
=== mmebsd is now known as linsux
nyooerheks, I tried even this https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-p-3051821.html?sid=afae2eda32875995ae33027215340ca8#305182100:21
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gebbionehi folks, i am trying to understand how a software got installed as i dont see it through the ubuntu package manager nor it is installed with snap but it is there.02:40
gebbioneI have /usr/bin/slack -> ../lib/slack/slack02:40
gebbionebut i dont remember how i got it there02:41
gebbionemaybe with a deb installation02:41
gebbionebut how do I uninstall it correctly given that i cannot do it with apt02:41
sarnoldtry dpkg -S /usr/lib/slack/  and see if that gives any results02:41
gebbionedo i just remove the /usr/lib/slack folder ?02:42
gebbioneit gives me -> slack-desktop: /usr/lib/slack02:42
sarnoldcool, try apt purge slack-desktop02:42
gebbioneit worked, thank you02:43
gebbionelet see if i can install one with snap now02:43
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gebbionewhat annoys me with snap is that it looks like stuff is hidden03:14
gebbionewhere are the actual installation files kept?03:14
gebbionei had a look around but cannot see a folder with its library content03:14
ravagegebbione, https://snapcraft.io/docs/data-locations#heading--system03:17
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gebbionethank but i think what i was looking for is https://snapcraft.io/docs/snap-format03:24
gebbioneit is linked from that page03:25
ravagethat was not your question but im glad you found an answer03:28
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alkisgnyo_: UTC+3 here, I'm online now if you still have issues05:25
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dw1is there a way to programmatically read current system notifications06:37
dw1i guess dbus-monitor "interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications'"06:45
fenix_vdhi guys06:47
forgotmynickI want to get samba setup so I can do windows file versioning. With shadow_copy2 docs say I need to use a file system capable of snapshotting. The server will contain files that change infrequently so I’d like to make sure I get a ‘version’ every time someone modifies a file. With btrfs I’d need to manually/script a snapshot. Is there a way to do this automatically?07:00
ravageforgotmynick, https://medium.com/@Dylan.Wang/how-to-use-zfs-zfs-auto-snapshot-package-samba-to-support-windows-shadow-copy-on-ubuntu-18-04-15001c9580fc07:07
dreamontrying to start "mii-tool" from terminal. "No interface specified" .. all examples work without specify a interface. manpage I dont unterstand really what option do I have to use?08:14
johnaui've accidentally filled up my main drive, 0 bytes free, by running a docker image that exploded in size once it was running... what can I do to get space back so the system can function (cant remove programs because logs cant be written)08:55
nikolamit seems I can not set the default option in GRUB to boot. Whenever I set it and dot update-grub it again asks for the first, Ubuntu option. Would like to set other OS as default for now and have an option to change it.08:56
nikolamXubuntu 22.04 LTS , updated.08:56
nikolamas I understand, I am free to edit /etc/default/grub and it's changes should be reflected after update-grub?08:58
nikolamI have found that script " awk -F\' '/menuentry / {print $2}' /boot/grub/grub.cfg " lists grub options08:59
nikolamand that grub-set-default should set default option in grub to boot from09:01
nikolamI have set it to 5 as GRUB_TIMEOUT=5 in /etc/default/grub and did update-grub and will see if that will have effect09:04
nikolammaybe beside update-grub I also needed to issue grub-install /dev/sda afterward.. let's see.09:05
nikolamIt's all the same. changes in /etc/default/grub for default boot option are not reflected after reboot , after update-grub and grub-install..09:08
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nikolamGRUB_DEFAULT=saved and GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true also did not work when set in /etc/default/grub09:10
CatalinSCan you please help with an issue related to apt ?09:11
HabbieCatalinS, just ask your question09:11
santoshjoin #r/linux09:14
