
Funhousethis thing after a command -d, is that called a flag?00:19
Funhousei guess option00:20
Funhousecan there be more than one option sometimes like can i do -d -vvv ?00:20
sarnoldit depends on the program, but it's very common, yes00:21
MrMobiusI'm running ubuntu server on a newer netbook with 4gb ram but can't see how much battery is left since it's just a console. Would ubuntu desktop be likely to run well on a netbook? I just need console windows and the battery indicator, no web browsing or streaming.00:23
tomreynFunhouse: GNU getopt is one way how these options are interpreted by applications and scripts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getopt - but there are others, so it's good to read !man pages and run applications with --help or -h00:24
Funhousesarnold, thank you00:24
tomreynMrMobius: then you're probably better off with some configurable tiling window manager. something like sway or i3, or even just tmux or byobu.00:26
sarnoldMrMobius: try this? grep -r . /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/00:26
MrMobiustomreyn: ya tmux is what I use with ubuntu server and am happy with it. I just need to see how much battery is left which is the only reason to install a window manager.00:26
tomreynMrMobius: you can configure most of these to run some CLI command and output the result somewhere on the screen, like building your own 'text desktop'00:26
signofzetaor use a GNU screen hardstatus line.  Mine has temperatures and free memory.00:27
MrMobiussarnold: yes, I have that set up now. I don't quite trust myself to switch out of what im doing and run that often enough to make sure the battery doesnt go dead00:27
tomreyntake a look at byobu, it shows such stats on the bottom00:28
sarnoldMrMobius: another option is to try a fancy prompt plugin like liquidprompt or starship00:28
sarnoldtomreyn: oh that's cool00:28
tomreynand i never heard of liquidprompt or starship, that's cool, too :)00:30
sarnoldI installed liquidprompt (in a 'jfdi' sense) a few years ago and it drastically improved my relationship with git :)00:31
sarnoldI spent *years* with a simple "\$ " prompt, the fancier things felt so sluggish..00:32
sarnoldbut knowing what branch I'm on and how dirty the working directory is really was a nice change00:32
tomreynno doubt of that if you git a lot.00:33
tomreynMrMobius: in byobu, press F9 to enter the configuration menu, then select "toggle status notifications", then enable battery00:36
DarkenedGentlemaWhat's the best practice for configuring networking on ubuntu 22.04 LTS?  /etc/netplan/01.conf, /etc/systemd/network/eth0.network?00:48
Bashing-om!netplan | DarkenedGentlema00:49
ubottuDarkenedGentlema: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/00:49
DarkenedGentlemaThat doesn't really help.00:50
sarnoldnetplan if you don't mind yaml; systemd .network files if you'd rather not use yaml, I think :)00:59
tomreynDarkenedGentlema: for a desktop you'd probably want network manager, though (you didn't say what you're running)01:03
tomahawki am not feeling well, need oxygen01:14
tomahawki hope for a doctor01:15
sarnoldgetting medical advice on irc is not a great idea. please call a real doctor.01:17
=== M4he is now known as mahe
esvwhat does it mean a repository is in a distUpgrade configuration file?01:29
sarnoldheh that doesn't sound familiar; can you pastebin more context?01:32
esvI have the following file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-edge.list.distUpgrade, which points to the repository where MSFT edge lives:01:34
esvdeb [arch=amd64] https://packages.microsoft.com/repos/edge/ stable main01:35
sarnolddo-release-upgrade renames sources files with nonstandard repositories to ...distUpgrade, so that they're still around, but no longer influence apt01:35
esvbut seems to be disabled or at least my box does not find the MSFT edge stable pkg01:35
esvso, it can go01:36
esv 01:36
sarnoldrename the file to end in .list -- and edit the line if necessary to reflect the new version01:36
sarnoldhah, that also works, if you don't want it around any more ;)01:36
esvwell, I cleaned up the distUpgrade ones and enabled the repos I am interested in using the .list ones.01:37
sarnoldalright, sounds good then01:38
esvthanks, I just suck with Ubuntu, glad it is my desktop so I can brush up a tad.01:39
sarnoldheh, that's one way to get good, force yourself to deal with it up close and personal, hehe01:39
sarnold.. just so long as it doesn't drive you to ragereplace it, I guess :)01:39
esvthe other option is Windows, u tell me. :)01:44
sarnoldthat's what I switched away from!01:44
esvyeah, unfortunately I still need my winblows machine01:46
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
pycurious1Does anyone know how this rsync works -> https://dpaste.org/nANZB ?02:16
sarnoldthat %d/./.screenrc thing is a bit odd, I wonder why %d/.screenrc wasn't used02:18
pycurious1sarnold: does ssh replace those %d and %r etc with values?02:19
sarnoldpycurious1: yeah, check out the table at the end of ssh_config(5)02:19
pycurious1sarnold: thanks! That helps a lot! not sure why %d/./.screenrc - but at least it looks like it should work02:22
sarnoldyeah, it's a bit odd but i can't see why it *shouldn't* work, right? hehe02:23
=== Furor is now known as Colere
omega_doomWhy do i often have "The following packages have been kept back"? Do i need to do dist-upgrade?03:13
sarnoldmaybe, but it could also be apt 'phasing' the packages03:14
omega_doomThis time i get "The following packages have been kept back" almost every upgrade.03:15
omega_doomOnce i did dist-upgrade but was forced to rollback it because upgrade was faulty.03:17
Bashing-omomega_doom: One can check the status of phasing: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/phased-updates.html .03:17
omega_doomnow i have "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 17 not upgraded."03:17
Khaoticcrap this isnt discord03:18
KhaoticHey o703:18
jhutchinsKhaotic: We mostly respond to support questions for Ubuntu, social niceties not required.03:20
jhutchinsKhaotic: Hello.03:20
=== realivanjx8 is now known as realivanjx
VeridicalMechWow people actually use this03:39
sarnoldthousands, yeah :)03:39
VeridicalMechTbh I expected it to be empty03:39
sarnoldthere's dozens of us!03:39
omega_doomi don't see phasing for these 17 packages in https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/phased-updates.html03:52
sarnoldperhaps the upgrade requires removing a package in order to satisfy dependencies; try an apt-get dist-upgrade   --- and pay attention to what packages it suggests to remove, if any03:54
omega_doom0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 17 not upgraded.03:57
omega_doomapt-get dist-upgrade didn;t do anything.03:57
