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BayouBillyi want to set a uefi boot for the windows partition...do i need to change grub for uefi boot for the ubuntu partition02:20
murmelBayouBilly: what do you mean by set uefi boot for windows? (if you installed windows in uefi mode everything should be set) if not, you would need to reinstall windows02:21
BayouBillymurmel i installed windows for legacy bios but i want to set the bios for uefi boot do i need to change the grub program for uefi version02:22
murmelBayouBilly: if you installed windows for legacy, you need to install linux also for legacy02:23
BayouBillymurmel i did but i want to set the bios for uefi boot and so do i need a different grub program like grub-efi or something02:24
murmelBayouBilly: yes, but please realize that with that you can't boot windows anymore02:25
BayouBillymurmel why not..with legacy bios i get a pxe rom error then everything boots ok but i want to set the boot to uefi to get rid of the pxe error02:26
murmelBayouBilly: because windows can't use uefi if you installed it in legacy mode02:27
BayouBillymurmel won't windows repair itself on boot up02:28
BayouBillymurmel if i switch to uefi02:28
murmelidk, that you would need to ask a windows channel, but windows 7 and 8 didn't02:28
BayouBillymurmel well windows 10 repaired a lot of hardware issues when i put the drive in a different laptop that has uefi02:29
sarnoldtry this? https://www.makeuseof.com/windows-10-11-convert-legacy-bios-uefi/  I'd certainly want backups first02:29
murmeltry it out I guess?02:29
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BayouBillysarnold..i am thinking it wont work because i have 4 partitions with mbr...it says you can only have 3 partitions before you try to convert02:41
BayouBillysarnold i thought some time ago that guid partitions could have up to 8 partitions02:44
tomreynBayouBilly: guid partition tables (GPT) are limited to 256 partitions when running unix-like operating systems such as linux02:53
BayouBillytomreyn well i thought they could have many partitions for testing various linux and warp partitions with windows..but the url to convert legacy to uefi says you can only have 3 partitions02:54
tomreynBayouBilly: on the MBR partitioned disk, right02:56
BayouBillytomreyn yes and i already have 4 partitions with windows ubuntu and gentoo02:56
tomreyni understood so much.02:57
csdgnHello there folks.03:02
csdgnIs there a good way to run an x server on a ubuntu server but without a desktop manager / gui ? Basically I want somewhere I can testrun vulkan or opengl, but don't otherwise need a gui (the server is right next to my development machine, but the server has the nvidia gpu).03:04
csdgni'll just try one of these headless x server guides I suppose03:08
ervadang cant do nothin03:21
enigma9o7[m]They won't see you for now, alkisg.  Some kinda one-way irc-matrix split.04:54
enigma9o7[m]Actaully that's wrong.  They will see you. You wont see them.04:54
alkisg_webTest reply04:54
alkisgThank you enigma9o7 , right, I was wondering what's going on04:55
alkisgI joined web.libera.chat as alkisg_web to compare04:55
enigma9o7[m]https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/issues/1601 has some comments about it at the end....04:56
ubottuIssue 1601 in matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc "Planned server restart on Libera causes the bridge to be silently unavailable for 2.5 hours" [Open]04:56
saltdits you05:07
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saltdscan result: ops not detected. ban probability: 20% activating russian idiot05:24
webchat23hello, I have an issue in when I try to change the keyboard shortcuts in the terminal, it says "New Accelerator" then just hangs. Does anyone know how to fic this? Thanks05:51
oerhekswebchat23, on what ubuntu version? and what command did you use? for multiple lines, use a pastebin05:52
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:52
webchat23how do I get the ubuntu version?05:53
webchat23ubuntu version is - Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS05:55
webchat23I didn't use a command, I tried changing via the terminal preferences window05:55
oerheksoh oke, so when you click the key, ' new accelerator...' appears.. then you type the new short key05:59