CatalinSThere is this output: https://pastebin.com/Z3CnzYnc following these commands being run by a provision script in packer inside ADO: https://pastebin.com/vQevNAyi09:15
CatalinSany idea what could be causing that file not to exist ?09:15
CatalinS2022-09-09T08:06:58.6917933Z [0;36m azure2: Get:48 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-security/multiverse amd64 c-n-f Metadata [508 B][0m09:15
CatalinS2022-09-09T08:07:05.1807751Z [1;31m==> azure2: E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_focal_multiverse_cnf_Commands-amd64 - open (2: No such file or directory)[0m09:15
CatalinSI know not how this can be fixed, other than maybe disabling multiverse.09:17
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CatalinSit's ubuntu 20.0409:42
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cupplsHi there! I have some funny problems that I live with since a couple of years. The 1st one: I cannot change my brightness at startup, I only can change it after closing my laptop and re-open it10:45
cupplsI tried to goole around, but I only found solutions for the opposite problem (people who cannot change brightness after having closed their laptops)10:46
nomiconhow do I set the VC Keymap in Ubuntu 22.04.1 ?11:05
micka-franceHi, I need help to solve a wake issue from hibernate in 22.04.1 fresh upgrade. Tried : Suspend -> result is ok. Hibernate -> image to swap OK, image restore OK but screen is black. Using a ssh on my phone to the ubuntu pc and firing systemctl suspend then power on, solve the black screen issue.11:05
nomiconlocalectl set-keymap broken on 22.04 ?11:12
mncheckI get this jammy candidate from apt-cache policy: 1:1snap1-0ubuntu2 . how does this work? I get No packages found with apt-cache show 1:1snap1-0ubuntu2 so what is happening here?11:15
lunafound and reported a bug with the design of the new installer11:21
stevenm_luna, was it titled "Stop this snap madness RIGHT NOW!" ?11:24
lunastevenm_: nope11:25
Intelohow to remove calculator app from xubuntu (not ubunut)? how to do it from terminal? what is the name of the gui app?11:37
bluesabresudo apt remove mate-calculator11:41
murmelmncheck: any weird repo enabled which could have a bogus snap package?11:41
jeronimomy asus laptop drivers need a recent kernel (>=5.17)12:00
jeronimowhat would you recommend?12:00
mncheckmurmel, maybe right, I removed all sources.list.d and now apt-cache show shows pool/main/f/firefox/firefox_1snap1-0ubuntu2_amd64.deb12:04
murmelmncheck: oh you meant firefox. thought you were talking about snapd itself. yeah those are the debs, which install the snap version of ff12:05
Intelobluesabre thanks12:05
jeronimo install a mainline kernel? https://linuxhint.com/install-upgrade-latest-kernel-ubuntu-22-04/12:06
mncheckmurmel, I fail to set enterprise TLS CA for the snap and trying to use debian testing firefox-esr12:06
murmelmncheck: use rather the ppa12:06
murmelmncheck: ^12:07
murmelmncheck: they have firefox and firefox-esr12:07
mncheckmurmel, thanks12:08
murmelmncheck: I really wonder why you would choose debian testing version xD. it would have made more sense to probably use the ff from linuxmint, which at least is the same ubuntu base12:09
mncheckmurmel, any way to make firefox-esr provide a command "firefox"?12:09
murmelmncheck: alias?12:10
mncheckmurmel, that's why I asked here, it was out of desperation + hope to have more recent firefox than stable12:10
mncheckmurmel, I mean update-alternatives12:10
mncheckmurmel, I think I could probably add an alias to /etc/profile.d/something but that won't work with non-shell execs12:11
murmelmncheck: sudo update-alternatives --install path/to/symlink command_name path/to/command_binary priority12:12
i_xnj 'nj12:13
mncheckmurmel, thanks12:13
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TecklaHey all, just a quick note in case anyone else has been having this problem, under Hyper-V, when I would restart Ubuntu, the screen would go black, and stay black (even though the VM was running)13:01
TecklaThe fix is to switch from Wayland to X13:01
zaggynlhuh, haven't had that usecase before, odd that switching to X solves it13:02
TecklaYeah, not sure what's going wrong there, but easy enough fix  :)13:02
tomreynyou may want a kernel with CONFIG_DRM_HYPERV=y for wayland13:10
JanCthat's probably always a good idea on Hyper-V?13:15
