
samshow do i make desktop favourites in gnome as links and opened apps use a tab? like Windows does01:05
sarnoldyou can do lots of things with gnome extensions, perhaps one does something similar to what you're looking for https://extensions.gnome.org/#01:06
samsatm if i click on a fav, it opens as a tab only01:06
sarnoldthese extensions sometimes lead to reliability problems, if you try them out, keep this moment in mind if you get weird desktop problems down the road -- it's worth disabling the extensions as a debugging step01:07
samstried a few of the dash ones there they all seem to fail01:15
samsi had one working before bt did a reformat and cannot seem to recall the exact dash one01:16
NautilusI've been trying to install Ubuntu in VirtualBox, and having trouble with disk space. I started with the default 10G space which is suppose to grow dynamically, but keep getting errors about low space on "Filesystem root". Any suggestions about what to do?02:47
arraybolt3Nautilus: You need to create a bigger disk. In VBox, a dynamically growing disk will, in fact, dynamically grow, but it won't keep growing once it hits the limit you set. So if you make a 10GB dynamic growing disk, the disk will start out very small (much smaller than 10 GB), but then will grow until it has 10 GB of data in it, then stop growing.02:54
arraybolt3Nautilus: So if you make a 20 GB dynamically growing disk, it will start tiny, and then grow as you use it until you hit the 20 GB limit.02:54
Nautilusoh, dang, I see. thanks!02:54
NautilusAnd VB won't let me enlarge it, right? Start over?02:56
Bashing-omNautilus: Out of wiggle room on the host ? what shows ' cd / ; sudo du -sx * | sort -n ' ?02:56
arraybolt3(Quick note, the disk might get bigger than the limit, but that would be because of extra metadata within the file - it will only *contain* as much storage as you set, but it may end up being bigger than that. So if you have exactly 20 GB of room left on your disk, a 20 GB dynamically growing disk might outgrow that by a theoretically small amount.)02:56
Nautilusbash: I'll have to reboot it to see02:56
arraybolt3VB might let you enlarge it.02:57
Nautilusit takes a couple minutes02:57
arraybolt3But I'd start over anyway just in case.02:58
Nautilusyea it's not starting this time. I have a 24G .vdi for my old Debian8.8 install, how can I tell how much of that is used? Booting to that now.03:02
Bashing-omNautilus: ' df -h ' .03:06
Nautilushmmmm  /dev/sda1  Size=31G Used=20G Avail=9.0G03:08
arraybolt3Nautilus: ?! Is that inside a VM?03:09
NautilusWhen the whole vdi is: 24,158,142,464 WebDev1.vdi03:09
Nautilusis a vdi compressed?03:09
arraybolt3Ah, OK. There might be a way to set compression, but I don't believe it is compressed by default.03:10
Nautilusshould all be defaults03:10
arraybolt3The VDI is only ~24GB because you've not filled up the whole ~30GB of space. That's why dynamically allocated disks are good.03:10
Nautilusbut it's the vdi I set max size on, right? not /dev/sda103:11
arraybolt3(Looks like there's some straight gigabyte vs. binary gigabyte nonsense going on here too, thus the size discrepancies? Either that or else, wow, VBox uses a LOT of metadata.)03:11
arraybolt3Yes, you set the maximum size on the VDI file when you're making it.03:11
arraybolt3The VDI will then grow until it contains that much data from the VM, but no further.03:11
Nautilusok so maybe I made it 32G03:11
Nautilusthat was years ago03:11
arraybolt3Yeah. Then it will start out, I dunno, a megabyte or less in size I would guess (I've never actually checked), then as the VM saves data to it, it gets bigger and bigger. So right now you've used about 20 GB, so the disk has grown to about 20 GB (the extra 4 GB might be the result of data being saved, then deleted, and the space not being refilled yet). But it won't get much bigger than 32GB.03:13
Nautilusonce I get that going I'll want bigger screen size ... IIRC that's an extension I add, right?03:13
arraybolt3Nautilus: It might just let you make a bigger screen, but it is possible you'll have to install the Guest Additions to get a bigger screen.03:14
Nautilusthat's what I was thinking of, thanks03:14
arraybolt3Nautilus: No problem. (Oh, one last note, the VBox binaries included with Ubuntu may not be the latest versions, so for security reasons, don't run untrusted software within VirtualBox VMs made on Ubuntu.)03:15
arraybolt3*available in the Ubuntu repos, I mean.03:15
Nautilusok, time to start install from scratch. Any idea / preference if I should do Ubuntu or Xubuntu?03:15
arraybolt3Definitely I would go with Xubuntu. Ubuntu is heavy, especially on graphics, and VMs generally have bad graphics capabilities.03:15
arraybolt3Xubuntu should be significantly more lightweight.03:15
Nautilusso where / how would I get Guest Additions?03:16
arraybolt3It should just come with VirtualBox, there's a button you'll use to put the ISO file with Guest Additions into the VM.03:16
Nautilusah right I saw it in my Debian setup in VB03:16
arraybolt3You'll probably want to do that after you've installed Ubuntu.03:16
Nautilusgonna blow away the whole VM03:17
Nautilusthanks a bunch for the help03:18
arraybolt3No problem, glad to be able to help! (You should have seen my first fights with VirtualBox, it was tricky to all get out.)03:18
