[14:04] [telegram] Gentle ping on this. (re @tsimonq2: Ack, will do. Thanks!) [14:05] [telegram] Ah, yes, thanks (re @mitya57: Gentle ping on this.) [14:05] [telegram] (You're okay to nag me more frequently these days if I forget something, $dayjob is now open source stuff so I'll be around more, just not as organized as I'd like to be yet...) [14:06] [telegram] > $dayjob is now open source stuff [14:06] [telegram] You are lucky! [14:06] [telegram] Incredibly blessed :) [14:07] [telegram] Anyway, yes, I can try to remember to look this weekend [14:07] [telegram] Thank you! [14:07] [telegram] Of course :) [14:11] [telegram] Oh, now it FTBFS even with these changes 🥲 [14:11] [telegram] CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.24/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message): [14:11] [telegram] Could NOT find GLIB (missing: GLIB_GIO_UNIX_INCLUDE_DIR) (found suitable [14:11] [telegram] version "2.73.3", minimum required is "2.50.0") [14:11] [telegram] Call Stack (most recent call first): [14:11] [telegram] /usr/share/cmake-3.24/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:594 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE) [14:11] [telegram] /usr/share/cmake/lxqt-build-tools/find-modules/FindGLIB.cmake:113 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS) [14:11] [telegram] CMakeLists.txt:39 (find_package) [14:14] [telegram] It's because gunixfdlist.h moved from gio-unix to gio, so we need to update lxqt-build-tools again. I will make a PR for it both upstream and in Debian. [14:14] [telegram] Sounds good, thank you! [14:28] [telegram] Oh, it's already fixed in Debian, so I should just sync. === Eickmeyer is now known as NotEickmeyer