omega_doomthere is qtbase-opensource-src and i have qt packages kept back maybe i need to wait.04:03
=== cryocaustik8 is now known as cryocaustik
sarnoldomega_doom: you could try an apt policy qtbase-opensource-src   to learn more; or try apt install qtbase-opensource-src  -- it should tell you the consequences ..04:12
omega_doomUnable to locate package qtbase-opensource-src04:16
sarnoldargh, sorry04:17
sarnoldI didn't realize the source package didn't build a corresponding binary package04:18
sarnoldyou can see the binary packages built from that source package on launchpad https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/5.15.3+dfsg-2ubuntu0.204:18
sarnoldit's time for me to head out, good luck :)04:19
=== Furor is now known as Colere
emmy1999Hi boys, I just got into Docker and using Portainer to manage it. I plan on using Nginx Proxy Domain to route to subdomains. Should I install it inside of Portainer or should it be separate?05:42
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=== emmy1998 is now known as emmy1999
yensitoHello anyone can help me? i did touch firefox settings and did a mes now i cant use the browser05:48
alkisgyensito: which ubuntu version, 22.04 with snap firefox or 20.04 with deb firefox?06:20
yensitoi have firefox 91.11.0esr (64bit)06:22
yensitoi have with DEB06:22
yensitoi did06:23
yensitoi did go to privacy &security then to vew certificates and i did remove it all!06:23
yensitonow when it say "your certificates" there is nothing, and when i try to surf a webpage it dont let me enter06:23
yensitoI think i need to import all certificates again but i dont know here they are ow where to download06:23
alkisgyensito: strange that you have firefox esr, but anyway try to close it, then mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.bad, then re-run firefox06:25
yensitoalkisg, damn! i think it works ! you saved me !06:27
yensitoalso i did learn a new think on how to move bad configs hehe06:28
alkisgyensito: ok, if you need anything like bookmarks they're in ~/.mozilla.bad06:28
yensitothank you so much bro!06:28
yensitoi did backup the bookbarks before06:28
yensitoso now i will just import them06:28
manwhowouldbekinHello! Could someone tell me how I should approach resolving this? Should I invest time in resolving this? https://pastebin.com/pe20Ge1h07:57
jellysince 20.04, gnome terminal opens different profiles each in their own window.  How do I revert to opening a new tab in the same window that I clicked, regardless of the profile chosen?08:09
ledenijelly, make your profile and make default08:11
yensitoi did retired from ubuntu when they remove gnome in version 2.0 to 3.008:12
yensitobecause my pc does not support 3.0 so i need to stick to gnome to it works, not everybody have access to a better computer08:12
yensitoI did use ububuntu debian and linux, thank you to nelson mandela08:15
complotistHello.  What would be the best way to log what a remote script connecting through ssh is doing ?08:22
complotistas it doesn't open a bash prompt (it seems), nothing gets logged in ~/.bash_history (or because the way the connexion ends, nothing gets saved; I'm not sure)08:23
complotists/open a/&n interactive/08:24
=== Guest8705 is now known as krabador
oerhekslast reboot | less09:33
g105bI'm running 22.04 and trying to install the package php8.1-dev but I'm getting the following error, and unsure how to proceed, please can someone advise? https://termbin.com/5qw909:50
oerhekspop os?09:51
g105bYes, how did you know?09:51
oerheksg105b, see tiopic, no derivate support, i am sure pop os has iots own channel here on #libera09:51
g105bOh I see the URLs09:51
g105boerheks, ok I thought this was to do with APT rather than the distribution.09:52
oerheksand the ondrey ppa, also not supported even if you had ubuntu09:52
g105bNo, but I thought the process of resolving this issue would be package/distro agnostic09:52
g105bSorry, I'll ask elsewhere.09:52
oerheks#system76 or https://chat.pop-os.org/09:53
=== Jong2 is now known as Jong
ryanx1337what's good10:11
g105bryan-c: cheese10:11
Guest87Has the oomd killing off applications such as firefox been fixed yet?11:13
oerheksthe only application i know that uses OOM killer frequently, is only Firefox11:14
Guest87Right. Has that been fixed yet with 22.04.1?11:14
MaikGuest87: read the releasenotes11:20
oerheksguest i don' t know, do you have a bug report number?11:21
MaikGuest87: also https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-point-release-changes/2983511:21
oerheksand one can change settings per application https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man1/choom.1.html11:22
Guest87Reading through the release notes, they haven't backported the patch yet from git to 22.04.11:23
MaikGuest87: 22.04 is over, when you run 22.04 you automatically have 22.04.1 via the updates, so you basically run 22.04.1 already11:26
hermanoSince installation of ubuntu 22.04 and back to 20.04 I have had sever problems with headset where during the usage, ubuntus sound settings goes nuts. Literally the output device dissapears during the listening with headset. It got a bit better by using pipewire, but problems are back.12:16
hermanoOtherwise I am quite happy with 22.04, I hope to avoid moving back to Ubuntu 18.04 or even moving away from ubuntu, due to these sound problems.12:17
hermanoIntestering plugging in bluetooth works awesome.12:18
raphahi all!12:18
hermanoIf i unplugg/plugg-in the headset the sound device comes back.12:18
R4v3nhermano, usb or mini-jack ? With or without mic ?12:19
raphacan somebody help me to try and get an nvidia gpu working on a headless server? (i just need cuda) ... everything's installed but according to nvidia-smi, no device was found...12:19
hermanoR4v3n, Headset is "Jabra Evolve 20 MS", but same issue with another brand.12:19
hermanoR4v3n, USB.12:20
R4v3nrapha, are you sure your version of the driver supports your GPU ? are you sure "nouveau" is blacklisted ?12:20
raphaaha, "blacklist nouveau", one thing to try12:20
R4v3nhermano, I have no experience with USB headsets, sorry. Good old mini-jack :)12:20
johnny_is this a irc channel?12:20
raphamy gpu is an RTX2060 i'd sure hope that'd be supported by 51512:21
raphajohnny_: yes it is12:21
R4v3nit seems johnny_12:21
R4v3nrapha, driver from ubuntu's repo or the script from the nvidia website ?12:22
R4v3nshould have disabled nouveau itself so12:22
R4v3nwhich GPU ? which nvidia driver version ?12:23
raphaah ok12:23
raphaRTX2060 and driver 51512:23
raphaR4v3n: https://i.imgur.com/dUFkqUD.png12:23
raphajust found out that i might want to try blacklisting i2c_nvidia_gpu ... rebooting now, but it usually takes 8-10 minutes12:26
R4v3ntoo recent stuff for me but, look at your top lines in your dmesg. "module verification failed" seems not cool as it taints kernel12:26
