
jibelGood morning 05:28
dufluMorning jibel 05:38
* rs2009 waves05:50
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers05:53
rs2009hi jibel, duflu, oSoMoN06:38
ricotzgood morning desktopers06:44
didrocksgood morning06:45
dufluMorning rs2009, oSoMoN, ricotz, didrocks 06:46
didrockshey duflu 06:46
rs2009hey ricotz and didrocks06:46
seb128goood morning desktopers06:47
seb128lut didrocks, oSoMoN, hey ricotz duflu rs2009, how is everyone?06:47
rs2009hey seb128 :)06:47
didrockshey rs2009, seb128 06:53
dufluHi seb128, alright. How are you?07:03
seb128duflu, I'm alright, got most over the cold now and played some tennis yesterday evening07:08
oSoMoNhi rs2009, ricotz, didrocks, duflu, seb128 07:37
didrockssalut oSoMoN 07:38
seb128didrocks, do you think you will have time for the adsys/focal testcase this week? I would like to push on the SRU team to get the SRU reviewed since the service is only the first piece of a chain we need to land for Ubuntu Pro07:42
seb128bbiab, changing location08:02
seb128and I'm back08:31
didrocksseb128: done FYI, thanks for the ping back, it was 5 tabs on the left otherwise, which means probably not before EOW :p08:37
seb128didrocks, thanks!08:37
didrocksseb128: yw! Btw, if you haven’t noticed, iwd is ACKed08:38
seb128didrocks, I noticed thanks, it's on my todolist to sort out before eow, I still need to verify a n-m integration issue before unblocking the switch08:38
seb128thanks for the reminder though :)08:39
KGB-0gucharmap signed tags b11e8c6 Jeremy Bicha upstream/15.0.0 * Upstream version 15.0.0 * https://deb.li/39aYC10:33
KGB-0gucharmap upstream/latest dafb2ec Jeremy Bicha * pushed 20 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/vjGj10:34
KGB-0gucharmap upstream/latest 8038f1b Christian Persch meson.build * build: Post release version bump * https://deb.li/3sqjR10:34
KGB-0gucharmap upstream/latest 5b3d809 Christian Persch gucharmap/unicode-i18n.h * unicode: Update strings * https://deb.li/Cqcx10:34
KGB-0gucharmap upstream/latest a42053d Yuri Chornoivan po/uk.po * Update Ukrainian translation * https://deb.li/3bg4E10:34
KGB-0gucharmap upstream/latest e828e09 Ingo Brückl po/de.po * Update German translation * https://deb.li/6ayl10:34
KGB-0gucharmap upstream/latest 77d5674 Piotr Drąg po/pl.po * Update Polish translation * https://deb.li/3CjfF10:34
KGB-0gucharmap pristine-tar 913e65c Jeremy Bicha gucharmap_15.0.0.orig.tar.bz2.delta gucharmap_15.0.0.orig.tar.bz2.id * pristine-tar data for gucharmap_15.0.0.orig.tar.bz2 * https://deb.li/ixjDI10:35
lissyxseb128, speech-dispatcher not yet fixed with 0.11.2 on 22.04 ?11:58
seb128lissyx, which issue? I SRUed https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/speech-dispatcher/0.11.1-1ubuntu2 to fix the 'no voice listed', but that didn't get verified so it didn't move to update (if you want to verify that the SRU indeed fixes the issue that would be welcome)12:11
seb128lissyx, but it still doesn't give us working activation, Nathan is working on that though and has it almost access upstream now on https://github.com/brailcom/speechd/issues/44812:12
ubottuIssue 448 in brailcom/speechd "enhancement: add systemd socket activation support" [Open]12:12
lissyxseb128, yes I saw the PR about socket activation12:13
lissyxI'm not sure how I can help on this verification ?12:13
seb128lissyx, if you have a 22.04 system install the update from proposed and test that indeed returns voices to firefox (activing the service manually if needed) or using the spd-say cmd, then post your result on bug #198829212:16
ubottuBug 1988292 in speech-dispatcher (Ubuntu Jammy) "Voices aren't listed" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198829212:16
seb128then we can switch the tag to verification-done12:16
seb128and the SRU team can move the SRU to -updates12:16
lissyxi'm always on 22.04-proposed12:16
seb128k, well if you have that version just confirm that I didn't screw up the backport of the fix12:16
lissyxI can't even remember if I did change the setup to fix it or if the -proposed fix is just working :)12:16
lissyxlet me purge speech-dispatcher12:17
lissyxseb128, here we go12:20
seb128lissyx, thanks!12:23
KGB-0libhandy-1 signed tags 566c615 Jeremy Bicha upstream/1.8.0 * Upstream version 1.8.0 * https://deb.li/w0WM14:00
KGB-2libhandy-1 upstream/latest 5c921d6 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 10 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3lhVj14:00