webchat23When "New Accelerator" apprears it then just hangs. I have to then Quit the terminal.06:00
oerheksthen type something as key?06:01
oerheksif you use backspace, it resets06:02
webchat23OK that works! I was expecting some dialog box to open and say enter your new shortcut06:04
oerhekshave fun!06:05
webchat23Thanks oerheks, much appreciated!06:05
mauroGood morning, anyone is running ubuntu on huawei matebioook 16s?06:31
atol71Hi, could anyone answer why on one Ubuntu 22.04.1 I get upgrades and in 2 other ones (exactly same config) I do NOT get that upgrades? All pointing to same source on /etc/apt/sources.list.06:39
atol71those* upgrades.06:39
atol71this channel is dead06:41
rfmHey. he gave us a whole 10 minutes...07:07
irc_standardnickDid he forget to run apt update before upgrading07:10
rfmProbably just phased upgrades, which we could have told him if he had hung around07:13
oerheksor he asks why 2 other machines do not show the same update.. we will never know07:16
rfmhe (not we are sure itś not she)_ starts with the agressive "could anyone answer why"  instead of just :"why"07:20
ubottuIssue 1601 in matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc "Planned server restart on Libera causes the bridge to be silently unavailable for 2.5 hours" [Open]07:22
oerheksthey read us, we don't  read them07:22
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imihi, is there a todo app, which works across devices (android, linux) can synchronize todos, can send a notification 30 minutes before the deadline of a todo, has a commandline interface (or at least it's possible to write one), preferably opensource?08:10
imiI use todoist right now, apart from not being opensource it coplies with my requirements. the only problem there is that I'm not even able to add one todo every hour from commandline without them being rejected08:12
oerheksimi 79 of them ? https://www.slant.co/topics/1327/~best-cross-platform-task-apps08:27
oerheksJoplin .. https://www.fossmint.com/best-cross-platform-task-apps/08:28
dreamonhello, is there a shell command to check out if folder is mounted?08:31
oerheks' mount'  would show all mounts08:32
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takeshiiwrong channel, sorry10:15
lapiontalk about n00b windows style mistakes, the official displayLink driver overwrites the standard libusb-1.0.so.0.2.0 upon install10:42
lotuspsychjeis that a question or a feedback lapion ?10:43
lapionA simple observation10:43
xshi, i've justed updated to 22.04.1 from 20.04. my machine's root is over iscsi (it's aarch64). after reboot, it cannot boot because the kernel says  can not create NETLINK_ISCSI socket [Protocol not supported]10:57
xsany ideas?10:57
lotuspsychjexs: that might be something for the #ubuntu-server experts10:58
xsok thanks.10:58
lotuspsychjewelcome Guest8910:58
Guest89thanks mang10:58
lotuspsychjewhat can we do for you Guest8910:59
Guest89need ubuntu11:00
saltdlaunch codes launch codes11:03
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lotuspsychjesaltd: please stop that random offtopic in the ubuntu support channel11:04
saltdok lotuspsychje11:05
* saltd just trains on ubunters11:05
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webchat92hello every one! I have a question - can I run ubuntu on Raspberry?11:55
oerheksseems so, there is a wiki https://ubuntu.com/raspberry-pi11:56
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Maikwebchat92: i'm typing from a raspberry pi 4 8GB RAM with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS12:25
brkcorehey guys, used systemsct disable snap-discord. mount .. and now even if enable it, something is missing13:50
brkcoreand the app doesnt work. same for gimp opera and other aps13:51
brkcore*used systemctl13:51
ograbrkcore, urgh ... never do that, you are pulling out the carpet underneath the packages ... to disable a snap you use "snap disable <snapname>" that will also unmount it ...13:55
brkcoreogra, i didnt want them running on background. I guess i have to find other way limiting backgroun services then.13:55
* ogra recommends reaading the "snap help" output and the various "snap <command> help" pages to13:55
ograsnap disable completely shuts them down and unmounts all mount units13:56
brkcoredidnt know that13:56
