
enr0nCan a core dev please retry the systemd autopkgtest regressions in jammy: retry-autopkgtest-regressions --blocks systemd -s jammy ?14:56
enr0nThe s390x ones are testbed failures, and I believe the rest are flaky or at least deserve a retry.14:56
jawn-smithenr0n: on it15:01
enr0njawn-smith: thanks!15:05
=== Eickmeyer is now known as NotEickmeyer
=== Eickmeyer4 is now known as Eickmeyer
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Kinetic Feature Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Jammy | If you can't send messages here, authenticate to NickServ first | Patch Pilots:
=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie
jawn-smithfoka: Have you looked into the FTBFS of hugo at all?20:06
fokajawn-smith: Is there a FTBFS with hugo 0.102.3-1?20:15
jawn-smithIn ubuntu, yes. It seems to have some failing tests on ppc64el20:15
jawn-smithI can look into it if you're busy. Just don't want to duplicate effort20:16
fokajawn-smith: Sorry, I wasn't aware that there was a FTBFS on ppc64el on Ubuntu. Were you referring to this? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hugo/0.102.3-1/+build/2434661820:20
fokajawn-smith: I haven't looked at it yet, and likely no time today; if you don't mind looking into it, that would be great! Many thanks!20:21
jawn-smithYes, that's the failed build. I will look into it! The version in release is depending on golang-1.18, and we would like to remove that before 22.1020:22
jawn-smithBut the version in proposed depends on golang-1.19 instead, which solves that problem20:22
waveformany idea where we define the available disk space for an amd64 instance running autopkgtests? livecd-rootfs is consistently failing with "No space left on device" (which is all that's left blocking u-boot) and after diff'ing the logs against the last successful run, AFAICT it's just been tipped over the edge by one of the images it produces being ~40MB bigger than last time21:54
xypronwaveform: When you run autopkgtests manually you can set the size of the image for the VM, see https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud.1.html.  I would assume that it is a launchpad setting how big an image is used for the VM that launchpad uses. Maybe create a question for "launchpad  itself" (https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion).22:51
=== dbungert1 is now known as dbungert
dbungertwaveform: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration#autopkgtests says the default is "similar to a m1.small", but that wiki entry only talks memory, cpu, and timeout.  Other online resources put m1.small on a 160G disk, do you think it's plausible that livecd-rootfs is hitting that?23:42

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