[03:05] guiverc[m]: A reminder: Debian GNOME >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJPdjrRD3Ok - Still needs a look to see if we include. I no can do :( [03:08] fyi Bashing-om , best to ping this box (it has sound... I luckily saw a msg balloon appear on thinkpad [m] which made me come here to see if I muted box... I'll look (i likely didn't browse gdoc that far down yesterday/last-night) [03:11] guiverc[m]: Hokay >> " best to ping this box " --- how do I insure that I do that ? [03:11] just send to 'guiverc' (even if replying to me on other boxes) [03:12] * guiverc[m] accesses matrix from various boxes [03:12] guiverc: Oh OK -- I see now :D [03:53] Bashing-om, jbicha's video summary there... just a sentence prior to quote from youtube/description. I saw include it [04:01] guiverc: ^ Looks good - thanks ! [04:02] you're most welcome 🙂 [04:03] d/saw/say ^ (my typing - yuk!) [04:03] s/d/s ^ too ☚ī¸ [04:29] Bashing-om, I've just made a comment in blogo (debuginfod one); suggest change of two cases (s/D/d twice) [04:44] looking :D guiverc [04:51] guiverc: restarting Gdoc - too slow and non-responsive as is. [05:10] guiverc: Made edits to the debuginfod bloggo. Acceptable now ? [05:11] yep, looks good thanks Bashing-om [05:11] Good deal :D [05:12] I made another 'suggest' on the last one in blogo (didn't mention here^) [05:12] guiverc: Looking :D [05:14] guiverc: KISS principle :D [05:15] :) [05:20] guiverc: If we are all caught up now _ I wander off elsewhere ? [05:20] * guiverc thinks we are, have fun Bashing-om [05:21] Laters guiverc - In My tomorrow :P [05:21] o/ [20:16] UWN: Issue753 up for review and final edits: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue753 :D [20:17] I am wandering away for a spell - will check the channel log upon my return. [21:07] Bashing-om: 1.) Since Youngbin's UbuCon Asia post isn't on Discourse it should be under LoCo News, also as I see the summary is missing any mention of the event in either the title or the text. 2.) Try escaping the debuginfod.u.c URL from being a link in the issue summary. [21:32] Back on - successful mission :D