
Oski146what wpould you do first after installing and updating a fresh studio install?20:21
Oski146its a common question what would be best 20:22
arraybolt3Oski146: I immediately installed the apps I use most often, load on whatever data I backed up from my last install, and then got to work.20:28
Oski146any special programs that u gonnaneed instead of the preinstalled ones? like the restricted extras package or something?20:35
Oski146i do the same like you get my stuff on and go.. but on older  versions of studio and kubuntu there were pavkages like the restricted extras and such 20:36
arraybolt3Oski146: I didn't need any extra packages for the music stuff I did. The extra packages I installed were for general usefulness for the other stuff I did on it (like GNOME Boxes and stuff like that).20:37
arraybolt3I don't know if you'd need extra stuff like restricted extras, I'll let people who know more about that kind of thing answer that question.20:37
Oski146ok thanks, and how can i get  the windows fonts working on studio if i cant install th extras pavkage?20:37
Oski146ok i will wait20:38
Oski146hello is there any way that i can install studio next to windows 11? got a notebook from a friend and he wants to use both21:28
Oski146i tried already but with win 11 installed the notebook not recognizes the install stick21:29
arraybolt3Oski146: Try holding down "Shift" while pressing the "Shut Down" button in Windows, that way it should shut all the way down. Then insert the USB stick, and try to get into the laptop's boot menu so you can boot from it.21:31
Oski146i were already in the boot menu so i can say the stick is not recognized by the efi21:32
arraybolt3Oski146: Is this a really recent laptop, perhaps one with an AMD processor?21:32
arraybolt3Hmm. Well, dig around in the BIOS and see if you can find an option that looks like "Enable 3rd Party UEFI CA". If you find it, enable it.21:33

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