jeronimoI'm having trouble getting multi channel audio to work on linux. I have the xonar u1. It's recognized but I don't get audio when I switch to optical.13:18
artemisi'd try to check in pavucontrol (pulseaudio) and aumix (terminal volume control), see if something is on mute or volume @ 0, ... just to be sure you checked. I don't know about optical thingy tho...could be driver related or whatnot.13:27
jeronimoartemis: I read that but ubuntu recently switched to pipewire. I assumed that those tools don't work on the new backend13:30
oerheksjeronimo, pipewire? not yet..13:31
oerheksLTS usually does not introduce new services.13:31
oerheksnext 22.10 will13:32
jeronimooerheks: ah I thought kubuntu 22.04 is using pipewire13:32
jeronimooerheks: thanks, I will try!13:33
oerheksthere is an extended manual howto install https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2022/04/pipewire-replace-pulseaudio-ubuntu-2204/13:34
ograflavours might actually have switched in 22.04 ...13:35
ogra(ubuntu-desktop has not ... but who knows if kubuntu did 🙂 )13:36
oerheksnot Kubuntu, AFAIK13:36
jeronimomaybe I installed it myself13:37
jeronimoso I guess it's my fault it's not working then13:37
jeronimoI just checked systemctl --user status pipewire pipewire-session-manager13:37
ograpipewire is installed by default but only for RDP and such, not for audio13:38
jeronimoah k13:38
ograso yopu have pipewire, pipewire-bin and pipewire-media-session ... but not pipewire-pulse and pipewire-audio-client-libraries installed by default13:39
jeronimoI see. what are the chances pipewire would work better?13:40
ografor that use-case ? not great i think ...13:40
ograjeronimo, did you check with pavucontrol yet ?13:43
mncheckmurmel, do you have something for chromium? it doesn't seem to load ~/.pki/nssdb . like the ppa for firefox?13:43
jeronimoogra: yes I did. I also just discovered a TU106 device13:45
jeronimoapparently it can do 5.1 over hdmi13:45
ogramncheck, that path wopnt work, the snap sotres stuff under ~/snap/chromium/current ... (unlike the firefox snap which has full support for that stuff, i dotn think chromium has that bit added)13:47
ogramncheck, for firefox there are guides summarized under https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/how-to-customize-the-firefox-snap-with-enterprise-policies/2307413:48
jeronimo@ogra: but then I need to switch to the nvidia driver which overheats the system13:54
ograjeronimo, huh ? to use your usb card ?13:55
ograthat does not need the nvidia driver13:55
jeronimono I mean the TU106 device can do 5.1 surround over hdmi13:56
ograah, right ... but you wanted to get the xonar to work13:56
jeronimowhen I use my dedicated gtx 2060 graphics card13:56
jeronimoogra: yeah sorry got sidetracked13:56
* jeronimo is installing aumix13:58
ograwell, do you see your xonar in "cat /proc/asound/cards" ?13:58
ograand in pavucontrol in the "Configuration" tab ?14:00
jeronimoC-Media Electronics Inc. USB Advanced Audio Device at usb-0000:04:00.4-1.1, ful14:00
mncheckogra, thanks, I was planning to do away with snaps and installed https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa now I am trying to do something for chromium and if I knew a ppa for chromium I would do the same14:00
mncheckogra, I mean currently I am configuring chromium, not firefox anymore14:01
ogramncheck, well, the PPA is perhaps fine for home use, but note that it is a test-build PPA, there is no guarantee it will stay around14:01
ograi'd not use it for any business14:01
mncheckogra, first I tried to use debian testing and murmel recommended this ppa14:02
ograwell ... the only officially supported package is the snap ... all else is up to you ...14:03
mncheckogra, with debian testing I can install firefox-esr/testing but I'm not sure how to apt_preferences it in a way that is future-proof for broken dependency resolution14:03
mncheckI mean when updates appear14:03
ograyou should indeed never mix debian and ubuntu packages .... that will definitely end in tears14:04
ogra(library versions differ ... all of a sudden ubuntu libs get replaced by debian libs due to some dependencies etc etc)14:04
mncheckogra, I thought proper apt_preferences could fix that14:05
mncheck(not that I know the right preferences)14:05
ogramncheck, that wont help, simply dont mix distros ...14:07