raphaisn't that normal for binary modules R4v3n?12:26
ograrapha, di you use the -server package of the driver ?12:26
raphayes, ogra12:26
raphaperhaps that's for enterprise hardware only? mine is a consumer card..12:27
ograhmm, hat should work then12:27
R4v3nweird, I don't have those messages on all my setups (with nvidia driver from ubuntu's repos, or with the script from nvidia website)12:27
raphathe server is a DELL PowerEdge R820 rack server for what it's worth ... before that the card was in a PowerEdge T320 which is a tower.12:27
raphaR4v3n: the i2c message stuff i remember having on the T320 as well. the others, can't remember.12:28
R4v3n(i'm using Supermicro ang Gigabyte servers, no dells ^^)12:29
raphawhat i can definitely say about the dells is that the mechanical design is super practical and sometimes downright sexy12:30
raphathings like lifting the balcony with the top 2 CPUs and their RAM out and putting it back in are just superbly done12:31
R4v3nwell, pretty simple on supermicro's multinodes racks too :) and half the price of Dell12:33
helloworldV2how to i scroll in irssi?12:36
raphapg up pg down, no?12:38
raphaR4v3n: okay, problem found. my custom power cable isn't up to snuff. i thought i could get away without Sense A / Sense B, alas, apparently not.12:43
raphaat least it seems the drivers are correctly installed.12:44
raphaR4v3n: https://i.imgur.com/dl5iHnc.jpg ... unsure about the lower left and upper right pins on the motherboard connector (right in the picture). from what i think to understand about the PCI-E specs, Sense A and B should either be GND or not connected at all ... so went for not connected at all.12:47
oerheksirssi, for page up and down, see this bind command https://askubuntu.com/a/65181112:47
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
BluesKajHi all12:57
matt_hello. I have an issue on Ubuntu 22.04 where if I use a browser that nests the focus with dialog boxes, I eventually can't do anything because the mouse focus seems to be on another "layer". Example: open email. Click attachment button. Firefox nothing happens. Chrome will at least open file browsing window but then can press the submit button to complete the attachment presumably because it thinks the focus is still on the file browsing12:57
matt_window maybe?12:57
R4v3nrapha, can't you find an adapter, to copy the design or to order it ? That could be cleaner :)13:43
raphadell doesn't tell you about even the existence of a 12V connector13:45
raphalet alone its specs13:45
raphalet alone a cable like this13:45
raphathis is datacenter hardware, it's not supposed to have a feckin GPU in it13:46
raphaand i had to saw off part of the GPU's plastic covering to make it physically fit13:46
R4v3nrapha, i mean a bit of search like this : https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/cpu-power-connected-to-gpu.3716574/13:46
raphabut if i succeed i will have 48 CPU cores and 384 GB of RAM to play Tomb Raider on mwahahahah13:46
SudoBashServer hardware isn't really geared towards that sort of workload...13:47
R4v3nrapha, oh yes yes I know that. My 8 GPUs gigabyte server at work is design for quadros & teslas only. But unofficially, gigabyte is selling an adapter for GTX GPU ^^13:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:47
raphaSudoBash: i have 2000W of power available. the GPU needs 160W. i've staked this out very well.13:47
raphasorry ravage13:48
raphaR4v3n: got a link to that server?13:48
SudoBashit's not that, server CPU's aren't really designed for gaming, but server workloads?13:48
raphajust a j/k SudoBash ... it'll for CUDA13:48
raphathx R4v3n13:48
R4v3n8x 1080Ti13:48
R4v3nfor opencl13:49
raphaalso, R4v3n it's using Ubuntu ;)13:49
R4v3npretty great :)13:49
R4v3nit is13:49
* rapha bookmarks that to show to the boss when things are too slow again13:49
R4v3nSudoBash, well, games are not really design for CPUs :D I mean, games are not that hard with CPUs, compared to some scientific algorithms13:49
R4v3nrapha, that's an "old" model, I bet there's a newer13:50
raphawe always buy old ... academia ... money's always tight13:50
R4v3nbtw it's pretty loud when it's loaded (and eat a lot of power)13:50
R4v3nbut it's a great machine13:50
SudoBashGo try gaming on a XEON and come back and let us know performance and of any crashes you experience13:50
R4v3nSudoBash, on Linux or Windows ? :D13:51
raphaoh the R820 is loud as well ... think starting turboprop when it's booting up13:51
R4v3nbecause on windows, no problem13:51
R4v3nSudoBash, I have some good old Itanium2 somewhere, I could try :p13:51
gordonjcpI'm using a dual Xeon machine right now13:51
raphaSudoBash: i have in fact done this ... Shadow of the Tomb Raider ... no crash. insane performance. the GPU become the only bottleneck, it's like letting it off a leash.13:51
gordonjcpwhat do you want to test?13:51
SudoBashMaybe my CPU was bad when I tried then?13:52
raphagordonjcp: i'm stuffing an RTX into a rack server which is not made for it. i just wanted confirmation that Sense A and Sense B are intended to be pulled low to GND.13:52
gordonjcprapha: probably13:52
raphaSudoBash: perhaps ... Xeons are very stable in my experience.13:52
gordonjcprapha: weirdly my HP Z800 needs a bit sawn out of the plastic-and-metal card support lid to let me fit a GTX97013:53
SudoBashyea, for server loads, I always read that's what they were optimized for instead of desktop work loads13:53
raphagordonjcp: same here! only plastic though. had to saw off about 6cm.13:53
gordonjcpSudoBash: the Xeon is pretty good for video editing13:53
gordonjcpSudoBash: ludicrous RAM bandwidth, which is what you need13:53
R4v3nbtw rapha, now we are using EPYCs for our CPU algorithms, that's great for the price, very great13:53
gordonjcprapha: yeah I think I need to mill out a bit of the plastic to leave room13:54
raphaR4v3n: it's OCR in my case. and I/O speed (and consequently CPU) is the bottleneck before the data have been uploaded to the GPU. then for a brief period the GPU can become maxed out. but yeah, if i was given enough budget i bet it would be awesome to mix EPYC CPUs with something like a modern Tesla ... alas, all i get is this RTX2060.13:55
raphagordonjcp: GTX980 is what i use for gaming at home btw. no money in the bank for an RTX, i assume same for you?13:56
ArlionGood Morning, I'm troubleshooting a very weird issue I've seen once every couple of months now. systemd appears to re-init, which kicks the journal and network process to also restart. This directly effects keepalived to failover. https://paste.centos.org/view/f1798dde13:57
ArlionAnyone seen anything like this. Exactly nothing appears in the logs.13:57
oerheksArlion, and what doe the centos guys say of this?13:58