KGB-2libhandy-1 upstream/latest cebba04 Goran Vidović po/ LINGUAS hr.po * Add Croatian translation * https://deb.li/9Ud414:00
KGB-2libhandy-1 upstream/latest e8a855f Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/35fgD14:01
KGB-2libhandy-1 upstream/latest 1474510 Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/PfFg14:01
KGB-2libhandy-1 upstream/latest 401d9e7 Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/3JTNl14:01
KGB-2libhandy-1 upstream/latest bbbd3e9 Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/n91x14:01
KGB-2libhandy-1 pipeline Jeremy Bicha 424175 * running (extract-source: running; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created)14:03
KGB-2libhandy-1 pipeline Jeremy Bicha 424175 * [12 minutes and 51 seconds] success (extract-source: success; build: success; build i386: success; build source: success; test-build-any: success; test-build-all: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: failed; reprotest: success; lintian: success; autopkgtest: success; blhc: success; piuparts: success)14:14
lissyxoSoMoN, do you remember of snap package not generating crash reports ?16:38
oSoMoNno, that doesn't ring a bell16:42
KGB-2gnome-calendar signed tags fd670c4 Jeremy Bicha upstream/43.0 * Upstream version 43.0 * https://deb.li/3WKjs17:02
KGB-2gnome-calendar upstream/latest 24df9ef Jeremy Bicha * pushed 13 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/WGt117:02
KGB-2gnome-calendar upstream/latest 3c14722 Emmanuele Bassi meson.build * Post-release version to 43.0 * https://deb.li/3ALRn17:02
KGB-2gnome-calendar upstream/latest ca6b65c Rūdolfs Mazurs po/lv.po * Update Latvian translation * https://deb.li/FLye17:02
KGB-0gnome-calendar pristine-tar 794d5ed Jeremy Bicha gnome-calendar_43.0.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-calendar_43.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-calendar_43.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3F4BN17:02
KGB-2gnome-calendar upstream/latest 24f951c Irénée THIRION po/fr.po * Update French translation * https://deb.li/3dND017:02
KGB-2gnome-calendar upstream/latest 1e27141 Pawan Chitrakar po/ne.po * Update Nepali translation * https://deb.li/uG4A17:02
KGB-2gnome-calendar upstream/latest 4c6265c Efstathios Iosifidis po/el.po * Update Greek translation * https://deb.li/i44qi17:02
KGB-0libadwaita signed tags 4e472ec Jeremy Bicha upstream/1.2.0 * Upstream version 1.2.0 * https://deb.li/3YmTM17:06
KGB-0libadwaita pipeline Jeremy Bicha 424225 * pending (extract-source: pending; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created)17:06
KGB-0libadwaita pipeline Jeremy Bicha 424225 * running (extract-source: running; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created)17:06
KGB-2libadwaita upstream/latest 41b97cd Jeremy Bicha * pushed 14 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/34LYy17:06
KGB-0libadwaita pristine-tar dea8744 Jeremy Bicha libadwaita-1_1.2.0.orig.tar.xz.delta libadwaita-1_1.2.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for libadwaita-1_1.2.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/DKCE17:06
KGB-2libadwaita upstream/latest 7954279 Alexander Mikhaylenko meson.build * Post-release version bump to 1.2.0 * https://deb.li/ijN2417:06
KGB-2libadwaita upstream/latest 24e143e Alexander Mikhaylenko .gitlab-ci/ abi-checker.Dockerfile docs.Dockerfile * ci: Update docker images * https://deb.li/iGhD17:06
KGB-2libadwaita upstream/latest 1fad46c Marek Černocký po/cs.po * Updated Czech translation * https://deb.li/3Q4yz17:07
KGB-2libadwaita upstream/latest 9913bb5 Jürgen Benvenuti po/de.po * Update German translation * https://deb.li/qNcR17:07
KGB-2libadwaita upstream/latest a578ebe Quentin PAGÈS po/oc.po * Update Occitan translation * https://deb.li/3VK4v17:07
KGB-0gnome-chess signed tags 92f6a83 Jeremy Bicha upstream/43.0 * Upstream version 43.0 * https://deb.li/QLoF17:14
KGB-0gnome-chess pristine-tar 0d83204 Jeremy Bicha gnome-chess_43.0.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-chess_43.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-chess_43.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3tLqU17:15
KGB-2gnome-chess upstream/latest 09eaa6d Jeremy Bicha * pushed 16 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/i2mBy17:15