ograsince we import from debian, the package names are all the same but the binaries are built completely different14:08
ogra(and are at different versions)14:08
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Milenchowhat could be the reason with pci-e wifi ax210 to have lower speed for download compare to upload14:38
Milenchowith windows it's fine (almost max)14:39
Milenchoubuntu 22.04.1 lts14:39
Milenchokernel is 5.1514:39
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jeronimodid anyone get multi channel audio to work with nvidia TU106(HDMI), usb xonar U1(optical cabel), and the renoir amd(hdmi)14:48
ograthe usb oe shoudl just work if you pick the digital-out in pavucontrol14:51
jeronimoogra: yeah the renoid hdmi device does work only not with the 5.1 surround sound profile14:55
tomreynMilencho: the power saving configuration; it's firmware.15:10
tomreyni mean the firmware that's loaded. and the driver would be potential cause #3.15:10
jeronimoupdate-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-5.19.5-051905-generic with 115:19
jeronimoI switched to the latest mainline kernel15:20
jeronimoand then switched to nvidia drivers and got this error15:20
jeronimoI need the newest kernel for my hardware to work properly15:21
jeronimodo I need to switch to another distro with a newer kernel?15:21
oerheks5.19 is unsupported on 22.04, you could try 22.10 beta ..15:23
ubottuKinetic Kudu is the codename for Ubuntu 22.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.15:24
jeronimooerheks: ok thanks15:26
ograjeronimo, note that the mainline kernels are solely for testing and bug verification, they are lacking a lot of (security) patches, do not use the ubuntu config and do never get updated if you install them ... you will hit problems with using such a kernel15:27
* ogra points to https😕/wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds ... "These kernels are not supported and are not appropriate for production use. " ...15:29
ograhmpf ... silly emoji plugin15:29
mncheckjammy, how do I extend the default groups for new users?15:35
jeronimoogra: thx15:35
jeronimofor the warning15:35
rfmmncheck, there's /etc/adduser.confm EXTRA_GROUPS, at least for users added with adduser.  (I don't know if any of the GUI user dialogs use adduser, though.)15:38
leftyfbrfm: I was just about to post that. My google-fu wasn't as quick this morning :)15:39
anddamhowdy, I disabled gdm service using "sudo systemctl disable gdm"15:39
anddamnow I am not able to enable it and having gdm start at system boot by default15:40
stevenm_am I right in thinking that... https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-desktop-installer ... isn't a fork/continuation of ... https://launchpad.net/ubiquity15:40
anddamcurrently "systemctl | grep -i gdm" has no output15:40
leftyfbanddam: what issue do you get when you try to enable it again?15:40
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stevenm_i.e. "ubuntu-desktop-installer" (what a vague name) doesn't borrow anything from the debian-installer / parman (unlike Ubiquity which does)15:41
stevenm_also is Canonical abandoning launchpad for github now?15:41
anddamleftyfb: https://termbin.com/e5wr15:42
stevenm_ah crap I'm not in #ubuntu-devel - my bad!15:42
johnfghi folks15:42
leftyfbanddam: what version of ubuntu? Why did you disable gdm to begin with?15:42
anddambecause it is running in qemu and at times I had a blank screen in the viewer, but the system was still running15:43
leftyfbanddam: apt-cache policy gdm315:43
anddamI think this was related to some power saving mode, so booting the system and letting it stay at the gdm prompt would trigger this15:43
johnfgI needed/wanted to install dropbox on 22.04 for some files too large for thunderbird.  https://itslinuxfoss.com/install-dropbox-ubuntu-22-04/ shows it available, but I don't see it through the gui, nor does apt search dropbox find it.15:43
anddamanyway I resolved to disable gdm and use startx15:43
mncheckrfm, I decomment EXTRA_GROUPS would it keep ubuntu default extra groups... I don't want to loose ubuntu extra groups but extend them15:43
johnfgHas something changed so that I need to install it manually?15:44
anddamleftyfb: https://termbin.com/8v2e15:44
mncheckif ubuntu update changes the default groups I want to go with the change, but have my own local extra groups appended...15:44