Nautilusyea, my first experience with it was a lonng time ago, used it on a Win box to run a DOS app that directly accessed RS-232 ports. I was pretty impressed with it!03:20
Nautilusok yep, made a 32G dynamic .vdi and before running any install it's 2Meg03:24
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VLI-Terrancehello there. USB Developer here. we were wondering if anyone could point us in the right direction; we've noticed weird USB stack behavior when products using our VID are connected; the host system (running Ubuntu) attempts to send a sequence of vendor-specific commands to our hardware; this behavior is not typical of normal operation04:01
sarnoldVLI-Terrance: you can grab kernel sources from eg git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/jammy for jammy -- modify to match other releases as necessary -- and it's probably a good idea to git clone --reference ../path/to/linus/tree  first to re-use as many objects as possible, it's not a fast host04:04
MountainBird1How do I install 'android-sdk-platform-tools-common' ?04:44
arraybolt3MountainBird1: "sudo apt install android-sdk-platform-tools-common"04:46
arraybolt3Run that in a terminal.04:46
MountainBird1thanks =)04:47
DiagonAnyone using Workspace Matrix on Gnome?  I'm getting the "missing "v6" api" issue, but everything is up-to-date.  See the bottom: https://wiki.gnome.org/action/show/Projects/GnomeShellIntegration/Installation?action=show&redirect=Projects%2FGnomeShellIntegrationForChrome%2FInstallation05:22
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mathphilHello, I'm running 22.04 which I believe is LTS. Today apt wants to upgrade "Ubuntu Release Upgrader". What is the function of this package? Could it ever be triggered without manual intervention?06:03
dabbler_I'm booted to an Ubuntu server installation ISO (22.04.1) that I made. I'd like to install into a LUKS-encrypted btrfs I've created, but I'm not sure how to make that happen using the storage configuration step of the installer.06:11
dabbler_I can't select the btrfs that already exists because it says the LUKS isn't "mounted", even though it's "open" and mapped06:15
mathphilAsking because I'm new to Ubuntu (not to linux) and I don't know whether "Ubuntu Release Upgrader" will upgrade to a non-LTS release.06:40
alkisgmathphil: cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades06:41
alkisgIf it says Prompt=lts there, it will only update to lts releases06:41
guivercmathphil, ubuntu-release-upgrader is what will upgrade your system to either 22.10 OR to 24.04 in the future..  It requires you to accept the upgrade before performs an upgrade06:56
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currymangood evening, i've searched the internet and tried a few things, but everytime i close the lid on my laptop and it goes to sleep, when it wakes up the wifi is always down09:30
lotuspsychjecurryman: you might wanna share your ubuntu release + wifi chipset and kernel version togheter with the journal logs with the errors after resume09:31
lesshastepastebin doesn't seem to exist for 22.04. What should I use instead?09:41
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:43
dabbler_I encrypted my root btrfs partition with LUKS and now the kernel can't find its UUID. What do I have to update so that it knows to decrypt the LUKS partition to find the root fs?10:22
dabbler_I guess I should say "the btrfs containing my root volume"10:24
ograwhen the installer created the partiton it should have set up the sytem for it (i.e. setting the right bits for inclusion in the initrd and such) ... it should just work after you typed in your passphrase at the boot splash10:24
dabbler_ogra: unfortunately the installer doesn't seem to support sticking btrfs inside LUKS, so I had to copy the unencrypted btrfs it created to another disk, then copy it back inside a LUKS partition I created manually10:28
ograah, well, then you are on your own to figure out the misssing bits i fear10:29
ogra(there are surely reasons why the installer does not yet support that setup)10:29
dabbler_Probably just because nobody's added support for that to the installer. I don't know why it would be any more difficult for the system to handle. It supports LUKS and btrfs individually.10:32
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mathphilwell it seems a bit early for upgrading to either 22.10 or 24.04, but I suppose the upgrader needs to be rolled out sometime in advance.12:10
mathphilcat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades  # Prompt=lts12:11
mathphilalkisg, @guiverc, Thank you both12:12
jjjavah0licI get a vesa: Ignoring device with a bound kernel driver whenever I try and start startx at the minute.  tried rmmod nvidia,nvidia_drm and I think the other module was nvidia_modesetting once I do that I get a oh no something went wrong grey screen with one logout button.12:14
jjjavah0licwhat else can I do to try and get startx to load?12:15
BluesKajHi all12:15
arraybolt3Back up a bit - why are you trying to run startx? That's not the way to get a graphical environment started under Ubuntu as far as I know.12:15
arraybolt3jjjavah0lic: ^12:15
jjjavah0licI have been having problems loading lightdm I think I botched an upgrade months ago.12:16
