[02:01] Eickmeyer: with respect to the question in #ubuntustudio I notice when I open the settings manager and goto hardware color corrections, There is a box that says: "You need Gnome Color Management installed in order to calibrate devices." [02:02] OvenWerks: Yeah, but even with that, it doesn't work right. If one wants screen calibration (which isn't clear from the question), the best way is to install DisplayCAL from a flatpak because there's no other package for it. [02:02] wonderful. OK [02:02] good to know. [02:03] They could be talking about printer color profiles, which is completely out of my league. [02:05] RE: DisplayCAL, TL;DR: Upstream dev sees no value in moving on from Python2/GTK2, so he just can't be arsed because his project is making enough money from donations from Windows/Mac users. [02:06] Someone unofficially packaged the flatpak, and another person got it to work in Python3/GTK3, but it's a fork and needs rebranding/renaming to be packaged as a deb. [17:49] Well, Audacity is borked. bug 1983862. Looks like we'll be seeding the snap this time around. *sigh* [17:49] Bug 1983862 in audacity (Ubuntu) "Audacity 2.4.2 FTBFS with ffmpeg 5.x)" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1983862