ioriaanddam,  sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target  and reboot15:44
leftyfbmncheck: it will keep the defaults15:45
anddamCreated symlink /etc/systemd/system/default.target → /lib/systemd/system/graphical.target.15:45
rfmmncheck, the way I read the adduser.conf man page, you have to set EXTRA_GROUPS to the full list (the man page has the default list)15:45
ioriaand reboot15:45
mncheckthe same goes for dconf favirote-apps. I created a /etc/dconf/db/something.d/00-favorite-apps but now the ubuntu default apps are lost. I don't know how can I just extend the default apps.15:45
anddamioria: no changes15:45
anddamioria: I mean after rebooting15:46
anddami.e. gdm did not start, trying to enable it returns the same error message15:46
leftyfbrfm: that's not true. The EXTRA_GROUPS is only the list of additional groups you want to add. You do not need to add the full list of defaults in there15:46
anddamnot error, just message15:46
ioriaanddam, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm315:46
mncheckleftyfb, man adduser says there is also /usr/local/sbin/adduser.local and I would like adduser to merge whatever the distro says and my EXTRA_GROUPS perhaps from adduser.local15:46
leftyfbmncheck: /usr/local/sbin is empty by default in ubuntu15:47
anddamquestion: if I enable gdm by hand I see Xwayland being run, is this what I'd get with a default Ubuntu 22 install?15:48
anddamioria: gdm.service is not active, cannot reload.15:48
anddamI started the service and tried again15:48
ioriaand ?15:48
anddamioria: go no output at all15:48
mncheckleftyfb, yes but https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/en/man8/adduser.8.html#files it says adduser.local I don't understand it suggesting an executable but what should it do15:49
mncheckmaybe I create a script what is it doing15:49
leftyfbmncheck: just modify /etc/adduser.conf as you need15:49
mncheckwill it be called?15:49
mncheckleftyfb, ok15:49
ioriaanddam, please, again   sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target15:49
anddamand reboot, I guess15:50
anddamthat exited with 015:50
anddamjust a moment, need to complete running a program15:50
mncheckanyone about extending dconf favorite-apps defaults?15:50
anddamback the Xwayland question, my issue was trying a Qt program on wayland, it suddenly worked after I started manually the graphical session, then I figured that start is actually starting… X15:51
anddamso I wanted to go back to gdm to use "Ubuntu default" that I gather is wayland nowadays, but now the Qt app works and I see the server is Xwayland15:51
anddamis this always the case in Ubuntu 22 or a default installation would use just Wayland without the X compatibility layer?15:52
tomreynanddam: ubuntu 22.04 (but not kubuntu 22.04) defaults to wayland unless nvidia proprietary drivers are used.15:57
tomreyn(it possibly also falls back to X for nouveau, not sure)15:58
mncheckleftyfb, thanks for the help. I added EXTRA_GROUPS in /etc/adduser.conf and logged in with a new user. pam_mkhomedir.so is enabled and I logged in with an sssd-ad user. if in terminal I type groups I cannot see the extra groups I added. is this not using adduser? I created a usre with sudo adduser something. if I su -l something and then type groups I cannot see the EXTRA_GROUPS. I only had #ADD_EXTRA_GROUPS=1.  I uncommented and the adduser... now15:59
mncheckadds the group but it didn't add what was listed as defaults in the comment of ubuntu distribution. but the sssd-ad user still didn't get the groups. I think the setting wasn't extended but overwritten and that this pam stack wouldn't use adduser.15:59
oerheksadduser vs useradd ..16:02
mncheckalso, I found /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/*.overrides files installed which set the favorite-apps according to glib-compile-schemas, however I don't want to set them but just extend them, how can I do that?16:05
backthenThe Ubuntu software store app doesn't open for me. I just see the OS's top bar attempting to open it for a few seconds. Anything to diagnose?16:35
mncheckaccording to group.conf in libpam-modules package I could give users groups with pam_group in the pam stack...16:36
oerheksbackthen, did you run updates lately?16:47
