
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
corrinado[m]Received 03:59
Eickmeyer[m]corrinado: Not quite. IRC -> Matrix is down.04:07
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: maybe don't bounce on the bridge too hard ;)04:08
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I wish it were that easy. It appears all of libera is affected.04:09
EickmeyerRight now, Matrix users can't see IRC messages.04:10
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I would have thought that would be the easy direction04:18
EickmeyerAPIs are hard, man!04:19
EickmeyerIssue "might" be being tracked here, but I'm not 100% on that. https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/issues/160104:20
ubottuIssue 1601 in matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc "Planned server restart on Libera causes the bridge to be silently unavailable for 2.5 hours" [Open]04:20
Eickmeyer[m]brucekomike: We don't have any plans to do that, nor do we have the facility to do so. I'm terribly sorry.15:25
gordonjcpEickmeyer[m]: what did they ask for?16:25
Eickmeyergordonjcp: Language translation on the website to Chinese. We don't have the capability on the website backend for that.16:26
gordonjcpEickmeyer: I mean sure, I guess it's possible, how much are they willing to pay...?18:25
gordonjcpEickmeyer: I will cope with the site not supporting i18n into Gaelic, I'm sure18:25
Eickmeyer[l]gordonjcp: Our backend is Wordpress and the server is owned by Canonical, so I, as project leader, don't even have direct access to the real backend.18:26
gordonjcpfair enough18:39
gordonjcpEickmeyer[l]: Canonical's Gaelic i18n is a bit "Google Translate" at the best of times, but it's close enough to be hilarious and I don't have time to do anything about it :-)18:40
OvenWerksgordonjcp: out of interest only, what is the ratio of people who speak Gaelic but do not understand another language? Though I understand that if one's language for the desktop is set to Gaelic and a web page has a Gaelic translation available (even a bad one) that would be what would show.21:14
* OvenWerks once tried learning Gaelic (Tagalog too as happens) but did not get very far.21:15
gordonjcpOvenWerks: very few I should think21:28
gordonjcpOvenWerks: I did know someone whose grandmother only spoke Gaelic and Hindi21:28
gordonjcpOvenWerks: super super edge case though21:28
=== Eickmeyer is now known as NotEickmeyer
=== Eickmeyer[l] is now known as Eickmeyer
RicardusI just tried running Libre Office Calc and it won't run. Anyone else seeing this?23:03
EickmeyerRicardus: No, no issues here.23:34
EickmeyerRicardus: Not exactly an Ubuntu Studio specific topic, try #ubuntu. 23:34

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