
IrcsomeBot<Omar> arraybolt302:23
arraybolt3@Omar: o/02:31
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Heey how are u (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> @Omar: o/)02:59
IrcsomeBot<Omar> I reinstalled my system02:59
arraybolt3@Omar: Kinda tired but otherwise OK.02:59
arraybolt3How's it going, and anything we can help you with?02:59
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Yeah (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> How's it going, and anything we can help you with?)03:00
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Swap file03:00
arraybolt3(re: I reinstalled my system) Oy.03:00
arraybolt3@Omar: Ctrl+Alt+T for terminal.03:00
arraybolt3@Omar: Commands to get the swapfile created:03:00
arraybolt3sudo su -03:01
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Ok one sec i wanna install telegram there03:01
arraybolt3Oh OK, I can wait.03:01
IrcsomeBot<Omar> im back03:15
arraybolt3@Omar: OK, one moment...03:15
IrcsomeBot<Omar> ok03:16
arraybolt3How big do you want the file to be?03:16
IrcsomeBot<Omar> 2gib03:17
IrcsomeBot<Omar> and what are these errors https://termbin.com/v1zh03:18
arraybolt3@Omar: Did you try to install software only available in Debian on your Kubuntu system?03:18
arraybolt3@Omar: Also, what software were you trying to install from Linux Uprising?03:19
IrcsomeBot<Omar> i don't know but i dont think so03:19
arraybolt3(It looks like you've added 3rd-party repos that either don't exist or no longer exist, or possibly the repos have been added wrong.)03:20
arraybolt3@Omar: Where did you download Kubuntu from?03:20
arraybolt3(Also, did you run any shell scripts that were supposed to somehow modify your system or something?)03:20
IrcsomeBot<Omar> it is the same last iso file (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> @Omar: Where did you download Kubuntu from?)03:20
arraybolt3And you got that from the official Kubuntu website?03:21
IrcsomeBot<Omar> yup (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> And you got that from the official Kubuntu website?)03:21
arraybolt3What program is giving you this output?03:21
IrcsomeBot<Omar> opera (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> What program is giving you this output?)03:22
IrcsomeBot<Omar> browser (re @Omar: opera)03:22
IrcsomeBot<Omar> no (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> (Also, did you run any shell scripts that were supposed to somehow modify your system or something?))03:22
arraybolt3/o\ ok, that makes no sense. Like, you're trying to install opera using apt, or the Opera browser itself is showing you this when you launch it?03:22
IrcsomeBot<Omar> so i delete them ? (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> (It looks like you've added 3rd-party repos that either don't exist or no longer exist, or possibly the repos have been added wrong.))03:23
arraybolt3@Omar: Right now I'm more concerned how they got there in the first place.03:23
IrcsomeBot<Omar> i added them is there any thing dangerous ? (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> @Omar: Right now I'm more concerned how they got there in the first place.)03:24
arraybolt3@Omar: Can you run "ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d | nc termbin.com 9999" and send the link that spits out?03:25
IrcsomeBot<Omar> https://termbin.com/glxt03:25
arraybolt3@Omar: Oh OK. You probably should be aware that adding the Debian repos to an Ubuntu system is a *shockingly horribly insanely bad idea*. It is almost guaranteed to result in a broken system sooner or later.03:25
IrcsomeBot<Omar> ah i think it did the last time (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> @Omar: Oh OK. You probably should be aware that adding the Debian repos to an Ubuntu system is a *shockingly horribly insanely bad idea*. It is almost guaranteed to result in a broken system sooner or later.)03:26
arraybolt3Ubuntu may be based on Debian, but they aren't similar enough to be compatible, and when the fateful day comes that Debian changes something in the software you've installed in a way Ubuntu isn't ready to deal with, your system will break. So, yeah, probably find an alternate way to get that software.03:27
IrcsomeBot<Omar> ok ok03:27
arraybolt3LOL but yeah, I'd delete the Debian repo. "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/archive_uri-http_ftp_debian_org_debian-jammy.list". As for the other one, I'll do some digging real quick.03:28
arraybolt3(re: ah i think it did the last time) ^03:28
IrcsomeBot<Omar> ok (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> LOL but yeah, I'd delete the Debian repo. "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/archive_uri-http_ftp_debian_org_debian-jammy.list". As for the other one, I'll do some digging real quick.)03:29
IrcsomeBot<Omar> https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports03:29
IrcsomeBot<Omar> is this one good?03:29
arraybolt3@Omar: As for the Linux Uprising PPA, sadly they've not yet managed to publish packages for Ubuntu 22.04.03:29
arraybolt3@Omar: So I'd remove them too. "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linuxuprising-ubuntu-apps-jammy.list"03:30
IrcsomeBot<Omar> ok03:30
arraybolt3@Omar: I think I recognize that Kubuntu backports PPA, lemme check it.03:30
IrcsomeBot<Omar> ok (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> @Omar: I think I recognize that Kubuntu backports PPA, lemme check it.)03:31
arraybolt3@Omar: Yeah, that Kubuntu Backports PPA is good.03:31
IrcsomeBot<Omar> ill add it03:31