ograsee "snap help disable"13:57
ogra(and "enable" indeed)13:58
brkcorebut all the data is still available13:58
brkcoreand the snap can easily be enabled again.13:58
brkcoreafter enabling the apps, it gives reports that they are broken and something is missing13:58
brkcoreanyways, im purging snapd14:00
ograright, you messed something up ... that is like removing random belts and screws from the engine of your car while it is running14:00
brkcoreogra, haha :) thats a very good example! I understand what I have done14:00
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xu-help94wHow Ubuntu handles network connections? When I automatically connect to a network, how does it happen, with the help of NetworkManager or systemd-networkd being preconfigured to do everything automatically?15:08
jhutchinsxu-help94w: https://ubuntu.com/core/docs/networkmanager15:11
ograjhutchins, thats the documentation for using networ-manager as a snap on UbuntuCore ...15:13
xu-help94wnevertheless, it explains that NetworkManager always manages network connections since it's always preinstalled15:14
ograxu-help94w, not really15:14
xu-help94wthank you a lot!15:14
xu-help94wogra, how is it not?15:14
ograxu-help94w, NetworkManager is only preinstalled on desktop ...15:14
xu-help94wah I see...15:14
ograxu-help94w, managing network on ubuntu beyond this is done via netplan15:14
ograsee https://netplan.io15:15
jhutchinsogra: Doesn't nm-cli get installed on non-desktop builds?15:15
ograjhutchins, nmcli needs network-manager ... that is only installed on desktops ... so no, nmcli isnt installed on servers or any headless systems (i.e. Ubuntu Core)15:16
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xu-help94wI feel kinda confused googling what display managers are in every Ubuntu flavour. What are they?15:22
EriC^^xu-help94w: lightdm gdm, it's the login screen basically15:26
xu-help94wAm I right to guess, that Ubuntu uses GDM and Xubuntu uses LightDM?15:27
xu-help94wit's really hard to find out sometimes15:27
EriC^^xu-help94w: ubuntu (gnome) uses gdm yeah15:27
EriC^^echo $XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR  should give a clue15:28
xu-help94wWow. Thank you a lot!15:28
EriC^^if you do "ps aux | grep dm" it should show up somewhere in the processes, easier to remember15:29
EriC^^no problem15:29
jhutchinsogra: Do you have a link to better general documentation on how network-manager works?15:32
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ogra jhutchins https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager15:35
cbreakanyone here got experience disabling memory overcommit?15:41
cbreakhttps://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/vm/overcommit-accounting (by setting this to 2)15:41
MilenchoHi again guys, sorry for same spam like yesterday18:05
Milenchobut any hint how to findout what vould be the problem with intel AX210 pci-e wifi18:05
Milenchoon 5 ghz speed is slow but only download18:05
Jeremy31Milencho: Likely power management18:14
MilenchoJeremy31, what do you mean, motherboard something?18:15
Milenchoor on router side?18:15
Jeremy31Driver power management, check in terminal>  iwconfig | grep -i power18:16
MilenchoPower Management:on18:16
Jeremy31Milencho: run this in terminal>  sudo sed -i 's/wifi.powersave = 3/wifi.powersave = 2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf18:18
Milenchoand after that restart net manager?18:19
Jeremy31Milencho: yes18:19
Jeremy31systemctl restart network-manager.service18:19
MilenchoJeremy31, done, so test again dnd/upload?18:20
Jeremy31and check>  iwconfig | grep -i power18:21
Milencho Bit Rate=195 Mb/s   Tx-Power=22 dBm18:21
Milencho          Power Management:off18:21
jhutchinsJeremy31: Nice work.18:23
jhutchinsMilencho: Try the speed test again?18:23
Milenchojhutchins, same18:24
Milenchodnd 40/50 upload 90/10018:24
Milenchomay be i have to try to install windows and check how it works on windows18:26
Milenchoif it works fine - could be driver issue18:26
Milenchoif not - could be hardware something shitty ..18:26
Jeremy31Low tx power on router?18:26
Milenchowith other devices latop(windows) phone(iOS)18:26
Milenchothe speed if perfect18:27
Milenchoi mean testing the speed on same place (5/10 cm from ax210 antenas)18:27
