
user9d# this allows an attacker to make a poor ordinary user 0% able to do things they love to do on their computer [through the terminal]:08:06
user9dprintf '\n\n\nalias sudo=""\n\n\n' | tee -a /home/user9d/.bashrc08:06
konstruktoidbut you still need sudo perms09:47
konstruktoidand if the attacker got user shell access, i assume there's missing patches as well09:48
user9dkonstruktoid:  by "missing patches" you mean the /etc/sshd.conf [?] ssh server configuration that allowed auto-login to the user shell?14:13
tomreynuser9d: i would assume that konstruktoid meant that an unauthorized user should not be able to get system access in the first place.14:52
tomreyn(and would have had to resort to hacking their way in through vulnerabilities in outdated software)14:54
konstruktoidYeah, and if they get local access, it's because of lack of management (sshd config, weak passwords, ... ) and thus there's most likely unpatched local vulnerabilities (e.g. a kernel on an system that needs a reboot)14:57
konstruktoidBut sure, free sudo is always nice.14:58
konstruktoidBut that also requires NOPASSWD otherwise the user would probably notice it (hopefully)14:58
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