jjjavah0lictrying to get back into the system.  I have done alot to get into this point.12:18
arraybolt3jjjavah0lic: Yikes. What version of Ubuntu are you on?12:20
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jjjavah0liclightdm --test-mode --debug leads to a blank screen with blinking cursor12:40
linsuxi install snap program but it's not showing in menu12:47
linsuxdebian stable12:47
linsuxhow do i create those12:47
Guest85file-roller doesn't close file handles of archives, once an archive has been opened12:47
Guest85you have to close file-roller completely, only then will the filehandles be released12:48
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Guest85or is it a bug with vfat filesystem?12:50
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OerHekslinsux, and what snap is that?12:55
Aliekezi_hi, is it possible to use Livepatch without suscribing to Ubuntu Advantage ?13:19
OerHeksAliekezi_, no.13:20
OerHeksyou need to register to obtain the patch key13:20
OerHeks( up to 3 machines)13:20
jjavaholichow do you track down which missing kernel modules when systemctl status systemd-modules-load.service doesn't list them?13:49
jjavaholicwhich kernel modules are missing even^13:49
lesshastewhere can I ask the package managers to update a package with a bug in it?14:49
Helenahlesshaste: Maybe ask the question you asked in #linux here too.14:52
OerHeksfile a bugreport against that package?14:53
OerHekswithout proper info about what package, hard to tell how.14:53
lesshasteOerHeks, you mean at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ ?14:55
lotuspsychjelesshaste: provide a bit more details of your story, so volunteers can try helping you14:57
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.14:57
lesshastelotuspsychje, sure... I am just trying to find out how to actually report the bug14:57
lesshasteall it needs is a newer version of the package14:57
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command ยซ ubuntu-bug <package> ยป - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:58
lesshasteOerHeks,  thanks!14:59
lotuspsychjelesshaste: its reccomended before you file a bug to ask advice here first, maybe there's a dupe or a solution already15:01
lesshastelotuspsychje, ok15:02
lesshasteIt's exactly this problem https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/641909/package-option-for-xcolor-is-not-being-properly-used-in-beamer15:02
OerHeksi cannot find ' beamer'15:04
lesshasteOerHeks,  :)15:04
lesshasteyou may not know about LaTeX?15:04
lotuspsychjebug #1989737 has come alive15:08
ubottuBug 1989737 in texlive-base (Ubuntu) "Package option (for xcolor) is not being properly used in beamer" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/198973715:08
OerHeksnext Kinetic will have  2022.20220722-115:10
OerHeksmaybe add that to your bugreport?15:10
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:11
OerHeksa SRU is a request to backport stuff, to LTS in this case.15:11
* ogra has seen some effort from latex upstream to actually create a snap for it ... that might solve it without SRU15:14
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jhutchinsIsn't latex something from the 1960s?15:57
ograyep .. but still used a lot for dissertations, books and the like15:58
ograAFAIK there is still nothing better for typesetting stuff15:58
RangerBobVAThere are still a lot of research types who use latex16:03
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SteelRosehi all !16:10
arraybolt3Anything we can help you with?16:10
SteelRoseI just executed an "apt upgrade" and the following error showed up: https://pastebin.com/0jptwveb16:10
SteelRosedo I have to worry ?16:10
SteelRosethe packages have been updated though16:10
arraybolt3Ugh, that looks bad.16:11
arraybolt3Hmm... failed to write compressed block? Can you run "sudo update-initramfs -c -k all" and pastebin the output from that?16:11
SteelRosearraybolt3: that's a production box... is that risky in any way ?16:12
Guest26Hi team. I have been having this ongoing issue with 22.04 whereby when my screenlocks and it prompts a password to unlock suddenly I get logged out of the session completely. Any ideas?16:12
arraybolt3SteelRose: No, the command is not (it's not any riskier than what's already happened).16:12
SteelRoseOK... hold on16:12
arraybolt3SteelRose: It looks like possible disk failure. Also, did you mess with the crypttab file in any way?16:12
SteelRosearraybolt3: the crypttab file has always been left untouched16:13
arraybolt3OK, that's good. I guess we'll wait and see what update-initramfs does.16:13
webchat50Hi! (I'm an IRC noob, so please be patient X-P )16:14
webchat50During my system's upgrade from ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04, my custom keyboard layout file (/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/it edited in accordance with the community wiki, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Custom%20keyboard%20layout%20definitions) was silently overwritten with the default one: I expected that the installation procedure would prompt me16:14
webchat50for choice (like, for example, openssh-server package does in case of custom /etc/ssh/sshd_config, showing a convenient diff editor) instead.16:14