Milenchoeven today i have checked with other dual band router and it's same - only intel ax210 pci -e wifi is problematic18:28
Milenchoand only download18:28
Jeremy31Milencho: post URL from terminal for>  sudo dmesg | grep iwl | nc termbin.com 999918:29
Milenchohere you are18:29
Milenchobtw i've tried with driver *59 version i think18:29
Milenchoiwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-59.ucode - with this one and the speed was the same18:30
jhutchinsMilencho: Just curious: can you test this on a wired connection?18:31
Jeremy31Did you actually remove/rename the firmware to get the older version18:31
Milenchoi've remove this 66 and put 59 version in /lib/firmware18:33
Milenchojhutchins, not sure about wired it's a bit compliated because of desktop location :(18:33
Milenchobut with usb wifi i could  get more speed (tested)18:33
Milenchobut i don't want to use dongle with realtek chipset :(18:34
Jeremy31If the router is really close it could cause problems18:41
MilenchoJeremy31, nope router is on same place last few years18:47
Milencholaptop is on the same place like desktop pc and it's not a problem18:48
Milenchobut may be the only way is to install windows and check with win drivers18:48
Jeremy31Milencho: URL for> grep [[:alnum:]] /sys/module/iwlwifi/parameters/* | nc termbin.com 999918:56
Jeremy31Milencho: try> sudo modprobe iwlwifi && sleep 5 && sudo modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=8 bt_coex_active=N19:03
Milenchoi can but after few minutes19:04
Milenchoif it's not a problem for you19:04
xu-help94wIf an Ubuntu flavour uses LightDM, how to find out which greeter it uses? I thought a display manager and a greeter are the same thing, but I mistook one for another it seems.19:09
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MilenchoJeremy31, after that some restart?19:26
Jeremy31Just test it, a restart will return the settings to original19:27
Milenchoi will make 2-3 speed tests against different servers19:28
MilenchoJeremy31, same ***** :(19:31
Milenchodownload is likely 50 % of the upload speed19:31
Milenchotested against 4 different servers19:31
Jeremy31Milencho: URL for> grep [[:alnum:]] /sys/module/iwlwifi/parameters/* | nc termbin.com 999919:33
tomreynxu-help94w: i think login manager refers more to the functionality and greeter more to the looks of it, but it's usually the same software, possibly with different configurations.19:34
MilenchoJeremy31, https://termbin.com/8kfhg19:35
Jeremy31Milencho: URL for> grep [[:alnum:]] /etc/modprobe.d/* | grep iwlwifi | nc termbin.com 999919:36
Jeremy31Milencho: try> sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi && sleep 5 && sudo modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=8 bt_coex_active=N19:39
xu-help94wtomreyn, I see :)  That's why I wondered what actually makes it look like __this__, and didn't know about these differences until this moment.19:39
tomreynxu-help94w: https://askubuntu.com/questions/75755/how-to-change-the-lightdm-theme-greeter19:40
MilenchoJeremy31, unfortunately same ***** :(19:41
xu-help94wthose links are really useful, thank you a lot! :)19:42
Jeremy31Milencho: I am out of ideas, you could try posting on ubuntuforums.org in Networking and see if chili555 has any ideas19:42
MilenchoJeremy31, may be i will, but i'll ask my wife to make the post because not sure that he will understand my damaged english19:43
Milenchoand may be on monday i will buy one HDD to install windows and check what will be the speed19:44
MilenchoJeremy31, btw it's not only the speed - i found out that there is also some kind of delay on 5 ghz19:46
Milenchobecause i was playing a game and dropped...19:47
Milencholag during the game19:47
esvare other people/devices downloading stuff at the time of the test?19:51
tomreynMilencho: had you tried newer ax210 firmwares also? which ubuntu release are yuo on again?20:04
Milenchotomreyn, could you clarify a bit20:05
Milenchonot sure that i get it20:05
tomreynMilencho: i'm wondering what this returns:    lsb_release -ds && cat /proc/version && ls -l /lib/firmware/iwlwifi*ty*20:07
tomreyn(and how this compares to files matching iwlwifi*ty* in https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git/tree/20:08
tomreynignore the equals character ;)20:08
Milenchotomreyn, https://pastebin.com/QPQVNKuJ20:12