Arlioni didn't want to log into ubuntu to make a paste.13:58
Arlionthey are ubuntu 1813:58
ArlionSo, in the same night. My other openstack environment does the exact same thing, and my ceph cluster. In the same night. I lost keepalived to failover on a dozen different servers and I don't have anything to move on13:59
gordonjcprapha: yeah I can't really justify that sort of money, tbh14:00
oerheks18.04 got an systemd update today; https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/systemd14:00
gordonjcprapha: I could buy a ridiculous machine for video editing but it's a hobby, if it was a tool for a job then I'd spend the money14:00
Arlionso i was hesitant to blame automatic patching because the automatic patching kicks off 30-60 minutes after the outage...14:01
Arlionsystemd restart at: [Wed Sep 14 05:20:44 2022], unattended upgrades kicks off at "2022-09-14 06:20:51,402 INFO Packages that will be upgraded:"14:03
Arlionall my servers are set to utc time to, so i have no reason to believe a tz issue in these logs14:03
Arlionnysk: test recieved14:03
Arlionoerheks: after doing more research i think i have enough to go on to resolve this issue. I'm tired of waking up at 2am to resolve this issue so i appreciate your time.14:10
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
tomreynArlion: are you saying no messages were logged by journald between Aug 30 and Sep 14?14:17
tomreynthat would be a really long time for no logs14:17
Arlionthat is dmesg, of course journal is logging, but nothing in those logs are antyhing remotly interesting. just auditd and every minute crontab kicking off.14:18
ArlionMy current solution is to apt-mark hold haproxy, keepalived and haproxy.14:19
tomreyni see. i can't come up with a good theory as to what might trigger the systemd restart other than unattended-upgrades14:19
oerheksonly the recent update today, 20 hrs ago?14:20
Arlionyea, i would agree with you just this time and last time the unattended upgrades ran 30-60 minutes after systemd restarting. So yeah, im setting those packages on hold and see how things change.14:20
tomreynyou just listed haproxy twice.14:20
Arlionkeepalived, haproxy and systemd14:20
Arlionoerheks: all logs are in ITC14:20
=== `ryban_ is now known as `ryban
tomreyni assume lastlog didn't provide any insight either?14:22
tomreynbut if you have auditd you're probably catching logins seperately anyways14:22
tomreynyou could check systemd timers and atd, too14:23
tomreynthe better place to discuss server miracles may be #ubuntu-server btw.14:24
tomreyni still don't understand why these events would cause keepalived to trigger a failover.14:25
hayshow would someone get a locale of C.UTF locale vs one that specifies the country code?14:28
haysubuntu 22.0414:28
raphagordonjcp: fair enough. and if the hobby is video editing and not gaming then the GTX instead of an RTX makes perfect sense, too.14:29
Arlionsystemd restart causes network restart, which keepalived sees as an outage, so it fails over. Except all servers restart at the same time causing keepalived to assign no slave.14:31
coconuthays, try gnome-language-selector14:35
haysthere is no gnome14:35
coconuthays, what DE you have installed then?14:35
coconutthen i don't know14:36
Arlionhays: https://askubuntu.com/questions/193251/how-to-set-all-locale-settings-in-ubuntu14:39
lagunai tried to install some updates but there seems to be broken dependencies15:03
lotuspsychjelaguna: can you share in a !paste bin please?15:04
lagunalotuspsychje i have a couple of lines of output how do i pastebin it15:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:05
lagunalotuspsyche here is link for broken packages https://dpaste.com/DZ3NPA2CJ15:07
oerheksrun a proper sudo apt update first?15:07
lagunaoerheks i did15:07
lagunaoerheks there is a version mismatch in the dependencies15:08
jhutchinsIs there an equivalent of "logwatch" for systemd journals?15:09
lotuspsychje!info logwatch15:09
ubottulogwatch (7.5.6-1ubuntu1, jammy): log analyser with nice output written in Perl. In component main, is optional. Built by logwatch. Size 370 kB / 2,281 kB15:09
oerhekslaguna try; sudo apt install -f15:13
oerheksor/and sudo dpkg --configure -a15:13
lagunaoerheks sudo apt install -f whatfile15:13
oerheksno, just apt install -f15:14
lotuspsychjejhutchins: cant journactl log systemd logs too?15:14
lagunaoerheks that did not fix the bad dependencies posted in the url at dpaste15:14
=== argonaut_ is now known as argonaut
lagunaoerheks i also tried the dpkg command but it did not fix the broken dependencies either15:15
geniiYou could just try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-release-upgrader-core=1:22.04.1315:16
oerheksi am not sure where 1:22.04.13 comes from, as dependencie15:17
lagunagenii it says it is already set to newest version ...1315:17
lagunagenii the problem is it wants to install 14 but another ubuntu package needs 1315:18
lagunagenii look at the dpaste i posted15:18
geniiAlternately find the ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt deb file in /var/cache/archives and tell it to ignore dependency warnings with sudo dpkg -i --force-depends15:19
oerheks apt show ubuntu-release-upgrader-core15:20
oerheksapt-cache depends ubuntu-release-upgrader-core15:21
oerhekscan you pastebin the output?15:22
lagunaoerheks ok here is the output of show https://dpaste.com/29SCG34JP15:23
lagunaoeheks i might try what genii said about dpkg --force-depends15:24
iorialaguna, maybe also 'apt-cache policy ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt '15:25
lagunaoerheks but that doesn't really fix the broken dependency issue15:25
geniilaguna: I wrote the path incorrectly earlier, the deb file should be somewhere in /var/cache/apt/archives/15:25
ioriathe new version ( 1:22.04.14) is in jammy-updates/universe  not in universe , you should have it already enabled15:26
iorialaguna,   check  your  'apt-cache policy ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt '15:27
lagunaioria ok here is policy output https://dpaste.com/73MCEBDYX15:28
iorialaguna, k it's still (phased 70%)15:28
iorialaguna, you need to wait a bit15:28
lagunaioria ok i will wait and see if it corrects itself15:29
ioriayou can force it ofc, if you are in hurry :þ15:29
lagunagenii instead of --force-depends i think i will just wait a while15:30
* genii wanders back to the coffeepot15:31
ledenilaguna, sudo apt-mark hold ubuntu-release-upgrader-core && sudo apt upgrade15:32
ogralaguna, they are phased updates ... just be patient15:34
ogra(or alternatively mention both packages in an apt install command to force-override the phasing)15:34
ogra(oops ... totally missed that ioria already mentioned that 🙂 )15:35
lagunaledeni that stopped the broken package issue but i am not sure if the package installed15:36
