
meenaholman: yeah, that's it.06:37
ubottuPull 1733 in canonical/cloud-init "NoCloud docs: make sure echo properly evaluates the string" [Open]14:13
holmanmeena: Mostly out of curiosity, would you mind sharing how newlines get interpreted on shell?14:57
meenaholman: it just prints "blah\nblubb" instead of14:57
holmanmeena: gotcha, thanks14:57
meenaholman: which cloud-init then reads as \n, rather than a newline14:58
holmanmakes sense, thanks14:58
meenaholman: my shell, btw, is fish. On Ubuntu.15:20
holmanmeena: nice, that's interesting15:20
meenawell, ElementaryOS, which is based on Ubuntu, but still15:20
holmannever used that one15:20
holmanmeena: I assumed incorrectly I see :)15:21
holmanno Freebsd?15:21
meenaholman: i bricked my freebsd laptop, and haven't had time to fix it… also, make check doesn't quite run on FreeBSD yet…15:21
holmanfish is one I've never tried - I use zsh these days, mostly because there are some really nice highlighting and autosuggestions (which I think fish also has too, right?)15:22
meenaholman: every thing you type, is basically running thru Ctrl+R15:24
meenaand it has syntax highlighting, so when you do a typo it shows it15:25
holmannice, that sounds similar15:26
holmanmeena: I used to work for an organization where anybody that didn't have an opinion about their shell was given csh/tcsh by default, which seemed like an odd choice to me15:26
meenaholman: i like tcsh… a little better than bash :P15:27
holmannothing wrong with tcsh, but for an inexperienced user I'd argue that bash probably has more stack exchange posts to help them along :)15:29
meenalol, yeah15:29
meenai have found another bug15:29
meenasshd isn't enabled on FreeBSD15:29
holmanmeena: ouch, is this a default change? or something that never worked?15:30
meenai reckon it's something that never worked15:30
meenaholman: cc_ssh.py doesn't enable / start the service…15:33
holmanI suspect that's because most linux server images probably have it enabled by default.15:34
meenaso the ssh keys are generated, but no ssh server started15:34
holmanmeena: related - I'd love to see pycloudlib support more than just ubuntu. Launching a bsd or a rhel or whatever to do some basic integration tests (such as "log in via ssh") would be a high-value litmus test.15:35
meenaholman: agreed, and it's on the plan15:35
holmanmeena: Nice! I think I only skimmed an early version of the plan, I'll have to re-read.15:36
meenaLet's submit that as bug report15:43
holmanAgreed, I think that deserves a report.15:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1989743 in cloud-init "cc_ssh: sshd is not enabled on *BSD" [Undecided, New]16:10
holman+1 thanks for filing meena16:46
cjp256i filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1989651 last night, but fwiw it's not a regression, seems like the behavior is at least a year old16:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1989651 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "_get_data() is invoked twice in init-local for Azure" [Undecided, New]16:56
* meena updated her Timezon @ https://launchpad.net/~minagalic17:58
meenai should also move cloud-init back up here https://github.com/igalic18:00
meenaoh, right: i can't get bootcmd to work20:08
meena  - sysrc -c sendmail_enable=NONE || sysrc sendmail_enable=NO20:09
meenais in my user-data, and the logs say:20:09
meenaso, it says it's applying, but I don't see that happening20:11
holmanmeena: bootcmd is a little tricky, a list of list of string behaves differently than a list of string20:54
holmanso if you add quotes around the whole command that should help20:54
holman- "sysrc -c sendmail_enable=NONE || sysrc sendmail_enable=NO"20:55
holmanwhen the command is a string, it gets executed in a shell, when it's just a list the list items are passed to execve on linux (not sure how that translates to bsds)20:55
holmanhold up I'm describing runcmd, not bootcmd20:56
meenaholman: no difference21:03
meenaoh, i didn't update the ci-data >_>21:07
meenawhy sendmail is enabled by default on FreeBSD is still beyond me21:10
meenaholman: switched to runcmd and it doesn't work either! fun…21:25
meenaoh i'm an idiot21:25
meenait should be - "sysrc -c sendmail_enable=NONE || sysrc sendmail_enable=NONE"21:29
meenaalso, I have managed to put a Cyrillic E (Е) in there…21:35
holmanheh, nice21:36
meenanext i need to figure out why set_hostname doesn't work, but update_etc_hosts does22:52

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