Milenchotomreyn, as far as i know (i'm noobie) driver that ubuntu loads is 6620:16
tomreynokay, you have ubuntu 22.04.1 and a current kernel and all firmware files as of 2022-07-26. did you replace the -66 one, though, since it has a current date.20:16
Milencholoaded firmware version 66.f1c864e0.0 ty-a0-gf-a0-66.ucode op_mode iwlmvm20:16
Milenchoyesterday i tried with 59* version but it was the same20:17
Milenchoso u mean to download the latest iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-73.ucode ?20:17
tomreynmy question is this: you have a file /lib/firmware/iwlwifi-ty-a0-gf-a0-66.ucode which, according to https://pastebin.com/raw/QPQVNKuJ , has been recently modified. is this file different that the one ubuntu 22.04.1 provides?20:17
Milenchohow can i check this?20:18
Milenchonope it's not20:19
Milenchoi got it - yesterday i've moved this file to other directory in order to check 59 version, after that i restore it20:19
Milenchoand reboot20:19
Jeremy31The file name had to be changed in order to use and older firmware20:20
tomreynoh okay20:20
Milenchoi saw something 71/73 these ucodes are for ax210 ?20:20
Jeremy31The max firmware version is set to 66 in the 5.15 kernel20:21
Milenchoso i need to update kernel in order to use 71/7320:21
Milenchoor whatever i want20:21
tomreynwell, could try a newer kernel, but it's not too likely that this will help.20:23
Jeremy31Or you could change the name to match 66 version and hope the firmware loader doesn't check something else to determine version20:23
MilenchoJeremy31, not bad idea, because updating kernel - may be it's not for noobs like me20:23
Milenchoi could **** up the system :)20:23
Jeremy31It isn't that easy to mess up a kernel install20:24
Milenchou mean it's a straight forward procedure ?20:25
Milenchoi'll read a bit and may be tomorrow i can try20:25
Milenchohopefully with 71/73 it will work20:25
tomreynJeremy31: does the kernel look match the file names against a wildcard? maybe ...-66-{1..9},ucode or something would also work?20:25
tomreyni guess that's somewhere in the iwlwifi module header?20:26
Milenchotomreyn, Jeremy31 thank you very much guys20:27
Milenchofor loosing time20:27
Milenchoif i found out something tomorrow - i'll give you a feed back  - what was the reason or at least is it working with latests drivers20:27
Guest38Hi folks,  best way to Dual boot win11 and ubuntu. My MB is updated Asus TUF Gaming B550-Pro20:29
tomreynMilencho: you're welcome. jeremy is really good with wifi, it's rare that he can't solve things. but when overall functionality is given and only performance is an issue then it gets much harder to debug, i guess.20:29
Jeremy31Can you try on 2.4 GHz wifi?20:30
tomreyn!dualboot | Guest3820:31
ubottuGuest38: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:31
Guest38Awesome thanks!20:32
MilenchoJeremy31, yes i can, i'm not on the desktop right now20:32
Milenchobut when i'm gaming i'm on 2.4 ghz because on 5gh there is lag/delay20:33
Jeremy31If I remember correctly, the last time I tried 5GHz I saw reception signal variances20:33
Milenchothe strenght signal on 5 ghz was between 69-75 dBm20:34
Milenchoi'm 4-5 meters from AP20:34
Milenchothe door of the room is open, upload is fine20:35
Milenchoi've changed the pci-e slot also replace the antena20:35
johnny_linuxeverything is the variable ant / drivers / modem.  i have spectrum modem and intel dual band and no problems20:38
johnny_linux5G = dual lte20:43
tomreynjohnny_linux: i think this support chat was about 802.11 (home) wireless, not mobile networks20:44
johnny_linuxyes, sry i missed the beginning.20:45
johnny_linuxlooking back, 75db is pretty good.20:49
cbreakturns out it's probably a bad idea20:54
cbreaklinux doesn't seem to be able to deal with not being able to overpromise and underdeliver, at least not without significant swap space20:55
tomreyncbreak: hi there. do you have an ubuntu support question? there are also other channels for discussion, and off-topic chats.20:57
cbreakI did ask the question like 5 hours ago already20:59
cbreakand since no one answered, I went ahead and tried it out20:59
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tomreyncbreak: oh, okay. it's a busy channel, sometimes it's good to repeat what you're trying to get help with after some hours.21:00