KGB-2gnome-chess upstream/latest 754db93 Seong-ho Cho po/ko.po * Update Korean translation * https://deb.li/wk4s17:15
KGB-2gnome-chess upstream/latest 4928fa3 Claude Paroz po/fr.po * Updated French translation * https://deb.li/VGwd17:15
KGB-2gnome-chess upstream/latest 4edacff Michael Catanzaro meson.build meson_post_install.py * Use gnome.post_install() * https://deb.li/3T4YV17:15
KGB-2gnome-chess upstream/latest 9c640cc Jiri Grönroos po/fi.po * Update Finnish translation * https://deb.li/L46C17:15
KGB-2gnome-chess upstream/latest 8f40b9d Aurimas Černius po/lt.po * Updated Lithuanian translation * https://deb.li/3qLfG17:16
KGB-0libadwaita pipeline Jeremy Bicha 424225 * [16 minutes and 45 seconds] failed (extract-source: success; build: success; build i386: success; build source: success; test-build-any: success; test-build-all: success; test-crossbuild-arm64: failed; reprotest: failed; lintian: success; autopkgtest: success; blhc: success; piuparts: success)17:23
Eickmeyerdiddledani: You around? I might be asking you to open a stable/22.10 track and closing it for the audacity snap. I might have to seed it for Ubuntu Studio.17:59
imiTrevinho: as I've hear you might be the person who can rebuild this snap package for me: https://github.com/3v1n0/joplin-cli-snap to have an updated version?18:02
diddledanihi Eickmeyer. I'm happy to help :-))18:09
KGB-0epiphany-browser signed tags f3b0d50 Jeremy Bicha upstream/43.0 * Upstream version 43.0 * https://deb.li/3On1R18:09
KGB-2glib-networking signed tags f667fce Jeremy Bicha upstream/2.74.0 * Upstream version 2.74.0 * https://deb.li/3hAQd18:09
KGB-0epiphany-browser pristine-tar ff93e5f Jeremy Bicha epiphany-browser_43.0.orig.tar.xz.delta epiphany-browser_43.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for epiphany-browser_43.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/2rm718:09
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest dceaf97 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 11 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/knNv18:09
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest 6274aca Emin Tufan Çetin po/tr.po * Update Turkish translation * https://deb.li/3onS118:09
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest e70313b Jordi Mas po/ca.po * Update Catalan translation * https://deb.li/Snah18:10
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest dc663ca Alan Mortensen po/da.po * Update Danish translation * https://deb.li/3zrHc18:10
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest ccb90e8 Rūdolfs Mazurs po/lv.po * Update Latvian translation * https://deb.li/33QpC18:10
KGB-2glib-networking upstream/latest a06e3af Jürgen Benvenuti po/de.po * Update German translation * https://deb.li/iObbG18:10
KGB-2glib-networking pristine-tar 9c3d48b Jeremy Bicha glib-networking_2.74.0.orig.tar.xz.delta glib-networking_2.74.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for glib-networking_2.74.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/ik2a218:10
KGB-0gnome-sudoku upstream/latest 926fd06 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 22 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/pAdR18:10
KGB-0gnome-sudoku upstream/latest 486edeb Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/3jQgv18:10
KGB-0gnome-sudoku upstream/latest 3043c58 Piotr Drąg po/pl.po * Update Polish translation * https://deb.li/1nVz18:10
KGB-2gnome-sudoku pristine-tar cf4d988 Jeremy Bicha gnome-sudoku_43.0.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-sudoku_43.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-sudoku_43.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/0bNe18:10
KGB-0gnome-sudoku upstream/latest 823bca3 Fran Dieguez po/gl.po * Update Galician translation * https://deb.li/3Brls18:11
KGB-0gnome-sudoku upstream/latest 0929382 Nart Tlisha po/ab.po * Update Abkhazian translation * https://deb.li/Zr1I18:11
KGB-0gnome-sudoku upstream/latest 45bb96b Marek Černocký po/cs.po * Updated Czech translation * https://deb.li/3LAxA18:11
KGB-0gnome-control-center signed tags 54ace00 Jeremy Bicha upstream/43.0 * Upstream version 43.0 * https://deb.li/jzpd18:17
KGB-0gnome-control-center upstream/latest 6f102f2 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 34 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/iQBXM18:17