webchat50I haven't filed a bug report yet, as I'm not sure whether directly modifying a standard layout (like suggested by the above-mentioned community wiki page) is considered the proper way to apply customizations (maybe there is some kind of indirect overriding mechanism which leaves custom configuration untouched by the installation?). Any suggestion?16:14
arraybolt3webchat50: Welcome! For in the future, if you have to paste large amounts of output, if you could paste it into a site like bpa.st and then send the link, that will prevent the flood prevention bot from muting you. (You didn't trigger it to mute yet, but it was close).16:15
SteelRosearraybolt3: https://pastebin.com/R6jsQ7ZB16:15
arraybolt3I'm looking at the problem now, but I'm multitasking so bear with me.16:15
arraybolt3SteelRose: That looks really bad. Is this a virtual machine on a server you own?16:16
SteelRosearraybolt3: thanks mate!16:16
SteelRosea VM on Azure16:16
arraybolt3Hmm... ok that's weird. I'll see what I can dig up in a bit.16:16
arraybolt3webchat50: I believe the upgrader should have given you an option to keep or replace the config file, right?16:17
arraybolt3Aha! SteelRose: How much space is left on /boot?16:17
rbasakwebchat50: the instructions are wrong. You can customise files in /etc and policy is that packaging will try and maintain your customisations. However that doesn't apply to /usr. It's incorrect to modify files there, as they can be overwritten at any time by a package upgrade (often for something completely unrelated).16:18
SteelRosearraybolt3: /dev/sdb2       260M  241M  5.8M  98% /boot16:18
arraybolt3Ouch. Alright, problem solved.16:18
arraybolt3You *need* a bigger boot partition.16:19
SteelRosearraybolt3: well... the VM was terraformed ... changing it now could be an issue... but I will take note and redeploy it tomorrow16:19
SteelRosehow big should /boot be?16:19
arraybolt3SteelRose: OK. I would recommend that /boot be at least 700MB, but more is better to a point. My /boot on my system is 1.7 GB.16:20
SteelRosearraybolt3: thanks for the info...16:20
arraybolt3If you run out of /boot space, it can cause all sorts of headaches (like this).16:20
webchat50arraybolt3: (ops! sorry, I thought the pastebin policy was only about configuration contents, terminal output and similar...) The upgrader gave me NO option, just went past silently (in the same session, it prompted me for openssh-server config though, as noted in my previous msg)16:20
SteelRosearraybolt3: so, should I need to worry in the end? or is it a false possitive?16:20
arraybolt3SteelRose: There is one thing to worry about, hold on one moment...16:21
arraybolt3webchat50: Hmm, then that might be worth filing a bug report about.16:21
arraybolt3(Also, no problem about the paste. Pastebins are generally good for any very long output, it's just that files and command output frequently are very long.)16:22
arraybolt3SteelRose: If you made changes to the VM, it might have mounted the encrypted disk differently than usual (one of the warnings from update-initramfs), which could cause boot failures.16:22
SteelRosearraybolt3: would a reboot solve it?16:23
SteelRosearraybolt3: or would I risk loosing the VM ?16:23
arraybolt3SteelRose: Nope, a reboot will cause it to go wrong.16:23
rbasakarraybolt3: no, not for files in /usr. That isn't intended for customisation and it's expected behaviour for packages to overwrite them.16:23
arraybolt3SteelRose: We need to fix it *before* the next reboot. Can you safely show me the output of "ls /dev/mapper"?16:23
webchat50rbasak: good point, thanks -- do you have any idea where custom keyboard layouts are placed in /etc ?16:23
arraybolt3rbasak: Ah, thanks, I didn't know that.16:23
arraybolt3(I want to know the name of the encrypted disk so that /etc/crypttab can be made to match if it doesn't already.)16:24
rbasakwebchat50: I'm not sure, sorry. I was about to say: it might not be possible, in which case it would be a valid "wishlist" bug report to request the facility to override in /etc, if that facility doesn't exist already. Though please check to see if that bug already exists to avoid filing a duplicate.16:24
SteelRosearraybolt3: https://pastebin.com/R02pSNrW16:24
SteelRosearraybolt3: would removing old stuff from /boot suffice?16:24
arraybolt3SteelRose: I don't believe so, it's a possible risk.16:25
arraybolt3SteelRose: OK, can you look through /etc/crypttab to make sure there's no sensitive data, then pastebin that too if it's safe?16:25
rbasakwebchat50: oh, it might be possible to override in ~/.XCompose or a similar dotfile. But sorry, I'm not sure of the details.16:26
arraybolt3SteelRose: (Generally, you should always have the latest and one older kernel installed, and sometimes you will have three installed. Your VM currently has barely enough room for two kernels, and uninstalling one of the two could possibly cause problems in the event of a bad kernel update.)16:26
SteelRosearraybolt3: these are the contents of the file: https://pastebin.com/99E4ewpe16:27
SteelRosearraybolt3: and these are the kernels installed now: https://pastebin.com/RDk9kzS2 -- quite a few, I feel16:28
rbasakIt would be helpful if somebody could fix that wiki page because telling them to change files in /usr won't work because they get overwritten like that.16:28
