, to verify that you can indeed see its output)18:16
nyosays can't open display18:16
alkisgDid you run `sudo -i` ?18:17
nyovga is nvidia gt403 with nouveau driver and kernel too18:17
alkisgThese commands are supposed to be run as the live user, in a konsole terminal that you'll open from the menuj18:17
nyooh well no sudo18:17
alkisgGo to the menu an open a new konsole terminal18:17
nyoI am in tty not graphical18:17
alkisgThere, type xrandr18:17
alkisgEh, didn't you say kubuntu?18:17
alkisgxrandr only works under xorg18:18
nyoyes kubuntu18:19
alkisgOK, then go to the graphical session18:19
alkisgYou want a graphical 1024x768@60 screen, right?18:19
nyoI cannot go to graphical session my monitor is out of range due to rate at over 6018:19
nyoyes is that what I want18:19
alkisgI see. Is that a live session?18:19
nyoI can install it with safe graphic mode probably and then see what to do....18:20
nyobut I would like to understand how to fix it before installing18:20
alkisgThen there are no secrets involved, do you mind sharing the tty with me so that we can solve this more quickly?18:20
nyobefore spending time18:20
nyothis kubuntu doesn't has ssh18:20
alkisgsudo apt install epoptes-client18:21
alkisgAnd: /usr/share/epoptes-client/share-terminal
alkisgThis will share your tty with me,  we'll both be seeing the same screen18:21
alkisgFor xrandr to work, the display must be active18:23
nyothe monitor is on of course18:23
alkisgSo, I'll run the command to do that, but then you may need to press ctrl+alt+f2 etc to go back to console18:23
nyostill out of range here18:24
nyoI see you to type stuff18:24
nyohum what else now?18:25
alkisgxrandr needs to be run when the graphics vt (vt7, right?) is shown18:25
alkisgIs graphics in vt7?18:25
alkisgOr in vt1?18:25
nyoit is in ctrl+alt+f118:25
alkisgOK, wait18:26
nyoI dont know vt718:26
alkisgDo you see now?18:26
alkisgIt's 800x60018:26
nyowe can try 1024 or 1280x1024?18:26
alkisgI tried 102418:26
alkisgDo you see it?18:26
alkisgOK, all that means that you should be able to configure it using the "monitors" applet of the control panel18:27
nyoso I wanna see the cmd now18:27
alkisgGo ahead and install, and you'll be able to easily configure it later18:27
alkisgSure go back to vt2 and type history18:27
nyoyes I see the option of resolution on settings18:27
nyoso it was --rate 60.00 and not rate 6018:28
nyojust that18:28
nyowhat it was then?18:28
alkisgThe problem was that when you ran xrandr, you were at tty18:28
alkisgWhile I switched to graphics and THEN I ran xrandr at the hidden tty18:28
nyowe were using DISPLAY=:018:28
nyohow to switch to graphic?18:28
alkisgEven when you set DISPLAY properly, xrandr won't change the monitor settings if you're on the tty18:28
nyochvt 1?18:29
alkisgTo do it alone next time, do:18:29
alkisglogin to tty218:29
alkisgtype: sleep 10; xrandr --output VGA-1 --mode 1024x768 --rate 60.0018:29
alkisgAnd press ctrl+alt+f1 to switch to vt1 before the 10 seconds18:29
nyowhat a trick18:30
alkisgSo then, when xrandr runs, you'll be at graphics, not at tty18:30
nyocan we try 1280x1024? just to see18:30
nyoI think we have to add mode18:30
alkisgIt's not listed in the monitor modes, we'd need to add it, sure,18:30
alkisgLeave it to graphics mode, don't switch back to tty until I tell you18:30
alkisgDone, does it work?18:31
alkisgOK, in that case you'll need a custom xorg.conf18:32
nyohow you did that?18:32
nyooh ok i see cmds in ttyt18:32
alkisgcvt 1280 1024; xrandr --newmode "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync18:33
alkisgxrandr --addmode VGA-1 1280x1024_60.00; xrandr --output VGA-1 --mode 1280x1024_60.0018:33
nyoI learned a lot today thanks!18:34
alkisgYou're welcome18:34
alkisgPress Ctrl+D to exit the screen sharing, not sure if the history will perist, so copy it first18:34
nyonow I have to install and see18:34
alkisgE.g. history > file18:34
nyoit is .bashrc?18:35
alkisgIt's /home/root/.bash_history18:35
ravagei think it is /root/.bash_history :)18:35
alkisgDat one ^ :D18:36
* alkisg was hurrying to get his beer :D18:36
ravagebeer. good idea18:36
nyoI did history > config.cmd18:36
nyoI should send a beer to alkisg18:36
nyomaybe a donation?18:37
alkisgOr history | nc termbin.com 9999, and note the URL18:37
alkisgNah thanks, only when it's for the programs I maintain :)18:37