ograno. that does the opposite ("mark hold" completely blocks it from upgrading)15:37
lagunaogra well how will i upgrade it later15:37
ledenilaguna, ok now sudo apt-mark unhold ubuntu-release-upgrader-core && sudo apt upgrade15:37
ograright ... you unlock it with "apt-mark unhold ..." again15:38
lagunaledeni ok now it has the broken package sign again..i guess i will just wait15:38
ogra(but i doubt that changes the phasing ... to force the upgrade you'd do "apt install ubuntu-release-upgrader-core ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt" ... that makes apt ignore the phasing)15:39
lagunaok ogra that fixed the broken package and all the ubuntus installed 1415:41
lagunaogra thanks ogra that was good advice15:41
webchat28I have an issue I think is a bug with either kernel or auditd.  I am using the Ubuntu official 20.04 LTS images, and I have random issues with the instances launched having broken auditd start.  including error "Error receiving audit netlink packet (No buffer space available)"15:51
jellyledeni, I already have a dozen profiles, usually each running their own ssh command.  I want ssh to different machines, as tabs in one window, preferably not to have to type in those literal ssh or autossh commands but pick them from a menu.15:51
webchat28Looking for proper channel to get help15:51
webchat28I can trigger the odd behavior by applying the CIS recommended remediation of adding "audit_backlog_limit=8192" to kernel boot command line15:52
jellyledeni, don't think a single default profile would help.  I already have a default profile and want one or more tabs of that, and also one tab with other profile, in same window.15:53
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alkisgjelly: I'm not using gnome, so just an idea, you could check for a related gsetting in a file maybe called /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.terminal.gschema.xml, or if no related setting exists, apt install mate-terminal, it still supports it16:04
* johnny_ I am a developer16:14
johnny_Is there somone??16:14
jhutchinsjohnny_: Over 1000 people here last I checked.16:14
johnny_I'm trying to enter in #debina16:15
* ogra also always goes to #fedora to tell people he will now enter #ubuntu 😛16:18
alkisgI'm running `ua enable usg` and it ways "Ubuntu Security Guid is not available for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)", is that temporary, and if so, any ETA?16:27
alkisgThe only reference I find about it is in https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-advantage-client/issues/2156, in which they want to hide unavailable services... if usg is not available anymore, did something replace it?16:36
ubottuIssue 2156 in canonical/ubuntu-advantage-client "'ua status' includes unavailable services in the default output" [Closed]16:36
ledenijelly, you looking something like this https://imgur.com/a/lHFPt8X16:37
ograalkisg, sounds worth filing a new issue IMHO16:38
alkisgogra: thanks, where, on that github tracker?16:38
ograyeah, with that error message you see16:38
alkisgThanks, doing16:38
alkisgDone, https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-advantage-client/issues/224516:45
ubottuIssue 2245 in canonical/ubuntu-advantage-client "usg not available for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS" [Open]16:45
clarkkI'm reading this guide to accessing a system remotely.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers  It says I have to go to System > Preferences > Remote Desktop, but I only have (root) access to the system via ssh. Is there any way for me to configure this?16:51
alkisgclarkk: is that ubuntu gnome 22.04 desktop with wayland?16:54
clarkkalkisg, It's the latest ubuntu 22.04 with gnome. Not sure if it's wayland.16:54
alkisgAnd you have something like autologin enabled locally, and then you want to VNC to it remotely?16:55
ravageclarkk, /org/gnome/desktop/remote-desktop/rdp/enable is the dconf path gor remote-desktop for example16:57
clarkkI haven't really set anything up on it. I just had time to install the system and had to leave16:57
ravageif you want to find out what all GUI settings do you can try it on a system you have GUI access to and run "dconf watch /"16:57
ravageit will watch all changes you do on the GUI16:57
clarkklocally I only have 20.04 unfortunately16:57
ravagestart a VM16:58
clarkkravage, what is the file that dconf edits?16:59
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ravageits a GVariant Database file17:01
ravagedo not edit it directly17:01
clarkkif I can get someone to do it for me at the remote location, can I then use remmina to connect to it?17:02
clarkkok, I'll give it a go and come back if I can't get it working. Thanks a lot17:03
ravageyou can try it remotely too but i think setting the login user and password is a little tricky17:03
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Morpheus_37*¨* server ./server irc.brasirc.org *¨*17:43
oerheksno spam here, Morpheus_3717:44
Morpheus_37<>-oerheks-<>: *¨* _)_ *¨*17:44
oerheks!ot | Morpheus_3717:44
ubottuMorpheus_37: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:44
Morpheus_37<>-oerheks-<>: *¨* funkyou *¨*17:45
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant17:46
arkanoidhow can I have teamviewer like for linnux17:48
arkanoideverything I try opens a new session17:49
oerheksthe teamvieuwer site gives an Ubuntu deb download and howto, but not supported by us17:50
oerheksbuild in remote control, xrdp, x2go, are other options17:51
OnkelTemHi. Why do we keep seeing this after every fresh Ubuntu install: "locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory"17:58
ravageOnkelTem, rub "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales"18:02
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ravage*running may work better than rubbing it18:02
oerhekssudo locale-gen "en_US.UTF-8" && sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales ;; that is if you are in the US18:03
Gallomimiawhat is this pending update of the snap store? i don't seem to know how to update that one. i learned to snap refresh when those popups said X program needs a new... i've updated to LTS and run command line tools for updating things and it persists in telling me i need an update to avoid disruptions18:04
arkanoidoerheks: xrdp and x2go opens a new session, doesn't change what happens in front of the real user18:04
arkanoidoerheks: just had success with rustdesk, yay!18:04
ravageGallomimia, keep the snap store closed for a while and it will auto update. or close it and run "sudo snap refresh"18:04
Gallomimia..... closed? it is not open18:05
GallomimiaPS what snap store?18:05
oerheksphased updates, just wait for it.18:05
ravagethe one that open when you type "snap-store" into your terminal18:05