rbasakBut there are probably hoops to jump through to get wiki edit access because of spammers :-/16:28
arraybolt3SteelRose: Oh odd. Maybe the azure kernels are smaller than normal kernels. OK, then try running "sudo apt autoremove", and make sure it's not going to wipe anything important before confirming it.16:28
SteelRosehehe... hold on16:29
arraybolt3rbasak: I have Wiki Editor permissions.16:29
imihi, is there an irc channel for snap?16:29
arraybolt3rbasak: What's the link to the Wiki page?16:30
webchat50rbasak: it seems that page was already tagged as outdated; yes, I'll dig into the bug reports (unfortunately keyboard layout documentation seems a bit sketchy and rarely discussed...)16:30
SteelRosearraybolt3: this is the ouput of "apt autoremove": https://pastebin.com/EvaC8LtF16:30
arraybolt3SteelRose: Blah. Then I guess we'll have to remove the oldest kernel manually (another reason why a bigger /boot is helpful).16:31
rbasakarraybolt3: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Custom%20keyboard%20layout%20definitions16:31
arraybolt3SteelRose: Hang tight for just a sec while I get the list of packages to remove...16:31
arraybolt3rbasak: Thanks!16:31
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webchat50To me, it feels like keyboard layout is like the ultimate of the hacks, while it should be quite a mundane and easy deed '=D16:33
arraybolt3SteelRose: https://pastebin.com/sru6qnTs This should uninstall the oldest kernel. It might error out on a package missing, if so, just tweak the command to omit the missing package. This *should* be risk-free, but if it looks like it's going to do something alarming, don't let it do so.16:35
webchat50Cannot believe tweaking a keyboard mapping is such a neglected activity... =L16:36
ograwell, tewaking is supported on multiple levels16:36
Guest26Hi! post upgrade to 22.04, I have this ongoing issue where when session gets logged out when on screenlock. This occurs as I attempt to enter my password. Bit of a an odd one. Any ideas? some logs https://pastebin.com/v5JYze0q16:37
ograbut not creating a complete kbd layout from scratch16:37
SteelRosearraybolt3: uname -r shows 5.15.0-1017-azure ... so I guess it's safe to remove the rest, right?16:37
arraybolt3SteelRose: Oh wait don't do that.16:37
arraybolt3That means you're running the oldest one. Do you have Livepatch enabled?16:38
arraybolt3If not, you should be running 5.13.0-1031-azure.16:38
SteelRosearraybolt3: no idea... but I'd say "no"16:38
arraybolt3Then that VM could use some reboots every once in a while, or else it's a security risk.16:38
arraybolt3Shoot. OK, but rebooting could make things go haywire right now, so...16:39
SteelRosearraybolt3: 5.15.0-1019-azure is the one in use now...16:40
arraybolt3SteelRose: Then why does uname -r display the -1017 kernel?16:40
arraybolt3uname -r should tell you which kernel is actively running.16:40
webchat50ogra: don't misunderstand me O:3 , I LOVE linux (ditched Win more than a decade ago) and its customizability; just was surprised about the apparent difficulty to find a plain, updated tutorial about simple tasks16:41
SteelRosearraybolt3: when you're right, you're right ...16:41
ograwebchat50, well, writing a comlete keymap from scratch is not a simple task ๐Ÿ™‚ adjusting single keys or combinations is trivial though and there are plenty tutorials (and even multiple ways to do it)16:42
arraybolt3SteelRose: hmm... this is quite tricky. If you can just take the VM offline, recreate it with a good-sized /boot partition and try again, that would be best at this point. Otherwise, my next step at this point would be to try to remove the -1017 kernel, but do be warned that this isn't without risk if you're not sure which kernel you're running.16:43
webchat50(*...simple tasks related to keyboard mapping)16:43
ograwe even have GUI tools to schieve that16:43
ogra(even included with the default desktop)16:43
SteelRosearraybolt3: that's what I think is the best option now... I will freeze the upgrade process for now and will terraform a new VM tomorrow with a bigger /boot, as suggested.16:44
SteelRosearraybolt3: ...and with this, I'm calling it a day. Thanks a lot for your assistance! Much appreciated!16:44
arraybolt3SteelRose: Nice. Good luck! If you still get weird messages even after doing that, we're always here!16:45
arraybolt3Glad to be able to help!16:45
webchat50ogra: what would you suggest to tweak some keys (in their default, shifted, alted, shift-alted states), then?16:45
ograwebchat50, going to the settings, pick keyboard -> key combinations -> own (or custom) combinations -> add new key combination16:46
ogra(i dont know the exact english names, non-english install here ... but there is a tool shipped in the settings app of the default desktop)16:47
webchat50ogra: uhm... in the Keyboard section of the Settings there's only "Customize Shortcuts", while the actual keyboard layout apparently can only be viewed (no editor)... I would be happy to tweak directly the config files, yet I have to find the right way...16:54
webchat50(...since /usr/share/X11/xkb seems not to be the right place for customization)16:57
ograwebchat50, what exactly do you want to customize ? do you want to re-map key A to key B or what exactly is your goal ?17:00