KGB-0gnome-control-center upstream/latest ec5e950 Efstathios Iosifidis po/el.po * Update Greek translation * https://deb.li/xQln18:17
KGB-0gnome-control-center upstream/latest 712397e Quentin PAGÈS po/oc.po * Update Occitan translation * https://deb.li/3lba718:17
KGB-2gnome-control-center pristine-tar 03b718b Jeremy Bicha gnome-control-center_43.0.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-control-center_43.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-control-center_43.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/PAPi18:17
KGB-0gnome-control-center upstream/latest c06878b Matej Urbančič po/sl.po * Update Slovenian translation * https://deb.li/9rJU18:17
KGB-0gnome-control-center upstream/latest 7075407 Alexander Shopov po/bg.po * Update Bulgarian translation * https://deb.li/35ApF18:18
KGB-0gnome-control-center upstream/latest db2c54b Andre Klapper po/vi.po * Fix invalid Vietnamese translation * https://deb.li/BAH118:18
jbichaseb128: could you push your gnome-control-center ubuntu git work?18:22
Eickmeyerdiddledani: Thanks! It's mostly just in case, but we're still working on a deb version. Current deb version FTBFS against ffmpeg 5 and I'm having difficulty with 3.1.3 and time is of the essence as you can imagine.18:24
seb128jbicha, I didn't do it in git because the vcs was outdated and what I did in git was rejected on upload, but sure I can gbp import-dsc it18:39
KGB-2gnome-control-center tags 2b45e93 Sebastien Bacher ubuntu/1%43_rc-1ubuntu2 * Debian release 1:43~rc-1ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/O5b218:41
seb128jbicha, ^18:41
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 1b1851d Sebastien Bacher debian/ changelog rules * Import Debian changes 1:43~rc-1ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/3h7kC18:41
KGB-0gnome-control-center signed tags 57b5c1b Jeremy Bicha ubuntu/1%43.0-1ubuntu1 * gnome-control-center Debian release 1:43.0-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/P7hn19:48
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/master e32a229 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 42 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3J15719:48
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 427f8ec Hugo Carvalho po/pt.po * Update Portuguese translation * https://deb.li/3prSG19:48
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/master dc6525e Hugo Carvalho po/pt.po * Update Portuguese translation * https://deb.li/nCbU19:48
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 65ef6db Bruce Cowan po/en_GB.po * Update British English translation * https://deb.li/iU5kF19:48
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/master 91157e6 Jordi Mas po/ca.po * Update Catalan translation * https://deb.li/lC8M19:48
KGB-0gnome-control-center ubuntu/master bfd1d80 Piotr Drąg po/pl.po * Update Polish translation * https://deb.li/3E5lj19:48
KGB-0xdg-desktop-portal-gnome signed tags 7a2a72c Jeremy Bicha upstream/43.0 * Upstream version 43.0 * https://deb.li/4DzI21:34
KGB-2xdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Jeremy Bicha 424317 * pending (extract-source: pending; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created)21:34
KGB-2xdg-desktop-portal-gnome pristine-tar f0f5c1b Jeremy Bicha xdg-desktop-portal-gnome_43.0.orig.tar.xz.delta xdg-desktop-portal-gnome_43.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for xdg-desktop-portal-gnome_43.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/WxOc21:34
KGB-0xdg-desktop-portal-gnome pipeline Jeremy Bicha 424317 * running (extract-source: running; build: created; build i386: created; build source: created; test-build-any: created; test-build-all: created; test-crossbuild-arm64: created; reprotest: created; lintian: created; autopkgtest: created; blhc: created; piuparts: created)21:35
KGB-0gnome-initial-setup signed tags 2578c5d Marco Trevisan ubuntu/43_rc.1-1ubuntu1 * gnome-initial-setup Debian release 43~rc.1-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/391nA23:00
KGB-2libadwaita tags e808318 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/1.2.0-1ubuntu1 * libadwaita-1 Debian release 1.2.0-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/W7JM23:32
KGB-0libadwaita signed tags b6477bc Marco Trevisan ubuntu/1.2.0-1ubuntu2 * libadwaita-1 Debian release 1.2.0-1ubuntu2 * https://deb.li/i7ze23:52

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!