nyoI go to dinner18:38
nyosee you later guys18:38
nyothanks again!18:38
nyoctrl'd to exit sharing?18:39
alkisgOr type exit18:39
* nyo is going to have dinner18:39
alkisgSharing stopped. Bon appettite!18:39
arraybolt3[m]alkisg: OK that was SO COOL. Now I want a static IP so I can do fancy tricks like your TTY sharing.19:08
alkisgarraybolt3: :)_ you don't need a static IP though, a dynamic will do fine, as long as you do a port forwarding19:09
sarnoldthe hard part is probably dealing with NAT on a firewall/router box19:09
arraybolt3alkisg: I don't think the IP I have is even public :(19:09
alkisgsarnold: the technician needs a port forward on his router (if he's using NAT), while the person receiving support doesn't need anything at all19:10
alkisgarraybolt3: wget alkisg.mysch.gr/ip -O -19:10
alkisg...shows your public IP19:11
arraybolt3I've got two layers of NAT, one on my router (so that i have 192.168.***.*** addresses), then one probably at the ISP (so my internal address is some weird 6.78.***.***), then my *real* public IP is, which one assumes is owned by T-Mobile.19:11
ravageno ipv6 on alkisg.mysch.gr :( :D19:11
alkisgYeh, the greek school network sucks a bit :)19:12
arraybolt3alkisg: Is that tool IPv6 compatible?19:12
Unit193My IP script has IPv6. :P19:12
alkisgsocat and screen? sure19:12
alkisgepoptes-client just uses these to share the tty19:12
arraybolt3OK I'm going to be gone for a bit seeing if I can get an IPv6 address out of my router, brb19:13
alkisgThe command without epoptes-client is:19:13
alkisgTERM=xterm COLUMNS=$COLUMNS LINES=$LINES socat SYSTEM:"sleep 1; exec screen -xRR ra",pty,stderr openssl-connect:,verify=0 & screen -l -S ra19:13
ravagethere is also tmate19:13
alkisgIndeed but I prefer tools that do not rely on an indermediate server19:13
ravagesure. but that fixes the non-public IP issue :)19:14
arraybolt3Oh. My. Gosh. I think it worked.19:15
ravagearraybolt3, in case you did not see it you can also try https://tmate.io/ but that uses an externel server as alkisg said. but it is a good alternative behind some double NAT19:16
arraybolt3ravage: I did see it thanks to Matrix, but I'll keep that in mind!19:16
arraybolt3[m]alkisg: Would you mind helping me see if it worked? I'm going to try to open a port on my system and see if you can access it with netcat.19:18
arraybolt3[m]OK lemme see if I can make this work...19:18
alkisgPM me if you prefer not to show your IP19:18
arraybolt3[m]Eh, IP addresses are essentially public info, I don't care :)19:18
arraybolt3[m]Address is 2607:fb90:9989:1237:3666:f841:2e:c632, port is 7897. Just netcat to it, then I'll type into it and ask if you can see what I'm typing.19:19
alkisgUnfortunately some people even try to omit their 192.x addresses, thinking that they reveal information about them...19:19
alkisgHrm, right, ipv6 via the greek school network...19:19
alkisgI wrote a "test" there, not sure if it worked19:20
arraybolt3[m]I'm not seeing it yet, maybe it's laggy.19:20
arraybolt3[m]I just typed "does this work?" into it, anything?19:20
alkisgIf someone has ipv6, please do an nc command, as I think the greek network won't make that connection19:20
alkisgNo, nothing19:21
jdmarkQUEEN ELIZABETH II HAS DIED -- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3277067519:22
ravage!ot | jdmark19:23
ubottujdmark: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:23
oerheksjdmark, unsupported, it is not in our repos.19:23
nyohi there again19:24
arraybolt3[m](For anyone who saw my thing with IPv6, scratch that address, I dropped my laptop and it went to sleep so I probably now have a new IP.019:25
arraybolt3[m]New address is 2607:fb90:9989:1237:9203:e5d9:82a3:edcf, port is still 7897.19:26
nyoalkisg hi I wonder what is the function of cvt 7 when we dealed with xrandr19:26
nyoit changes to ctrl+alt+f7?19:26
ravageon a desktop system you will probably have more that one ipv6 at a time19:26
alkisgnyo: chvt 7 changes to vt7, because I couldn't press ctrl+alt+f7 remotely19:27
alkisgBut then you told me it was vt1 :)19:27
arraybolt3[m]ravage: I do see a couple of them, I'm using the one that Google spits out when I say "what is my ip".19:27
ravagethat will change in another browser too19:27
nyoI still don't get it. it is the terminal of xorg? xorg is on tty119:27