webchat50ogra: one of my machine got its numeric key stripe dead (AE line), so I remapped all the numbers shifting them down to the QWERTY line (AD line), reusing their ALTed states17:03
z1hazehello, how can i fix this? https://bpa.st/XVMA17:05
jhutchinsz1haze: Verbal summary please.17:06
ograwebchat50, ah ... well, then /usr/share/X11/xkb might actually be the right place, but not via editing an existing one but by adding a new one17:06
z1hazeits literally in the paste17:06
z1hazei know normally, the more details the better, but this is quite literally the issue in that 13 line log17:07
SudoBashNah, your issue is on line 4:  404  Not Found [IP: 80]17:07
z1hazei wasnt referring to a line number17:07
z1hazei was just saying the entirety if the issue is explained in this 13 line log file17:07
z1hazeim just asking how to resolve is all17:08
jhutchinsz1haze: So is the solution.17:08
ograwell, in the time you explained that it is in the paste you could as well just have given a summary so we do not all have to open our browsers17:08
SudoBashz1haze, what do you get when you do: nslookup
jhutchinszlGive me a verbal description in case I can't load a web page and I'll give you the answer.17:08
z1hazeSudoBash,       name = kazooie.canonical.com.17:09
z1hazejhutchins, ill save you the time, no worries17:09
SudoBashz1haze: https://futurestud.io/tutorials/how-to-fix-ubuntu-debian-apt-get-404-not-found-repository-errors17:10
SudoBashThat last link has the best solution in my mind, especially if you don't want to do the easy: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:12
z1hazeok, im a bit afraid to do a full dist upgrade at the momemt17:12
z1hazeare you referring to the update packages url bit?17:13
SudoBashreplace your sources.list with default17:13
SudoBash1st accepted answer here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1385440/ubuntu-sudo-apt-get-update-404-not-found-problem17:13
webchat50ogra: that (adding a brand-new keyboard layout file) was my second thought, but wasn't sure (to me, it intuitively sounded more appropriate to override the existing mapping, possibly through an indirect mechanisms which stacks my customization above the default mapping)17:14
z1hazethank you17:15
ograwebchat50, right, do that but cp the file first to a new one ๐Ÿ˜‰17:16
webchat50ogra: of course, thanks '=D17:17
webchat50ogra: BTW, it seems that keyboard mappings can be also conveniently overridden under home: for example, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/65507/use-setxkbmap-to-swap-the-left-shift-and-left-control17:27
webchat50thank you guys for your suggestions, bye17:29
ograwebchat50, good luck ๐Ÿ™‚17:29
imihi, is there an irc channel for snap?17:40
jhutchinsimi: Way too broad a subject.17:41
jhutchinsimi: Snap on one distro != snap on other distro, dispite promises and good intentions.17:41
kostkon_imi, about creating or just using snaps?17:42
imihm... in that case how do I make deb packages for certain applications for everyone to use?17:42
imiright now creating17:42
ograimi, #snappy for anything about development of snapd or issues with running snaps ... and #snapcraft for developing and packaging snaps17:43
jhutchinsimi: I suppose you have to test for where necessary files and libraries are on all possible distros.17:43
ograjhutchins, huh ????17:43
ograjhutchins, one of the design basics of snaps is that they are 100% distro agnostic ... ๐Ÿ™‚17:44
ogra(...and self contained so except for drivers and kernel version, there is nothing distro specific that could have influence on them)17:45
imijhutchins: ok then forget about snaps. how do I publish a deb package for the whole world (all ubuntu jammy users) to use?17:45
jhutchinsimi: One release of one distro should be pretty easy, old docs should still apply.17:47
imigood can you please direct me to the appropriate RTFMs?17:47
ograimi, jhutchins is really talking nonsense, come over to #snapcraft17:47
jhutchinsimi: I'm not very familar with the Ubuntu specifics, but I think https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewDevelopersAndMaintainers should be a good start.17:48
jhutchinsimi: (I've only published for rpm distros.)17:50
imiI used to publish uhu packages some 20 years ago :'(17:51
jhutchinsimi: I don't think much has changed, except people tend to test a little more broadly for different dependency versions and locations.17:52
=== EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^
yourname123someone knows why on 20.04 "upload_max_filesize" has no effect (for example I can upload 100M files...) ?18:50
yourname123even if phpinfo() confirms that upload_max_filesize=2M I can upload larger files than 2M18:51
jhutchinsyourname123: I strongly suspect that you are running a PHP based CMS/Web Server, in which case you may have five or more places where that variable can be set for PHP.18:53
jhutchinsyourname123: If you were to tell us what you're running and how you set it up we might be able to help.18:54
yourname123jhutchins, I'm running apache2 on a Ubuntu 20.0418:55
jhutchinsyourname123: Not enough.  Is it a secret?18:55
yourname123no no, I may not understand what you want else as info ?18:55
jhutchinsapache doesn't have an upload limit.18:55
jhutchinsyourname123: Are you running wordpress?  Something you wrote yourself?  GNU HURD?18:56
