
ExeciNI tried skipping the TUI installer by providing a cloud-init configuration in the kernel arguments like so 'autoinstall ds=nocloud-net;s=https://some.host/path/to/cloud-init/config.yaml' but the TUI installer still shows up. Is there a way to automatically install ubuntu server without making a custom iso?08:04
ravageExeciN, see https://www.molnar-peter.hu/en/ubuntu-jammy-netinstall-pxe.html10:47
ExeciNcan't I just use the vanilla live iso and modify the kernel command?12:50
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fooI deleted a 8GB file, system ran out of space15:59
fooI don't see it freeing up space 15:59
fooIs there something further I need to do? Dumb mistake.16:00
sdezielfoo: `lsof | grep deleted` should tell you if a process has kept the file open preventing from being freed from the filesystem16:02
foosdeziel: thank you! 16:05
foosdeziel: I did see a few processes, killed a couple, they seem to be "coming back" under different pids. 16:05
sdezielfoo: you are welcome16:05
fooWhich seems odd, because I feel like if I kill it it should stop and "reset"16:05
foosdeziel: there we go, I killed the parent process and I think that did it.16:06
=== OpenSource is now known as QNX

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