ravageor if you close all connections from that session for a while19:28
alkisgnyo: you don't need the chvt command, you can just use the sleep 10 trick19:28
alkisgIn the past, xorg was at vt7; now it's at vt1; I used the old vt  by mistake19:28
ravagearraybolt3[m], decent routers will allow you to forward ports to devices in your LAN19:28
alkisg(didn't know your xorg version)19:28
nyoandd then I press ctrl+alt+f1 to go to xorg ok19:29
arraybolt3[m]ravage: My router will let me do that... but my IPv4 is double-NAT'ed so port forwarding wouldn't do much good unless you happen to share the second IP address with me (i.e., you're in the US, possibly in my general location, connected to T-Mobile). IPv6 gives me no NAT in my way at all AFAICT.19:29
arraybolt3[m](Welcome to using a hotspot as your Internet source.)19:30
nyohow did you get all the numbers needed after xorg resolution and rate? alkisg19:30
nyoi mean these xranrd --newmode "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -hsync +vsync19:30
alkisgnyo: do you mean for 1280x1024? It's the cvt 1280 1024 command19:31
nyo109.00 1280 1368 etc19:31
alkisgNote cvt is different to chvt19:31
alkisgYes, run `cvt 1280 1024` to see them. Or `man cvt`19:31
nyothen with chvt 1 you send output to tty1 ?19:32
alkisgNo. For xrandr to work, you must switch to vt119:33
=== mcfly is now known as mcfly231
nyogoing away for a while19:33
nyowill be back thanks19:33
alkisgYou can switch to vt1 either with chvt 1, or with ctrl+alt+f1; then you should run xrandr in the background (sleep helped with that)19:33
mcfly231I thought IRC had died years ago...19:36
arraybolt3[m]Nope, alive and breathing!19:37
mcfly231@arraybolt3[m]... Unbelievable. I am jaw dropped. Good afternoon, my friend.19:38
arraybolt3mcfly231: If you like IRC channels that aren't a ton of technical stuff all over the place, you might try out #ubuntu-offtopic, there's plenty of people there who just like to chat. Good afternoon to you also!19:38
ogramcfly231, the subspace communication in star trek is actually just an IRC frontend (they don't tell you that in the series indeed) ... IRC will never die 😉19:41
sarnoldsounds about right :)19:41
mcfly231arraybolt3: Sorry if I am bothering you. It's a long long time for me since I used mIRC from Kahled Mardam Bey last time... Irc II 2.8.2 was the client I used in a NetBSD 0.9 ... I am still trying to remember how things work here. Anyway, Thank you a lot for being here to support anyone new.19:42
arraybolt3mcfly231: You're not bothering me one bit. Glad to see you!19:42
mcfly231ogra: Very funny and appropriate. :D Star Trek rulez19:43
mcfly231arraybolt3: Do you know any tutorial about set up Twitch.tv connection using Quassel IRC (the one that we have in Ubuntu by default)  or any other client? Thank you in advance for pointing me to the right direction.19:58
arraybolt3mcfly231: Sadly, I have zero experience with Twitch.tv, so I'm not sure how to do that.20:00
mcfly231arraybolt3: Thank you anyway. I wish you all the best. Bye.20:01
oerhekstv over irc ..20:03
arraybolt3oerheks: I think Twitch is a live streaming thing - I've never used it, but it would be imaginable that he wanted to use Quassel as a chat service for what he was doing or something.20:04
kostkonoerheks, only the chat part I reckon20:05
=== arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3
nyoalkisg what is the best way to make a xorg.conf file?20:56
nyoI am installing now waiting to reach reboot20:56
sarnoldnyo: Xorg -configure   can generate a configuration that is based on what it auto-detects20:59
nyook thanks20:59
sarnoldnyo: maybe that's a good starting point? I'm pretty sure you can just make little tiny drop-in chunks, that'd be more convenient to maintain long-term20:59
sarnoldbut getting *started* with those chunks is pretty hard20:59
nyohum I need help. xrandr says I cannot open display after installing kubuntu21:04
nyothese are the commands I need to input https://pastebin.com/KMLRbECZ21:04
nyoalkisg are you there?21:04
nyohow to kill xorg? if I kill it it reopens in auto21:06
nyoI figured out now I have xorg opened with a good resolution21:07
johnny_linuxnyo,  all you have is a single vga ?21:07
nyoi have kvm switch that makes some mess with rates etc21:08
nyogive me a minute21:08
nyomaybe it's solved21:08
tomreyn!es | orangepi21:10