jhutchinsyourname123: Which version of PHP? Which PHP handler?18:57
yourname123apache2-2.4.41-4ubuntu3.12 , libapache2-mod-php7.4 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.13, php 2:7.4+7518:57
jhutchinsyourname123: Yeah, none of that has an upload limit setting.18:57
jhutchinsI'm gonna go change lightbulbs.18:57
yourname123jhutchins, "Loaded Configuration File/etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini"18:58
yourname123jhutchins, grep "upload_max_filesize" /etc/php/7.4/apache2/php.ini18:59
yourname123upload_max_filesize = 2M18:59
yourname123jhutchins, is it what you asked me ?19:01
jotohi guys, I'm using 'service' to manage postgresql19:04
jotois there an easy way to have postgresql autostart via 'service' command?19:04
joto(note: I cannot use systemctl on this system)19:05
sarnoldwhy not? o_O19:05
jotosarnold because "System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate."19:08
jotoit's a limitation of the emulation software I'm using19:08
arraybolt3joto: What emulation software are you using? WSL?19:09
jotoarraybolt3: exactly!19:10
sarnoldjoto: oooooh :(19:10
jhutchinsjoto: In that case, we ca assume you're using SysV init, and that you can write a compatible init script or find one on the postgress support page (if it wasn't already included).19:10
sarnoldjoto: is cron running in this thing? or is that also not functional?19:10
arraybolt3The init system of WSL is proprietary.19:10
jhutchinsjoto: I think there are example/frameworks in the rc.d folders.19:11
arraybolt3I think - that's what Google says.19:11
jotookay thanks guys, I'm going to look it up!19:11
sarnoldyeah.. I understand that's being addressed, but I don't know how long to expect..19:11
jhutchinsOh yeah.  WSL.  No user accesible init.19:11
jhutchinsYou are not allowed to control your system.19:11
sarnoldand if you put a bunchof effort into switching toa different vm system so you can get the whole ubuntu experience, you just *know* they'll release it the next day :D19:12
jhutchinsPostgreSQL runs under Windows.19:12
sarnoldoh wow, does it?19:12
jhutchinssarnold: Last I checked, I know MySQL does.19:12
jotoyeah it does but I don't wanna go that route :p19:13
sarnoldimpressive :) getting the details right in *one* operating system is hard, getting it right in multiple OSes has to be even more work19:13
imihow can I set how many desktops do I have19:30
jhutchinsimi: Check with your carpenter?19:30
OerHekshow can we tell you without knowing what desktop?19:31
arraybolt3imi: What version and flavor of Ubuntu are you using?19:32
arraybolt3Kubuntu 22.04? Ubuntu 20.04? Or...?19:32
imiUbuntu 22.04.1 LTS19:32
jhutchinsimi: Kinda depends on your resources (just like with phusical ones).19:33
OerHekssettings > displays, and19:33
OerHeksmultitasking > workspaces19:34
OerHeksdynamic is pretty neat19:34
imiI can't see multitasking19:34
OerHeks7th item19:35
imiI see thanks19:35
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jhutchinsI never did get multiple desktops.  Then again, I've never really made use of multiple monitors when I had them.19:53
jhutchinsMultiple _computers_ yes.19:53
jhutchinsIt's partly due to the fact that I tend to run everything full-screen.19:54
OerHekspushing a media player to next desktop, or pictures of dirty cpu fans,  can come in handy19:55
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
augustuenI've got an issue on 20.04 Server where trying to mount an NTFS-drive to /download will fail silently. Mounting it to a different directory works fine. I've previously had a different partition on this drive mounted to /download without issue.20:15
haysI am upgrading from 18.04 to Focal and the install aborted with a python stack trace.. I've continued forward and now I have packages that are being held back https://h0c.us/v/tKik20:18
haysis there a way to push through20:18
haysno packages on hold...20:22
haysI tried 'apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade'20:22
f0xb4tI'm trying to install openjdk-1.8 on 18.04 in docker image but it causes to install plenty of dependencies which makes image from 64MB to over 600MB is there any way to do it in slimmer way?20:30
sarnoldhays: try: sudo apt install -f ; sudo dpkg --configure -a ;  -- repeat these two in a loop until it seems to settle down and be predictable20:30
hayssarnold: they have no effect20:31
sarnoldhays: oh dang :(20:32
sarnoldf0xb4t: try installing a 'jre' instead of a 'jdk'? the jdk drags in everything needed to compile java, but maybe you just need enough to run java objects20:32
hayssarnold: my sources.list has one line: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal universe20:32
haysis that right?  everything else do-release-upgrade commented out it looks like20:32
sarnoldhah that doesn't sound right..20:33
sarnoldwhat does apt policy   report?20:33
DiagonAnyone using Workspace Matrix on Gnome?  I'm getting the "missing "v6" api" issue, but everything is up-to-date.  See the bottom: https://wiki.gnome.org/action/show/Projects/GnomeShellIntegration/Installation20:34
hayssarnold: i added main back in and now im getting a conflict on grub20:37
f0xb4tok I used -headless and it drops to 304MB20:39
f0xb4tbetter than nothng20:39
f0xb4tnoting :|20:39