cbreakI asked whether someone had experience disabling memory overcommitting, like documented in https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/vm/overcommit-accounting (by setting this to 2)21:00
tomreyni see. which problem would this solve?21:01
cbreakapparently no one did, and when I tried it, sshd died and I got disconnected :/21:01
cbreakthe problem of the linux OOM killer killing random programs21:01
cbreaknot sure if you've encountered this21:01
tomreynnot on any up to date ubuntu installation21:02
cbreakbut linux will overpromis memory, and when programs actually try to use the memory they got from the OS, they get killed (or sometimes other programs get killed)21:02
tomreyndo you?21:02
cbreakI do.21:02
tomreynwhich ubuntu version are you running then, which kernel version?21:02
cbreakDescription:Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS Linux drz-zuzu 5.15.0-46-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 4 18:03:25 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:02
tomreyni mean, sure, OOM killer would kill 'random' processes when there is no ram left.21:03
cbreakthe problem isn't really that linux resorts to killing, but the problem is that it gives memory to programs in the first place21:03
cbreakyes, there's no ram left.21:03
cbreakbut it shouldn't kill programs21:03
cbreakit shouldn't give the programs ram in the first place that it can't deliver21:03
cbreaksetting this setting to 2 does that21:04
cbreakbut as I found out, it will do so very aggressively21:04
cbreakit will only give out 32 GB to applications, out of the 64 in that machine21:04
cbreaknot sure why...21:04
cbreakanyway, what I wrote earlier was the sumary of this experiment21:05
tomreynokay, when you have a question it's always good to provide the most basic background info so that others can actually support you. this should include the info i just asked about.21:05
cbreakI'll set up 64 GB of swap next week, and see how it works then21:06
tomreynmemory handling in 22.04 LTS's generic and HWE kernels works differently than in 18.04 LTS's HWE and generic kernels, so such background info is crucial.21:07
tomreynalso, explaining what the actual issue you're trying to solve (like you just did) can help you get meaningful responses.21:08
oerhekscbreak, does this happen with firefox running out of mem?21:09
cbreakI write / run programs that actually use a lot of memory, and it's really annoying to have them randomly die, makes debugging hard21:09
cbreakoerheks: nah, FF only uses like 2 or 3 GB or so21:09
oerheksthat is the only programm i know of, that is stubborn21:09
tomreynyou could use cgroups, which would let you have more control on which processes can fail.21:10
cbreakyeah, I do that on my cluster21:10
cbreakbut ideally, processes don't fail at all21:10
cbreakthey should get allocation failures21:10
tomreyndo you have multiple CPUs?21:11
cbreakwhen I new[] some block of memory, I'd get a std::bad_alloc on other operating systems, but on linux I just get memory and get killed when I use it21:11
cbreaknot on my dev desktop, where I tested this21:11
cbreak(in case this wasn't clear, I am not upset with the OOM killer, it seems to work fine, what I'd like to avoid is getting into situations where it has to kill stuff in the first place)21:14
tomreynhaving enough rem + swap, and maybe a less aggressive OOM killer may be what you want then.21:15
cbreakI have enough ram, not having enough swap is the problem :/21:16
cbreakI should be able to disable overcommit as described in that documentation, once I have the swap space to back it up21:17
tomreynwell, adding swap space should be easy21:19
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tomreyncbreak: https://docs.kernel.org/admin-guide/sysctl/vm.html lists other related tuneables - see also chapter 3 at https://docs.kernel.org/filesystems/proc.html21:23
tomreyn(3.1 and 3.2 specifially)21:24
clarkkI'm installing the latest version of Ubuntu. I was told I need 650MB for the UEFI partition. What fs should I use to format it? How does that partition get used? WHat files go there? Does Ubuntu put files on there?21:32
Jeremy31clarkk: 500 MB is enough, you have to use fat32 on the partition21:33
Jeremy31Grub uses the UEFI partition21:33