backthenoerheks: yes I just attempted the commands given by top answer here https://askubuntu.com/questions/1231932/ubuntu-software-doesnt-open-in-ubuntu-20-0416:51
oerhekssudo killall snap-store && sudo snap refresh snap-store16:52
oerheksbut make sure you are updated16:52
backthensays 'snap-store: no process found'16:56
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backthenI thought the Ubuntu default store is different from Snap store16:56
oerheksit is, on 22.04 ..16:57
backthenOh I'm on
realivanjxis there a way to make samba and nautilus faster? i only get like 40 MBps with nautilus. with windows 10 vm (virtualbox nat) on same machine i can get 80-90 MBps17:02
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backthenGiven that it's company machine, could IT be preventing access to the Ubuntu store? Don't know how friendly is Linux for installing big brother IT apps17:09
scooterman222how does linux communicate from the kernel to the actual physical hard disk17:10
oerheksscooterman222, interesting question ..17:17
oerheksexamine the kernel source?17:18
scooterman222even if it's a little odd, or full of technical jargon i'd never understand- i'd be interested in reading about the processes involved with that, if just for the poetry.17:18
oerheksHow would that be ubuntu support related?17:19
oerheksjoin #ubuntu-offtopic for that poetry17:19
oerheksbackthen, so if you kill gnome-software, does it solve?17:21
backthenoerheks: hmm interestingly an update notification popped up asking to install/upgrade Snapstore. Perhaps the earlier commands worked. This had never happened before17:36
oerheksah good17:36
oerheksthat is why i asked you to update, one reason software center is borking17:36
nyo_alkisg, are you there?17:46
nyo_is there someone that can help me to fix a modeline on my xorg.conf?17:47
oerheksnyo_, if you have not tested it without KVM, i am out.17:48
nyo_ok anyway I have the solution with xrand17:49
nyo_it just doesn't take the modeline from xorg17:49
oerheks.. and certainly on Kubuntu17:49
nyo_yes kubuntu17:50
nyo_should I switch to #kubuntu?17:50
nyo_here anyway the pastebin of my xorg https://pastebin.com/SiABCjJu17:50
crobertsis kubuntu as stable as gnome?17:52
nyo_I prefer the menus of kde17:52
nyo_I cannot stand activities button17:53
oerhekscroberts, pretty much yes17:53
nyo_to switch windows17:53
crobertscool ty17:53
nyo_btw I will see to find a better kvm17:54
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Milenchotomreyn, what can i do about the drivers17:57
Milenchoi think it's a bit shitty - latest drivers (kernel 5.15)17:57
Milenchoand download speed is ....17:57
nyo_fount a good kvm here  :-) https://www.aten.com/it/it/products/kvm/switch-kvm-per-rack/cs1308/17:57
Milenchoany suggestions - intel PCI-E AX210 - but download speed is horrible17:58
Milencho5.530358] iwlwifi 0000:29:00.0: loaded firmware version 66.f1c864e0.0 ty-a0-gf-a0-66.ucode op_mode iwlmvm17:58
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jhutchinsMilencho: Network drivers generally work or don't work, there aren't "hot rod" drivers that are faster than the standard ones.18:46
jhutchinsMilencho: You could check the messages from network manager to see what it's negotiating; check dmesg or journalctl to see what the system thinks is happening.18:48
rob0When I had ADSL some years back, what I would do to speed things up: I would get out and push!18:48
jhutchinsWiFi performance is almost always controlled by signal strength and quality.18:48
jhutchinsMilencho: Download speeds can be affected by storage speed.  What kind of free RAM do you have?  What kind of "disk" storage?18:52
Milenchojustache, i have 32 gb ram19:08
Milenchoavaiable 2719:08
Milenchojhutchins, strange that with usb dongle i can reach the normal speed19:09
Milenchoon the phone is ok , also on windows laptop (but different pci)19:09
jhutchinsMilencho: Which kernel are you on?19:10
Milenchostrange is that upload is double to download on every speed test19:12
Milenchoupload is almost on max speed19:12
jhutchinsMilencho: Theoretical upload speeds are the same as download, usually limited by your carrier.19:23
Milenchojhutchins, agree19:24
Milenchobut now sure what could be the reason19:24
Milenchoi will change the slot (pretty sure that will not help) but ...19:25
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Milenchojhutchins, just checked on 2.4 ghz i have better speed :_D19:30