sarnoldhays: hmmm grub-efi-amd64 comes from the grub2-unsigned source package; I don't think you're supposed to have those binary packages installed manually, I think they exist so they can be signed and turned into the grub2 source packages.. (this is all *really* confusing..)20:42
sarnoldf0xb4t: and does it still work for you? I hope so20:42
f0xb4thave to ;p20:43
hayssarnold: well i purged it all and installed grub2-common20:46
sarnoldhays: good news?20:46
haysim unstuck20:46
haysits bad news for supporting in any way this upgrade path lol20:46
haysbut i wanted to try it to see how rocky it was20:47
haysturns out pretty rocky...20:47
sarnoldit's probably worth a bug report; my 18.04 -> 20.04 upgrades all went pretty smoothly, but 20.04 -> 22.04 didn't go great on the system that was originally set up with /etc/network/interfaces20:47
sarnoldoh no that's probably #rockylinux kek kek kekk20:47
hayseh, i haven't been keeping very good notes20:48
haysi think issues get introduced by how vps providers might customize their images20:49
sarnoldoh, definitely that's a wrinkle I don't have20:50
jmcantrellIs there any way to dump the color definitions for the default color scheme in gnome-terminal? I tried `dconf dump ...`, but that doesn't include anything that hasn't been altered.20:52
hayssarnold: lol, from 20 to 22 do-release-upgrade says my apt is too old20:55
haysthat's kinda funny20:55
haysThe required dependency 'apt (>= 2.0.4)' is not installed.20:55
sarnoldhays: hah yeah, I *really* wish when jumping from 18.04 to 22.04 that you could just do: do-release-upgrade ; do-release-upgrade ;  rather than do-release-upgrade ; apt upgrade ; reboot ; do-release-upgrade  .. it feels so silly to watch all those package updates install when you're just going to throw them all away again in a few minutes20:59
sarnoldhays: I get it though, in the two years since 20.04 was released there's been *lots* of bug fixes..20:59
haysi think ive been kinda let on my own to do this due to the python error.. so im having fun with it21:01
haysthis machine has nothing of importance on it. just teesting21:01
sarnoldheh, yeah, I wound up in one of those situations once.. I wouldn't say it was fun though :)21:03
hayslike removing grub isn't something i'd be happy doing on a system with something i cared about on it21:03
sarnoldbtw there's a clever apt feature that isn't well known and is impossible to search for: apt install foo bar-   will uninstall bar while installing foo. apt purge foo bar+  will install bar while purging foo21:04
hayshmm nice21:04
sarnoldthis is very useful for keeping the dependencies happy; if you're switching from exim4 to postfix, you can do it without making everything else vastly unhappy, or uninstalling the world21:04
sarnoldit probably could have helped deal with the grub packages21:04
hayslol same python error https://h0c.us/v/yl3h21:07
sarnoldtry: apt install ubuntu-minimal  -- then re-try21:08
sarnoldI thought it had a better error message for that than blowing up into a thousand pieces..21:09
haysit doesn't seem to have a retry?21:13
haysmaybe i should have tried that.. i just went on my own again21:13
haysheh its like 'hey when you get your system back, please file a bug report.'21:14
haysi dont know if that stack trace is helpful for a bug solver21:14
haysi could file one if you think it would be helpful21:14
fabtab_Ubuntu 22.04 Can you guys help with adding fingerprint login please21:25
OerHeksfabtab_, is your device supported? https://fprint.freedesktop.org/supported-devices.html21:29
OerHekslspci or lsusb would show the device hex numbers xxxx:yyyy21:29
fabtab_I'll take a look see thanks21:29
=== blackest_mamba_ is now known as blackest_mamba
fabtab_DerHeks: Mine is not listed Bus 001 Device 002: ID 06cb:00e7 Synaptics, Inc. :(21:41
fabtab_OerHeks: oops21:42
OerHeksfabtab_, sorry to hear that, if one firmware will be available, fwupdate will let you know21:46
fabtab_OerHeks: Thanks for your time and help this evening. Best regards21:49
OerHekshave fun!21:49
SoCkEt7What is the best IRC client for ubuntu debian like ?21:58
SoCkEt7Trying to proxify with my local tor proxy21:58
OerHekssupported clients https://libera.chat/guides/sasl21:59
jhutchinsIf any Network Administrators are interested in a two month contract T-Mobile is looking.  They're advertising for a Systems Administrator, but it's 100% network with real experience.22:07
jhutchinsGah.  That's local to Kansas City, wrong window.  Sorry.22:09
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phyphorI'm having a brain fart moment - I am getting an SSL failure when connecting to a remote server from only one machine (e.g. curl failing with 35, connection reset by peer during SSL_connect) so I know the failure is on my end. I thought I'd grabbed the latest ca-certificates, and done an update-ca-certificates, but still the same. What obvious thing am I missing?23:10
sarnoldconnection reset by peer is more likely something at the networking level -- perhaps a meddleware box that only allows through TLS connections if it has a private key for the connection, or perhaps a firewall with a funny configuration, or perhaps tcpwrappers is being used to do IP-based access controls from within the application23:13

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