cbreaktomreyn: interesting, thanks21:34
clarkkthanks Jeremy31. How will Ubuntu know to use that partition? Does it ask where to put grub during the install?21:34
cbreakI use a ZFS root, so adding swap isn't as trivial as creating a file21:34
cbreakI've read up on some ways to do it that mitigate the deadlocks you can get normally21:34
cbreakbut ideally, I'd have made swap partitions from the start :(21:34
Jeremy31clarkk: grub gets installed to a drive, not a partition, the installer will figure it out21:35
cbreakclarkk: the ubuntu installer is famous for putting grub on the wrong partition :/21:35
cbreakif you only have one disk, you won't have that problem21:35
cbreakif you have more than one, it could end up chose the wrong one21:35
clarkkcbreak, I have multiple disks. Do you know how I can avoid problems?21:36
n9nucan someone pse tell me if:  /etc/tlp.conf   is supposed to be deactivated upon install?21:37
n9nui want to limit the battery charging to 85-90%21:37
cbreakclarkk: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1591352 has more infos on that problem I think21:38
n9nuit seems that file is just a template21:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1396379 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer uses first EFI system partition found even when directed otherwise" [High, Confirmed] [duplicate: 1591352]21:38
cbreakyes, it's from ubuntu 16.0421:38
cbreakbut it seems it wasn't fixed so far21:39
clarkkIf I have an Ubuntu install disk but don't know the version, is there a way to find the version?21:41
n9nuuname -a21:41
n9nulook in the root dir21:42
n9nuof the disc21:42
clarkkn9nu, without bootting to live disk?21:42
n9nucan u mount it?21:42
Jeremy31Should be in the disk name21:43
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n9numount /dev/sr0 /mnt/ ?21:43
n9nusr0 or whtever ur dvd/cd dev id is21:43
n9nui havent used cd/dvd in over 10+ yrs lol21:45
clarkkI found it - I booted the disk and pressed F1 for help21:46
clarkkversion was there21:46
n9nuthere ya go21:46
clarkkok, sadly we have 20.04 on a disk, but 22.04 on a memory stick. The PC won't boot to USB. Is there any way to make a boot DVD from the bootable USB memory stick?21:47
n9nuu have the usb key w/ the extracted os on it?21:48
n9nui take it u just dont to download the newest ubuntu iso image21:49
n9nuwait...wont boot from usb?21:49
n9nuas in a UEFI / CSM issue?21:50
n9nuor TPM crap21:50
clarkkn9nu, this is an unrelated issue to the previous ones. Yes, I'm trying to avoid downloading 22.04, because it will take several hours21:51
toddcPLOP CD can boot to cd then install from a usb21:51
n9nuoh  ok got ya.21:51
n9nuu have to dump all the usb files on to a temp folder21:52
n9nur u on another pc at the moment?21:53
clarkkn9nu, ok, thanks. Scratch that. Just worked out that the USB contains 20.04 too :( Will have to wait for download21:53
n9nuah ok.yeah.... there is a really awesome bootable tool for any OS    - Ventoy. you just simply create the initial partition/files on your USB and copy any boot image(s)  (img, iso, wim, vhd, efi) to the drive (no extraction needed) and u can have hundred's of Linux, BSD, Win,, etc images on there ready to install just by selecting them from the boot/grub menu21:58
n9nuits the best tool...all ur iso or images u collected over the years on one small usb device22:00
n9nugood luck wth ur download22:00
clarkkinteresting. Never heard of it before. Thanks a lot n9nu :)22:36
oerheksi have seen ventoy issues enough..22:40
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:40
oerheksworthless piece of code, imho22:40
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johnny_linuxset your bios proper before installing23:15
goddardmy snap application window icons are sorta messed up23:22
goddardits like they have two different types of theme buttons at once23:23
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johnny_linuxhave a proper nite. thanks.23:35
tomreynclarkk: if you have limited bandwidth, but have an earlier copy of an ubuntu iso around, and a PC with a good enough CPU, then you can use zsync against the existing .iso and reduce the download size that way.23:46
tomreynyou won't save a *lot* but still *some* of the full download.23:48

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