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arraybolt3arraybolt3[m]: test20:19
bray90820Is there a way to check in ther terminal if an app has an update without installing it20:27
bray90820Spesifically the snap store20:27
jhutchinsbray90820: Not sure which option goes with with which tool (apt aptitude apt-get) but there's a dru-run or noop option on all of them.20:29
jhutchinsbray90820: I know under most conditions the system will prompt you y/n to install.20:29
bray90820Yeah I am scripting it thio20:29
jhutchinsbray90820: Also, "!info <pkg>" should give the current version.20:29
oerheksapt list --upgradable20:29
bray90820Kinda wanted to do it headless20:30
oerheksso easy to find...20:30
jhutchinsThere's also --download-only20:30
bray90820oerheks: Thanks20:31
oerheksthat is what you see if you run apt update https://itsfoss.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/update-package-cache-ubuntu-800x461.png20:32
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bray90820oerheks: Oh that might not work for the snap store20:33
oerhekssnap refesh something?20:33
toddcsnap refresh will update all snaps that are not running20:35
bray90820oerheks: I am talking about the snap store itself not the snap apps20:35
toddcI.E. snao store runs all the time unless you kill it20:36
oerhekssnap store is a snap itself, no?20:36
toddcyes but it is always running20:37
oerheksand if you want to include ALL apps in your script, you need to make 2 lines20:37
oerhekssudo killall snap-store && sudo snap refresh snap-store20:37
bray90820oerheks: Correct but before I do that I want to see if an update is needed20:38
bray90820I don't wanna kill it if I don't need to20:38
oerheksfor snap, no clue20:39
oerhekswhat have you found sofar?20:39
bray90820I'm looking and not really finding anything sadly20:39
oerhekssnaps will update automaticly anyway20:43
oerhekssnaps are good20:43
oerhekspolo___, fix your connection20:44
krytarikbray90820: Apparently there is "snap refresh --list" - would that work?20:46
bray90820krytarik: No20:47
krytarikWhy not specifically?20:47
bray90820I'm looking to update the snap store not individual snap apps20:47
oerhekssudo snap refresh snap-store20:48
bray90820I wanna check if there is an update before updateing it20:48
bray90820Whah do you mean by nope20:49
leftyfbbray90820: snap info snap-store20:49
leftyfbthat will tell you the available versions20:49
leftyfbbray90820: mind you, unless you have manually configured snap to put off updates for up to 90 days, snaps will update on their own without your intervention20:50
bray90820leftyfb: Ooohhh Thanks20:50
bray90820That is exactly what I wanted Thanks20:51
oerheksgood spot ... why did i not find that20:52
bray90820Hey I didn't find it ether20:53
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anddamtomreyn: sorry for the late reply, would a "default" wayland session show /usr/bin/Xwayland process? I see a gdm-wayland-session process as well21:08
anddamah I see the bottom-right gdm setting popup menu showing "Ubuntu" and "Ubuntu on Xorg"21:09
murmelanddam: Xwayland is there to run legacy stuff. ubuntu on xorg runs the actual x server21:12
luna__ hi21:23
Scotty_Treesis this the correct channel for a quick support question?21:30
arraybolt3Scotty_Trees: Yep.21:30
Scotty_Treesok thanks.21:30
Scotty_TreesI've uninstalled Libreoffice on 22.04 so I can install LibreOffice Fresh via their official ppa21:30
Scotty_Treesafter I go to remove libreoffice, no issue there, but when I run autoremove, it wants to remove 74 packages21:31
Scotty_Treesmy question is, is it okay to autoremove this 74 packages: https://i.ibb.co/5FbxkcT/Screenshot-from-2022-09-09-17-29-04.png21:31
arraybolt3Scotty_Trees: Oh don't do that.21:32
Scotty_Treesthat's why I came here to ask :)21:32
arraybolt3A lot of that stuff just looks like LibreOffice stuff, but you're about to lose some fonts, too.21:32
arraybolt3Install LibreOffice Fresh first, then try autoremove and show us the list then.21:32
Scotty_Treesi have the ubuntu restricted extras package as well, fyi21:32
Scotty_Treesarraybolt3, yeah that was my first thinking, I just wanted to make sure.21:33
arraybolt3Scotty_Trees: Good thinking. If it wasn't for the fonts, I would risk it, but to be clear, it would be a risk. But with the fonts involved too, no. Don't do that. People use fonts. :)21:33
