
-queuebot:#ubuntu-release- New binary: rustc [riscv64] (kinetic-proposed/main) [1.60.0+dfsg1-1ubuntu1] (i386-whitelist)02:34
vorlonrs2009: ubuntu-unity image size limit updated to 2.6GB22:53
vorlonEickmeyer: ubuntustudio images have a stated size limit of 5GB and are now 5116493824 in size, what do you want to do?23:40
Eickmeyer[m]vorlon: We will have to increase the size. Go to 5.5GB. We had a snap that caused a considerable increase and we are possibly having to do more snaps due to .deb removals that were last minute and post-FF.23:51
vorlonEickmeyer[m]: what debs, seeded in ubuntustudio, were removed post-FF?23:55

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