IrcsomeBot<Omar> how u check  so i can check by myself03:32
arraybolt3@Omar: When you go to the PPA page, there's two things you want to check - trustworthiness and compatibility.03:32
arraybolt3To check trustworthiness, look at the "Uploaded By" person, and click the link that is their user name. This will take you to their profile.03:33
arraybolt3In the "Member Since" area, you'll see a bunch of teams that the user is a part of - those teams tell you whether the user is trustworthy or not.03:33
arraybolt3Probably the best one is the "Ubuntu Development Team", which has an icon that looks like a small purple circle with four white dots around the edge.03:34
IrcsomeBot<Omar> ok03:34
arraybolt3(If you hover over the circle it will tell you the name of the team.)03:34
arraybolt3Anyone who's a part of that team is trustworthy. There's other teams that indicate trustworthiness, too, but that one's the best.03:35
arraybolt3As for compatibility checking, back on the PPA page, you'll see "Overview of published packages", and underneath it a "Published in" dropdown.03:35
arraybolt3Click the drop-down - if you see the code name for your version of Ubuntu (in your case, Jammy), then the PPA is compatible.03:35
arraybolt3Oh, and of course, check the PPA description, since trustworthy packagers will sometimes (in fact, maybe even oftentimes) have experimental PPAs for their own use, and adding one of those to your system could cause various catastrophic things to go wrong depending on what they did or didn't mess up at that exact moment in time.03:36
arraybolt3(Like, don't ever install anything from my experimental PPA. Your system may go up in flames if I messed something up bad enough.)03:37
IrcsomeBot<Omar> i chick in this page ? (re @Omar: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports03:37
IrcsomeBot<Omar> is this one good?)03:37
arraybolt3Yeah, that's where you can see the "Published in" dropdown.03:37
IrcsomeBot<Omar> ok ill search now (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> Yeah, that's where you can see the "Published in" dropdown.)03:37
arraybolt3@Omar: I am so sorry but I have to get up and get some dinner, so I won't be able to finish with the swapfile stuff tonight. Maybe you can ping me again later?03:39
IrcsomeBot<Omar> i can't find it (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> Yeah, that's where you can see the "Published in" dropdown.)03:39
IrcsomeBot<Omar> it is ok (re @IrcsomeBot: <arraybolt3> @Omar: I am so sorry but I have to get up and get some dinner, so I won't be able to finish with the swapfile stuff tonight. Maybe you can ping me again later?)03:39
IrcsomeBot<Omar> bey03:41
arraybolt3@Omar: Hey I'm back if you're still around.04:13
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IrcsomeBot<Omar> im here are u there ?05:37
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Guest16Does kubuntu use its own repos? Or does kubuntu use the exact same repos as ubuntu does?09:47
RikMillsGuest16: kubuntu releases use the same repos as ubuntu10:59
IrcsomeBot<nadhif_beo> Dxxf11:14
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> When comes the 5,20 kernel?12:05
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> I need drivers for my amd sounddevice and amd ryzen support12:05
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> Thats why iam asking all the time12:05
IrcsomeBot<Oski146> Cant await the release. Just asking sometimes, dont want to spam12:06
IrcsomeBot<eburgosjr> Hi everyone. New to Kubuntu or Linux in general. I have 20.10 installed. Is it necessary to update to a the new let version?12:42
IrcsomeBot<Omar> It is not necassary but the new release is so cool (re @eburgosjr: Hi everyone. New to Kubuntu or Linux in general. I have 20.10 installed. Is it necessary to update to a the new let version?)12:58
IrcsomeBot<eburgosjr> What’s new? I’m running KUbuntu on a small Dell. Just for fun. Works surprisingly well. Hi13:00
IrcsomeBot<eburgosjr> What’s new? I’m running KUbuntu on a small Dell. Just for fun. Works surprisingly well.13:00
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Take a look at the release notes at kubuntu bage (re @eburgosjr: What’s new? I’m running KUbuntu on a small Dell. Just for fun. Works surprisingly well.)13:16
oerheksoski kernel 5.20?13:18
IrcsomeBot<Omar> https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-22-04-lts-released/13:18
IrcsomeBot<Omar> Here13:18
IrcsomeBot<Omar> No (re @IrcsomeBot: <oerheks> oski kernel 5.20?)13:18
oerheksLTS is unlike ly to get a newer kernel, it uses stable 5.1513:18
oerheksand where do you see 5.20?13:18
oerheksi think you want 5.19...13:19
oerheks= next 22.1013:19
jeronimoI just found a 5.1 surround profile using the hdmi amd graphics audio which works14:20
jeronimoanyways, thanks all14:20
oerhekshave fun!14:22
jeronimooh wait, it's still 2 channel audio.14:31
jeronimothe 5.1 profile doesn't work14:32
jeronimoI´ve got 3 multi channel audio devices, would be great if I could get one to work14:33
jeronimonvidia TU106(HDMI), usb xonar U1(USB), and the renoir amd(hdmi)14:35
jeronimogaming is better on linux now :)) windows keeps crashing so yeah I have to fix surround for gaming/home cinema uses :)14:42
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IrcsomeBot<Omar> Do you use protonup? (re @IrcsomeBot: <jeronimo> gaming is better on linux now :)) windows keeps crashing so yeah I have to fix surround for gaming/home cinema uses :))15:43
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