Scotty_Treesi did remove libreoffice and did run apt clean, so is a reboot needed or just go ahead and install the ppa of LibreOffice Fresh?21:33
arraybolt3Scotty_Trees: Eh, you can reboot just in case.21:37
Scotty_Treesyeah no worries, will do, thanks. brb21:37
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phonixgeisthey guys... question.. in Ubuntu 22.04 is there a way to have two independent docks?21:58
murmelnot that I know of21:59
phonixgeistmurmel, jmm... or something similar to a dock?22:00
phonixgeistI want to have a separate "bar/dock" for some special apps...22:01
Scotty_Treesarraybolt3, installed the ppa and then after a update and a reboot installed apt install libreoffice22:02
Scotty_Treesthought i was going to get libreoffice 7.4, but I'm still on 7.3, welp!22:02
murmelphonixgeist: I am not sure if you can run ubuntu dock and dock to dash (or any other dock) at the same time22:02
arraybolt3Scotty_Trees: Nice, and... crummy.22:02
murmelScotty_Trees: isn't it called libreoffice-fresh?22:02
oerheksScotty_Trees, LO 7.4 has not even arrived in snapstore yet22:02
Scotty_Treesomg did I install the wrong package, that is something I would do22:03
murmelScotty_Trees: but when I look at the ppa, there is no 7.422:03
cbreakphonixgeist: it's possible if you install kde :/22:04
cbreakbut you might not want that22:04
phonixgeistcbreak, why I wouldnt?22:04
Scotty_Treeshmm, the flatpak is already at 7.4, not sure why the ppa version wouldn't be as well22:04
cbreakbecause it'd replace your whole desktop environment22:05
cbreakwell, not really replace, but you have to chose between kde plasma and the other ones you have installed at login time22:05
murmelScotty_Trees: maybe they have packaging issues. who knows22:05
phonixgeistcbreak, not good indeed..22:05
arraybolt3Installing multiple DEs *can* go horribly wrong.22:05
* cbreak likes KDE22:05
arraybolt3Scotty_Trees: Maybe try this? https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download-libreoffice/?type=deb-x86_64&version=7.4.0&lang=en-US22:06
arraybolt3If it looks like it's going to shred your system somehow, don't let it install, just FYI. Sometimes packages can be messed up and cause problems like that.22:06
Scotty_Treesarraybolt3, yah i prob should've done it that way first, but always preferred the terminal approach first22:07
oerheks' candidate' .. at your own risk https://snapcraft.io/libreoffice22:07
phonixgeistI found floating dock... is good but it's not an independent dock.. is basically a copy of the dock...22:09
Scotty_TreesI used libreoffice-fresh on EndeavourOS for over a year, personally never had any issues22:09
jhutchins!info libreoffice22:19
ubottulibreoffice (1:7.3.5-0ubuntu0.22.04.1, jammy): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Built by libreoffice. Size 13 kB / 247 kB. (Only available for amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x.)22:19
DynamiteDan!fnfo sdl22:23
DynamiteDan!info sdl22:23
ubottuPackage sdl does not exist in jammy22:23
DynamiteDan!info sdl222:23
ubottuPackage sdl2 does not exist in jammy22:23
DynamiteDan!info sdl2-dev22:23
ubottuPackage sdl2-dev does not exist in jammy22:23
DynamiteDan!info sdl-dev22:24
ubottuPackage sdl-dev does not exist in jammy22:24
DynamiteDannot lucky22:24
oerheksuse the bot in PM, please22:24
DynamiteDanah okay. Sorry22:24
oerhekstry !find22:24
sarnoldor try apt-cache search22:24
oerheksthat would do too22:24
oerheksrun apt update and go wild22:25
jhutchinsI wonder what magical wonders the newer version has brought to us mere mortals.22:25
UNIXhttps://github.com/kritiksoman/GIMP-ML trying to get this installed and I get problems when I try to get sudo apt install python python-cairo python-gobject-222:25
oerheks7.4 is a major point, they wrote22:25
oerheksnot sure exactly why, but it was released aug 18?22:26
oerheksUNIX that might need python2, which is obsolete22:27
sarnoldUNIX: try this instead? https://github.com/kritiksoman/GIMP-ML/tree/GIMP3-ML22:27
oerheksone could install it, but why?22:27
oerheksoh, [June 2] GIMP3-ML branch development started.22:27
UNIXI did that and have no idea if it is installed. gimp doesn't have the new option in layers menu22:39
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