Gallomimiahaving never done that.... what gives you the impression it might be open?18:06
ravagerun "sudo snap refresh snap-store"18:06
ravageit may complain about a running process18:06
Gallomimiaindeed it does... ubuntu-software pids 299618:07
ravage"kill 2996"18:07
ravagethen try again18:07
Gallomimiathe way that paragraph at the top reads oerheks i'm probably someone who wants to wait and see?18:08
ravagei dont think any phased updates are involved here18:08
ravagethis it a snap thing18:08
Gallomimiasnapity dapity, it runs real crapity18:09
ravagethe desktop expericence needs improvements for sure. but thats what we have to deal with atm18:09
Gallomimiamy experience with 21.10 led me to believe they're ditching a bunch of gnu to change license models or something, and the state of transition as that shift happens was... painful18:10
ravageGallomimia, feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-discuss18:10
jhutchinsThe desktop "market" is still a novelty, servers is where the big developments happen.18:10
Gallomimiaya seems to me most of the revenue involved at canonical is around subs for server support. sounds like it would be a lot of fun to use systems with those advanced capabilities. let's try to not discuss in support tho18:11
Gallomimiaanyway, it seems the kill command allowed the refresh to happen and things are looking a bit more normal18:12
urrra43irssi or weechat18:13
Gallomimiais there any way to corral notifications into a window that i can move around, or to at least duplicate the menu bar to another screen besides main?18:13
oerheksurrra43, no.18:13
Gallomimiamy main screen needs to be the main screen for many reasons. would love to move the top menu bar around, put in more than one place... etc.18:13
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kinghatoh ya i was just looking to ask about updating code but snap was saying: error: cannot refresh "code": snap "code" has running apps (code), pids: 3092118:16
ograyeah, stop it and try again18:16
oerhekssudo killall code18:16
kinghatonly way via kill 30921?18:17
oerheksif that is the real name18:17
ograwhy would an edior have any background processes running18:17
Gallomimiawell i don't know what code is as far as a program goes but. it's better if you tell the program to quit itself. save changes. write out configuration files. etc.18:17
kinghatwhy doesnt snap have control over the snap app thats running 🤔18:17
kinghatvisual studio code18:18
Gallomimiaon that subject yeah. snap should have an option -flag or something to allow sending a signal to the app in question prior to proceeding with the refresh18:18
oerheksif this is vscode, it is wonky..18:18
kinghati exited code normally18:18
ograthe snap-store (alias gnome-software) is actually running a user session daemon .... but code surely should not18:18
kinghati dont show any code processes running either18:18
Gallomimiahm. well, time to start asking who made that snap you're running, and whether they hid any hitch hikers inside18:19
oerhekstop might show it?18:19
ograkinghat, snap *does* have control ... but the snap would also auto-update quietly ... would you want it to close the window for you loosing your open projects while you are in the middle of typing a line ?18:19
Gallomimiano one suggested it should kill -9 the program. the program SHOULD catch a sigterm and ask you if you want to save18:20
ograGallomimia, the code snap comes actually from icrosoft themselves (see "snap info code" )18:20
kinghathtop shows no process with that id or "code" as the name.18:21
Gallomimiacuriouser and curiouser18:21
kinghatogra: no but also ive exited the app so it should be able to update18:21
ograwell, *something* from the snap is running ... snapd is clever enough in that regard18:21
kinghatcan snapd tell me that?18:22
ogranot really ...18:22
ograprobably thorough some magic via the kernels cgroups ...18:22
kinghat30921 ?        Ss     0:00 gpg-agent --homedir /home/kinghat/.gnupg --use-standard-socket --daemon18:24
ograthats the key agent from your desktop18:25
ograserving your security keys18:25
kinghatwhy would that hold up code snap?18:26
ograwhat makes you think it does18:26
kinghat$ sudo snap refresh code18:27
kinghaterror: cannot refresh "code": snap "code" has running apps (code), pids: 3092118:27
ograso code probably conected to it18:27
ograkill it then ...18:27
kinghatkill code or the agent?18:27
ograthe pid snapd tells you about18:28
kinghatwill that effect anything using or going to use the agent?18:29
kinghatguess we'll find out. killed and refreshed. thanks18:30
ograkinghat, if it came frm the desktop it would respawn anyway18:30
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jhutchinsI wish the packagers would do a better job of using the "games" classification; possibly restrict games from running under any user not in group "games".18:53
jhutchinsIt's parental and draconian, but somtimes it would be convenient to disable games for some users18:54
alkisgYou can do it yourself, it's not a suitable default18:54
alkisgYou can also create a program to allow playing hours18:55
ShadowWolfanyone know where I can find the ubuntu kernel list?18:55
rbasakShadowWolf: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kernel-team18:55
ShadowWolfrbasak , tnks, I need a list of at least the last ones, do you know where I can find it?19:01
sarnoldShadowWolf: can you rephrase your question?19:01
ShadowWolfI need to list the latest available kernel releases19:02
ShadowWolffor develop in api internal19:03
sarnoldapt-cache search linux-image   is pretty good start19:03
ShadowWolfyes, it can't be this one.19:04
ShadowWolfI need develop a script that will get it from a ubuntu repository.19:05
ravageShadowWolf, https://help.launchpad.net/API/19:07
sarnoldShadowWolf: apt-get update && apt-cache search linux-image ?19:07
rbasakShadowWolf: I think it would help if you could explain the actual problem you're trying to solve19:08
ShadowWolfi Work with support fixing kernel crashes in bugs. a lot of the problems are from corrupted kernels, I'm automating kernel repair,for this, i need some canonical api where i can search the latest kernels.for this, I need some canonial api or kernel list  where I can search the latest kernels and through script install them on the machines.19:13
ShadowWolfI currently do it manually19:14
sarnoldso... I'd expect the kernel updates to be installed automatically by unattended-upgrades -- I'm really curious why this isn't a matter of "reboot into the newest kernel"?19:15
ShadowWolfthrough another device, I access the HD and list the faulty kernel and paste the same kernel19:15
rbasakWhat do you mean by "corrupted kernels" and "kernel repair"?19:16
ShadowWolfI notice, when someone does some installation and the equipment does not boot.19:16