ubottuorangepi: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:10
nyodone. now I need to make these commands permanent21:11
nyoin short I need to make a xorg file21:12
nyoor so I think21:12
nyohow to stop Xorg in the correct way?21:12
nyoso I can do Xorg -configure and add 1280x102421:12
johnny_linuxsimple.. go to menu/display21:14
johnny_linuxmake it permanent21:14
johnny_linuxapply systemwide21:14
nyoI switched to 1024x768 and then to 1280x1024 saving it21:16
nyois it now permanent?21:16
johnny_linuxare you in "display" ?21:16
nyootherwise a tutorial says to put these xrandr commands to xprofile21:16
nyoUse your favorite editor to create ~/.xprofile containing something like:21:16
nyoxrandr --output VGA1 --mode 1024x768 --rate 6021:16
nyosettings-display configuration21:16
johnny_linuxway to complicated for a simple procedure21:16
enigma9o7[m]does plasma start .xprofile?  not sure....21:17
nyoI have the commands anyway21:17
nyoI use kde infact21:17
johnny_linuxsettings-display  accept its configuration.. then.. apply systemwide21:17
nyoI would like to make an xorg.conf file but I dunno how to stop x11. if I kill it it restarts by itself21:17
nyohow to apply systemwide?21:17
nyowhat is nite?21:18
enigma9o7[m]An informal way to say goodnight?21:19
saltdi mean pt-10921:20
saltdanother nights21:20
=== arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3
nyogonna away for a while21:24
nyoI was able to stop X11 and do a config file21:24
nyowill continue later on thanks21:24
johnny_linuxlog out and back in .. go to display set what you want and make it systemwide and reboot21:25
johnny_linuxs i m p l e21:25
johnny_linuxmost vga have 128021:31
johnny_linuxunless its some hybrid tv/monitor21:32
user9dwhat alternative paste URLs are preferred here assuming https://paste.ubuntu.com was shit22:03
johnny_linuxbe a member22:04
user9dI'm 98% serious22:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:10
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
user9dI want /etc/resolv.conf to be ...uuhh...the...uummm...DNS IPs from the ...uh ISP22:12
user9dand then left left22:13
user9dassuming we're driving22:13
johnny_linuxact intelligent.22:14
* saltd takin g fire need assitance22:14
nyohi guys I solved my problems by making an xorg.conf file although I am unable to get 1280x1024 resolution. I am stuck at 1024x76823:25
nyohere the pastebin https://pastebin.com/aGuC9YjN23:28
nyoof xorg.conf23:28
enigma9o7[m]you could put the xrandr command in a desktop file and put it in .config/autostart23:29
sarnoldnyo: maybe delete this bit?   "1024x768"   "800x600" "640x480"23:30
sarnoldsee what it does with only one mode defined..23:30
nyobut I don't have 1280x1024 in system settings23:32
nyowill come back23:32
nyohi back23:34
nyonothing I am stuck at 1024x76823:34
nyoI have added this because in xrandr wasn't present23:35
nyo        Modeline        "1280x1024_60.00"  109.00  1280 1368 1496 1712  1024 1027 1034 1063 -Hsync +Vsync23:35
nyoand I don't have 1280x1024 in system settings23:37
nyoxrandr see only 1024x76823:37
nyomaybe that's the problem23:37
nyoI usually add the modeline 1280x1024 to xrandr but I would like to make it permanent23:37
nyoI fount to edit a profile file in home but not sure I thought with xorg.conf it would be ok23:38
nyonobody here at this time?23:41
sarnoldnyo: people come, people go, and 99% of linux users have never used mode lines..23:42
sarnoldnyo: so it's a hard one :(23:42
oerheksmaybe 60 is too high, 59 perhaps?23:42
oerheksor it is your kvm,..23:42
sarnoldI think the _60.00 in that string is just part of an identifier, I don't think it actually means anything23:43
oerhekswithout trying without, it is useless i guess23:43
nyoif I add that with xrandr and then I set it in xrand I get 1280x1024 so those numbers in that line are correct23:43
nyooerheks,  so you mean to remove the 60?23:43
nyohum this seems similar to my problem and doesn't has 6023:45
nyogonna try that23:45
nyowill be back in a while23:45
nyoI forgot the link23:45
nyook will be back in a while23:45
nyoback doesn't work anyway removing 60 from modes23:49
nyooerheks, what else can be a solution?23:49
nyoin xorg log I see no modeline for 1280x1024 so the error is there23:53
nyogonna try another thing will be back23:55

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