ShadowWolfThe user has made improper changes to the system.19:17
rbasakFor physical hardware, the linux-image-generic metapackage always depends on the latest kernel. Can't you just install that?19:18
ShadowWolfI'm seeing a way to automate.19:20
ShadowWolfWhere it would get the kernel from the url and automatically insert it19:20
sarnoldwhen a user comes to you with a problem, what steps do you take to troubleshoot and fix it?19:20
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »19:21
ShadowWolf146 / 5.00019:22
ShadowWolfResultados de tradução19:22
ShadowWolfTry to boot the equipment, via terminal "f7", when it gets to me, it has already gone through 2 previous steps. I am called only in the latter case.19:22
rbasakWhy do you want a url to use directly instead of using apt?19:24
ShadowWolfbecause it does not boot the system, I connect the HD to another device and perform the repair, check the kernel that is on the HD, and insert it manually.19:25
ShadowWolfThen I put it back and use APT to fix more things.19:26
sarnoldmy guesses: (a) you should be ask grub to boot into an earlier kernel or a recovery mode and skip removing the hard drive (b) if for some reason reinstalling the package is actually necessary, you should be able to use apt install --reinstall <whatver kernel package>19:27
ravageand how does a link help you here? you should be able to enter the system on the HDD with chroot and fix it19:27
ravageyou could probably push some diag/fix script on there and run it19:27
ravageit only needs some scripting with ap19:27
sarnoldI've never actually seen a kernel or modules corrupted in such a way to require a reinstall, so it's definitely worth figuring out what your users are doing that put you in this situation19:27
ravageit is already really hard to also kill the older kernel available in the grub menu19:29
ravagenot my accident19:29
ShadowWolfI fix it with Caine, I'm creating a script to "Automate" it goes and automatically checks the version and then goes there on the kernel site.....ubuntu for example and already installs the same version as before.19:29
jhutchinsI've maybe seen a corrupt initrd, but that was corrupted when it was created.19:29
ShadowWolfsarnold, I work in a company that develops programs for linux19:31
rbasakAh - so you already know the specific package name and version, and want a URL to the pristine binary for it? Even if it's not currently available via apt?19:32
ShadowWolftnks for help.19:34
rbasakYou go to eg. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/amd64/linux-image-unsigned-5.15.0-47-generic/5.15.0-47.5119:34
rbasakThere's a download URL from there.19:34
rbasakTo automate, this is also available via API.19:35
johnny_linuxthe big task would be able to make sure the url is up to date19:36
rbasakIf you want the up-to-date package, then you can use apt to get the URL, even if not on the target machine.19:37
ravageif you attach the HDD to a working system with internet it really should be no big deal to get the broken system online19:38
ravageif the problem is only a broken kernel19:38
ShadowWolfravage, yes , i already to day. I want automate this.19:39
ravageand as sarnold said: if the problem is always the same and you can use the same commands to fix it all the time maybe better find out what happens19:39
ShadowWolfIt can be via Api or URL, as long as it is direct from canonal19:39
ravageyou can find the apt commands above really19:40
ravagedpkg-query -W -f '${db:Status-Status} ${Package}\n' 'linux-image-[0-9]*' | awk '$1 == "installed" {print}'19:52
ravagejust as an example on how to get the installed kernels19:52
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jhutchinsI thought we weren't supposed to use apt or aptitude for scripts.19:53
sarnoldravage: heh I wonder if that's better or worse than whatI came up with, dpkg -l | awk '$1 ~ /ii/ && $2 ~ /linux-image/ {print $0;}'19:55
sarnoldwho knows if that's actually useful, but I was curious of awk could cope with two conditions on a line :)19:55
ravagewell. it is different :D19:56
maggamy god damn bluetooth crashes sometimes20:18
maggawhere its just off20:19
maggaand nothing happens when i try to turn it on again20:19
maggai have to restart my machine to get it to work20:19
maggashould i try en reinstall my bluetooth or smth?20:19
maggaany tips?20:19
maggaHost: 20YG006BMX ThinkPad E15 Gen 3  | OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS x86_64 btw20:19
toddcmagga: you might try to run on live usb to test if it is a software or hardware issue. or if you have a usb bluetooth reciver would also be a good test20:27
EriC^^magga: might be helpful to view /var/log/syslog after it happens20:28
maggaEriC^^ whats the command again to keep reading the log in real time20:30
maggayeah but i want to keep the buffer open20:31
magganothing happens20:32
sarnoldtail -F ?20:32
sarnolddmesg -w ?20:32
magganothing happens when i try to enable it from thE UI20:32
maggaSep 14 22:32:35 lillemagga kernel: [57977.323768] audit: type=1400 audit(1663187555.553:2775485): apparmor="DENIED" operation="ptrace" profile="snap.discord.discord" pid=64300 comm="Utils" requested_mask="read" denied_mask="read" peer="unconfined"20:32
maggabut this message keeps coming in20:32
maggaalmots every 5 second20:32
maggadunno what it is. but something to do with snap discord?20:33
sarnoldmagga: https://github.com/snapcrafters/discord/issues/2320:33
ubottuIssue 23 in snapcrafters/discord "AppArmor denial cluttering systemd logs" [Open]20:33
maggaokay that message is gone20:35
magganothing happens tho, when i try to enable the bluetooth20:35
maggabut it works instantly if i reboot20:35
maggaits almost like the UI is bugged. cause i can slide it to the right, but its still blank.20:35
maggathe bluetooth power20:36
sarnoldyeah :/ bluetooth is pretty buggy stuff, on linux anyway :(20:36
maggaanyway i can reinstall it ?20:36
maggai remember i did something to try get my airpods to work20:36
maggathe microphone on them20:36
geniiThere's also the case of you might have a physical key or key combo if it's a laptop which toggles the bluetooth on and off20:37
maggaSep 14 22:35:36 lillemagga kernel: [58158.256978] Bluetooth: hci0: Failed to read MSFT supported features (-110)20:37
maggaSep 14 22:36:18 lillemagga systemd[2604]: Started Application launched by gnome-shell.20:37
maggaSep 14 22:36:22 lillemagga kernel: [58203.900895] Bluetooth: hci0: urb 00000000b819b5e4 failed to resubmit (113)20:37
maggaSep 14 22:36:32 lillemagga kernel: [58213.676460] Bluetooth: hci0: Failed to read MSFT supported features (-110)20:37
maggagot these messages now btw20:37
genii( and then you have to use that key/combo together with rfkill to actually turn the thing on)20:37
maggagenii: dont think its that20:38
maggacause it happens sometimes when i try to connect to a bluetooth device20:38
johnny_linuxnice to see genii from 2008. evening.20:39
* genii slides johnny_linux a topped up mug, then wanders back to the coffeepot20:40
maggabtw guys ^20:40
maggahere is what i get when i run sudo systemctl status bluetooth.service20:41
geniimagga: What does: rfkill list     ...say?20:42
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maggatheres no way to manually reinstall the bluetooth stuff ?20:45
maggaor install some better manager20:45
oerheksi fixed bluetooth by installing bluez20:47
oerheksafter discover, pairing, trusting, it works as a charm with the standard tool20:48
johnny_linuxeven generic dongals work great with "bluez"20:49
oerheks!info bluez20:49
ubottubluez (5.64-0ubuntu1, jammy): Bluetooth tools and daemons. In component main, is optional. Built by bluez. Size 1,081 kB / 3,671 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)20:49
maggaoerheks: i'll test it out20:49
oerheksjust make sure your device is not connected to any phone or laptop, i made that mistake too.20:50
magga❯ sudo snap install bluez20:52
maggabluez (20/stable) 5.53-7 from Canonical✓ installed20:52
maggawhat now20:52
oerheksmenu > bluez20:52
maggahmm cant find it :o20:52
johnny_linuxalso, make a woring startup20:53
maggais bluez an application20:54
maggacause i cant find it20:54
maggaafter installing it via snap20:54
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maggabrb reboot20:54
ograerm ... bluez is installed by default (because it is the default bluetooth stack of ubuntu-desktop)20:55
maggaoh :D20:55
johnny_linuxnot true20:56
ograthe bluez snap is rather to be used on UbuntuCore IoT device installs20:56
maggawell my bluetooth is working again (since i rebooted :D)20:56
johnny_linux20.04, had to install it20:56
maggabut bluez is not something you can open20:56
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ograjohnny_linux, it is a dependency of ubuntu-desktop since many years ...20:57
sarnoldogra: heh, it'd be nice if snap info bluez could report that it's not ideal for desktop users20:57
ogramagga, right ...20:57
ograsarnold, well, it does no harm i think ...20:58
ograit is just cruft if you install it20:58
sarnoldyeah, perhaps..20:58
oerheksmagga, it does, a bit like windows 3.11 gui :-D20:58
grvhi guys, just a small question, it happen only at me that usb flash drives have big issues regarding unmounting, especially during system shutdowns? too mich times take a looooong time to unmount and shutdown the system..20:58
maggaguys what does: wc -l /etc/bluetooth/main.conf give you?20:59
johnny_linuxmy first comp was a 1986 ps2 ibm  clone w,3.120:59
johnny_linuxim almost 80 yrs old.20:59
maggaoerheks: how do i open it lol?20:59
ogramagga, bluez has no gui apps20:59
maggathats what i thought lol21:00
ograthere is the bluetoothctl command though ...21:00
maggawhat does wc -l /etc/bluetooth/main.conf give you?21:00
oerheksoh, bluez is names bluetooth manager.. weird21:00
grvjohnny_linux, respect...21:00
* oerheks files a bugreport21:00
johnny_linuxty, u 221:00
johnny_linuxubuntu is the next gen of computing.. give it time.21:01
ograjohnny_linux, you started late then ... my first one was a VIC20 ... and i'm only 2/3 as old as you 🙂21:01
johnny_linuxorg i almost baught a trs 80.. the matrix chip which was  a 74 and not a ls74 failed21:02
ogra(we should probably carry that conversation over to #ubuntu-discuss though ... )21:03
johnny_linuxttl had its days21:03
johnny_linuxI wont go to that room, those people are contentious.21:04
gordonjcpjohnny_linux: strikes me you might have read Don Lancaster's TTL Cookbook and CMOS Cookbook21:11
gordonjcpbut, -ot21:11
johnny_linuxI designed ttl21:11
noarbwhat's the current state of QT in ubuntu? Is this topic contentious? I really don't know. Don't see it mentioned much here. Is it mainly used as a widget toolkit so it's a matter of style, or is there more to it in 2022?21:12
johnny_linuxI am a retired ham radio / police radio / commercial radio repairman.. i stifle21:12
maggathanks for not checking btw guys21:12
maggaits so hard to run one command for me21:12
johnny_linuxhence the "schmidt trigger"21:13
johnny_linuxI will be quiet now.21:13
ogramagga, 8921:13
maggamine is 121:13
maggawtf ?21:13
oerhekswe are at qt5, so the factoid is old21:14
ubottuthe Qt toolkit (pronounced "cute"), which forms the base of !KDE, is a cross-platform C++ application framework for !CLI and !GUI applications. Install libqt4-dev and see !build to compile Qt4 applications, join #qt for development support21:14
sarnoldnoarb: there's a #kubuntu channel that probably talks about qt quite a bit more21:15
ograprobably about nothing else 🙂21:15
oerhekssarnold, your assumption is acceptable21:16
ogramagga, mine is 86 of commented out lines ... and only one actual option set at the end21:16
TecklaIn my head, I'm not sure I'll ever be able to stop saying "queue tee" instead of "cute"21:16
sarnoldoerheks: I just hope it's close to true! :D21:17
sarnoldTeckla: same21:17
maggaOki ty for checking21:18
Tecklasarnold: Glad I'm not alone  :)21:18
jhutchinsTeckla: Gif as in Graphics, not peanut butter.21:25
Tecklajhutchins: haha yes, I agree  :)21:28
* johnny_linux is now known as queue_tee21:30
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=== rooferdave4 is now known as rooferdave
johnny_linuxI have a aggregated respect for "ubuntu". @ the time I was exploring bsd 3.6 and mandrake @ that time, Ubuntu came across my bbs and i decided to try it.. 6.0 made a believer in me.21:48
johnny_linux7.04 made my day, it was then that, Ubuntu was my distro of choice.21:51
johnny_linuxubuntu needs a "MyPillow" clause .. or your money back.22:04
johnny_linuxdoes any-one have experience with "bytzvpn" on ubuntu ?   aka.  https://bytzvpn.com23:13
arraybolt3johnny_linux: Never used it, but Riseup VPN from the Snap Store works well for what I need it for.23:15
arraybolt3(Also to get the bot to ping you, use !ping)23:15
johnny_linuxinteresting.. i used riseup email and if tis the same.. it wasnt pleasant23:15
johnny_linuxim willing to bet, robert beats the pants off of riseup.. i have seen how they operate.23:17
johnny_linuxAll i wanted to know is.  if any-one used them andhow it worked.23:18
wezOpenVPN works great too23:23
wezand doesn't require going anywhere near snap23:23
johnny_linuxIn todays political warfare-some people have no-idea.23:25
wezOthers just don't care.23:25
johnny_linuxwell said23:25
johnny_linuxthey willfully dont have the capability, back in my day.. people did care.23:26
johnny_linuxIt was monetized politics that murdered my son.. 1 yr ago... he was 57.23:29
johnny_linuxI shut-up.23:30

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